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1 package dbms_space_admin is
2   ------------
3   --  OVERVIEW
4   --
5   --  This package provides tablespace/segment space administration
6   --  not available through the standard sql.
8   --  SECURITY
9   --
10   --  run with SYS privileges. thus any user who has privilege to execute the
11   -- the package gets to manipulate the bitmapes.
13   --  CONSTANTS to be used as OPTIONS for various procedures
14   --  refer comments with procedure(s) for more detail
16   SEGMENT_VERIFY_EXTENTS         constant positive := 1;
17   -- used to verify that the space owned by segment is appropriately reflected
18   -- in the bitmap as used
19   SEGMENT_VERIFY_EXTENTS_GLOBAL  constant positive := 2;
20   -- used to verify that the space owned bu segment is appropriately reflected
21   -- in the bitmap as used and that no other segment claims any of this space
22   -- to be used by it
23   SEGMENT_MARK_CORRUPT          constant positive := 3;
24   -- used to mark a temp segment as corrupt whereby facilitating its
25   -- elimination from the dictionary (without space reclaim)
26   SEGMENT_MARK_VALID            constant positive := 4;
27   -- used to mark a corrupt temp segment as valid. Useful when the corruption
28   -- in the segment extent map or elsewhere has been resolved and the segment
29   -- can be dropped normally
30   SEGMENT_DUMP_EXTENT_MAP       constant positive := 5;
31   -- dump the extent map for a given segment
32   TABLESPACE_VERIFY_BITMAP      constant positive := 6;
33   -- verifies the bitmap of the tablespace with extent maps of the segments
34   -- in that tablespace to make sure everything is consistent
35   TABLESPACE_EXTENT_MAKE_FREE   constant positive := 7;
36   -- makes this range (extent) of space free in the bitmaps
37   TABLESPACE_EXTENT_MAKE_USED   constant positive := 8;
38   -- makes this range (extent) of space used in the bitmaps
40   SEGMENT_VERIFY_BASIC          constant positive := 9;
41   SEGMENT_VERIFY_DEEP           constant positive := 10;
42   SEGMENT_VERIFY_SPECIFIC       constant positive := 11;
43   HWM_CHECK                     constant positive := 12;
44   BMB_CHECK                     constant positive := 13;
45   SEG_DICT_CHECK                constant positive := 14;
46   EXTENT_TS_BITMAP_CHECK        constant positive := 15;
47   DB_BACKPOINTER_CHECK          constant positive := 16;
48   EXTENT_SEGMENT_BITMAP_CHECK   constant positive := 17;
49   BITMAPS_CHECK                 constant positive := 18;
52   TS_VERIFY_BITMAPS             constant positive := 19;
53   TS_VERIFY_DEEP                constant positive := 20;
54   TS_VERIFY_SEGMENTS            constant positive := 21;
56   SEGMENT_DUMP_BITMAP_SUMMARY   constant positive := 27;
58   NGLOB_HBB_CHECK               constant positive := 12;
59   NGLOB_FSB_CHECK               constant positive := 13;
60   NGLOB_PUA_CHECK               constant positive := 14;
61   NGLOB_CFS_CHECK               constant positive := 15;
62   HEAT_MAP_MAXSIZE_UNLIMITED    constant positive := 16;
66   ----------------------------
69   procedure segment_verify(
70         tablespace_name         in    varchar2 ,
71         header_relative_file    in    positive ,
72         header_block            in    positive ,
73         verify_option           in    positive  DEFAULT SEGMENT_VERIFY_EXTENTS
74                            );
75   --
76   --  Verifies the consistency of the extent map of the segment
77   --  Input arguments:
78   --   tablespace_name      - name of tablespace in which segment resides
79   --   header_relative_file - relative file number of segment segment header
80   --   header_block         - block number of segment segment header
81   --   verify_option        - SEGMENT_VERIFY_EXTENTS  or
82   --                          SEGMENT_VERIFY_EXTENTS_GLOBAL
83   --
84   procedure segment_corrupt(
85         tablespace_name         in    varchar2  ,
86         header_relative_file    in    positive ,
87         header_block            in    positive ,
88         corrupt_option          in    positive  DEFAULT SEGMENT_MARK_CORRUPT
89                   );
90   --
91   --  Marks the segment corrupt/valid so that appropriate error recovery
92   --  can be done/skipped. Only for segments already temporary.
