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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

    SELECT pei.pei_information5
      FROM per_people_extra_info  pei
     WHERE pei.information_type         = 'PQP_OSS_PERSON_DETAILS'
       AND pei.pei_information_category = 'PQP_OSS_PERSON_DETAILS'
       AND pei.person_id                = c_person_id;
Line: 33

  l_last_update_date    Date;
Line: 64

  If p_action = 'UPDATE' AND
     Not l_return_flag       THEN
     Hr_Utility.set_location('..p_action : '||p_action,9 );
Line: 67

     (p_business_group_id      => p_addr_rec_new.business_group_id
     ,p_person_id              => p_addr_rec_new.person_id
     ,p_party_id               => p_addr_rec_new.party_id
     ,p_address_id             => p_addr_rec_new.address_id
     ,p_effective_date         => p_effective_date
     ,p_per_addr_rec_new       => p_addr_rec_new
     ,p_per_addr_rec_old       => p_addr_rec_old
      -- TCA
     ,p_party_type             => 'PERSON'
     ,p_action                 => p_action
     ,p_status                 => 'A'
      -- In Out Variables
     ,p_location_id            => l_location_id
     ,p_party_site_id          => l_party_site_id
     ,p_last_update_date       => l_hz_loc_upd_dt
     ,p_party_site_ovn         => l_party_site_ovn
     ,p_location_ovn           => l_location_ovn
     ,p_rowid                  => l_hz_loc_rowid
      -- Out Variables
     ,p_return_status          => l_return_status
     ,p_msg_data               => l_msg_data
Line: 90

  ELSIF p_action = 'INSERT' AND
        Not l_return_flag      THEN
     Hr_Utility.set_location('..p_action : '||p_action,9 );
Line: 107

     ,p_last_update_date       => l_last_update_date
     ,p_party_site_ovn         => l_party_site_ovn
     ,p_location_ovn           => l_location_ovn
     ,p_rowid                  => l_rowid
      -- Out Variables
     ,p_return_status          => l_return_status
     ,p_msg_data               => l_msg_data
Line: 141

procedure insert_row(p_row_id in out nocopy VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_id           in out nocopy NUMBER
      ,p_business_group_id           NUMBER
      ,p_person_id                   NUMBER
      ,p_date_from                   DATE
      ,p_primary_flag                VARCHAR2
      ,p_style                       VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line1               VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line2               VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line3               VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_type                VARCHAR2
      ,p_comments                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_country                     VARCHAR2
      ,p_date_to                     DATE
      ,p_postal_code                 VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_1                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_2                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_3                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_1          VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_2          VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_3          VARCHAR2
      ,p_town_or_city                VARCHAR2
      ,p_request_id                  NUMBER
      ,p_program_application_id      NUMBER
      ,p_program_id                  NUMBER
      ,p_program_update_date         DATE
      ,p_addr_attribute_category     VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute1             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute2             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute3             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute4             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute5             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute6             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute7             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute8             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute9             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute10            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute11            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute12            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute13            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute14            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute15            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute16            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute17            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute18            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute19            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute20            VARCHAR2
-- ***** Start new code for bug 2711964 **************
      ,p_add_information13           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information14           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information15           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information16           VARCHAR2
-- ***** End new code for bug 2711964 ***************
      ,p_add_information17           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information18           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information19           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information20           VARCHAR2
      ,p_end_of_time                 DATE DEFAULT  to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
       ) is
-- Local Variables
l_default_primary VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 205

 -- ***** Start new code for bug 2711964 **************
-- ***** End new code for bug 2711964 ***************
Line: 265

end insert_row;
Line: 267

procedure insert_row(p_row_id in out nocopy VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_id           in out nocopy NUMBER
      ,p_business_group_id           NUMBER
      ,p_person_id                   NUMBER
      ,p_date_from                   DATE
      ,p_primary_flag                VARCHAR2
      ,p_style                       VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line1               VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line2               VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line3               VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_type                VARCHAR2
      ,p_comments                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_country                     VARCHAR2
      ,p_date_to                     DATE
      ,p_postal_code                 VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_1                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_2                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_3                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_1          VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_2          VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_3          VARCHAR2
      ,p_town_or_city                VARCHAR2
      ,p_request_id                  NUMBER
      ,p_program_application_id      NUMBER
      ,p_program_id                  NUMBER
      ,p_program_update_date         DATE
      ,p_addr_attribute_category     VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute1             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute2             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute3             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute4             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute5             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute6             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute7             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute8             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute9             VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute10            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute11            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute12            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute13            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute14            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute15            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute16            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute17            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute18            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute19            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute20            VARCHAR2
-- ***** Start new code for bug 2711964 **************
      ,p_add_information13           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information14           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information15           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information16           VARCHAR2
-- ***** End new code for bug 2711964 ***************
      ,p_add_information17           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information18           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information19           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information20           VARCHAR2
      ,p_end_of_time                 DATE DEFAULT  to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
      ,p_default_primary      IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) is
cursor c1 is select per_addresses_s.nextval
             from sys.dual;
Line: 331

