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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

  SELECT subtype,
  INTO   x_subtype_code,
  WHERE  document_id = x_object_id
  AND    type_code   = x_object_type_code;
Line: 57

    SELECT podt.security_level_code
    INTO   x_security_level
    FROM   po_document_types podt
    WHERE  podt.document_subtype   = x_subtype_code
    AND    podt.document_type_code = x_object_type_code;
Line: 68

  SELECT psp.security_position_structure_id
  INTO   x_security_hierarchy_id
  FROM   po_system_parameters psp;
Line: 133

  SELECT security_level_code, document_type_code, document_subtype
  BULK COLLECT into l_sec_level_tbl, l_doc_type_code_tbl, l_doc_subtype_tbl
  FROM po_document_types_b
  WHERE (document_type_code = 'PO' and document_subtype = 'STANDARD')
     or (document_type_code = 'PA' and document_subtype = 'BLANKET')
     or (document_type_code = 'PA' and document_subtype = 'CONTRACT')
     or (document_type_code = 'PO' and document_subtype = 'PLANNED')
     or (document_type_code = 'RELEASE' and document_subtype = 'BLANKET')
     or (document_type_code = 'RELEASE' and document_subtype = 'SCHEDULED')
Line: 169

  SELECT psp.security_position_structure_id
  INTO   x_security_hierarchy_id
  FROM   po_system_parameters psp;
Line: 286

    SELECT   poll.value_basis
    INTO     l_value_basis
    FROM     po_line_locations_all poll
    WHERE    poll.line_location_id = p_po_line_loc_id;
Line: 332

  SELECT fc.minimum_accountable_unit,
  INTO   x_min_unit,
  FROM   fnd_currencies			fc,
	 gl_sets_of_books		sob,
	 financials_system_parameters   fsp
  WHERE  fsp.set_of_books_id = sob.set_of_books_id
  AND	 sob.currency_code   = fc.currency_code;
Line: 372

   SELECT prf.full_name
   INTO   x_person_name
   FROM   per_all_people_f prf
   WHERE  prf.person_id = x_person_id
   AND    trunc(sysdate) between prf.effective_start_date and prf.effective_end_date;
Line: 401

  SELECT bso.operation_code
  INTO   x_wip_operation_code
  FROM   bom_standard_operations  bso,
         wip_operations           wop
  WHERE ( x_wip_rep_schedule_id IS NULL
          OR wop.repetitive_schedule_id
                                = x_wip_rep_schedule_id)
  AND wop.wip_entity_id         = x_wip_entity_id
  AND wop.organization_id       = x_destination_org_id
  AND wop.operation_seq_num     = x_wip_operation_seq_num
  AND wop.standard_operation_id = bso.standard_operation_id(+)
  AND NVL(bso.organization_id,x_destination_org_id)
        = x_destination_org_id;
Line: 439

  SELECT bod.department_code
  INTO   x_bom_department_code
  FROM   bom_departments	  bod,
         wip_operations           wop
  WHERE ( x_wip_rep_schedule_id IS NULL
          OR wop.repetitive_schedule_id
                            = x_wip_rep_schedule_id)
  AND wop.wip_entity_id     = x_wip_entity_id
  AND wop.organization_id   = x_destination_org_id
  AND wop.operation_seq_num = x_wip_operation_seq_num
  AND wop.department_id     = bod.department_id
  AND bod.organization_id   = x_destination_org_id;
Line: 487

    SELECT inventory_organization_id
    INTO   l_item_organization_id
    FROM   financials_system_parameters;
Line: 493

  SELECT decode(msi.outside_operation_uom_type,
              'RESOURCE',x_quantity_ordered /
  INTO 	x_assembly_quantity
  FROM 	wip_operation_resources      wor,
        mtl_system_items             msi
  WHERE wor.wip_entity_id                  = x_wip_entity_id
  AND   nvl(wor.repetitive_schedule_id,-1) = nvl(x_wip_rep_schedule_id,-1)
  AND   wor.operation_seq_num              = x_wip_operation_seq_num
  AND   wor.resource_seq_num               = x_wip_resource_seq_num
  AND   wor.organization_id                = x_destination_org_id
  AND   msi.inventory_item_id	           = x_item_id
  AND   msi.organization_id		   = l_item_organization_id;  -- 
Line: 554

    SELECT inventory_organization_id
    INTO   l_item_organization_id
    FROM   financials_system_parameters;
Line: 560

  SELECT decode(msi.outside_operation_uom_type,
               'ASSEMBLY',x_quantity_ordered  * wor.usage_rate_or_amount,
  INTO 	x_resource_quantity
  FROM 	wip_operation_resources      wor,
        mtl_system_items             msi
  WHERE wor.wip_entity_id                  = x_wip_entity_id
  AND   nvl(wor.repetitive_schedule_id,-1) = nvl(x_wip_rep_schedule_id,-1)
  AND   wor.operation_seq_num              = x_wip_operation_seq_num
  AND   wor.resource_seq_num               = x_wip_resource_seq_num
  AND   wor.organization_id                = x_destination_org_id
  AND   msi.inventory_item_id	           = x_item_id
  AND   msi.organization_id		   = l_item_organization_id; -- 
Line: 603

  SELECT po_num
  INTO   x_po_number
  FROM   po_line_locations_inq_v
  WHERE  x_line_location_id = line_location_id;
Line: 609