93   --  Input arguments:
94   --   tablespace_name      - name of tablespace in which segment resides
95   --   header_relative_file - relative file number of segment segment header
96   --   header_block         - block number of segment segment header
97   --   corrupt_option       - SEGMENT_MARK_CORRUPT  or
98   --                          SEGMENT_MARK_VALID
99   --
100   procedure segment_drop_corrupt(
101         tablespace_name         in    varchar2  ,
102         header_relative_file    in    positive ,
103         header_block            in    positive
104                         );
105   --
106   --  Drops a segment currently marked corrupt (without reclaiming space)
107   --  Input arguments:
108   --   tablespace_name      - name of tablespace in which segment resides
109   --   header_relative_file - relative file number of segment segment header
110   --   header_block         - block number of segment segment header
111   --
112   procedure segment_dump(
113         tablespace_name         in    varchar2 ,
114         header_relative_file    in    positive ,
115         header_block            in    positive ,
116         dump_option                in    positive  DEFAULT SEGMENT_DUMP_EXTENT_MAP
117                         );
119   --
120   --  Dumps the extent map of a given segment
121   --  Input arguments:
122   --   tablespace_name      - name of tablespace in which segment resides
123   --   header_relative_file - relative file number of segment segment header
124   --   header_block         - block number of segment segment header
125   --   dump_option          - SEGMENT_DUMP_EXTENT_MAP
126   --
128   procedure tablespace_verify(
129         tablespace_name         in    varchar2 ,
130         verify_option                in    positive DEFAULT TABLESPACE_VERIFY_BITMAP
131                         );
132   --
133   --  Verifies that the extent maps and the bitmaps are in sync.
134   --  Input arguments:
135   --   tablespace_name      - name of tablespace
136   --   verify_option        - TABLESPACE_VERIFY_BITMAP
137   --
138   procedure tablespace_fix_bitmaps(
139         tablespace_name         in    varchar2 ,
140         dbarange_relative_file  in    positive ,
141         dbarange_begin_block    in    positive ,
142         dbarange_end_block      in    positive ,
143         fix_option                in    positive
144                         );
145   --
146   --  Marks the appropriate dba range (extent) as free/used in bitmap
147   --  Input arguments:
148   --   tablespace_name         - name of tablespace
149   --   dbarange_relative_file  - relative fileno of dba range (extent)
150   --   dbarange_begin_block    - block number of beginning of extent
151   --   dbarange_end_block      - block number (inclusive) of end of extent
152   --   fix_option              - TABLESPACE_EXTENT_MAKE_FREE or
153   --                             TABLESPACE_EXTENT_MAKE_USED
154   --
155   procedure tablespace_rebuild_bitmaps(
156         tablespace_name         in    varchar2 ,
157         bitmap_relative_file    in    positive   DEFAULT NULL,
158         bitmap_block            in    positive   DEFAULT NULL
159                         );
160   --
161   --  Rebuilds the appropriate bitmap(s). If no bitmap block dba specified then
162   --  rebuilds all bitmaps for the given tablespace
163   --  Input arguments:
164   --   tablespace_name        - name of tablespace
165   --   bitmap_relative_file   - relative file number of bitmap block to rebuild
166   --   bitmap_block           - block number of bitmap block to rebuild
167   --
169 --
170   procedure tablespace_rebuild_quotas(
171         tablespace_name         in    varchar2
172                         );
173   --
174   --  Rebuilds quotas for given tablespace
175   --  Input arguments:
176   --   tablespace_name        - name of tablespace
177   --
179 --
180   procedure tablespace_migrate_from_local(
181         tablespace_name         in    varchar2
182                         );
183   --
184   --  Migrates a locally-managed tablespace to dictionary managed
185   --  Input arguments:
186   --   tablespace_name        - name of tablespace
188 --
189   procedure tablespace_migrate_to_local(
190         tablespace_name         in    varchar2,
191         unit_size               in    positive DEFAULT NULL,
192         rfno                    in    positive DEFAULT NULL
193                         );
194   --
