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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 28

Procedure Update_shadow_row ( p_shadow_data in	ghr_pa_request_shadow%rowtype,
		              p_result	out nocopy Boolean);
Line: 31

/*Procedure fetch_update_routing_details
(p_pa_request_id           in         ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%type,
 p_object_version_number   in out     ghr_pa_requests.object_version_number%type,
 p_position_id             in         ghr_pa_requests.to_position_id%type,
 p_effective_date          in         ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type,
 p_retcode                 out        number,
 p_route_flag              out        boolean
Line: 111

      select rowid,pa_request_id,first_noa_code,second_noa_code,
      from   ghr_pa_requests
      where  pa_request_id = p_sf52_data.altered_pa_request_id
      and    first_noa_code not in ('001','002')
      and    second_noa_code is not null
      and    pa_notification_id is not null;
Line: 120

      /*and    not exists (select 1
                         from  ghr_pa_requests
                         where nvl(rpa_type,'-1') <> 'DUAL'
			 and   mass_action_id is null
                         and   first_noa_code in ('002')
                         and   pa_notification_id is not null
                         start with pa_request_id = p_sf52_data.altered_pa_request_id
                         and   altered_pa_request_id is null
                         connect by altered_pa_request_id = prior pa_request_id);*/
Line: 304

	print_sf52('Before Update to HR Single Action : ' , l_sf52_data);
Line: 338

	print_sf52('SINGLE_ACTION BEFORE UPDATE : ' , l_sf52_data);
Line: 344

        (p_pa_request_rec       =>  p_sf52_data
Line: 348

		ghr_sf52_update.main( 	p_pa_request_rec    	=> l_sf52_data,
				        p_pa_request_ei_rec 	=> l_sf52_ei_data,
				        p_generic_ei_rec        => l_agency_ei_data,
                                        p_capped_other_pay      => l_capped_other_pay);
Line: 356

        (p_pa_request_rec       =>  p_sf52_data
Line: 359

		ghr_sf52_update.main( 	p_pa_request_rec    	=> l_sf52_data,
					p_pa_request_ei_rec 	=> l_sf52_ei_data,
					p_generic_ei_rec       => l_agency_ei_data,
                                        p_capped_other_pay      => l_capped_other_pay);
Line: 366

			p_pa_request_id		=> l_sf52_data.pa_request_id,
			p_effective_date		=> l_session_var.date_effective,
			p_object_version_number	=> l_sf52_data.object_version_number,
			p_from_position_id	=> l_sf52_data.from_position_id,
			p_to_position_id		=> l_sf52_data.to_position_id,
			p_agency_code		=> l_sf52_data.agency_code,
                        p_sf52_data_result      => l_sf52_data
Line: 379

	Update_rfrs_values( p_sf52_data   => l_sf52_data,
				  p_shadow_data => l_shadow_data);
Line: 506

        (p_pa_request_rec       =>  p_sf52_data
Line: 510

				p_pa_request_rec    	=> l_sf52_data,
				p_pa_request_ei_rec	=> l_sf52_ei_data,
				p_generic_ei_rec		=> l_agency_ei_data,
                                p_capped_other_pay      => l_capped_other_pay);
Line: 567

        (p_pa_request_rec       =>  p_sf52_data
Line: 570

		p_pa_request_rec    	=> l_sf52_data,
		p_pa_request_ei_rec	=> l_sf52_ei_data,
		p_generic_ei_rec        => l_agency_ei_data,
                p_capped_other_pay      => l_capped_other_pay);
Line: 581

			p_pa_request_id		=> p_sf52_data.pa_request_id,
			p_effective_date		=> l_session_var.date_effective,
			p_object_version_number	=> p_sf52_data.object_version_number,
			p_from_position_id	=> p_sf52_data.from_position_id,
			p_to_position_id		=> p_sf52_data.to_position_id,
			p_agency_code		=> p_sf52_data.agency_code,
                        p_sf52_data_result      => l_sf52_data);
Line: 592

	Update_rfrs_values( p_sf52_data   => l_sf52_data_save,
				  p_shadow_data => l_shadow_data);
Line: 630

