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2 /* $Header: jtfpecs.pls 120.5 2006/06/28 10:40:45 mpadhiar ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * A public interface that can be used to create and update escalations for various business entities such as Service Request, Task, Customer etc.
5  *
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product JTF
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:displayname Escalation Management
10  * @rep:compatibility S
13  * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CAC_CAL_TASK
14 */
17 g_escalation_type_id           	CONSTANT NUMBER       := 22;
18 g_escalation_owner_type_code   	CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'RS_EMPLOYEE';
19 g_escalation_code              	CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ESC';
20 g_escalation_name		CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Escalation Document';
21 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
22 -- Start of comments
23 --  Record Type     : Esc_Rec_Type
24 --  Description     : Holds the escalation header attributes for creating record in
25 --		      JTF_TASKS table.
26 --  Fields     :
27 --      name                 type     required?      description
28 --      ----                 ----     ---------	    --------------
29 --    esc_name        	  VARCHAR2    required	   Name of the escalation. If no specific name
30 -- 		is entered the parameter is defaulted to g_escalation_name.
31 --   esc_description      VARCHAR2    optional	   Summary of the escalation.
32 --   status_name	  VARCHAR2    optional	   Escalation status. Valid values are
33 --		'Open','Closed' etc. - all of the valid values from jtf_ec_statuses_vl
34 --   status_id		  NUMBER      optional     It is required the Escalation document to
35 --		have status. If status_id or name are not passed then the value is defaulted from
36 --		profile Escalation: Default Status
37 --  esc_open_date	  DATE 	      optional	   If not enterde defaulted to sysdate
38 --  esc_owner_id	  NUMBER      required	   The escalation owner is of type RS_EMPLOYEE
39 -- 		Valid values are resource_ids from jtf_rs_emp_dtls_vl
40 --  customer_id		  NUMBER      optional     Valid values are party_ids from hz_parties
41 --		and party_type 'ORGANIZATION', 'PERSON'
42 --  customer_number	  VARCHAR2    optional	   party_number from hz_parties and party_type
44 --  cust_account_id	  NUMBER      optional	   Valid values are account_ids from hz_cust_accounts
45 --  cust_account_number   VARCHAR2    optional     Valid values are account_numbers from hz_cust_accounts
46 --  cust_address_id       NUMBER      optional	   Valid values are party_site_ids from hz_party_sites
47 --  esc_target_date       DATE	      optional	   Date when the escalation should be resolved.
48 --  reason_code		  VARCHAR2    optional	   Valid values are all active values for
49 -- 		lookup_type JTF_TASK_REASON_CODES, FND_LOOKUPS. When it is not passed it is defaulted to
50 --		profile Escalation:Default Reason Code
51 --  escalation_level	  VARCHAR2    optional     Valid values are all active values for
52 -- 		lookup_type JTF_TASK_ESC_LEVEL, FND_LOOKUPS. When it is not passed it is defaulted to
53 --		profile Escalation:Default Escalation Level
54 -- attribute1..attribute15	VARCHAR2    optional	Flex field attribute columns
55 --							for descriptive flexfield support
56 -- attribute_category	 VARCHAR2     optional	   Category column for descriptive flexfield support
57 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 TYPE Esc_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
60 	esc_name 		jtf_tasks_tl.task_name%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
61 	esc_description		jtf_tasks_tl.description%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
62 	status_name		jtf_task_statuses_tl.name%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
63 	status_id		jtf_task_statuses_b.task_status_id%TYPE := FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
64 	esc_open_date		jtf_tasks_b.actual_start_date%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
65 --	esc_close_date		jtf_tasks_b.actual_end_date%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
66 	esc_owner_id		jtf_tasks_b.owner_id%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
67 --bug 2723761
68 	esc_owner_type_code	jtf_tasks_b.owner_type_code%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
69 --	esc_territory_id	jtf_tasks_b.owner_territory_id%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
70 	customer_id		jtf_tasks_b.customer_id%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
71 	customer_number		hz_parties.party_number%TYPE	 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
72 	cust_account_id		jtf_tasks_b.cust_account_id%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
73 	cust_account_number	hz_cust_accounts.account_number%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
74 	cust_address_id		jtf_tasks_b.address_id%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
75 	cust_address_number	hz_party_sites.party_site_number%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
76 	esc_target_date		jtf_tasks_b.planned_end_date%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_DATE,
77 	reason_code		jtf_tasks_b.reason_code%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
78 	escalation_level	jtf_tasks_b.escalation_level%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
79       	attribute1            	jtf_tasks_b.attribute1%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
80       	attribute2              jtf_tasks_b.attribute2%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
81       	attribute3              jtf_tasks_b.attribute3%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
82       	attribute4              jtf_tasks_b.attribute4%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
83       	attribute5              jtf_tasks_b.attribute5%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
84       	attribute6              jtf_tasks_b.attribute6%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
85       	attribute7              jtf_tasks_b.attribute7%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