195   --  Migrates a dictionary-managed tablespace to locally managed
196   --  Input arguments:
197   --   tablespace_name        - name of tablespace
198   --   unit_size              - bitmap unit size for the tablespace
199   --
201 --
202    procedure tablespace_relocate_bitmaps(
203          tablespace_name         in     varchar2,
204          filno                   in     positive,
205          blkno                   in     positive);
207   --
208   --  Tablespace relocate bitmaps to a different location
209   --  Input arguments:
210   --   tablespace_name        - name of tablespace
211   --
213 --
214    procedure tablespace_fix_segment_states(
215         tablespace_name         in     varchar2);
217   --
218   -- Tablespace fix segment states. During migration of tablespaces
219   -- the segments are put in a transition state. If migration fails,
220   -- the state of the segments can be corrected by calling this
221   -- procedure. This procedure should be called if migration failed
222   -- and the user tries to run in an incompatible mode.
224 --
225    procedure tablespace_fix_segment_extblks(
226         tablespace_name         in     varchar2);
228     --
229     -- Tablespace fix segment extents and blocks based on segment
230     -- header entries
232 --
233    procedure tablespace_dump_bitmaps(
234         tablespace_name         in     varchar2);
236     --
237     -- Tablespace space header of files
239   function segment_number_extents(
240         header_tablespace_id    in    natural ,
241         header_relative_file    in    positive ,
242         header_block            in    positive ,
243         segment_type            in    positive ,
244         buffer_pool_id          in    natural ,
245         dictionary_flags        in    number ,
246         data_object_id          in    number,
247         dictionary_extents      in    number
248                         ) return pls_integer;
249   pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(segment_number_extents,WNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
250   --
251   -- Returns the number of extents which belong to the segment. Will return
252   -- NULL if segment has disappeared. IS NOT to be used for any other
253   -- purposes but by the views which need it and are sure that there info
254   -- is correct. Else internal errors will abound
255   --
256   function segment_number_blocks(
257         header_tablespace_id    in    natural ,
258         header_relative_file    in    positive ,
259         header_block            in    positive ,
260         segment_type            in    positive ,
261         buffer_pool_id          in    natural ,
262         dictionary_flags        in    number ,
263         data_object_id          in    number,
264         dictionary_blocks       in    number
265                         ) return pls_integer;
266   pragma RESTRICT_REFERENCES(segment_number_blocks,WNDS,WNPS,RNPS);
267   --
268   -- Returns the number of blocks which belong to the segment. Will return
269   -- NULL if segment has disappeared. IS NOT to be used for any other
270   -- purposes but by the views which need it and are sure that there info
271   -- is correct. Else internal errors will abound
272   --
273   procedure segment_moveblocks(
274         segment_owner           in    varchar2,
275         segment_name            in    varchar2,
276         partition_name          in    varchar2,
277         segment_type            in    varchar2,
278         group_id                in    natural,
279         minimum_size                in    positive,
280         move_count                  in    positive,
281         pause_time                  in    natural,
282         iterations                  in    positive
283                         );
284   --
285   --  Moves blocks from the segment header to the process freelist
286   --  It only moves blocks if the list is shorter than the minimum
287   --  size for the move_count blocks
288   --   segment_owner        - name of the object's owner
289   --   segment_name         - name of the object
290   --   partition_name       - name of the partition (NULL if not partitioned)
291   --   segment_type         - object type (TABLE, INDEX, etc - see DBMS_SPACE)
292   --   group_id             - freelist group (0 for the segment header)
293   --   minimum_size         - do not move if process free list is longer
294   --   move_count           - move up to this number of blocks