	Select pit.information_type
	from  ghr_pa_request_info_types  pit,
		ghr_noa_families           nfa,
		ghr_families               fam
	where  nfa.nature_of_action_id  = p_noa_id
	and    nfa.noa_family_code      = fam.noa_family_code
	and    fam.pa_info_type_flag    = 'Y'
	and    pit.noa_family_code      = fam.noa_family_code
	and    pit.information_type    <> 'GHR_US_PAR_GEN_AGENCY_DATA'
	and 	 pit.information_type	 like 'GHR_US%';
Line: 679

		select *
		from ghr_pa_request_extra_info
		where pa_request_id = cp_pa_request_id and
			information_type = cp_info_type;
Line: 756

		SELECT 	min(pa_history_id)
		FROM		ghr_pa_history ghrpah_1
		WHERE 	ghrpah_1.pa_request_id =
				(SELECT 	min(pa_request_id)
				FROM 		ghr_pa_requests
				CONNECT BY 	pa_request_id 	= prior altered_pa_request_id
				START WITH 	pa_request_id 	= cp_pa_request_id)
		AND		ghrpah_1.nature_of_action_id = cp_noa_id;
Line: 767

		SELECT 	noa_family_code
		FROM		ghr_dual_actions
		WHERE 	first_noa_id = p_first_noa_id
			AND   second_noa_id = p_second_noa_id;
Line: 773

		FROM		ghr_dual_proc_methods
		WHERE		LOWER(noa_family_code) = LOWER(p_noa_family_code)
			AND	LOWER(form_field_name) = LOWER(p_form_field_name);
Line: 801

		SELECT	fld.form_field_name,
			ghr_families			ghrf,
			ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods	met,
			ghr_pa_data_fields		fld,
			ghr_noa_families			fam
			    fam.noa_family_code		= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.noa_family_code	= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.update_hr_flag		= 'Y'
			AND met.process_method_code in ('AP', 'APUE', 'UE')
			AND met.pa_data_field_id	= fld.pa_data_field_id
			AND fam.nature_of_action_id	= p_noa_id;
Line: 2552

	from  ghr_noa_families noafam,
		ghr_families     fams
	where noafam.nature_of_action_id = c_noa_id               and
		noafam.enabled_flag        = 'Y'                    and
		fams.noa_family_code 	   = noafam.noa_family_code and
		fams.enabled_flag          = 'Y'                    and
		fams.update_hr_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2641

       select  person_id,effective_date
       from    ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b
       where   effective_date <= sysdate
       and     pa_notification_id is null
       and     approval_date is not null
       and     a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
       and     p_poi   =
               (select POEI_INFORMATION3 from per_position_extra_info
                where information_type = 'GHR_US_POS_GRP1'
                and   position_id = nvl(a.to_position_id,a.from_position_id))
       and     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
         and     exists
                (select 1
                 from per_people_f per
                 where per.person_id = a.person_id
                 and a.effective_date between
                 per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date )
      and     b.pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          from ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
       group by person_id,effective_date
       order by 2,1;
Line: 2669

       select  person_id,effective_date
       from    ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_pa_routing_history b
       where   effective_date <= sysdate
       and     pa_notification_id is null
       and     approval_date is not null
       and     a.pa_request_id = b.pa_request_id
       and     action_taken    = 'FUTURE_ACTION'
         and     exists
                (select 1
                 from per_people_f per
                 where per.person_id = a.person_id
                 and a.effective_date between
                 per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date )
      and     b.pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                          from ghr_pa_routing_history
                                          where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
       group by person_id,effective_date
       order by 2,1;
Line: 2689

       select  distinct person_id,effective_date
       from ghr_pa_requests a
       where effective_date <=  sysdate and
                pa_notification_id is null and
                approval_date is not null and
                exists  (select 'exists'
                         from ghr_pa_routing_history
                         where pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                                        from ghr_pa_routing_history
                                                        where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
                                                        and action_taken in ('FUTURE_ACTION'))
        order by 2,1;
Line: 2703

