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Product: PA - Projects
Meaning: Project Status Actions
Description: Project_Status_Actions
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
ADJUST_TXNS Adjust Transactions Adjust Transactions
CAPITALIZE Capitalize Assets Capitalize Assets
CAPITALIZED_INTEREST Capitalized Interest Indicates whether or not the project status allows capitalized interest calculations
CHANGE_PROJECT_PROBABILITY Change Project Probability Change Project Probability
GENERATE_BURDEN Create Burden Transactions Indicates whether or not the project status allows generation of Burden Transactions
GENERATE_INV Generate Invoice Generate Invoice
GENERATE_REV Generate Revenue Generate Revenue
NEW_TXNS Create New Transactions Create New Transactions
PA_PROJ_STATUS_REPORT Project Status Report Notifications Project Status Report Notifications
PA_TASK_PROGRESS Task Progress Notifications Task Progress Notifications
PROJECT_ALLOW_WF_ENB Allow Workflow Allow Workflow
PROJECT_CHG_WF_STUS Change Workflow Statuses Change Workflow Statuses
PROJECT_WF_ITEM_PROCESS Allow Workflow Item Type and Process Allow Workflow Item Type and Process
PROJ_ASSIGN_RESOURCES Allow Confirmed Assignments Allow Confirmed Assignments
PROJ_FORECASTING Include in Project Forecasts Include in Project Forecasts
PROJ_ORG_FORECASTING Include Project in Organization Forecasts Include in Project Forecasts
PROJ_PROVISIONAL_ASSIGN Allow Provisional Assignments Allow Provisional Assignments
STATUS_REPORTING Include in Status Reports Include in Status Reports