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1 package body pay_us_contr_dbi as
2 /* $Header: pyuscont.pkb 120.2 2011/12/22 11:05:38 emunisek ship $ */
3 /*
4 --
5 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1991, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved.
6 --
7 /*
8    NAME
9       pyuscont.pkb
10 --
12    Procedures required to create the startup data for US Benefit Contribution
13    Database Items, and procedures required to create the Database Items
14    Dynamically on creation of Input Values.
15    --
16    These procedures create the following objects
17    --
18    Routes
19    ------
21    --
22    Database Items
23    --------------
26 --
27 Name       Date          Change Details
28 --------   ----------    -----------------------------------------------
29 A.Logue    14-FEB-2000   Utf8 Support. Input value name lengthened to 80.
30 A.Myers    13-FEB-1998	 Knock on fix from bug 602851, extra parameter and logic
31 			 for extra parameter to hrdyndbi.insert_user_entity.
32 			 New Version: 110.1
33 rfine      24-NOV-1994   Suppressed index on business_group_id
34 rfine      05-OCT-1994   Prepended package name with 'PAY_' as per naming
35                          standards.
36 mwcallag   09-DEC-1993   G334 : Benefit DB item names changed to be
37                          <ELEMENT>_BEN_EE_CONTR_VALUE and
38                          <ELEMENT>_BEN_ER_CONTR_VALUE.  Legislation code
39                          derived from from per_business_groups if the
40                          Legislation code is null on the input value table.
41 mwcallag   30-NOV-1993   G259 : Routine modified to use externalised database
42                          item creation procedures in package hrdyndbi.
43 JRhodes    05-Nov-1993   Added "and nvl(BC.contributions_used,'Y') = 'Y'"
44                          to cater for Payroll Deductions generation of
45 			 DB items
46 mwcallag   02-NOV-1993   exception of no_data_found added to procedure
47                          create_contr_items.
48 JRhodes    20-OCT-1993   Created.
49 SDoshi     22-MAR-1999   Flexible Dates Conversion
50 irgonzal   24-SEP-2001   Bug fix 2004226. Enabled index  on per_business_groups
51                          table by removing "+ 0" from the WHERE clause.
52                          Modified create_contr_items procedure.
53 emunisek   17-NOV-2011   For Bug#13375560,replaced LONG datatype by ff_routes.text%TYPE
55 */
56 --
57 PROCEDURE create_usdbi_startup is
58 l_text                       ff_routes.text%TYPE;
59 l_date_earned_context_id     number;
60 l_assign_id_context_id       number;
61 l_payroll_context_id         number;
62 l_payroll_action_context_id  number;
63 l_org_pay_method_id          number;
64 l_per_pay_method_id          number;
65 l_organization_id            number;
66 l_temp                       number;
67 --
68 -- ******** local procedure : insert_route_parameters  ********
69 --
70 procedure insert_route_parameters
71 (
72     p_parameter_name  in  varchar2,
73     p_data_type       in  varchar2,
74     p_sequence_no     in  number
75 ) is
76 begin
77     hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.insert_route_parameters', 1);
78     insert into ff_route_parameters
79           (route_id,
80            sequence_no,
81            parameter_name,
82            data_type,
83            route_parameter_id)
84    select  ff_routes_s.currval,
85            p_sequence_no,
86            p_parameter_name,
87            p_data_type,
88            ff_route_parameters_s.nextval
89    from    dual;
90 end insert_route_parameters;
91 --
92 -- ******** local procedure : insert_route_context_usages  ********
93 --
94 procedure insert_route_context_usages
95 (
96     p_context_id    in  number,
97     p_sequence_no   in  number
98 ) is
99 begin
100     hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.insert_route_context_usages', 1);
101     insert into ff_route_context_usages
102            (route_id,
103             context_id,
104             sequence_no)
105     select  ff_routes_s.currval,
106             p_context_id,
107             p_sequence_no
108     from    dual;
109 end insert_route_context_usages;
110 --
111 -- ************ Procedure : create_usdbi_startup ****************
112 --
114     --
115     -- get the context ids from the context table
116     --
117     hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_usdbi_startup', 1);
118     select context_id
119     into   l_assign_id_context_id
120     from   ff_contexts
121     where  context_name = 'ASSIGNMENT_ID';
122     --
123     hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_usdbi_startup', 2);
124     select context_id
125     into   l_date_earned_context_id
126     from   ff_contexts
127     where  context_name = 'DATE_EARNED';
128     --
129     --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
130     --                                                             +
131     -- input value route, name: US_CONTRIBUTION_VALUES             +
132     --                                                             +
133     --++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
134     --
135 l_text :=
136       'pay_input_values_f                     INPUTV,
137        pay_element_entry_values_f             EEV,