86       	attribute8              jtf_tasks_b.attribute8%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
87       	attribute9              jtf_tasks_b.attribute9%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
88       	attribute10             jtf_tasks_b.attribute10%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
89       	attribute11             jtf_tasks_b.attribute11%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
90       	attribute12             jtf_tasks_b.attribute12%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
91       	attribute13             jtf_tasks_b.attribute13%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
92       	attribute14             jtf_tasks_b.attribute14%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
93       	attribute15             jtf_tasks_b.attribute15%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
94       	attribute_category      jtf_tasks_b.attribute_category%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
95 	);
97 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
98 -- Start of comments
99 --  Record Type     : Esc_Ref_Docs_Rec_Type
100 --  Description     : Holds the details about the reference documents in the escalation. The document
101 --		      could be  'Escalated' (reference code 'ESC' - seeded value), or any custom reference
102 -- 		      type eg 'For your information'. The data is stored in JTF_TASK_REFERENCES table.
103 --  Fields     :
104 --      name              type     required?      description
105 --      ----              ----     ---------	  --------------
106 --  reference_id	NUMBER     required	Valid values are jtf_task_references_b.task_reference_id
107 --  object_type_code    VARCHAR2   required	Valid values are jtf_objects_vl.object_code. The objects/
108 --  			modules	that would like to use the Escalation module need to register the usage
109 --			of the Escalation Module in jtf_object_usages. Seeded values are 'SR', 'TASK', 'DF'
110 --  object_name		VARCHAR2   required	Valid values are the values of the column registered in
111 --			jtf_objects_vl.select_name for the particular object_type_code
112 --  object_id		NUMBER     required	Valid values are the values of the column registered in
113 --			jtf_objects_vl.select_id for the particular object_type_code
114 --  reference_code	VARCHAR2   required	Valid values are 'ESC', 'FYI' or any other custom code
115 -- 			entered in FND_LOOKUPS, lookup type JTF_TASK_REFERENCE_CODES
116 --  object_version_number NUMBER    required for update/delete reference document. object_version_number from
117 --		jtf_task_refernces for the updated/deleted record.
118 --  action_code		VARCHAR2   required	Valid values are 'I' insert reference document,
119 --						'U' - update reference document, 'D' - delete reference document
120 --  attribute1..attribute15 VARCHAR2    optional	Flex field attribute columns
121 --						for descriptive flexfield support
122 --  attribute_category	 VARCHAR2     optional	Category column for descriptive flexfield support
123 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
125 TYPE Esc_Ref_Docs_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
126 	reference_id		jtf_task_references_b.task_reference_id%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
127 	object_type_code	jtf_task_references_b.object_type_code%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
128 	object_name		jtf_task_references_b.object_name%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
129 	object_id		jtf_task_references_b.object_id%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
130 --	object_details		jtf_task_references_b.object_details%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
131 --	usage			jtf_task_references_tl.usage%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
132 	reference_code		jtf_task_references_b.reference_code%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
133 	object_version_number	jtf_task_references_b.object_version_number%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
134 	action_code		varchar2(1),
135       	attribute1            	jtf_tasks_b.attribute1%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
136       	attribute2              jtf_tasks_b.attribute2%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
137       	attribute3              jtf_tasks_b.attribute3%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
138       	attribute4              jtf_tasks_b.attribute4%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
139       	attribute5              jtf_tasks_b.attribute5%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
140       	attribute6              jtf_tasks_b.attribute6%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
141       	attribute7              jtf_tasks_b.attribute7%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
142       	attribute8              jtf_tasks_b.attribute8%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
143       	attribute9              jtf_tasks_b.attribute9%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
144       	attribute10             jtf_tasks_b.attribute10%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
145       	attribute11             jtf_tasks_b.attribute11%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
146       	attribute12             jtf_tasks_b.attribute12%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
147       	attribute13             jtf_tasks_b.attribute13%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
148       	attribute14             jtf_tasks_b.attribute14%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
149       	attribute15             jtf_tasks_b.attribute15%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
150       	attribute_category      jtf_tasks_b.attribute_category%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
151 	);
153 TYPE Esc_Ref_Docs_Tbl_Type is TABLE of Esc_Ref_Docs_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
155 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 -- Start of comments
157 --  Record Type     : Esc_Contacts_Rec_Type
158 --  Description     : Holds the escalation contacts attributes for creating a record in
159 --		      JTF_TASK_CONTACTS table.
