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Line 41: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

37: l_request_id number;
38: l_er_request_id number;
39: l_proc_name Varchar2(80) := g_proc_name || 'compile_formula';
40: begin
41: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
42: -- ------------------------------------------------------------
43: -- Query formula info (ie. the formula attached to this
44: -- element's Standard status proc rule.
45: -- ------------------------------------------------------------

Line 48: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Name :'||fra_rec.formula_name,15);

44: -- element's Standard status proc rule.
45: -- ------------------------------------------------------------
46: for fra_rec in csr_fra (c_element_type_id => p_element_type_id)
47: loop
48: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Name :'||fra_rec.formula_name,15);
49: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Type Name :'||fra_rec.formula_type_name,20);
50: -- ----------------------------------------------
51: -- Submit the request to compile the formula
52: -- ----------------------------------------------

Line 49: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Type Name :'||fra_rec.formula_type_name,20);

45: -- ------------------------------------------------------------
46: for fra_rec in csr_fra (c_element_type_id => p_element_type_id)
47: loop
48: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Name :'||fra_rec.formula_name,15);
49: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Type Name :'||fra_rec.formula_type_name,20);
50: -- ----------------------------------------------
51: -- Submit the request to compile the formula
52: -- ----------------------------------------------
53: l_request_id := ff_formula_webui_pkg.submit_singlecompile

Line 57: hr_utility.set_location('..Request Id :'||p_request_id, 25);

53: l_request_id := ff_formula_webui_pkg.submit_singlecompile
54: (p_formula_type => fra_rec.formula_type_name --Oracle Payroll
55: ,p_formula_name => fra_rec.formula_name); --formula name
56: p_request_id := l_request_id;
57: hr_utility.set_location('..Request Id :'||p_request_id, 25);
58: end loop;
59: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
60: exception
61: when others then

Line 59: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);

55: ,p_formula_name => fra_rec.formula_name); --formula name
56: p_request_id := l_request_id;
57: hr_utility.set_location('..Request Id :'||p_request_id, 25);
58: end loop;
59: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
60: exception
61: when others then
62: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);
63: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);

Line 62: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);

58: end loop;
59: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
60: exception
61: when others then
62: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);
63: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);
64: p_request_id := null; raise;
65: end Compile_Formula;

Line 63: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);

59: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
60: exception
61: when others then
62: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);
63: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);
64: p_request_id := null; raise;
65: end Compile_Formula;
67: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 128: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

124: and ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
125: and ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
126: --
127: begin
128: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
129: --
130: if p_object_type = 'ELE' then
131: for c2_rec in c2 (p_object_name) loop
132: l_object_id := c2_rec.element_type_id; -- element id

Line 140: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 20);

136: l_object_id := c3_rec.core_object_id; -- balance id
137: end loop;
138: end if;
139: --
140: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 20);
141: --
142: return l_object_id;
143: end Get_Object_ID;

Line 163: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);

159: l_proc_name Varchar2(72) := g_proc_name || 'get_formula_id';
160: l_formula_id Number;
161: begin
162: --
163: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);
164: --
165: open csr_get_formula_id;
166: fetch csr_get_formula_id into l_formula_id;
167: close csr_get_formula_id;

Line 169: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 20);

165: open csr_get_formula_id;
166: fetch csr_get_formula_id into l_formula_id;
167: close csr_get_formula_id;
168: --
169: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 20);
170: --
171: return l_formula_id;
172: end Get_Formula_ID;

Line 215: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);

211: 'update_ipval_defval';
212: --
213: begin
214: --
215: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);
216: --
217: open csr_getinput(p_ele_name ,p_ip_name);
218: loop
219: fetch csr_getinput into csr_getinput_rec;

Line 222: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 20);

218: loop
219: fetch csr_getinput into csr_getinput_rec;
220: exit when csr_getinput%notfound;
221: --
222: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 20);
223: --
224: open csr_updinput(csr_getinput_rec.input_value_id
225: ,csr_getinput_rec.element_type_id);
226: loop

Line 230: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 30);

226: loop
227: fetch csr_updinput into csr_updinput_rec;
228: exit when csr_updinput%notfound;
229: --
230: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 30);
231: --
232: update pay_input_values_f
233: set default_value = p_def_value
234: where rowid = csr_updinput_rec.rowid;

Line 240: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 40);

236: close csr_updinput;
237: end loop;
238: close csr_getinput;
239: --
240: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 40);
241: --
242: end Update_Ipval_Defval;
244: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 517: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

513: and business_group_id is null;
514: --
515: begin
516: --
517: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
518: --
519: l_template_name := 'Dutch Pension Deduction';
520: --
521: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name, 20);

Line 521: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name, 20);

517: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
518: --
519: l_template_name := 'Dutch Pension Deduction';
520: --
521: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name, 20);
522: --
523: for csr_get_temp_id_rec in csr_get_temp_id loop
524: l_template_id := csr_get_temp_id_rec.template_id;
525: end loop;

Line 527: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);

523: for csr_get_temp_id_rec in csr_get_temp_id loop
524: l_template_id := csr_get_temp_id_rec.template_id;
525: end loop;
526: --
527: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
528: --
529: return l_template_id;
530: --
531: end Get_Template_ID;

