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Lookup Type: RU_OKFS_CODE

Product: PER - Human Resources
Meaning: All Russian Classificatory of Ownership
Description: All Russian Classificatory of Ownership
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
10 Russian ownership Russian ownership
11 State ownership State ownership
12 Federal ownership Federal ownership
13 Ownership of the subjects of Russian Federation Ownership of the subjects of Russian Federation
14 Municipal ownership Municipal ownership
15 Ownership of public and religious organizations (association) Ownership of public and religious organizations (associations)
16 Private ownership Private ownership
17 Mixed Russian ownership Mixed Russian ownership
18 Ownership of the Russian citizens constantly living abroad Ownership of the Russian citizens constantly living abroad
19 Ownership of consumer cooperatives Ownership of consumer cooperatives
20 Foreign ownership Foreign ownership
21 Ownership of the international organizations Ownership of international organizations
22 Ownership of foreign states Ownership of foreign states
23 Ownership of the foreign legal entities Ownership of foreign legal entities
24 Ownership of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship Ownership of foreign citizens and persons without citizenship
27 Mixed foreign ownership Mixed foreign ownership
30 Joint Russian and foreign ownership Joint Russian and foreign ownership
31 Joint federal and foreign ownership Joint federal and foreign ownership
32 Joint ownership of foreign and subjects of Russian Federation Joint ownership of the subjects of Russian Federation and foreign ownership
33 Joint municipal and foreign ownership Joint municipal and foreign ownership
34 Joint private and foreign ownership Joint private and foreign ownership
35 Joint ownership of foreign,public and religious organizations Joint ownership of public and religious organizations (associations) and foreign ownership
40 Mixed Russian ownership with a share of state ownership Mixed Russian ownership with a share of state ownership
41 Mixed Russian ownership with a share of federal ownership Mixed Russian ownership with a share of federal ownership
42 Mixed Russian ownership with subjects of Federation Mixed Russian ownership with a share of the ownership of the subjects of Russian Federation
43 Mixed Russian ownership with federal and Russian Federation Mixed Russian ownership with shares of federal ownership and ownership of the subjects of Russian Federation
49 Other mixed Russian ownership Other mixed Russian ownership
50 Ownership of charitable organizations Ownership of charitable organizations
51 Ownership of political public parties and formations Ownership of political public parties and formations
52 Ownership of professional unions Ownership of professional unions
53 Ownership of public associations Ownership of public associations
54 Ownership of religious associations Ownership of religious associations