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Line 1279: ,fnd_currencies fcu

1275: ,l.gain_or_loss_flag
1276: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt h
1277: ,xla_ae_lines l
1278: ,gl_code_combinations ccid
1279: ,fnd_currencies fcu
1280: WHERE ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
1281: AND l.ae_header_id = h.ae_header_id
1282: AND h.ledger_id = :5
1283: AND l.currency_code = fcu.currency_code

Line 1722: ,fnd_currencies fcu

1718: ,gl_suspense_accounts gsa
1719: ,gl_suspense_accounts gsa1
1720: ,gl_suspense_accounts gsa2
1721: ,gl_suspense_accounts gsa3
1722: ,fnd_currencies fcu
1723: WHERE ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
1724: AND l.ae_header_id = h.ae_header_id
1725: AND h.ledger_id = :9
1726: AND ccid1.code_combination_id(+) = ccid.alternate_code_combination_id

Line 2255: ,fnd_currencies fcu

2251: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt h
2252: ,xla_ae_lines l
2253: ,gl_code_combinations ccid
2254: ,gl_code_combinations ccid1
2255: ,fnd_currencies fcu
2256: WHERE ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
2257: AND l.ae_header_id = h.ae_header_id
2258: AND h.ledger_id = :9
2259: AND ccid1.code_combination_id(+) = ccid.alternate_code_combination_id

Line 2596: ,fnd_currencies fcu

2592: END
2593: FROM xla_ae_headers h
2594: ,xla_ae_lines l
2595: ,gl_code_combinations ccid
2596: ,fnd_currencies fcu
2597: WHERE ccid.code_combination_id(+) = l.code_combination_id
2598: AND l.ae_header_id = h.ae_header_id
2599: AND l.application_id = h.application_id
2600: AND l.currency_code = fcu.currency_code

Line 4048: LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_currencies curr

4044: ,curr.enabled_flag curr_enabled_flag
4045: ,curr.start_date_active curr_start_date_active
4046: ,curr.end_date_active curr_end_date_active
4047: FROM xla_validation_lines_gt t
4048: LEFT OUTER JOIN fnd_currencies curr
4049: ON curr.currency_code = t.entered_currency_code
4050: WHERE (curr.enabled_flag IS NULL) OR
4051: (curr.enabled_flag = 'N') OR
4052: (t.accounting_date < nvl(curr.start_date_active,t.accounting_date)) OR

Line 5932: ,fnd_currencies fcu

5928: ,xlo.rounding_rule_code
5929: INTO l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
5930: FROM xla_ledger_options xlo
5931: ,gl_ledgers gl
5932: ,fnd_currencies fcu
5933: WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
5934: AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
5935: AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
5936: AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;

Line 6958: ,fnd_currencies fcu

6954: ,xlo.rounding_rule_code
6955: INTO l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
6956: FROM xla_ledger_options xlo
6957: ,gl_ledgers gl
6958: ,fnd_currencies fcu
6959: WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
6960: AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
6961: AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
6962: AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;

Line 7248: ,fnd_currencies fcu

7244: ,l.balance_type_code
7245: FROM fun_bal_results_gt res
7246: ,xla_validation_lines_gt l
7247: ,gl_code_combinations ccid
7248: ,fnd_currencies fcu
7249: WHERE l.ae_line_num = l.max_ae_line_num
7250: AND l.ae_header_id = res.group_id
7251: AND ccid.code_combination_id= res.ccid
7252: AND res.entered_currency_code = fcu.currency_code

Line 7347: ,fnd_currencies fcu

7343: ,l.balance_type_code
7344: FROM fun_bal_results_gt res
7345: ,xla_validation_lines_gt l
7346: ,gl_code_combinations ccid
7347: ,fnd_currencies fcu
7348: WHERE l.ae_line_num = l.max_ae_line_num
7349: AND l.ae_header_id = res.group_id
7350: AND ccid.code_combination_id= res.ccid
7351: AND res.entered_currency_code = fcu.currency_code

Line 7816: ,fnd_currencies fcu

7812: ,xlo.rounding_rule_code
7813: INTO l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
7814: FROM xla_ledger_options xlo
7815: ,gl_ledgers gl
7816: ,fnd_currencies fcu
7817: WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
7818: AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
7819: AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
7820: AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;

Line 8386: ,fnd_currencies fcu

8382: ,xlo.rounding_rule_code
8383: INTO l_mau, l_rounding_rule_code
8384: FROM xla_ledger_options xlo
8385: ,gl_ledgers gl
8386: ,fnd_currencies fcu
8387: WHERE xlo.application_id = g_application_id
8388: AND xlo.ledger_id = g_trx_ledger_id
8389: AND gl.ledger_id = g_ledger_id
8390: AND fcu.currency_code = gl.currency_code;