	select  pa_request_id ,noa.order_of_processing
	from   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_nature_of_actions noa
	where  person_id      =  l_person_id
      and    effective_date =  l_effective_date
      and    pa_notification_id is null
      and    approval_date is not null
      and    noa.code  = a.first_noa_code
      and    exists	(select 'exists'
				from ghr_pa_routing_history
				where pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
									from ghr_pa_routing_history
									where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
					and action_taken in ('FUTURE_ACTION'))
	order by 2 asc;
Line: 2720

        select * from ghr_pa_requests
        where  pa_request_id = l_pa_request_id;
Line: 2726

        select userenv('sessionid') sesid  from dual;
Line: 2736

   select  pa_request_id ,noa.order_of_processing
   from   ghr_pa_requests a, ghr_nature_of_actions noa
   where  person_id      =  l_person_id
   and    effective_date =  l_effective_date
   and    pa_notification_id is null
   and    approval_date is not null
   and    noa.code  = a.first_noa_code
   and    exists  (select 'exists'
          from ghr_pa_routing_history
          where pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
                                         from ghr_pa_routing_history
                                         where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
   and action_taken in ('FUTURE_ACTION'))
   order by 2 asc;
Line: 2753

   select * from ghr_pa_requests
   where  pa_request_id = l_pa_request_id;
Line: 2763

     select par.object_version_number
     from   ghr_pa_requests par
     where  par.pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;           -- 3769917
Line: 2802

						'Cause: The Personnel Action attempted to update the employee''s salary with a ' || l_new_line ||
						'decreased amount of Basic Pay. ' || l_new_line ||
						'Action: Please review the personnel action to verify the Grade and Step, Pay Table amounts,' || l_new_line ||
						'and Pay Rate Determinant code for this employee.' ;    -- Bug 3320086 Changed error message.
Line: 2828

				  (p_pa_request_id                  =>  l_sf52_rec.pa_request_id,
				   p_effective_date                 =>  l_sf52_rec.effective_date,
				   p_from_position_id               =>  l_sf52_rec.from_position_id,
				   p_to_position_id                 =>  l_sf52_rec.to_position_id,
				   p_agency_code                    =>  l_sf52_rec.agency_code,
				   p_from_agency_code               =>  l_sf52_rec.from_agency_code,
				   p_from_agency_desc               =>  l_sf52_rec.from_agency_desc,
				   p_from_office_symbol             =>  l_sf52_rec.from_office_symbol,
				   p_personnel_office_id            =>  l_sf52_rec.personnel_office_id,
				   p_employee_dept_or_agency        =>  l_sf52_rec.employee_dept_or_agency,
				   p_to_office_symbol               =>  l_sf52_rec.to_office_symbol
Line: 2893

						'Action: RPA related information has changed. Retrieve the RPA from the groupbox to review the refreshed information, make necessary changes, and update HR',1,2000);
Line: 2991

      update fnd_sessions set SESSION_ID = l_sid
      where  SESSION_ID = l_sid;
Line: 2994

         INSERT INTO fnd_sessions
Line: 3136

Procedure fetch_update_routing_details
(p_pa_request_id           in         ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%type,
 p_object_version_number   in out     ghr_pa_requests.object_version_number%type,
 p_position_id             in         ghr_pa_requests.to_position_id%type,
 p_effective_date          in         ghr_pa_requests.effective_date%type,
 p_retcode                 out     nocopy   number,
 p_route_flag              out     nocopy   boolean


 l_groupbox_id                ghr_groupboxes.groupbox_id%type;
Line: 3149

 l_proc     			varchar2(72)  :=  ' ghr_process_sf52.' || 'update_routing_details';
Line: 3159

   select pa_routing_history_id,
   from   ghr_pa_routing_history
   where  pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id
   order  by 1 desc;
Line: 3177

  l_proc            	varchar2(72) :=  'fetch_update_rout_details '  || 'get_personnel_off_groupbox';
Line: 3186

