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Lookup Type: PA_FP_WEBADI_ERR_1

Product: PA - Projects
Meaning: Financial Plan Webadi Errors
Description: Financial Plan Webadi Errors
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
FP_WEBADI_PLAN_DATE_ERR Specify a start date that is before the end date. If the start date passed is greater than the end date passed.
INVALID_RESOURCE_INFO Please specify a valid resource. When resource alias passed from excel is does not correspond to a valid resource
INVALID_TASK_INFO Please specify a valid task. When the task name,number passed from excel is does not correspond to a valid task for the project or the task does not match the planning level of the budget version.
PA_FP_WA_BL_OUT_OF_PLAN_RANGE The plan line duration exceeds the resource assignment. If the budget line start date is earlier to the planning start date or the budget line end date is later then the planning end date.
PA_FP_WA_BV_BL_NON_EDIT Baselines exist.You cannot edit this plan version. If Edit after the initial baseline is no and baselined version exists for the plan type of the downloaded version.
PA_FP_WA_BV_LOCKED_ERR This plan version is locked by another user. The downloaded version is locked by some other user.
PA_FP_WA_BV_LOCKED_PRC_ERR This plan version is locked for processing. The downloaded version is locked by some process
PA_FP_WA_BV_SUBMITTED_ERR This plan version is in Submitted status. The budget version is submitted status, non editable
PA_FP_WA_CAL_NEG_ETC_QTY_ERR Total ETC quantity must be zero or positive. If the ETC quantity passed or derived when uploaded from excel is negative
PA_FP_WA_CAL_NO_ETCQTY_ERR Please enter either quantity or update both amounts and rates When user changes amounts only for existing periodic lines where total ETC quantity or total plan quantity is zero
PA_FP_WA_CAL_NO_QTY_ERR Enter either quantities or amounts for all lines. When user uploads quantity and amount for the same line in different periods from a periodic layout
PA_FP_WA_CI_VER_NON_EDITABLE You cannot edit the change document in this status. Change Document version is in non-updateable status i.e. submitted or approved status.
PA_FP_WA_DUPL_REC_PASSED This budget line already exists. If there are duplicate records entered in the excel
PA_FP_WA_FX_SC_MUL_AMT_ERR Enter amounts only for the fixed spread curve period. If the spread curve associated with the resource is of fixed date type and amounts are entered in more than 1 period.
PA_FP_WA_INV_RATE_DATE Please specify a valid rate date. Rate Date conversion attribute entered is invalid
PA_FP_WA_INV_RATE_DATE_TYPE Please specify a valid rate date type. Rate Date Type conversion attribute entered is invalid in the layout
PA_FP_WA_INV_RATE_TYPE Please specify a valid rate type. Rate type conversion attribute entered is invalid in the layout
PA_FP_WA_LIST_MEMBER_INVALID Please select a valid resource from the resource list. Amounts are entered against an invalid resource
PA_FP_WA_NW_RA_PCD_PRD_AMT_ERR Please enter amounts in a defined planning period. For periodic layout, if user enters amounts in preceding or succeeding period columns for new resource assignments
PA_FP_WA_OLD_RLM_PASSED Select an upgraded resource or a planning resource. Amounts are entered for a resource which is not yet migrated to web based model
PA_FP_WA_TASK_IS_NOT_PROJECT Please enter amounts only at the project level. The planning level of the budget version is Project and the amounts are entered for a Task
PA_FP_WA_TASK_IS_NOT_TOP Please enter amounts only at the top task level. The planning level of the budget version is Top Task and the amounts are entered against a task which is not a top task
PA_FP_WA_TXN_CURR_NOT_AGR_CUR Please specify a valid agreement currency. If the user specify a currency other than the agreement currency while uploading a change document version with revenue impact
PA_FP_WA_TXN_CURR_NOT_AVL_PT Please specify a valid transaction currency. The transaction currency passed is not added at the plan version level
PA_FP_WA_TXN_CURR_NOT_PFC_AR You must plan in project functional currency. If the transaction currency passed for an Approved Revenue plan type revenue version is not PFC.
PA_FP_WA_TXN_CURR_NO_CONV_RATE Please specify conversion rates for all currencies. This message is shown when there is no conversion rates defined for rate schedule currencies.
PA_FP_WA_USER_EXCH_RATE_REQ Rate type is User. Please specify a conversion rate. Conversion rate is not entered when the rate type is User.
PA_FP_WEBADI_NO_BV_MAINT_PVLG You do not have authority to edit this plan version. The user does not have any editing privilege for the plan version.
PA_FP_WEBADI_TP_MODIFIED The period profile has changed since version download. Period mask has been modified that is associated with the time-phased version after the version has been downloaded.
PA_FP_WEBADI_VER_MODIFIED This plan version has been modified since download. When the record version number is different in DB and passed.To message review: Meaning column is self-explanatory.