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Product: OKC - Contracts Core
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
CHECK_ALTERNATE Alternate Clauses To check for the presence alternate clauses on the document
CHECK_AMENDMENT Deliverable Amendments This will check deliverable's amendment details
CHECK_ART_AMEND_NO_TEXT No Clause Amendment Description This will check for presence of amended clauses without amendment description
CHECK_ART_DEF_SEC Clause Default Section Check if default section of the draft clause is valid
CHECK_ART_EXT No Clauses Exist Check if clauses exist on the document
CHECK_ART_INV_ST Clause Invalid Status Change Check if the clause is being changed to an invalid status
CHECK_ART_INV_TYP Clause Type Check if clause type of the draft clause is valid
CHECK_ART_INV_VAL Clause Variable Invalid Value Se Check if the draft clause contains a user defined variable with an inactive value set
CHECK_ART_INV_VAR Clause Inactive Variable Check if the draft clause contains an inactive variable
CHECK_ART_REJECTED Clauses in Rejected Status Check if Rejected Clauses have been added to the Template
CHECK_ART_VALIDITY Inactive Clauses This will check for the presence of "Invalid Clauses" in the document if any
CHECK_BUYER_CONTACT Buyer Contact, Requester, or Escalation Contact Buyer Contact, Requester, or Escalation Contact is not valid
CHECK_CONTACTS Contact This will check for valid Contacts on a deliverable
CHECK_CONTRACT_ADMIN Check Contract Administrator This will check if a Contract Administrator has been defined for the given document
CHECK_DELIVERABLES_VAR_USAGE Deliverable Usage in Clauses This will check for the presence of variables of type 'D' without associated Deliverables
CHECK_DELIVERABLE_EXHIBIT Check Exhibit on Deliverable This will check for exhibit tagging on a data deliverable
CHECK_DELIVERABLE_TYPE Deliverable Type This will check for incompatiable deliverable type
CHECK_DUE_DATES Due Date This will check deliverable due date details
CHECK_DUPLICATE Duplicate Clauses To check the document for presence of repeated articles
CHECK_EMPTY_SECTION Empty Section This will check for the presence of sections with no articles
CHECK_EXPERT_NOT_APPLIED Contract Expert has not been run. This will check if Contract Expert has not been run on a document.
CHECK_EXPERT_PARTIALLY_APPLIED Contract Expert has been partially run. This will check if Contract Expert has been partially run on a document.
CHECK_EXTERNAL_PARTY_EXISTS External party missing on a contractual deliverable Check used for Repository Contracts
CHECK_EXT_VAR_VALUE Unresolved External Variables This will check for the presence of external variables without values
CHECK_INCOMPATIBILITY Incompatible Clauses This check will display the presence of incompatible articles on a document
CHECK_INCOMPLT_CONFIG Incomplete Contract Expert Configuration This will check for an Incomplete Contract Expert configuration based on current document attribute values.
CHECK_INTERNAL_CONTACT_VALID Invalid Contact This will check for application user and email address tied to this employee
CHECK_INT_VAR_VALUE Unresolved Internal Variable This will check document for the presence of internal variables without values
CHECK_INVALID_CONFIG Invalid Contract Expert Setup This will check for an Invalid Contract Expert Configuration based on current document attribute values
CHECK_INVALID_XPRT_SECTION Invalid dafault section in template. This will chech whether the default section in teh expert area is valid or not.
CHECK_LATEST_VERSION Old Version of Clause Used This will check document for older versions of an article from the library
CHECK_LAYOUT_TMPL Layout Template not defined This will check if stylesheet has been defined on a template.
CHECK_LOCK_CONTRACT Contract Locked Contract is Locked
CHECK_NEW_EXPERT_ART New Contract Expert Clause This will check if Contract Expert returns an article that is not in the Contract Expert configuration currently in the document.
CHECK_NOTIFICATIONS Notification Details This will check for valid notification details for a deliverable
CHECK_OLD_EXPERT_ART Not Required Contract Expert Clause This will check for Contract Expert articles in the document that is no longer required.
CHECK_PRIMARY_CONTRACT Primary Contract Document not found This will check if a primary contract document is uploaded, when Contract Source is set to 'Attached Document'
CHECK_RESP_PARTY Responsible party This will check for valid responsible party
CHECK_SCN_AMEND_NO_TEXT No Section Amend Description No Section Amend Description
CHECK_SUPPLIER_CONTACT Supplier contact Supplier contact is not valid
CHECK_TEMPLATE_NOT_EXPORTED Contract Expert Template Not Exported This will check if a Template is not exported for Contract Expert.
CHECK_TEMPLATE_NOT_PUBLISHED Contract Expert Template Not Published This will check if a Template is not published for Contract Expert.
CHECK_TEMPLATE_NO_RULES Template with no Active rules This will check if the template has no Active rules attached
CHECK_TEMPLATE_RULE_STATUS Template Rules that are not Active This will check if there are any rules attached to template which are not Active
CHECK_TEMPL_EFFECTIVITY Inactive Template This will check for inactive contract terms template, when it is used to create a business document terms and conditions
CHECK_TRANS_TMPL_EFF Translated Template is invalid This will check if the parent template is expired or on hold
CHECK_TRANS_TMPL_REV Translated Template has been revised This will check if parent template has been revised
CHECK_UNASSIGNED_ARTICLE Un-assigned Clause This will check for clauses not assigned to any sections
CHECK_UNRESOLVED_SYS_VAR Unresolved System Variable This will check for system variables without values
CHECK_VAR_USAGE Invalid variable for Document Type This will check for variables without any document type association