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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

   select meaning into l_meaning from fnd_lookups
    where lookup_type  = 'BIV_LABELS'
      and lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 34

       p_total_values := jtfb_dcf.get_multiselect_count(l_value_str,
Line: 48

           p_param_values(i) := jtfb_dcf.get_multiselect_value(
Line: 122

       insert into biv_debug(report_id,message,creation_date,session_id,seq_no)
                      values(p_report,l_msg,sysdate,get_session_id, g_srl_no);
Line: 127

          insert into biv_debug(report_id,message,creation_date,
                      values(p_report,l_msg,sysdate,get_session_id, g_srl_no);
Line: 134

          insert into biv_debug(report_id,message,creation_date,
                      values(p_report,l_msg,sysdate,get_session_id, g_srl_no);
Line: 886

              and exists ( select 1 from jtf_tasks_b t,
                                         jtf_task_statuses_b s
                            where t.source_object_type_code = ''SR''
                              and t.source_object_id        = sr.incident_id
                              and t.task_status_id          = s.task_status_id
                              and nvl(s.closed_flag,''N'') <> ''Y''
                         ) ';
Line: 1216

             and nvl(gmmbr.delete_flag,''N'') <> ''Y''
                        and biv_rg.group_id = odnorm.parent_group_id
                        and biv_rg.usage = ''METRICS''
                        and biv_rg.group_level = nvl(:g_lvl,''1'')';
Line: 1278

             and nvl(gmmbr.delete_flag,''N'') <> ''Y''
             and sr.incident_owner_id = gmmbr.resource_id';
Line: 1314

procedure update_base_col_desc(p_tbl_name varchar2 /*default null*/) is
  l_tbl varchar2(30);
Line: 1325

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = (select substr(group_name,1,50)
                    from jtf_rs_groups_vl grp
                   where grp.group_id = nvl(rep.col1,rep.id))
        where session_id = :session_id' ;
Line: 1331

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = (select substr(description,1,50) from mtl_system_items_vl
                      where inventory_item_id = nvl(rep.col1,rep.id)
                        and organization_id = ' ||g_prd_org || ')
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1337

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = (select substr(full_name,1,50) from per_people_f
                      where person_id = nvl(rep.col1,rep.id)
                        and sysdate between
                             nvl(effective_start_date,sysdate-1) and
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1346

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = (select substr(party_site_name,1,50) from hz_party_sites
                      where party_site_id = nvl(rep.col1,rep.id))
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1351

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = (select substr(party_name,1,50) from hz_parties
                      where party_id = nvl(rep.col1,rep.id))
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1357

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = (select substr(source_name,1,50) from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                      where resource_id = rep.col1)
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1362

      l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || ' rep
         set col2 = col1
        where session_id = :session_id' ;
Line: 1379

  l_sql := 'update ' || l_tbl || '
              set col2 = :null_desc
            where col2 is null
              and session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1391

        l_err := 'Err in update_base_col:' ||substr(sqlerrm,1,200);
Line: 1396

procedure update_description(p_id_type  varchar2,
                             p_id_col   varchar2,
                             p_desc_col varchar2,
                             p_tbl_name varchar2 /*default null*/) as
   l_sql_sttmnt varchar2(2000);
Line: 1410

        update ' || l_tbl || '  rep
         set '|| p_desc_col || ' = (select substr(group_name,1,50)
                    from jtf_rs_groups_vl grp
                   where grp.group_id = rep.' || p_id_col || ')
        where session_id = :session_id' ;
Line: 1417

        update ' || l_tbl || '  rep
         set ' || p_desc_col || ' = (select substr(description,1,50) from mtl_system_items_vl
                      where inventory_item_id = rep.' || p_id_col || '
                        and organization_id = '|| g_prd_org || ')
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1424

        update ' || l_tbl || '  rep
         set ' || p_desc_col || ' = (select substr(full_name,1,50) from per_people_f
                      where person_id = rep.' || p_id_col || '
                        and sysdate between
                             nvl(effective_start_date,sysdate-1) and
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1434

        update ' || l_tbl || '  rep
         set ' || p_desc_col || ' = (select substr(party_site_name,1,50) from hz_party_sites
                      where party_site_id = rep.' || p_id_col || ')
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1440

        update ' || l_tbl || '  rep
         set ' || p_desc_col || ' = (select substr(party_name,1,50) from hz_parties
                      where party_id = rep.' || p_id_col || ')
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1446

        update ' || l_tbl || '  rep
         set ' || p_desc_col || ' = (select substr(source_name,1,50)
                                       from jtf_rs_resource_extns
                             where resource_id = rep.' || p_id_col || ')
        where session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1461

     l_sql_sttmnt := 'update ' || l_tbl || '
                         set col2 = :nul_desc
                      where col2 is null and session_id = :session_id';
Line: 1474

        l_err := 'Err in update_description:' ||substr(sqlerrm,1,200);
Line: 1677

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_BIN where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1680

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_RT1 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1683

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_RT2 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1686

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_HS1 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1689

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_HS2 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1692

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_SR_ARRVL where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1695

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_BIN where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1697

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_RT1 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1699

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_RT2 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1701

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_HS2 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1703

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_SR_ARRVL where
                        session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1708

           execute immediate 'delete from biv_debug where session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1733

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_BIN where
                        session_id = :l_session_id ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1740

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_RT1 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1749

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_RT2 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1753

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_HS1 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1760

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_HS2 where
                        session_id = :l_session_id ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1765

                execute immediate 'delete from BIV_TMP_SR_ARRVL where
                        session_id = :l_session_id ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1768

            delete from biv_tmp_rt1 where session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 1769

            delete from biv_tmp_rt2 where session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 1770

            delete from biv_tmp_hs1 where session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 1771

            delete from biv_tmp_hs2 where session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 1772

            delete from biv_tmp_bin where session_id = l_session_id;
Line: 1775

           execute immediate 'delete from biv_debug where session_id = :l_session_id  or creation_date < sysdate -1 ' using l_session_id;
Line: 1793

    select meaning into l_meaning
      from fnd_lookups
     where lookup_type = 'BIV_VIEW_BY'
       and lookup_code = nvl(l_view_by,'MGR');