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Product: AR - Receivables
Meaning: Customer Response Reason
Description: Customer Response Reason
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
AMT INCORRECT Amt Incorrect Customer disputing the amount of the invoice
BILL-TO INCORRECT Bill-To Incorrect Billing address incorrect on invoice
CANNOT CONTACT Cannot Contact Unable to contact or locate the customer
CHECK IN MAIL Check In Mail Customer says check was recently mailed
CM/REBILL IN PROGRESS Cm/Rebill In Progress Credit memo rebill in progress
DISPUTE AMOUNT Dispute Amount Customer disagrees with the invoice amount
DUPL INVOICE Dupl Invoice Customer says this was paid on a previous invoice
EVALUATING Evaluating Evaluation period has been extended
LOST INVOICE Lost Invoice Customer can not find their copy of the invoice
NO CONTRACT No Contract Customer did not have the contract returned to them
NO INVOICE No Invoice Customer never received an invoice
NO PO No Po Invoice did not include a purchase order number
PAID Paid Customer says they already paid this invoice
PMT APPROVED Pmt Approved Customer says the invoice is approved
PO INCORRECT Po Incorrect Purchase order number is incorrect on invoice
RETURNED Returned Customer says they returned the product
SHIP-TO INCORRECT Ship-To Incorrect Shipping address incorrect on the invoice
TAX INCORRECT Tax Incorrect Customer was incorrectly charged tax
TECH PROBLEM Tech Problem Customer is experiencing technical problems and will not pay
TERMS INCORRECT Terms Incorrect The terms are incorrect on the invoice
WILL CALL BACK Will Call Back Customer promises to call back