160 --                    Creating records in JTF_NOTES_B
161 --  Fields     :
162 --      name              type     required?      description
163 --      ----              ----     ---------	  --------------
164 --  contact_id		NUMBER      required	Valid values are employee_id from per_employees_current_x
165 -- 		when the contact_type = 'EMP' or subject_party_id from jtf_party_all_contacts_v
166 -- 		where object_party_id = customer_id
167 --  task_contact_id     NUMBER	    required for update/delete_escalation. task_contact_id from
168 --		jtf_task_contacts
169 --  object_version_number NUMBER    required for update/delete_escalation. object_version_number from
170 --		jtf_task_contacts of the updated/deleted record.
171 --  contact_type_code  	VARCHAR2    required  for create_escalation. Valid values are 'EMP', 'CUST'
172 --  escalation_notify_flag VARCHAR2 optional	Specify whether notifications will be sent to the contact.
173 --		Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'.
174 --  escalation_requester_flag VARCHAR2 required There must be one and only one contact per escalation
175 --  		which has escalation_requester_flag set to 'Y'. Valid values are 'Y' or 'N'.
176 --  action_code		VARCHAR2     required	Valid values are 'I' insert contact,
177 --						'U' - update contact, 'D' - delete contact
178 --  attribute1..attribute15	VARCHAR2    optional	Flex field attribute columns
179 --							for descriptive flexfield support.
180 --  attribute_category	 VARCHAR2     optional	   Category column for descriptive flexfield support
181 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
183  TYPE Esc_Contacts_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
184 	contact_id			jtf_task_contacts.contact_id%TYPE		:=FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
185 	task_contact_id			jtf_task_contacts.task_contact_id%TYPE		:=FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
186 	object_version_number		jtf_task_contacts.object_version_number%TYPE	:=FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
187 	contact_type_code   		jtf_task_contacts.contact_type_code%TYPE 	:=FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
188 	escalation_notify_flag		jtf_task_contacts.escalation_notify_flag%TYPE	:=FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
189 	escalation_requester_flag	jtf_task_contacts.escalation_requester_flag%TYPE :=FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
190 	action_code			varchar2(1),
191       	attribute1            	jtf_tasks_b.attribute1%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
192       	attribute2              jtf_tasks_b.attribute2%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
193       	attribute3              jtf_tasks_b.attribute3%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
194       	attribute4              jtf_tasks_b.attribute4%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
195       	attribute5              jtf_tasks_b.attribute5%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
196       	attribute6              jtf_tasks_b.attribute6%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
197       	attribute7              jtf_tasks_b.attribute7%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
198       	attribute8              jtf_tasks_b.attribute8%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
199       	attribute9              jtf_tasks_b.attribute9%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
200       	attribute10             jtf_tasks_b.attribute10%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
201       	attribute11             jtf_tasks_b.attribute11%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
202       	attribute12             jtf_tasks_b.attribute12%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
203       	attribute13             jtf_tasks_b.attribute13%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
204       	attribute14             jtf_tasks_b.attribute14%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
205       	attribute15             jtf_tasks_b.attribute15%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
206       	attribute_category      jtf_tasks_b.attribute_category%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
207 	);
209 TYPE Esc_Contacts_Tbl_Type is TABLE of Esc_Contacts_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
211 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 -- Start of comments
213 --  Record Type     : Esc_Cont_Points_Rec_Type
214 --  Description     : Holds the escalation header attributes for creating record in
215 --		      JTF_TASK_PHONES table.