cursor c2 is select rowid
             from per_addresses
             where address_id = p_address_id;
Line: 336

cursor c3 is select *
             from per_addresses
             where address_id = p_address_id;
Line: 343

             select max(party_id)
             from per_all_people_f
             where person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 350

SELECT fpi.status
FROM fnd_product_installations fpi,
     per_people_f ppf,
     per_business_groups pbg
WHERE fpi.application_id = 801
AND   p_person_id = ppf.person_id
AND   p_business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id
AND   pbg.legislation_code = 'US'
AND   p_person_id = ppf.person_id
AND   ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
AND   p_style = 'US'
AND   p_primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 369

SELECT  pbg.legislation_code
from    per_business_groups pbg
where   p_business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id;
Line: 388

Line: 398

 insert into per_addresses(
-- ***** Start new code for bug 2711964 **************
-- ***** End new code for bug 2711964 ***************
-- ***** Start new code for bug 2711964 **************
-- ***** End new code for bug 2711964 ***************
Line: 546

  ,p_action         => 'INSERT'
  ,p_effective_date => p_date_from
Line: 592

end insert_row;
Line: 594

procedure delete_row(p_row_id VARCHAR2) is
-- local variables
l_person_id NUMBER;
Line: 603

Line: 608

end delete_row;
Line: 610

procedure delete_row(p_row_id VARCHAR2
                    ,p_person_id NUMBER
                    ,p_business_group_id NUMBER
                    ,p_end_of_time DATE
                    ,p_default_primary IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is
delete from per_addresses pa
where pa.rowid = chartorowid(p_row_id);
Line: 624

end delete_row;
Line: 674

cursor addr is select *
from per_addresses
where rowid = chartorowid(p_row_id)
for update nowait;
Line: 873

procedure update_row(p_row_id       VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_id                 NUMBER
      ,p_business_group_id          NUMBER
      ,p_person_id                  NUMBER
      ,p_date_from                  DATE
      ,p_primary_flag               VARCHAR2
      ,p_style                      VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line1              VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line2              VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_line3              VARCHAR2
      ,p_address_type               VARCHAR2
      ,p_comments                   VARCHAR2
      ,p_country                    VARCHAR2
      ,p_date_to                    DATE
      ,p_postal_code                VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_1                   VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_2                   VARCHAR2
      ,p_region_3                   VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_1         VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_2         VARCHAR2
      ,p_telephone_number_3         VARCHAR2
      ,p_town_or_city               VARCHAR2
      ,p_request_id                 NUMBER
      ,p_program_application_id     NUMBER
      ,p_program_id                 NUMBER
      ,p_program_update_date        DATE
      ,p_addr_attribute_category    VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute1            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute2            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute3            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute4            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute5            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute6            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute7            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute8            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute9            VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute10           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute11           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute12           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute13           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute14           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute15           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute16           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute17           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute18           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute19           VARCHAR2
      ,p_addr_attribute20           VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information17          VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information18          VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information19          VARCHAR2
      ,p_add_information20          VARCHAR2
      ,p_end_of_time                DATE DEFAULT  to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
) is
-- Local Variables
l_default_primary VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 934

