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Product: IEU - Universal Work Queue
Meaning: Status
Description: The UWQ Error Status panel lookup type
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
IEU_STATUS_CLR_ALL_LBL &Clear All The label for the button that is used to delete all error message(s) from the list
IEU_STATUS_CLR_ALL_TIP Delete All Messages The tooltip for the button that is used to delete all error message(s) from the list
IEU_STATUS_CLR_LBL &Delete The label for the button that is used to delete the selected error message(s) from the list
IEU_STATUS_CLR_TIP Delete Selected Message(s) The tooltip for the button that is used to delete the selected error message(s) from the list
IEU_STATUS_DETAILS_LBL Details The label for the text area that gives a detailed description of the event
IEU_STATUS_EVENT_LBL Event The label for the column that gives a brief description of the event
IEU_STATUS_LEVEL_LBL Level The label for the column that denotes the severity of the event
IEU_STATUS_TIME_LBL Time The label for the column that denotes the time a particular event/warning took place