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Product: AR - Receivables
Meaning: Invoice Ezlink Errors
Description: Error messages for invoice ezlink program
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
Error 101 Invalid currency code Invalid currency code
Error 102 NULL value in "previous_due_date" or "previous_trx_number" fo NULL value in "previous_due_date" or "previous_trx_number" for credit memo
Error 103 Invalid "previous_due_date" and "previous_trx_number" columns Invalid "previous_due_date" and "previous_trx_number" columns for credit memo
Error 104 Invoice already exists Invoice already exists
Error 105 Invalid trx_type Invalid trx_type
Error 106 Invalid bill to address id Invalid bill to address id
Error 107 Invalid ship to address id Invalid ship to address id
Error 108 Invalid segment values Invalid segment values
Error 109 Invalid term name Invalid term name
Error 110 A valid "remit to address" does not exist for "bill to addres A valid "remit to address" does not exist for "bill to address id"
Error 111 Invalid gl_date - it must be in an open or future gl period Invalid gl_date - it must be in an open or future gl period
Error 112 NULL value found in exchange columns of ar_invoice_interface_ NULL value found in exchange columns of ar_invoice_interface_headers table
Error 113 Missing due dates for invoice/credit_memo Missing due dates for invoice/credit_memo
Error 114 Mulitple records in ar_invoice_interface_headers for a credit Mulitple records in ar_invoice_interface_headers for a credit memo
Error 115 Due dates for an invoice must be unique Due dates for an invoice must be unique
Error 116 Multiple recored in ar_invoice_interface_headers for a tax in Multiple recored in ar_invoice_interface_headers for a tax invoice
Error 117 No corresponding records in ar_invoice_interface_lines No corresponding records in ar_invoice_interface_lines
Error 118 Amount due does not equal (line_amount + freight_amount + tax Amount due does not equal (line_amount + freight_amount + tax_amount)
Error 119 Credit memo amount is greater than amount_due_remaining Credit memo amount is greater than amount_due_remaining
Error 120 Duplicate line number for invoice Duplicate line number for invoice
Error 121 quantity * unit_selling_price does not equal the line amount quantity * unit_selling_price does not equal the line amount
Error 127 invalid reason code invalid reason code
Error 128 invalid line reason code invalid line reason code
Error 129 invalid insert_update_flag invalid insert_update_flag
Error 130 invoice or credit memo marked for update does not exist invoice or credit memo marked for update does not exist
Error 131 record marked update has invalid old due date or due date les record marked update has invalid old due date or due date less than trx date
Error 132 Record unprocessed due to invalid trx type Record unprocessed due to invalid trx type
Error 133 Credit memo has a positive amount Credit memo has a positive amount
Error 134 Invoice has a negative amount Invoice has a negative amount
Error 135 Missing reason code for the credit memo Missing reason code for the credit memo