216 --  Fields     :
217 --      name                 type     required?      description
218 --      ----                 ----     ---------	    --------------
219 --  contact_id		NUMBER      required	Valid values are employee_id from per_employees_current_x
220 -- 		when the contact_type = 'EMP' or subject_party_id from jtf_party_all_contacts_v
221 -- 		where object_party_id = customer_id
222 --  contact_type_code  	VARCHAR2    required  for create_escalation. Valid values are 'EMP', 'CUST'
223 --  contact_point_id	NUMBER      required    Valid values are contact_point_id from hz_contact_points
224 --  task_phone_id	NUMBER	    required    for update/delete_escalation. Valid values are task_phone_id
225 --						from jtf_task_phones
226 --  object_version_number NUMBER    required for update/delete_escalation. object_version_number from
227 --		jtf_task_phones of the updated/deleted record.
228 --  action_code		VARCHAR2     required	Valid values are 'I' insert contact,
229 --						'U' - update contact, 'D' - delete contact
230 --  attribute1..attribute15	VARCHAR2    optional	Flex field attribute columns
231 --							for descriptive flexfield support.
232 --  attribute_category	 VARCHAR2     optional	   Category column for descriptive flexfield support
233 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
235 TYPE Esc_Cont_Points_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
236 	contact_id		jtf_task_contacts.contact_id%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
237 	contact_type_code   	jtf_task_contacts.contact_type_code%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
238 	contact_point_id	jtf_task_phones.phone_id%TYPE			:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
239 	task_phone_id		jtf_task_phones.task_phone_id%TYPE		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
240 	object_version_number	jtf_task_phones.object_version_number%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
241 	action_code		varchar2(1),
242       	attribute1            	jtf_tasks_b.attribute1%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
243       	attribute2              jtf_tasks_b.attribute2%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
244       	attribute3              jtf_tasks_b.attribute3%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
245       	attribute4              jtf_tasks_b.attribute4%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
246       	attribute5              jtf_tasks_b.attribute5%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
247       	attribute6              jtf_tasks_b.attribute6%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
248       	attribute7              jtf_tasks_b.attribute7%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
249       	attribute8              jtf_tasks_b.attribute8%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
250       	attribute9              jtf_tasks_b.attribute9%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
251       	attribute10             jtf_tasks_b.attribute10%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
252       	attribute11             jtf_tasks_b.attribute11%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
253       	attribute12             jtf_tasks_b.attribute12%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
254       	attribute13             jtf_tasks_b.attribute13%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
255       	attribute14             jtf_tasks_b.attribute14%TYPE 	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
256       	attribute15             jtf_tasks_b.attribute15%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
257       	attribute_category      jtf_tasks_b.attribute_category%TYPE	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR
258 	);
260 TYPE Esc_Cont_Points_Tbl_Type is TABLE of Esc_Cont_Points_Rec_Type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
262 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
263 -- Start of comments
264 --  Record Type     : Notes_Rec_Type
265 --  Description     : Holds the notes attributes for creating record in
266 --		      JTF_NOTES_B table.
267 --  Fields     :
268 --      name                 type     required?      description
269 --      ----                 ----     ---------	    --------------
270 --  action_code		VARCHAR2     required	Valid values are 'I' insert contact,
271 --						'U' - update contact, 'D' - delete contact
272 --  note_id		NUMBER	     required   for update. A valid value is jtf_notes.jtf_note_id
273 --  note		VARCHAR2     optional   Free text.
274 --  note_detail		VARCHAR2     optional   Free text.
275 --  note_type		VARCHAR2     optional
276 --  note_status		VARCHAR2     optional   'I' if not passed.
277 --  note_context_type_01  VARCHAR2   optional
278 --  note_context_type_id_01 NUMBER   optional
279 --  note_context_type_02  VARCHAR2   optional
280 --  note_context_type_id_02 NUMBER   optional
281 --  note_context_type_03  VARCHAR2   optional
282 --  note_context_type_id_03 NUMBER   optional
283 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
285 TYPE Notes_Rec_Type IS RECORD (
286     action_code			varchar2(1),
287     note_id			NUMBER		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
288     note			VARCHAR2(2000)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
289     note_detail			VARCHAR2(32767)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
290     note_type			VARCHAR2(240)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
291     note_status			VARCHAR2(1)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
292     note_context_type_01	VARCHAR2(240)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
293     note_context_type_id_01	NUMBER		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
294     note_context_type_02	VARCHAR2(240)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
295     note_context_type_id_02	NUMBER		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM,
296     note_context_type_03 	VARCHAR2(240)	:= FND_API.G_MISS_CHAR,
297     note_context_type_id_03 	NUMBER		:= FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
298 );
302 g_miss_esc_ref_docs_tbl		Esc_Ref_Docs_Tbl_Type;
303 g_miss_esc_contacts_tbl		Esc_Contacts_Tbl_Type;
304 g_miss_esc_cont_points_tbl	Esc_Cont_Points_Tbl_Type;
305 g_miss_esc_notes_tbl		Notes_Tbl_Type;
307 /*#
308 * Creates an escalation for a specific business entity. Only one open escalation may be maintained for each instance of the business entity.