    select  substr(hl.description,1,30) description
    from    hr_lookups hl
    where   hl.application_id      = 800
    and     hl.lookup_type         = 'GHR_US_PERSONNEL_OFFICE_ID'
    and     hl.lookup_code         = l_personnel_office_id
    and     hl.enabled_flag        = 'Y'
    and     nvl(p_effective_date,trunc(sysdate))
    between nvl(hl.start_date_active,nvl(p_effective_date,trunc(sysdate)))
    and     nvl(hl.end_date_active,nvl(p_effective_date,trunc(sysdate)));
Line: 3197

    select  gbx.groupbox_id gpid, gbx.routing_group_id rgpid
           --gbx.name, rgp.name
    from    ghr_groupboxes gbx,
            ghr_routing_groups rgp
    where   gbx.name = l_groupbox_name
    and     gbx.routing_group_id = rgp.routing_group_id;
Line: 3267

  savepoint fetch_update_routing_details;
Line: 3293

      rollback to fetch_update_routing_details;
Line: 3334

    rollback to fetch_update_routing_details;
Line: 3343

 end fetch_update_routing_details;
Line: 3359

	select *
	from ghr_pa_requests a
	where person_id 	   =  cp_person_id	and
		effective_date > cp_date_effective      and
                pa_notification_id is null 		and
		approval_date is not null		and
		exists 	(select 'exists'
				from ghr_pa_routing_history
				where pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
									from ghr_pa_routing_history
									where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
					and action_taken in ('FUTURE_ACTION')) ;
Line: 3409

	select *
	from ghr_pa_requests a
	where person_id 	=  cp_person_id 	and
		effective_date = cp_date_effective      and
            pa_notification_id is null 		        and
		approval_date is not null		and
		exists 	(select 'exists'
				from ghr_pa_routing_history
				where pa_routing_history_id = (select max(pa_routing_history_id)
									from ghr_pa_routing_history
									where pa_request_id = a.pa_request_id)
					and action_taken in ('FUTURE_ACTION')) ;
Line: 3461

     insert into ghr_process_log
Line: 3631

  SELECT 	per.national_identifier
  FROM   per_people_f per
  WHERE  per.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    NVL(p_effective_date,TRUNC(sysdate))  between per.effective_start_date and per.effective_end_date;
Line: 3641

	from hr_all_positions_f pos  -- Venkat -- Position DT
	where pos.position_id = c_position_id
         and p_effective_date between pos.effective_start_date
                and pos.effective_end_date;
Line: 3651

		noa_family_code, first_noa_code, first_noa_id,
        second_noa_code, second_noa_id
	, pay_rate_determinant
        /* input_pay_rate_determinant*/
	from ghr_pa_requests
	where pa_request_id = nvl(p_sf52_data.pa_request_id,l_session_var.pa_request_id);
Line: 3661

          select ppt.system_person_type
          from   per_people_f ppf,
                 per_person_types ppt
          where   ppf.person_id = p_person_id
          and     p_effective_date
          between ppf.effective_start_date
          and     ppf.effective_end_date
          and     ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id;
Line: 3672

         select  fpm.process_method_code
         from    ghr_noa_families         nof
                 ,ghr_families             fam
                 ,ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods fpm
                 ,ghr_pa_data_fields       pdf
         where   nof.nature_of_action_id = p_noa_id
         and     nof.noa_family_code     = fam.noa_family_code
         and     nof.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(nof.start_date_active,p_effective_date) and nvl(nof.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
         and     fam.proc_method_flag = 'Y'
         and     fam.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(fam.start_date_active,p_effective_date) and nvl(fam.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
         and     fam.noa_family_code = fpm.noa_family_code
         and     fpm.pa_data_field_id = pdf.pa_data_field_id
         and     fpm.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(fpm.start_date_active,p_effective_date) and nvl(fpm.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
         and     pdf.form_field_name = 'TO_POSITION_TITLE'
         and     pdf.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(pdf.date_from,p_effective_date) and nvl(pdf.date_to,p_effective_date);
Line: 3704