295   --   pause_time           - pause between loop iterations
296   --   iterations           - number of iterations (infinite if NULL)
297   --
301   procedure assm_segment_verify(
302     segment_owner           in varchar2,
303     segment_name            in varchar2,
304     segment_type            in varchar2,
305     partition_name          in varchar2,
306     verify_option           in positive default SEGMENT_VERIFY_BASIC ,
307     attrib                  in positive default NULL);
309   --
311   --  Verifies the consistency of the segment
312   --  Input arguments:
313   --   segment_owner        - owner
314   --   segment_name         - name of the segment
315   --   segment_type         - type of segment
316   --   partition_name       - name of partition default NULL
317   --   verify_option        - one of SEGMENT_VERIFY_BASIC, DEEP , SPECIFIC
318   --   attrib               - used when option SEGMENT_VERIFY_SPECIFIC
321   procedure nglob_segment_verify(
322     segment_owner           in varchar2,
323     segment_name            in varchar2,
324     segment_type            in varchar2,
325     partition_name          in varchar2,
326     verify_option           in positive default SEGMENT_VERIFY_BASIC ,
327     attrib                  in positive default NULL);
329   --
331   --  Verifies the consistency of the segment
332   --  Input arguments:
333   --   segment_owner        - owner
334   --   segment_name         - name of the segment
335   --   segment_type         - type of segment
336   --   partition_name       - name of partition default NULL
337   --   verify_option        - one of SEGMENT_VERIFY_BASIC, DEEP , SPECIFIC
338   --   attrib               - used when option SEGMENT_VERIFY_SPECIFIC
340   procedure assm_tablespace_verify(
341     tablespace_name           in varchar2,
342     ts_option                 in positive,
343     segment_option            in positive default NULL);
345   --
346   --  Verifies that the tablespace consistency.
347   --  Input arguments:
348   --   tablespace_name      - name of tablespace
349   --   ts_option            - TS_VERIFY_BITMAPS, TS_VERIFY_DEEP, TS_VERIFY_SEGMENTS
350   --   segment option       - used when TS_VERIFY_SEGMENTS, one of SEGMENT_VERIFY_DEEP, SPECIFIC
351   --
354   function assm_segment_synchwm(
355     segment_owner           in varchar2,
356     segment_name            in varchar2,
357     segment_type            in varchar2,
358     partition_name          in varchar2 default NULL,
359     check_only              in number default 1
360     ) return pls_integer;
362   --
363   --  Synchronize HWMs of the ASSM segment
364   --  Input arguments:
365   --   segment_owner        - owner
366   --   segment_name         - name of the segment
367   --   segment_type         - type of segment
368   --   partition_name       - name of partition default NULL
369   --   check_only           - whether it is check only default YES
370   --  Output:
371   --   Return TRUE if the segment requires HWM synchronization
372   --   Return FALSE otherwise
374   procedure flush_lobsegment_stats;
376   procedure purge_lobsegment_stats;
381   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
379   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
380   -- PROCEDURE securefile_segment_repair
383   -- segment repair option: repair metadata blocks
384   SEGMENT_REPAIR_METADATA     constant positive := 1;
386   procedure segment_repair(
387     segment_owner         in varchar2,
388     segment_name          in varchar2,
389     segment_type          in varchar2,
390     partition_name        in varchar2 default NULL,
391     repair_option         in number default SEGMENT_REPAIR_METADATA
392     );
394   --
395   --  Description:
396   --    Repair SecureFile segment
397   --  Input parameters:
398   --    segment_owner     - owner
399   --    segment_name      - name of the LOB segment
400   --    segment_type      - type of segment
401   --                        values: 'LOB', 'LOB PARTITION', 'LOB SUBPARTITION'
402   --    partition_name    - name of the LON partition segment
403   --                        default: NULL
404   --    repair_option     - segment repair option,
405   --                        values: see SEGMENT_REPAIR_*** definitions
406   --                        default: SEGMENT_REPAIR_METADATA
407   --  Note:
408   --    This function is only used internally and does not require
409   --    documentation.
