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Product: JTF - CRM Foundation
Meaning: Describes the task is bound to planned date.
Description: Task Bound Mode.
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
ATE Bound At End The task must finish at the planned end time
ATS Bound At Start The task must start at the planned start time
BAF Bound After Finish The task must finish after the planned start
BAS Bound After Start The task must start after the planned start
BBF Bound Before Finish The task must finish before the planned start
BBS Bound Before Start The task must start before the planned start
BTF Bound Between Finshed Task must finish between Planned Start and Planned End
BTN Bound Between No exceed Task must finish between Planned Start and Planned End
BTS Bound Between Start Task must finish between Planned Start and Planned End
NB No Bound Mode Task is not bound.