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Line 22: , oke_k_deliverables_b kd

18: , pr.object1_id1 ID1
19: , pr.code
20: , pr.facility
21: FROM okc_k_party_roles_b pr
22: , oke_k_deliverables_b kd
23: , ( select cle_id , cle_id_ascendant , level_sequence
24: from okc_ancestrys
25: union all
26: select id , id , 99999 from okc_k_lines_b ) a

Line 66: , oke_k_deliverables_b kd

62: , OKE_UTILS.Get_Term_Values
63: ( kt.term_code , kt.term_value_pk1
64: , kt.term_value_pk2 , 'MEANING' ) Name
65: FROM oke_k_terms kt
66: , oke_k_deliverables_b kd
67: , ( select cle_id , cle_id_ascendant , level_sequence
68: from okc_ancestrys
69: union all
70: select id , id , 99999 from okc_k_lines_b ) a

Line 112: , oke_k_deliverables_b D

108: , Rtrim(Ltrim(L.Line_Number, ' '), ' ') L_Number
109: , Rtrim(Ltrim(D.Deliverable_Num, ' '), ' ') D_Number
110: FROM okc_k_headers_all_b H
111: , okc_k_lines_b L
112: , oke_k_deliverables_b D
113: WHERE D.Deliverable_ID = P_Deliverable_ID
114: AND L.ID = D.K_Line_ID
115: AND H.ID = D.K_Header_ID;