412   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
413   -- PROCEDURE segment_extend
414   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
416   procedure segment_extend(
417     segment_owner         in varchar2,
418     segment_name          in varchar2,
419     segment_type          in varchar2,
420     partition_name        in varchar2 default NULL,
421     target_size           in number default 1
422     );
424   --
425   --  Description:
426   --    SecureFile segment extend in background
427   --  Input parameters:
428   --    segment_owner     - owner
429   --    segment_name      - name of the LOB segment
430   --    segment_type      - type of segment
431   --                        values: 'LOB', 'LOB PARTITION', 'LOB SUBPARTITION'
432   --    partition_name    - name of the LOB partition segment
433   --                        default: NULL
434   --    target_size       - segment target size in GB
435   --  Note:
436   --    This function is only used internally and does not require
437   --    documentation.
440   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
441   -- PROCEDURE drop_empty_segments
442   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
444   procedure drop_empty_segments(
445     schema_name           in varchar2 default NULL,
446     table_name            in varchar2 default NULL,
447     partition_name        in varchar2 default NULL
448     );
450   --
451   --  Description:
452   --    Drop segments from empty table(s)/table fragments and dependent
453   --    objects.
454   --  Input parameters:
455   --    schema_name       - schema name, default: NULL
456   --    table_name        - table name, default: NULL
457   --    partition_name    - partition name, default: NULL
458   --  Note:
459   --    Given a schema name, this procedure scans all tables in the schema
460   --    For each table, if the table or any of its fragments are found to be
461   --    empty, and the table satisfies certain criteria [restrictions being
462   --    the same as those imposed by segment creation on demand], the empty
463   --    fragments and associated index segments are dropped.  A subsequent
464   --    insert will create segments with the same properties.
465   --    Optionally,
466   --    a. no schema name may be specified in which case we would scan
467   --       tables belonging to all schemas
468   --    b. both schema_name and table_name may be specified to do this
469   --       operation on one particular table
470   --    c. all three arguments may be supplied, in which case we will
471   --       restrict this operation to that partition and its dependent
472   --       objects.
475   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
476   -- PROCEDURE materialize_deferred_segments
477   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
479   procedure materialize_deferred_segments(
480     schema_name           in varchar2 default NULL,
481     table_name            in varchar2 default NULL,
482     partition_name        in varchar2 default NULL
483     );
485   --
486   --  Description:
487   --    Materialize segments for tables/table fragments with deferred
488   --    segment creation (and their dependent objects)
489   --  Input parameters:
490   --    schema_name       - schema name, default: NULL
491   --    table_name        - table name, default: NULL
492   --    partition_name    - partition name, default: NULL
493   --  Note:
494   --    Given a schema name, this procedure scans all tables in the schema.
495   --    For each table, if the deferred/delayed segment property is set for
496   --    the table or any of its fragments, a new segment is created for
497   --    those fragments and their dependent objects.
498   --    Optionally,
499   --    a. no schema name may be specified in which case we would scan tables
500   --       belonging to all schemas
501   --    b. both schema_name and table_name may be specified to do this
505   --       objects
502   --       operation on one particular table
503   --    c. all three arguments may be supplied, in which case we will
504   --       restrict this operation to that partition and its dependent
508   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
509   -- PROCEDURE materialize_deferred_with_opt
510   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
512   procedure materialize_deferred_with_opt(
513     schema_name           in varchar2 default NULL,
514     table_name            in varchar2 default NULL,
515     partition_name        in varchar2 default NULL,
516     partitioned_only      in boolean default FALSE
517     );
519   --
520   --  Description:
521   --    Materialize segments for tables/table fragments with deferred
522   --    segment creation (and their dependent objects), with an additional
523   --    option.