Line: 935

Line: 991

end update_row;
Line: 993

procedure update_row(p_row_id VARCHAR2
   ,p_address_id                    NUMBER
   ,p_business_group_id             NUMBER
   ,p_person_id                     NUMBER
   ,p_date_from                     DATE
   ,p_primary_flag                  VARCHAR2
   ,p_style                         VARCHAR2
   ,p_address_line1                 VARCHAR2
   ,p_address_line2                 VARCHAR2
   ,p_address_line3                 VARCHAR2
   ,p_address_type                  VARCHAR2
   ,p_comments                      VARCHAR2
   ,p_country                       VARCHAR2
   ,p_date_to                       DATE
   ,p_postal_code                   VARCHAR2
   ,p_region_1                      VARCHAR2
   ,p_region_2                      VARCHAR2
   ,p_region_3                      VARCHAR2
   ,p_telephone_number_1            VARCHAR2
   ,p_telephone_number_2            VARCHAR2
   ,p_telephone_number_3            VARCHAR2
   ,p_town_or_city                  VARCHAR2
   ,p_request_id                    NUMBER
   ,p_program_application_id        NUMBER
   ,p_program_id                    NUMBER
   ,p_program_update_date           DATE
   ,p_addr_attribute_category       VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute1               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute2               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute3               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute4               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute5               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute6               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute7               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute8               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute9               VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute10              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute11              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute12              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute13              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute14              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute15              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute16              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute17              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute18              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute19              VARCHAR2
   ,p_addr_attribute20              VARCHAR2
   ,p_add_information17             VARCHAR2
   ,p_add_information18             VARCHAR2
   ,p_add_information19             VARCHAR2
   ,p_add_information20             VARCHAR2
   ,p_end_of_time                   DATE DEFAULT  to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')
   ,p_default_primary        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
) is
/* Need to check that US payroll is installed.
This will now be checked in default_tax_with_validation_package */
CURSOR get_install_info IS
SELECT fpi.status
FROM fnd_product_installations fpi,
     per_people_f ppf,
     per_business_groups pbg
WHERE fpi.application_id = 801
AND   p_person_id = ppf.person_id
AND   ppf.current_employee_flag = 'Y'
AND   p_business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id
AND   pbg.legislation_code = 'US'
AND   p_style = 'US'
AND   p_primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1069

SELECT  pbg.legislation_code
from    per_business_groups pbg
where   p_business_group_id = pbg.business_group_id;
Line: 1086

  select *
  from   per_addresses
  where  rowid = chartorowid(p_row_id);
Line: 1123

update per_addresses pa set
pa.address_id               = p_address_id
,pa.business_group_id       = p_business_group_id
,pa.person_id               = p_person_id
,pa.date_from               = p_date_from
,pa.primary_flag            = p_primary_flag
,pa.style                   = p_style
,pa.address_line1           = p_address_line1
,pa.address_line2           = p_address_line2
,pa.address_line3           = p_address_line3
,pa.address_type            = p_address_type
,pa.comments                = p_comments
,pa.country                 = p_country
,pa.date_to                 = p_date_to
,pa.postal_code             = p_postal_code
,pa.region_1                = p_region_1
,pa.region_2                = p_region_2
,pa.region_3                = p_region_3
,pa.telephone_number_1      = p_telephone_number_1
,pa.telephone_number_2      = p_telephone_number_2
,pa.telephone_number_3      = p_telephone_number_3
,pa.town_or_city            = p_town_or_city
,pa.request_id              = p_request_id
,pa.program_application_id  = p_program_application_id
,pa.program_id              = p_program_id
,pa.program_update_date     = p_program_update_date
,pa.addr_attribute_category = p_addr_attribute_category
,pa.addr_attribute1         = p_addr_attribute1
,pa.addr_attribute2         = p_addr_attribute2
,pa.addr_attribute3         = p_addr_attribute3
,pa.addr_attribute4         = p_addr_attribute4
,pa.addr_attribute5         = p_addr_attribute5
,pa.addr_attribute6         = p_addr_attribute6
,pa.addr_attribute7         = p_addr_attribute7
,pa.addr_attribute8         = p_addr_attribute8
,pa.addr_attribute9         = p_addr_attribute9
,pa.addr_attribute10        = p_addr_attribute10
,pa.addr_attribute11        = p_addr_attribute11
,pa.addr_attribute12        = p_addr_attribute12
,pa.addr_attribute13        = p_addr_attribute13
,pa.addr_attribute14        = p_addr_attribute14
,pa.addr_attribute15        = p_addr_attribute15
,pa.addr_attribute16        = p_addr_attribute16
,pa.addr_attribute17        = p_addr_attribute17
,pa.addr_attribute18        = p_addr_attribute18
,pa.addr_attribute19        = p_addr_attribute19
,pa.addr_attribute20        = p_addr_attribute20
,pa.add_information17       = p_add_information17
,pa.add_information18       = p_add_information18
,pa.add_information19       = p_add_information19
,pa.add_information20       = p_add_information20
where pa.rowid = chartorowid(p_row_id);
Line: 1217

