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Product: PER - Human Resources
Description: RU Special Working Conditions
Quick Codes
Code Meaning Description
1 ZP12A Underground works, work with unhealthy working conditions and in hot shops
10 ZP12K Work as drivers of buses, trolley buses, and trams on regular urban passenger routes
11 ZP12L Work as the salvor in professional survival services and participation in liquidation of extreme situations
12 ZP12M Work with penitentiary inmates as penitentiary employee
13 ZP12O Work as employee of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs State fire-prevention service (incl. fire-protection, fire-prevention, rescue services of MIA and Ministry of Emergencies)
14 SEV26 Deer-raising men, fishermen, and hunters - field men who live constantly in areas of Last North and equated districts
15 27-1 Underground works, work with unhealthy working conditions and in hot shops
16 27-2 Works in unfavourable and health-impairing working conditions
17 27-3 Women working as tractor operators in agriculture or other directions of the national economy, and also as operators of building, road, and loading machines
18 27-4 Women working in textile industry on assignments of high intensity and physical effort
19 27-5 Locomotive brigades, workers of some categories carrying out organization of transportations and ensuring safety on a railway transportation and underground, lorry drivers on mines
2 ZP12B Works in unfavourable and health-impairing working conditions
20 27-6 Work in mobile and on-site brigades performing geosynoptic, topography-geodetic, geophysical, hydrographical, hydrological, forest husbandry, search and survey works
21 27-7 Work on timber and timber rafting businesses including equipment maintenance
22 27-8 Work as machine-operator (Dockers - machine-operator) of complex brigades on loading-unloading works in harbors
23 27-9 Work on sea/river/fishery craft (except port water area/maintenance/delivery craft, intercity water transport)
24 27-10 Work as drivers of buses, trolley buses, and trams on regular urban passenger routes
25 28-OS Work with penitentiary inmates as penitentiary employee
26 28-PZH Work as employee of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs State fire-prevention service (incl. fire-protection, fire-prevention, rescue services of MIA and Ministry of Emergencies)
27 28-SEV Deer-raising men, fishermen, and hunters - field men who live constantly in areas of Last North and equated districts
3 ZP12V Women working as tractor operators in agriculture or other directions of the national economy, and also as operators of building, road, and loading machines
4 ZP12G Women working in textile industry on assignments of high intensity and physical effort
5 ZP12D Locomotive brigades, workers of some categories carrying out organization of transportations and ensuring safety on a railway transportation and underground, lorry drivers on mines
6 ZP12E Work in mobile and on-site brigades performing geosynoptic, topography-geodetic, geophysical, hydrographical, hydrological, forest husbandry, search and survey works
7 ZP12ZH Work on timber and timber rafting businesses including equipment maintenance
8 ZP12Z Work as machine-operator (Dockers - machine-operator) of complex brigades on loading-unloading works in harbors
9 ZP12I Work on sea/river/fishery craft (except port water area/maintenance/delivery craft, intercity water transport)