524   --  Input parameters:
525   --    schema_name       - schema name, default: NULL
526   --    table_name        - table name, default: NULL
527   --    partition_name    - partition name, default: NULL
528   --    partitioned_only  - apply materialize procedure on partitioned
529   --                        tables only, default: FALSE
530   --  Note:
534   --    partitioned_only argument supports this limited behavior.
531   --    The materialize_deferred_segments procedure is a wrapper around
532   --    this.  This procedure is required for downgrading (from
533   --    to materialize segments for partitioned tables only.  The
537   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
538   -- PROCEDURE tablespace_fix_affinity
539   -------------------------------------------------------------------------
540   procedure tablespace_fix_affinity(
541     tablespace_name       in  varchar2,
542     block_num             in  binary_integer,
543     instance_id           in  binary_integer DEFAULT NULL
544     );
546   --
547   --  Description:
548   --    This procedure sets instance affinity of a File Bitmap Block
549   --    in bigfile tablespace. The block can be either a Level 1 bitmap
550   --    block (FFB) or a Level 2 bitmap block (FSB).
551   --    The report will be generated in the corresponding trace file of
552   --    the session that runs this procedure.
553   --
554   --  Input parameters:
555   --    tablespace_name   - name of tablespace
556   --    block_num         - block number
557   --    instance_id       - id of instance to be affined, by default
558   --                        it is the current instance
559   --
560   --  Note:
561   --    (1) If the block is Second-level File Bitmap block (FSB), and if
562   --    there is another FSB that has already been affined to the instance
563   --    specified, this FSB will be freed.
564   --    (2) This function is only used internally and does not require
565   --    documentation.
568   --  Drop the HEATMAP segment created in sysaux tablespace
569   procedure heat_map_segment_drop;
571   -- Set the MAXSIZE storage clause for HEATMAP segment to limit its growth
572   -- Maxsize is specified in tablespace blocks. For unlimited use
574   procedure heat_map_segment_setmaxsize(maxsize in binary_integer
575                                        DEFAULT HEAT_MAP_MAXSIZE_UNLIMITED);
577    /* Dummy procedure for creating in memory columnar tablespace extent map */
578   --  Input parameters:
579   --    tablespace_name   - name of tablespace
581   procedure imc_tablespace_create(
582     tablespace_name         in varchar2);
584   /* Dummy procedure for drop of in memory columnar tablespace extent map*/
585   --  Input parameters:
586   --    tablespace_name   - name of tablespace
588   procedure imc_tablespace_drop(
589     tablespace_name         in varchar2);
591   /* Dummy procedure for creating table/segment in memory columnar */
592   --  Input parameters:
593   --    segment_owner     - owner
594   --    segment_name      - name of the segment
595   --    segment_type      - type of segment
596   --    partition_name    - name of the partition segment
598   procedure imc_segment_create(
599     segment_owner           in varchar2,
600     segment_name            in varchar2,
601     segment_type            in varchar2,
602     partition_name          in varchar2);
604   /* Dummy procedure for dropping table/segment in memory columnar */
605   --  Input parameters:
606   --    segment_owner     - owner
607   --    segment_name      - name of the segment
608   --    segment_type      - type of segment
609   --    partition_name    - name of the partition segment
611   procedure imc_segment_drop(
612     segment_owner           in varchar2,
613     segment_name            in varchar2,
614     segment_type            in varchar2,
615     partition_name          in varchar2);
617   /* Dummy procedure for loading in memory columnar segment */
618   --  Input parameters:
619   --    segment_owner     - owner
620   --    segment_name      - name of the segment
621   --    segment_type      - type of segment
622   --    partition_name    - name of the partition segment
623   --    query             - 0 is load, 1 is scan
625   procedure imc_segment_load(
626     segment_owner           in varchar2,
627     segment_name            in varchar2,
628     segment_type            in varchar2,
629     partition_name          in varchar2,
630     query                   in binary_integer);
632   /* Procedure to dump in memory area */
633   procedure imc_area_dump;
635   /* Procedure to dump in memory L1,L2,L3 tree */
636   procedure imc_tree_dump;
639 end;