   FROM ghr_pa_requests par
   WHERE par.pa_request_id =
							(SELECT min(par1.pa_request_id)
								FROM ghr_pa_requests par1
									start with pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id
									connect by  pa_request_id = prior altered_pa_request_id);
Line: 3715

    select pay_rate_determinant
    from   ghr_pa_requests
    where  pa_request_id = (select max(pa_request_id)
                            from   ghr_pa_requests
                            where  pa_notification_id is not null
			    and (first_noa_code = '740' or second_noa_code = '740')
                            start with pa_request_id = (select mass_action_id
                                                        from   ghr_pa_requests
                                                        where  pa_request_id = l_session_var.pa_request_id)
                            connect by  pa_request_id = prior altered_pa_request_id);
Line: 3728

    select 1
    from   ghr_pa_requests
    where  pa_request_id =  (SELECT min(par1.pa_request_id)
 			     FROM ghr_pa_requests par1
			     start with pa_request_id = l_session_var.altered_pa_request_id
			     connect by  pa_request_id = prior altered_pa_request_id)
    and    second_noa_id  =l_session_var.noa_id_correct;
Line: 3739

         select  fpm.process_method_code
         from    ghr_noa_families         nof
                 ,ghr_families             fam
                 ,ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods fpm
                 ,ghr_pa_data_fields       pdf
         where   nof.nature_of_action_id = p_noa_id
         and     nof.noa_family_code     = fam.noa_family_code
         and     nof.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(nof.start_date_active,p_effective_date) and nvl(nof.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
         and     fam.proc_method_flag = 'Y'
         and     fam.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(fam.start_date_active,p_effective_date) and nvl(fam.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
         and     fam.noa_family_code = fpm.noa_family_code
         and     fpm.pa_data_field_id = pdf.pa_data_field_id
         and     fpm.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(fpm.start_date_active,p_effective_date) and nvl(fpm.end_date_active,p_effective_date)
         and     pdf.form_field_name = 'PAY_RATE_DETERMINANT'
         and     pdf.enabled_flag = 'Y'
         and     p_effective_date between nvl(pdf.date_from,p_effective_date) and nvl(pdf.date_to,p_effective_date);
Line: 3768

  SELECT assignment_id, person_id
  FROM  per_all_assignments_f
  WHERE position_id = c_position_id
  AND   assignment_type <> 'B'
  AND   primary_flag = 'Y'
  AND   c_effective_date
        between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 4777

		SELECT	fld.form_field_name
			ghr_families			ghrf,
			ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods	met,
			ghr_pa_data_fields		fld,
			ghr_noa_families			fam
			    fam.noa_family_code		= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.noa_family_code	= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.update_hr_flag		= 'Y'
			AND met.process_method_code in ('AP', 'APUE')
			AND met.pa_data_field_id	= fld.pa_data_field_id
			AND fam.nature_of_action_id	= p_1st_noa_id
			SELECT	fld2.form_field_name
				ghr_families			ghrf2,
				ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods	met2,
				ghr_pa_data_fields		fld2,
				ghr_noa_families			fam2
				    fam2.noa_family_code	= met2.noa_family_code
				AND ghrf2.noa_family_code	= met2.noa_family_code
				AND ghrf2.update_hr_flag	= 'Y'
				AND met2.process_method_code in ('AP', 'APUE')
				AND met2.pa_data_field_id	= fld2.pa_data_field_id
				AND fam2.nature_of_action_id	= p_2nd_noa_id;
Line: 4806

		SELECT	fld.form_field_name
			ghr_families			ghrf,
			ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods	met,
			ghr_pa_data_fields		fld,
			ghr_noa_families			fam
			    fam.noa_family_code		= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.noa_family_code	= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.update_hr_flag		= 'Y'
			AND met.process_method_code in ('AP', 'APUE')
			AND met.pa_data_field_id	= fld.pa_data_field_id
			AND fam.nature_of_action_id	= p_1st_noa_id;
Line: 4821

		SELECT	fld.form_field_name
			ghr_families			ghrf,
			ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods	met,
			ghr_pa_data_fields		fld,
			ghr_noa_families			fam
			    fam.noa_family_code		= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.noa_family_code	= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.update_hr_flag		= 'Y'
			AND met.pa_data_field_id	= fld.pa_data_field_id
			AND met.process_method_code 	= 'UE'
			AND fld.form_field_name		= 'TO_POSITION_TITLE'
			AND fam.nature_of_action_id	= p_1st_noa_id;
Line: 4837