309 *
310 *
311 * @param p_api_version The standard API version number.
312 * @param p_init_msg_list The standard API flag allows API callers to request
313 * that the API does the initialization of the message list on their behalf.
314 * By default, the message list will not be initialized.
315 * @param p_commit The standard API flag is used by API callers to ask
316 * the API to commit on their behalf after performing its function.
317 * By default, the commit will not be performed.
318 * @param x_return_status The parameter that returns the result of all the operations performed
319 * by the API and must have one of the following values:
320 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS</Code>
321 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR</Code>
322 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR</Code>
323 * @param x_msg_count The parameter that returns the number of messages in the FND message list.
324 * @param x_msg_data The parameter that returns the FND message in encoded format.
325 * @param p_resp_appl_id	The application id used to get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl combo.
326 * @param p_resp_id The responsibility id used to get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl combo.
327 * @param p_user_id The user id used to get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl combo.
328 * @param p_login_id The login id for record update tracking.
329 * @param p_esc_id The Escalation ID for the created Escalation.
330 * @param p_esc_record The Escalation Data (Escalation Record). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
331 * @param p_reference_documents The List of Reference Documents (Reference Records). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
332 * @param p_esc_contacts	The List of Escalation Contacts (Contact's Records). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
333 * @param p_cont_points The List of Phones for the Escalation Contacts (Contact Point Records). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
334 * @param p_notes The Notes attached to the Escalation. For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
335 * @param x_esc_id The parameter that returns the Escalation ID for the created Escalation.
336 * @param x_esc_number The parameter that returns the Escalation Number for the created Escalation.
337 * @param x_workflow_process_id The parameter that returns the Workflow Process ID for notifications of the Escalation.
338 * @rep:scope public
339 * @rep:lifecycle active
340 * @rep:displayname Create Escalation
341 * @rep:compatibility S
343 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CAC_CAL_TASK
344 */
346 	p_api_version         	IN	NUMBER,
347 	p_init_msg_list       	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
348 	p_commit              	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
349 	x_return_status       	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
350 	x_msg_count           	OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
351 	x_msg_data            	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
352   	p_resp_appl_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
353   	p_resp_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
354   	p_user_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
355   	p_login_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
356 	p_esc_id		IN	jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE	:=NULL,
357 --	p_esc_number		IN	jtf_tasks_b.task_number%TYPE	:=NULL,
358 	p_esc_record		IN	Esc_Rec_Type,
359 	p_reference_documents	IN	Esc_Ref_Docs_Tbl_Type 		DEFAULT g_miss_esc_ref_docs_tbl,
360 	p_esc_contacts		IN	Esc_Contacts_Tbl_Type,
361 	p_cont_points		IN	Esc_Cont_Points_Tbl_Type 	DEFAULT g_miss_esc_cont_points_tbl,
362 	p_notes			IN	Notes_Tbl_Type 			DEFAULT g_miss_esc_notes_tbl,
363 	x_esc_id		OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
364 	x_esc_number		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
365 	x_workflow_process_id	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
367 /*#
368 * Updates an existing escalation. Only one open escalation may be maintained for each instance of the business entity.
369 *
370 * @param p_api_version The standard API version number.
371 * @param p_init_msg_list The standard API flag allows API callers to request
372 * that the API does the initialization of the message list on their behalf.
373 * By default, the message list will not be initialized.
374 * @param p_commit The standard API flag is used by API callers to ask
375 * the API to commit on their behalf after performing its function.
376 * By default, the commit will not be performed.
377 * @param x_return_status The parameter that returns the result of all the operations performed
378 * by the API and must have one of the following values:
379 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS</Code>
380 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR</Code>
381 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR</Code>
382 * @param x_msg_count The parameter that returns the number of messages in the FND message list.
383 * @param x_msg_data The parameter that returns the FND Message in encoded format.
384 * @param p_resp_appl_id	The application id used to get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl combo.
385 * @param p_resp_id The responsibility id used to get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl combo.
