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Product: AHL - Complex Maintenance Repair and Overhaul
Meaning: All Master Config Rule Operators
Description: All possible Master Config Rule operators (for trxn)
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
AND and
FLEET_PCTG_EQ has fleet percentage equal to
FLEET_PCTG_GT has fleet percentage greater than
FLEET_PCTG_LT has fleet percentage less than
FLEET_QTY_EQ has fleet quantity equal to
FLEET_QTY_GT has fleet quantity greater than
FLEET_QTY_LET has fleet quantity less than - end dated
FLEET_QTY_LT has fleet quantity less than
HAVE has
HAVE_NOT does not have
IMPLIES implies
INSTALLED is installed
INSTALLED_NOT is not installed
MUST_HAVE must have
MUST_HAVE_NOT must not have
OR or
REQUIRES requires
SAME has the same
SAME_NOT does not have same