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Product: PA - Projects
Meaning: Project Amount Option
Description: Project Amount Option
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
BILLABLE_BURDEN_COST Bill Bdn Cost Billable Burden Cost - Burdened cost of billable items
BILLABLE_LABOR_HOURS Bill Lbr Hrs Billable Labor Hours - Hours of billable labor items
BILLABLE_QUANTITY Bill Qty Billable Quantity - Quantity of billable items
BILLABLE_RAW_COST Bill Raw Cst Billable Raw Cost - Raw Cost of billable items
BUDGETED_COST Bgt Cost Budgeted Cost - Baselined budgeted cost
BUDGETED_LABOR_HOURS Bgt Labr Hrs Budgeted Labor Hours - Baselined budgeted labor hours
BUDGETED_REVENUE Bgt Revenue Budgeted Revenue - Baselined budgeted revenue
COST_BUDGET_VAR Cost Bgt Var Cost Budget Variance - % variance between budgeted cost and burdened cost
PROFIT_MARGIN Profit Marg Profit Margin - % difference between revenue and burdened cost
REV_BUDGET_VAR Rev Bgt Var Revenue Budget Variance - % variance between budgeted revenue and revenue
TOTAL_BURDEN_COST Burden Cost Burdened Cost - Burdened cost of billable items
TOTAL_LABOR_HOURS Labor Hours Total Labor Hours - Hours of all labor items
TOTAL_QUANTITY Quantity Quantity - Quantity of all items
TOTAL_RAW_COST Raw Cost Raw Cost - Raw cost of all items
TOTAL_REVENUE Revenue Revenue - Revenue of all items and events