		SELECT	fld.form_field_name
			ghr_families			ghrf,
			ghr_noa_fam_proc_methods	met,
			ghr_pa_data_fields		fld,
			ghr_noa_families			fam
			    fam.noa_family_code		= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.noa_family_code	= met.noa_family_code
			AND ghrf.update_hr_flag		= 'Y'
			AND met.pa_data_field_id	= fld.pa_data_field_id
			AND met.process_method_code 	= 'UE'
			AND fld.form_field_name		= 'TO_POSITION_TITLE'
			AND (fam.nature_of_action_id	= p_1st_noa_id
				OR fam.nature_of_action_id	= p_2nd_noa_id);
Line: 5429

	select *
	from ghr_pa_request_shadow
	where pa_request_id = c_pa_request_id ;
Line: 5794

		-- Since redo_pay_calc will be called number of times during the Update HR
		-- and we can not use the p_sf52_rec.retention_allowance  as this value
		-- might be a re-computed value in the earlier call to sql_main_pay_calc
		--  That's why we are fetching the retention_allowance from DB
                IF p_sf52_rec.employee_assignment_id is not null and
                   p_sf52_rec.effective_date is not null
						-- Bug 4689374 - If FWFA then, dont take from element entry.
						IF p_sf52_rec.noa_family_code like 'GHR_SAL%' AND
							p_sf52_rec.pay_rate_determinant IN ('3','4','J','K','U','V') AND
							p_sf52_rec.effective_date >= to_date('01/05/2005','dd/mm/yyyy') THEN
								l_pay_calc_in_rec.retention_allowance :=  p_sf52_rec.to_retention_allowance;
Line: 6040

Procedure Update_rfrs_values( p_sf52_data   in out nocopy ghr_pa_requests%rowtype,
			                  p_shadow_data in     ghr_pa_request_shadow%rowtype) is
	cursor get_par_ovn is
	from ghr_pa_requests
	where pa_request_id = p_Sf52_data.pa_request_id;
Line: 6049

          select ppt.system_person_type
          from   per_people_f ppf,
                 per_person_types ppt
          where   ppf.person_id = p_sf52_data.person_id
          and     p_sf52_data.effective_date
          between ppf.effective_start_date
          and     ppf.effective_end_date
          and     ppt.person_type_id = ppf.person_type_id;
Line: 6306

	update_shadow_row ( p_shadow_data => p_shadow_data,
				  p_result      => l_result);
Line: 6318

   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving Update_rfrs_values ' ,160);
Line: 6321