138        pay_element_types_f                    ETYPE,
139        pay_element_links_f                    ELINK,
140        pay_element_entries_f                  EE,
141        ben_benefit_contributions_f            BCONTR,
142        pay_input_values_f                     INPUTV2,
143        pay_element_entry_values_f             EEV2
144 WHERE  INPUTV.input_value_id                 = &U2
145 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN INPUTV.effective_start_date
146                                           AND INPUTV.effective_end_date
147 AND    INPUTV.input_value_id                = EEV.input_value_id
148 AND    INPUTV.element_type_id               = ETYPE.element_type_id
149 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN ETYPE.effective_start_date
150                                           AND ETYPE.effective_end_date
151 AND    ETYPE.element_type_id                = ELINK.element_type_id
152 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN ELINK.effective_start_date
153                                           AND ELINK.effective_end_date
154 AND    EE.assignment_id                     = &B2
155 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN EE.effective_start_date
156                                           AND EE.effective_end_date
157 AND    ELINK.element_link_id                = EE.element_link_id
158 AND    EE.entry_type                        = ''E''
159 AND    EE.element_entry_id                  = EEV.element_entry_id
160 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN EEV.effective_start_date
161                                           AND EEV.effective_end_date
162 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN INPUTV2.effective_start_date
163                                           AND INPUTV2.effective_end_date
164 AND    INPUTV2.input_value_id                = EEV2.input_value_id
165 AND    INPUTV2.element_type_id               = ETYPE.element_type_id
166 AND    EE.element_entry_id                  = EEV2.element_entry_id
167 AND    &B1                           BETWEEN EEV2.effective_start_date
168                                           AND EEV2.effective_end_date
169 AND    &U1                                 = BCONTR.element_type_id(+)
170 AND    &B1,                          BETWEEN BCONTR.effective_start_date(+)
171                                           AND BCONTR.effective_end_date(+)
172 AND    BCONTR.coverage_type(+)              = EEV2.screen_entry_value
173 AND    upper(INPUTV2.name)                         = ''COVERAGE''';
174     --
175     hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_usdbi_startup', 5);
176     select ff_routes_s.nextval
177     into   l_temp
178     from   dual;
179     --
180     -- now do the normal insert
181     --
182     hr_utility.set_location('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_usdbi_startup', 6);
183     insert into ff_routes
184            (route_id,
185             route_name,
186             user_defined_flag,
187             description,
188             text,
189             last_update_date,
190             last_updated_by,
191             last_update_login,
192             created_by,
193             creation_date)
194     values (ff_routes_s.currval,
195             'US_CONTRIBUTION_VALUES',
196             'N',
197             'route for contribution values using benefit contributions',
198             l_text,
199             sysdate,
200             0,
201             0,
202             0,
203             sysdate);
204     --
205     insert_route_parameters ('Element Type ID', 'N', 1);
206     insert_route_parameters ('Input value ID', 'N', 2);
207     insert_route_context_usages (l_date_earned_context_id, 1);
208     insert_route_context_usages (l_assign_id_context_id,   2);
209     --
210 END create_usdbi_startup;
211 --
212 -- ********** Procedure : create_contr_items ******************
213 --
214 PROCEDURE create_contr_items
215 (p_input_value_id    IN NUMBER
216 ,p_effective_date    IN DATE
217 ,p_start_string      IN VARCHAR2
218 ,p_end_string        IN VARCHAR2
219 ,p_data_type         IN VARCHAR2
220 ) IS
221 --
222 l_input_value_name   VARCHAR2(80);
223 l_business_group_id  NUMBER;
224 l_legislation_code   VARCHAR2(30);
225 l_element_name       VARCHAR2(80);
226 l_element_type_id    NUMBER;
227 l_route_name         VARCHAR2(50);
228 l_not_found_flag     VARCHAR2(1);
229 l_entity_name        VARCHAR2(80);
230 l_entity_description VARCHAR2(80);
231 l_text               VARCHAR2(240);
232 l_description        VARCHAR2(80);
233 l_created_by         NUMBER;
234 l_last_login         NUMBER;
235 --
236 -- ******** local procedure : get_route ********
237 --
238 FUNCTION get_route
239 	     (p_route_name    VARCHAR2
240 	     ) return NUMBER IS
241 --
242 l_route_id NUMBER;
243 --
245 --
246    hr_utility.set_location ('pay_us_contr_dbi.get_route', 1);
247    SELECT route_id
248    INTO   l_route_id
249    FROM   ff_routes
250    WHERE  route_name         = p_route_name;
251 --
252    return(l_route_id);
253 --
254 END get_route;
255 --
256 -- ******** local procedure : create_item  ********
257 --
258 procedure create_item
259 (p_business_group_id    in number
260 ,p_legislation_code     in varchar2
261 ,p_route_name           in varchar2
262 ,p_not_found_flag       in varchar2