386 * @param p_user_id The user id used to Get profile value for a specific user/resp/appl combo.
387 * @param p_login_id The login id for record update tracking.
388 * @param p_esc_id The Escalation ID for the created Escalation.
389 * @param p_esc_number The Escalation Number for the created Escalation.
390 * @param p_object_version The Object Version Number for the Escalation Record.
391 * @param p_esc_record The Escalation Data (Escalation Record). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
392 * @param p_reference_documents The List of Reference Documents (Reference Records). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
393 * @param p_esc_contacts The List of Escalation Contacts (Contacts' Records). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
394 * @param p_cont_points The List of Phones for the Escalation Contacts (Contact Point Records). For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
395 * @param p_notes The Notes attached to the Escalation. For details see: Oracle Common Application Calendar - API Reference Guide.
396 * @param x_object_version_number The parameter that returns the Object Version Number after update.
397 * @param x_workflow_process_id The parameter that returns the Workflow Process ID for notifications of the Escalation.
398 * @rep:scope public
399 * @rep:lifecycle active
400 * @rep:displayname Update Escalation
401 * @rep:compatibility S
403 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CAC_CAL_TASK
404 */
406 	p_api_version         	IN	NUMBER,
407 	p_init_msg_list       	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
408 	p_commit              	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
409 	x_return_status       	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
410 	x_msg_count           	OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
411 	x_msg_data            	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
412   	p_resp_appl_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
413   	p_resp_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
414   	p_user_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL, -- used for last updated by
415   	p_login_id		IN      NUMBER	:= NULL,
416 	p_esc_id		IN	jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE	:=NULL,
417 	p_esc_number		IN	jtf_tasks_b.task_number%TYPE	:=NULL,
418 	p_object_version	IN	NUMBER,
419 	p_esc_record		IN	Esc_Rec_Type,
420 	p_reference_documents	IN	Esc_Ref_Docs_Tbl_Type		DEFAULT g_miss_esc_ref_docs_tbl,
421 	p_esc_contacts		IN	Esc_Contacts_Tbl_Type		DEFAULT g_miss_esc_contacts_tbl,
422 	p_cont_points		IN	Esc_Cont_Points_Tbl_Type 	DEFAULT g_miss_esc_cont_points_tbl,
423 	p_notes			IN	Notes_Tbl_Type			DEFAULT g_miss_esc_notes_tbl,
424         x_object_version_number OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
425 	x_workflow_process_id	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
427 /*#
428 * Deletes an Escalation.  Validation on User Hooks and user are done before deletion.
429 *
430 * @param p_api_version The standard API version number.
431 * @param p_init_msg_list The standard API flag allows API callers to request.
432 * that the API does the initialization of the message list on their behalf.
433 * By default, the message list will not be initialized.
434 * @param p_commit The standard API flag is used by API callers to ask
435 * the API to commit on their behalf after performing its function.
436 * By default, the commit will not be performed.
437 * @param x_return_status The parameter that returns the result of all the operations performed
438 * by the API and must have one of the following values:
439 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS</Code>
440 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR</Code>
441 *   <LI><Code>FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR</Code>
442 * @param x_msg_count The parameter that returns the number of messages in the FND message list.
443 * @param x_msg_data The parameter that returns the FND Message in encoded format.
444 * @param p_user_id The user id to validate the user.
445 * @param p_login_id The login id for record delete tracking.
446 * @param p_esc_id The Escalation ID to be deleted.
447 * @param p_esc_number The Escalation Number to be deleted.
448 * @param p_object_version The Object Version Number for the Escalation Record.
449 * @rep:scope public
450 * @rep:lifecycle active
451 * @rep:displayname Delete Escalation
452 * @rep:compatibility S
454 * @rep:category BUSINESS_ENTITY CAC_CAL_TASK
455 */
457 	p_api_version         	IN	NUMBER,
458 	p_init_msg_list       	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
459 	p_commit              	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false,
460 	x_return_status       	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
461 	x_msg_count           	OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER,
462 	x_msg_data            	OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
463   	p_user_id		IN      NUMBER,
464   	p_login_id		IN      NUMBER		:= NULL,
465 	p_esc_id		IN	jtf_tasks_b.task_id%TYPE	:= fnd_api.g_miss_num,
466 	p_esc_number		IN	jtf_tasks_b.task_number%TYPE	:= fnd_api.g_miss_char,
467 	p_object_version	IN	NUMBER);