End Update_rfrs_values;
Line: 6325

	Insert into ghr_pa_request_shadow
	,year_degree_attained          )
Line: 6418

	Insert into ghr_pa_request_shadow
	,year_degree_attained          )
Line: 6509

Procedure Update_shadow_row ( p_shadow_data	 in	ghr_pa_request_shadow%rowtype,
			      p_result		out nocopy	Boolean) is
	Update ghr_pa_request_shadow
	 pa_request_id                 	= p_shadow_data.pa_request_id
	,academic_discipline           	= p_shadow_data.academic_discipline
	,annuitant_indicator           	= p_shadow_data.annuitant_indicator
	,appropriation_code1           	= p_shadow_data.appropriation_code1
	,appropriation_code2           	= p_shadow_data.appropriation_code2
	,bargaining_unit_status        	= p_shadow_data.bargaining_unit_status
	,citizenship                   	= p_shadow_data.citizenship
	,duty_station_id               	= p_shadow_data.duty_station_id
	,duty_station_location_id      	= p_shadow_data.duty_station_location_id
	,education_level               	= p_shadow_data.education_level
	,fegli                         	= p_shadow_data.fegli
	,flsa_category                 	= p_shadow_data.flsa_category
	,forwarding_address_line1      	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_address_line1
	,forwarding_address_line2      	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_address_line2
	,forwarding_address_line3      	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_address_line3
	,forwarding_country_short_name 	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_country_short_name
	,forwarding_postal_code        	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_postal_code
	,forwarding_region_2           	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_region_2
	,forwarding_town_or_city       	= p_shadow_data.forwarding_town_or_city
	,functional_class              	= p_shadow_data.functional_class
	,part_time_hours               	= p_shadow_data.part_time_hours
	,pay_rate_determinant          	= p_shadow_data.pay_rate_determinant
	,position_occupied             	= p_shadow_data.position_occupied
	,retirement_plan               	= p_shadow_data.retirement_plan
	,service_comp_date             	= p_shadow_data.service_comp_date
	,supervisory_status            	= p_shadow_data.supervisory_status
	,tenure                        	= p_shadow_data.tenure
	,to_ap_premium_pay_indicator   	= p_shadow_data.to_ap_premium_pay_indicator
	,to_auo_premium_pay_indicator  	= p_shadow_data.to_auo_premium_pay_indicator
	,to_occ_code                   	= p_shadow_data.to_occ_code
	,to_position_id                	= p_shadow_data.to_position_id
	,to_retention_allowance        	= p_shadow_data.to_retention_allowance
	,to_retention_allow_percentage    	= p_shadow_data.to_retention_allow_percentage
	,to_staffing_differential      	= p_shadow_data.to_staffing_differential
	,to_staffing_diff_percentage      	= p_shadow_data.to_staffing_diff_percentage
	,to_step_or_rate               	= p_shadow_data.to_step_or_rate
	,to_supervisory_differential   	= p_shadow_data.to_supervisory_differential
	,to_supervisory_diff_percentage   	= p_shadow_data.to_supervisory_diff_percentage
	,veterans_preference           	= p_shadow_data.veterans_preference
	,veterans_pref_for_rif         	= p_shadow_data.veterans_pref_for_rif
	,veterans_status               	= p_shadow_data.veterans_status
	,work_schedule                 	= p_shadow_data.work_schedule
	,year_degree_attained          	= p_shadow_data.year_degree_attained
where pa_request_id = p_shadow_data.pa_request_id;
Line: 6571

   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving Update_Shadow_row ' ,100);
Line: 6574

end update_shadow_row;
Line: 6923

     select *
     from   ghr_pa_requests
     where  pa_request_id = l_pa_request_id;
Line: 6930

     select *
     from   ghr_pa_requests
     where  pa_request_id = p_sf52_data.pa_request_id;
Line: 6936

    select object_version_number
    from   ghr_pa_requests
    where  pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id;
Line: 6942

    select parem.remark_id,
    from ghr_pa_remarks parem, ghr_remarks rem
    where parem.pa_request_id = p_sf52_data.pa_request_id
    and   parem.remark_id  = rem.remark_id
    and   substr(rem.code,1,1) = 'C';
Line: 6958

    SELECT   prh.pa_routing_history_id,
    FROM     ghr_pa_routing_history prh
    WHERE    prh.pa_request_id = l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.pa_request_id
    ORDER by prh.pa_routing_history_id desc;
Line: 6966

    select *
    from   ghr_pa_routing_history prh
    where  prh.pa_request_id = p_sf52_data.pa_request_id
Line: 7090

  (p_pa_request_id                  =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.pa_request_id,
   p_effective_date                 =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.effective_date,
--   p_object_version_number          =>  p_imm_pa_request_rec.object_version_number,
   p_from_position_id               =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.from_position_id,
   p_to_position_id                 =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.to_position_id,
   p_agency_code                    =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.agency_code,
   p_from_agency_code               =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.from_agency_code,
   p_from_agency_desc               =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.from_agency_desc,
   p_from_office_symbol             =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.from_office_symbol,
   p_personnel_office_id            =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.personnel_office_id,
   p_employee_dept_or_agency        =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.employee_dept_or_agency,
   p_to_office_symbol               =>  l_sf52_dual_sec_rec.to_office_symbol
Line: 7134

   GHR_APPROVED_PA_REQUESTS.Update_Dual_Id(p_parent_pa_request_id  => p_pa_request_id,
                              p_first_dual_action_id  => p_sf52_data.pa_request_id,
		    	      p_second_dual_action_id => l_pa_request_id);