263 ,p_entity_name          in varchar2
264 ,p_entity_description   in varchar2
265 ,p_data_type            in varchar2
266 ,p_text                 in varchar2
267 ,p_description          in varchar2
268 ,p_creator_id           in number
269 ,p_created_by           in number
270 ,p_last_login           in number
271 ,p_element_type_id      in number
272 ,p_input_value_id       in number
273 )
274 IS
275 l_record_inserted BOOLEAN;
276 --
278    --
279    -- create the user entity:
280    --
281    hrdyndbi.insert_user_entity (p_route_name,
282                                 p_entity_name,
283                                 p_entity_description,
284                                 p_not_found_flag,
285                                 'I',
286                                 p_creator_id,
287                                 p_business_group_id,
288                                 p_legislation_code,
289                                 p_created_by,
290                                 p_last_login,
291 				l_record_inserted);
292    --
293    -- insert the parameter values:
294    --
295    IF l_record_inserted THEN
296        hrdyndbi.insert_parameter_value (p_element_type_id, 1);
297        hrdyndbi.insert_parameter_value (p_input_value_id,  2);
298    --
299    -- Insert the Database Item:
300    --
301        hrdyndbi.insert_database_item (p_entity_name,
302                                   'VALUE',
303                                   p_data_type,
304                                   p_text,
305                                   'Y',
306                                   p_description);
307    END IF;
308 END create_item;
309 --
310 -- ******** procedure : create_contr_items ********
311 --
313 --
314 --
315 -- retrieve details of the input value and element type
316 --
317     begin
318         hr_utility.set_location ('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_contr_items', 1);
319         select ET.element_type_id,
320 	       replace (ltrim (rtrim (upper (ET.element_name))), ' ', '_'),
321 	       replace (ltrim (rtrim (upper (IV.name))), ' ', '_'),
322 	       IV.business_group_id,
323                nvl (ltrim(rtrim(IV.legislation_code)),
324                     ltrim(rtrim(BUSGP.legislation_code))),
325                IV.created_by,
326                IV.last_update_login
327         into   l_element_type_id,
328 	       l_element_name,
329                l_input_value_name,
330 	       l_business_group_id,
331                l_legislation_code,
332                l_created_by,
333                l_last_login
334         from   pay_input_values_f       IV,
335                pay_element_types_f      ET,
336                per_business_groups      BUSGP,
337 	       ben_benefit_classifications BC
338         where  IV.input_value_id      = p_input_value_id
339         and    p_effective_date between IV.effective_start_date
340                                 and     IV.effective_end_date
341         and    IV.element_type_id     = ET.element_type_id
342         and    p_effective_date between ET.effective_start_date
343                                 and     ET.effective_end_date
344         and    ET.benefit_classification_id = BC.benefit_classification_id(+)
345 	and    nvl(BC.contributions_used,'Y')     = 'Y'
346         and    BUSGP.business_group_id (+)  = IV.business_group_id + 0; --#2004226
347     exception
348         when no_data_found then  l_element_type_id := null;
349     end;
350     --
351     if (l_element_type_id is not null) and
352        (l_input_value_name = 'ER_CONTR' or l_input_value_name = 'EE_CONTR')
353         then
354         --
355         if l_input_value_name = 'ER_CONTR' then
356               --
357               l_route_name := 'US_CONTRIBUTION_VALUES';
358               l_entity_name := l_element_name || '_BEN_ER_CONTR';
359               l_entity_description := 'Entity for ' || l_route_name;
360               l_text        := 'nvl(EEV.screen_entry_value,
361       			            BCONTR.employer_contribution)';
362               l_description := 'employers contribution';
363        else
364               --
365 	      l_route_name := 'US_CONTRIBUTION_VALUES';
366               l_entity_name := l_element_name || '_BEN_EE_CONTR';
367               l_entity_description := 'Entity for ' || l_route_name;
368               l_text        := 'nvl(EEV.screen_entry_value,
369 			            BCONTR.employee_contribution)';
370               l_description := 'employees contribution';
371        end if;
372        --
373        -- Handle variable data type
374        --
375        l_text := 'min (' || p_start_string || l_text || p_end_string || ')';
376        --
377        hr_utility.set_location ('pay_us_contr_dbi.create_contr_items', 2);
378        create_item
379        (l_business_group_id
380        ,l_legislation_code
381        ,l_route_name
382        ,'Y'                       -- l_not_found_flag
383        ,l_entity_name
384        ,l_entity_description
385        ,p_data_type
386        ,l_text
387        ,l_description
388        ,p_input_value_id          -- l_creator_id
389        ,l_created_by
390        ,l_last_login
391        ,l_element_type_id
392        ,p_input_value_id
393        );
394        --
395     end if;
396 END create_contr_items;
397 END pay_us_contr_dbi;