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1 PACKAGE pay_monitor_balance_retrieval AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: pymnblrt.pkh 120.0 2005/05/29 06:47:58 appldev noship $ */
3 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 -- The following code declares table type for storage of var names
7 -- and values; and function to set and retrieve values from those
8 -- tables..   We use two separate tables to store names and values
9 -- because the PLSQL provided with 10.7 apps does not support storing
10 -- records in PLSQL index by tables.  So, for the var named "COLOR"
11 -- with value "BLUE", we would store 'COLOR' at index x of table
12 -- SessionVarNames, and 'BLUE' at index x of SessionVarValues.
13 --
14 -- Names and values are limited to 64 characters.
15 --
16 -- The get and set functions force the name parameter to upper case
17 -- before storing in, or searching the table.  The value parameter
18 -- is not converted.
19 --
20 -- The set function does not store NULL names, but it will store
21 -- NULL values.   NOTE this level of PLSQL does not support the
22 -- NEXT .. LAST attributes on PLSQL index by tables in WNDS pure
23 -- functions.  So we just store a NULL value when p_value is NULL
24 -- (or tracking table count would be too messy).   This has
25 -- unfortunate implications for performance if we store a large
26 -- number of variables.
27 --
28 type VarTable is table of VARCHAR2(64)
29         index by binary_integer;
30 --
31 -- this table contains the session var names
32 SessionVarNames VarTable;
33 --
34 -- this table contains the session var values
35 SessionVarValues VarTable;
37 -- The EmptyTable var is used to NULL other tables.  (PLSQL
38 -- that is certified with 10.7 APPS does not support
39 -- using delete on a PLSQL table.)   This table does
40 -- not get populated.
41 --
42 EmptyTable VarTable;
44 -- NOTE the level of PLSQL certified for 10.7 Apps does not support
45 -- the use of the NEXT or LAST attributes on PLSQL index by tables
46 -- in WNDS pure code.   So we must manually track the count of
47 -- table entries.
48 SessionVarCount NUMBER := 0;
49 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 -- FUNCTION get_session_var (main function)
51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 FUNCTION get_session_var(p_name VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2;
53 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 -- FUNCTION get_session_var with default parameter; if value not set,
55 -- returns default.
56 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
57 FUNCTION get_session_var(p_name VARCHAR2, p_default VARCHAR) return VARCHAR2;
58 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 -- PROCEDURE set_session_var
60 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
61 PROCEDURE set_session_var (p_name IN VARCHAR2, p_value IN VARCHAR2);
62 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
63 -- PROCEDURE clear_session_vars
64 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
65 PROCEDURE clear_session_vars;
66 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
67 -- PROCEDURE monitor_balance_retrieval
68 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
69 procedure monitor_balance_retrieval(p_defined_balance_id number
70                                    ,p_assignment_action_id number
71                                    ,p_reason varchar2);
72 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 -- PROCEDURE output_bal_retrieval_data
74 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 PROCEDURE output_bal_retrieval_data(p_module_name          varchar2
76                                    ,p_date_monitored       date
77                                    ,p_defined_balance_id   number
78                                    ,p_assignment_action_id number
79                                    ,p_reason               varchar2);
80 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 END pay_monitor_balance_retrieval;