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1 package payplnk AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: paylink.pkh 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/27 21:49:33 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5  -- NAME                                                              --
6  -- payplnk.run_process                                               --
7  --                                                                   --
8  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
9  -- The main procedure called from the SRS screen, from which the     --
10  -- paylink process is triggered for a particular batch.              --
11  -- The success status of the process, or not, as the case maybe,     --
12  -- is returned back to the SRS screen.                               --
13  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
14 --
15 procedure run_process
16 (
17 errbuf		 out nocopy varchar2,
18 retcode		 out nocopy number,
19 p_business_group_id     in      number,
20 p_batch_operation	in	varchar2,
21 p_batch_id		in	number
22 );
23 --
24  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
25  -- NAME                                                              --
26  -- payplnk.validate                                                  --
27  --                                                                   --
28  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
29  -- Given a batch id it will validate the batch and insert its        --
30  -- element entries into the necessary base tables.  Then depending on--
31  -- the mode of operation passed in i.e. VALIDATE or TRANSFER the     --
32  -- inserted element entries will either be ROLLED BACK or not.       --
33  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
34 --
35 procedure validate
36 (
37 p_business_group_id 	in  	number,
38 p_batch_operation   	in  	varchar2,
39 p_batch_id		in	number
40 );
41 --
42  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
43  -- NAME                                                              --
44  -- payplnk.set_status                                                --
45  --                                                                   --
46  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
47  -- Given a batch id and the mode of operation it will set the status --
48  -- of the batch and control totals.                                  --
49  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
50 --
51 procedure set_status
52 (
53 p_business_group_id  	in  	number,
54 p_batch_operation   	in  	varchar2,
55 p_batch_id		in	number
56 );
57 --
58  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
59  -- NAME                                                              --
60  -- payplnk.set_line_status                                           --
61  --                                                                   --
62  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
63  -- Given a batch id and the mode of operation it will set the status --
64  -- of the batch lines.                                               --
65  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
66 --
67 procedure set_line_status
68 (
69 p_business_group_id     in      number,
70 p_batch_operation       in      varchar2,
71 p_batch_id              in      number,
72 p_asg_id                in      number
73 );
74 --
75  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
76  -- NAME                                                              --
77  -- payplnk.set_header_status                                         --
78  --                                                                   --
79  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
80  -- Given a batch id and the mode of operation it will set the status --
81  -- of the batch header and control totals.                           --
82  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
83 --
84 procedure set_header_status
85 (
86 p_business_group_id     in      number,
87 p_batch_operation       in      varchar2,
88 p_batch_id              in      number
89 );
90 --
91  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
92  -- NAME                                                              --
93  -- payplnk.purge                                                     --
94  --                                                                   --
95  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
96  -- Given a batch id it will delete all records associated with the   --
97  -- batch from all the temporary batch tables.  Any messages          --
98  -- associated with the batch will also be deleted from the           --
99  -- PAY_MESSAGE_LINES table.                                          --
100  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
101 --
102 procedure purge
103 (
104 p_batch_id	in	number
105 );
106 --
107  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
108  -- NAME                                                              --
109  -- payplnk.validate_lines                                            --
110  --                                                                   --
111  -- DESCRIPTION                                                       --
112  -- Given a asg id it will validate its batch lines and insert its    --
113  -- element entries into the necessary base tables.  Then depending on--
114  -- the mode of operation passed in i.e. VALIDATE or TRANSFER the     --
115  -- inserted element entries will either be ROLLED BACK or not.       --
116  -----------------------------------------------------------------------
117 --
118 procedure validate_lines
119 (
120 p_asg_id                in number,
121 p_asg_act_id            in number,
122 p_process_mode          in varchar,
123 p_batch_id              in number,
124 p_business_group_id     in number
125 );
126 --
127 --
128 -- A global value to inform the batch table triggers where the call was
129 -- originated from.
130 g_payplnk_call   boolean := false;
131 -- Global variables to indicate the retry duration and maximum wait for
132 -- any interlock during inserting element entries.
133 g_lock_interval  number := null;
134 g_lock_max_wait  number := null;
135 --
136 end payplnk;