  SELECT POH.segment1
  INTO	 x_po_number
  FROM 	 po_headers_all POH, po_line_locations_all PLL --
  WHERE  POH.po_header_id = PLL.po_header_id and
         PLL.line_location_id = x_line_location_id;
Line: 637

  /* replacing the select statement with the new OE API. */
     select order_source_id
     into   x_order_source_id
     from   po_system_parameters;
Line: 653

  /* SELECT distinct(soh.order_number)
  INTO   x_so_number
  FROM   so_lines sol,
         so_headers soh,
         po_system_parameters psp
  WHERE  sol.original_system_line_reference = to_char(x_line_num)
    AND  soh.original_system_reference      = x_segment1
    AND  sol.header_id                      = soh.header_id
    AND  soh.original_system_source_code    = psp.order_source_id;
Line: 685

	SELECT	count(*)
	INTO	x_num_records
	FROM	po_requisition_lines_all --
	WHERE	line_location_id = x_line_location_id;
Line: 833

        select pol.po_header_id ,
        into l_po_header_id,
             l_db_amount,          -- SERVICES FPJ
             l_value_basis         -- SERVICES FPJ
        from po_lines_all pol,
             po_line_types_b plt
        where pol.po_line_id = x_po_line_id
        and   pol.line_type_id = plt.line_type_id;
Line: 996

  select hout.name
  from   hr_all_organization_units_tl hout,
         hr_org_units_no_join hrou
  where  hrou.organization_id  = x_org_id
  and    hrou.organization_id = hout.organization_id
  and    hout.language = userenv('lang');
Line: 1059

   select location_code
   from hr_locations
   where location_id = x_location_id;
Line: 1159

      select line_code
      from   wip_lines
      where  line_id = x_wip_line_id
      and organization_id = x_destination_org_id ;
Line: 1165

      select wip_entity_name
      from   wip_entities
      where  wip_entity_id = x_wip_entity_id
      and    organization_id = x_destination_org_id ;
Line: 1171

      select resource_code,
      from   bom_resources
      where  resource_id =  x_bom_resource_id and
             organization_id = x_destination_org_id ;
Line: 1230

     select vendor_name
     from po_vendors
     where vendor_id = x_vendor_id ;
Line: 1235

     select vendor_site_code
     from po_vendor_sites_all --
     where vendor_site_id = x_vendor_site_id;
Line: 1277

    select name
    from   ap_terms
    where  term_id = x_terms_id;
Line: 1341

         select ship_to_organization_id ,
         from po_line_locations_all --< Shared Proc FPJ >
         where line_location_id = x_po_line_location_id;
Line: 1347

         select terms_id
         from po_headers_all --< Shared Proc FPJ >
         where po_header_id = x_po_header_id;
Line: 1416

             SELECT gsb.chart_of_accounts_id
             INTO x_purchasing_ou_coa_id
             FROM gl_sets_of_books gsb,
                  financials_system_params_all fspa,
                  po_line_locations_all pll
             WHERE pll.line_location_id = x_po_line_location_id
               AND fspa.org_id = pll.org_id
               AND gsb.set_of_books_id = fspa.set_of_books_id;
Line: 1846

    SELECT    segment1,
    INTO      x_segment1,
    FROM      po_headers_all
    WHERE     po_header_id = p_po_header_id;
Line: 1887

    SELECT 	type_name
    INTO	x_type_name
    FROM	po_document_types_vl
    WHERE	document_type_code = p_document_type_code
    AND		document_subtype = p_document_subtype;
Line: 1911

                                  where  GLDC.CONVERSION_TYPE = (select POH.RATE_TYPE
                                            from po_headers_all POH
                                            where poh.po_header_id = x_header_id);
Line: 1948

   SELECT hp.party_name
     INTO x_vendor_name
     FROM hz_parties hp,
          hz_relationships h2,
          fnd_user fu
    WHERE hp.party_id = h2.subject_id
      AND h2.subject_type = 'ORGANIZATION'
      AND h2.object_type = 'PERSON'
      AND h2.relationship_type = 'POS_EMPLOYMENT'
      AND h2.relationship_code = 'EMPLOYER_OF'
      AND h2.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
      AND h2.object_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
      AND h2.status  = 'A'
      AND h2.start_date <= sysdate
      AND h2.end_date >= sysdate
      AND h2.object_id = fu.customer_id
      AND h2.subject_id IN
        (SELECT owner_table_id
           FROM hz_code_assignments
          WHERE owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
            AND status = 'A'
            AND class_category = 'POS_PARTICIPANT_TYPE'
            AND class_code = 'VENDOR')
      AND fu.user_name = l_user_name;
Line: 2013

       SELECT polc.displayed_field
         INTO x_displayed_field
	 FROM po_lookup_codes polc
        WHERE lookup_type = p_lookup_type
	  AND lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 2062

  SELECT fu.user_name, hp.party_name
  INTO l_user_name, l_party_name
  FROM fnd_user fu,hz_parties hp
  WHERE hp.party_id = fu.customer_id
  AND fu.user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 2149

  SELECT fu.email_address, hp.email_address
  INTO l_fu_email_address, l_hp_email_address
  FROM fnd_user fu,hz_parties hp
  WHERE hp.party_id = fu.customer_id
  AND fu.user_id = p_user_id;