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Lookup Type: IEU_MSG_PANEL

Product: IEU - Universal Work Queue
Meaning: Message Panel Keys
Description: The Keys defined for the UWQ Message Panel
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
IEU_LAUNCH_BUSINESS_OBJ_BTN_LB Launch &Application The previous label for the button which is used to launch the associated business object (if any) with a particular notice
IEU_LAUNCH_BUSINESS_OBJ_LBL &Launch The label for the button which is used to launch the associated business object (if any) with a particular notice
IEU_LAUNCH_BUSINESS_OBJ_TIP Launch associated business application The tooltip for the launch button
IEU_MSG_ACK_LBL A&ck The label for the button to acknowledge the message
IEU_MSG_ACK_TIP Acknowledge Current Message The tooltip for the ack button
IEU_MSG_BRIDGE_LABEL of Serves as the relation determinant between the current and total number of messages
IEU_MSG_CLR_LBL C&lr The label for the button which is used to clear the current message
IEU_MSG_CLR_TIP Delete Current Message The tooltip for the clr message button
IEU_MSG_DEFAULT_HDR No Messages The default message to show in the notices subject line in case of no messages
IEU_MSG_FILTER_LBL Message Filter The label for the drop down combo box which is used to select a particular time filter
IEU_MSG_FIRST_TIP Go to the first Message The tooltip for the first message button
IEU_MSG_LAST_TIP Go to the Last Message The tooltip for the last message button
IEU_MSG_NEXT_TIP Next Message The tooltip for the next message button
IEU_MSG_PREV_TIP Previous Message The tooltip for the previous message button
IEU_MSG_REFRESH_LBL &Refresh The label for the button which is used to refresh the message list
IEU_MSG_REFRESH_TIP Refresh with the current filter The tooltip for the refresh button
IEU_MSG_TAB_LBL &Msg The Tab Panel lable which is displayed all the time