  ,p_action         => 'UPDATE'
  ,p_effective_date => p_date_from
Line: 1259

end update_row;
Line: 1265

select  'Y'
from    per_addresses pa
,       fnd_sessions fs
where   pa.business_group_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
and     pa.person_id         = p_person_id
and     pa.primary_flag = 'Y'
and     fs.session_id(+) = userenv('sessionid')
and     nvl(fs.effective_date,sysdate) between pa.date_from
and     nvl(pa.date_to,p_end_of_time);
Line: 1297

select 'Y'
from per_addresses pa1
where pa1.primary_flag = 'N'
and   pa1.person_id = p_person_id
and not exists (select 'x'
from per_addresses pa2
where pa2.person_id = pa1.person_id
and pa2.primary_flag = 'Y'
and pa2.address_id <> pa1.address_id
and pa2.date_from <=pa1.date_from
and nvl(pa2.date_to, p_end_of_time) >=
nvl(pa1.date_to, p_end_of_time));
Line: 1335

select descriptive_flex_context_name, descriptive_flex_context_code
from fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl
where (descriptive_flex_context_code = p_legislation_code
  or (p_legislation_code = descriptive_flex_context_code
  and p_legislation_code in ('CA','US')
  and l_geocodes_installed = 'Y'))
and descriptive_flexfield_name = 'Address Structure'
and application_id = 800 -- bug fix 3648688.
and enabled_flag = 'Y'
Line: 1347

select descriptive_flex_context_name,descriptive_flex_context_code
from fnd_descr_flex_contexts_vl
where substr(descriptive_flex_context_code,1,2)= p_legislation_code
and descriptive_flexfield_name = 'Address Structure'
and application_id = 800 -- bug fix 3648688.
and enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1381

  select ft.territory_short_name
  into   p_default_country
  from   fnd_territories_vl ft
  ,      fnd_descr_flex_contexts fdfc
  where ft.territory_code = p_legislation_code
  and   fdfc.descriptive_flex_context_code  = ft.territory_code
  and   fdfc.descriptive_flexfield_name ='Address Structure'
  and   fdfc.application_id = 800 -- bug fix 3648688
  and   fdfc.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1458

    select 'Y'
    from per_addresses pa
    where pa.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1463

    select 'Y'
    from   per_addresses pa
    where  person_id    = p_person_id
    and    date_from    = l_date_from
    and    primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1470

    select 'Y'
    from   per_addresses pa
    where  person_id = p_person_id
    and    primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1476

    select min(date_from)
    from   per_addresses
    where  person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1482

    select effective_start_date
    from per_assignments_f asg
    where asg.person_id = p_person_id
    and   asg.payroll_id is not null
    and   asg.assignment_type ='E'       -- fix for bug14248791
    order by effective_start_date;
Line: 1491

    select date_to
    from per_addresses pa
    where date_from = l_date_from
    and person_id = p_person_id
    and primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1498

    select date_from,
    from   per_addresses pa
    where  person_id = p_person_id
    and    primary_flag = 'Y'
    order by date_from;
Line: 1506

    select 'Y'
    from per_addresses pa
    where person_id = p_person_id
    and   primary_flag = 'Y'
    and   exists (select 'Y'
                    from per_addresses pa2
                   where pa.person_id = pa2.person_id
                     and pa.address_id <> pa2.address_id
                     and pa2.primary_flag = 'Y'
                     and ((pa2.date_from between pa.date_from and
                     or  (pa.date_from between pa2.date_from
                                       and nvl(pa2.date_to,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'))                     )
Line: 1524

    select 'Y'
    from   per_person_type_usages_f p, per_person_types t
    where  p.person_id = p_person_id
    and    p.person_type_id = t.person_type_id
    and    t.system_person_type in ('EMP','CWK')
    and  nvl(date1,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')) between effective_start_date and effective_end_date-1;
Line: 1532

    select effective_start_date, effective_end_date
    from   per_person_type_usages_f p, per_person_types t
    where  p.person_id = p_person_id
    and    p.person_type_id = t.person_type_id
    and    t.system_person_type in ('EMP','CWK')
    and  effective_start_date > nvl(date1,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')) ;
Line: 1546

    select 1
    from per_addresses pa
    where pa.address_type is not null
    and   pa.person_id = p_person_id
    and exists( select 1
    from per_addresses pa2
    where pa2.address_id <> pa.address_id
    and   pa2.address_type is not null
    and   pa.address_type = pa2.address_type
    and   pa.person_id = pa2.person_id
    and   ((pa.date_from between pa2.date_from and nvl(pa2.date_to,
                   (nvl(pa.date_to,p_end_of_time) between pa2.date_from and
                    nvl(pa2.date_to, p_end_of_time))
Line: 1785

            /* select 'Y'
            into v_dummy
            from   per_addresses pa
            where  person_id = p_person_id
            and    primary_flag = 'N'
            and date_from between l_date_from and l_date_to;
Line: 1800

	     select 'Y'
            into v_dummy
            from   per_addresses pa
            where  person_id = p_person_id
            and    primary_flag = 'Y'
            and l_date_to between date_from and nvl(date_to,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY')) ;