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Line 1280: wip_transactions wt,

1276: FROM
1277: bom_resources br,
1278: bom_departments bd,
1279: bom_department_resources bdr,
1280: wip_transactions wt,
1281: mtl_units_of_measure muom
1282: WHERE
1283: wt.transaction_date BETWEEN x_date_from AND
1284: (x_date_to + 0.99999)

Line 2088: -- Go to wip_transactions to get the actual units applied

2084: --- ??? Can this ever happen? The SQL that set the process phase
2085: --- to WIP_EFF_PHASE_THREE in calculate_std_units
2086: --- was stubbed out back in version 115.32. Please check. ???
2088: -- Go to wip_transactions to get the actual units applied
2089: -- consider only resource and oustide processing charges
2090: /* update wip_indicators_temp wit
2091: set APPLIED_UNITS_PRD = (
2092: select nvl(wt.primary_quantity,0)

Line 2093: from wip_transactions wt

2089: -- consider only resource and oustide processing charges
2090: /* update wip_indicators_temp wit
2091: set APPLIED_UNITS_PRD = (
2092: select nvl(wt.primary_quantity,0)
2093: from wip_transactions wt
2094: where wt.organization_id = wit.organization_id
2095: and wt.transaction_date BETWEEN trunc(wit.transaction_date)
2096: and trunc (wit.transaction_date) + 0.999999
2097: and wt.transaction_type in (1, 3)

Line 2191: wip_transactions wt,

2187: from
2188: bom_resources br,
2189: bom_departments bd,
2190: bom_department_resources bdr,
2191: wip_transactions wt,
2192: mtl_units_of_measure muom
2193: where
2194: wt.transaction_date between trunc(p_date_from)
2195: and trunc(p_date_to) + 0.999999