Line 573: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

569: from pay_balance_types
570: where business_group_id = p_business_group_id
571: and balance_name in (p_scheme_prefix||' Pension Salary');
572: begin
573: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
574: for c1_rec in c1_get_reg_earn_feeds loop
575: for c2_rec in c2_balance_type loop
576: Pay_Balance_Feeds_f_pkg.Insert_Row
577: (X_Rowid => l_row_id,

Line 593: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 70);

589: l_Balance_Feed_Id := Null;
590: l_row_id := Null;
591: end loop;
592: end loop;
593: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 70);
594: end Create_Pen_Sal_Bal_Feeds ;
596: begin
597: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 600: hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc_name, 10);

596: begin
597: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
598: -- |-------------< Main Function : Create_User_Template Body >----------|
599: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
600: hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc_name, 10);
602: chk_scheme_prefix(p_scheme_prefix);
604: hr_utility.set_location('Check unique scheme name : '||l_proc_name, 11);

Line 604: hr_utility.set_location('Check unique scheme name : '||l_proc_name, 11);

600: hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc_name, 10);
602: chk_scheme_prefix(p_scheme_prefix);
604: hr_utility.set_location('Check unique scheme name : '||l_proc_name, 11);
605: OPEN chk_pension_scheme_name_cur;
606: FETCH chk_pension_scheme_name_cur INTO l_scheme_dummy;
607: IF chk_pension_scheme_name_cur%FOUND THEN
608: CLOSE chk_pension_scheme_name_cur;

Line 620: hr_utility.set_location('..Setting the Session Date', 15);

616: -- Set session date
617: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
618: pay_db_pay_setup.set_session_date(nvl(p_effective_start_date, sysdate));
619: --
620: hr_utility.set_location('..Setting the Session Date', 15);
621: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
622: -- Get Source Template ID
623: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
624: l_source_template_id := get_template_id

Line 629: hr_utility.set_location('..Checking all the Exclusion Rules', 20);

625: (p_legislation_code => g_template_leg_code);
626: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
627: -- Exclusion rules
628: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
629: hr_utility.set_location('..Checking all the Exclusion Rules', 20);
631: -- Define the exclusion_rule based on the salary calculation method.
633: OPEN csr_pty1 (c_pension_type_id => p_pension_type_id

Line 730: hr_utility.set_location('..Creating template User structure', 25);

727: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
728: -- Create user structure from the template
729: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
730: hr_utility.set_location('..Creating template User structure', 25);
731: pay_element_template_api.create_user_structure
732: (p_validate => false
733: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_start_date
734: ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id

Line 915: hr_utility.set_location('..Updating the scheme shadow elements', 30);

911: := 'Element for '||p_scheme_prefix||' Tax SI Adjustment';
912: END LOOP;
915: hr_utility.set_location('..Updating the scheme shadow elements', 30);
916: for i in 1..l_count
917: loop
918: -- Set the standard link flag only for EE and ER elements
919: -- if the standard link is Y

Line 944: hr_utility.set_location('..After Updating the scheme shadow elements', 50);

940: -- Reset the value for standard link flag.
941: l_std_link_flag := 'N';
943: end loop;
944: hr_utility.set_location('..After Updating the scheme shadow elements', 50);
946: -- Replace the spaces in the prefix with underscores. The formula name
947: -- has underscores if the prefix name has spaces in it .
948: l_scheme_prefix := upper(replace(l_scheme_prefix,' ','_'));

Line 1373: hr_utility.set_location('..After Generating Core objects : Part - 1', 50);

1369: ,p_hr_only => false
1370: ,p_hr_to_payroll => false
1371: ,p_template_id => l_template_id);
1372: --
1373: hr_utility.set_location('..After Generating Core objects : Part - 1', 50);
1374: --
1375: pay_element_template_api.generate_part2
1376: (p_validate => false
1377: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_start_date

Line 1380: hr_utility.set_location('..After Generating Core objects : Part - 2', 50);

1376: (p_validate => false
1377: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_start_date
1378: ,p_template_id => l_template_id);
1379: --
1380: hr_utility.set_location('..After Generating Core objects : Part - 2', 50);
1382: -- Update some of the input values on the main element
1384: Update_Ipval_Defval( p_scheme_prefix||' Pension Deduction'

Line 1483: hr_utility.set_location('..After Creating element extra information', 50);

1479: ,p_eei_information20 => null
1480: ,p_element_type_extra_info_id => l_eei_info_id
1481: ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn_eei);
1483: hr_utility.set_location('..After Creating element extra information', 50);
1485: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1486: -- The base element's Pay Value should feed the EE Contribution balance
1487: -- for the pension scheme created.

Line 1524: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the base, Pay Value', 50);

1520: l_row_id := null;
1522: end loop;
1524: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the base, Pay Value', 50);
1526: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1527: -- The ER base element's Pay Value should feed the ER Contribution balance
1528: -- for the pension scheme created.

Line 1567: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the ER base, Pay Value', 51);

1563: end loop;
1565: END IF;
1567: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the ER base, Pay Value', 51);
1569: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1570: -- Create the Balance feeds for the eligible comp balance
1571: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 1599: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc_name, 190);

1596: END IF;
1599: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc_name, 190);
1601: return l_base_element_type_id;
1603: end Create_User_Template;

Line 1643: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1639: l_return_status varchar2(1);
1640: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'Create_User_Template_Swi';
1641: Begin
1643: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1644: l_element_type_id := -1;
1645: --
1646: -- Issue a savepoint
1647: --

Line 1701: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);

1697: -- messages of any type exist in the Multiple Message List.
1698: -- Also disable Multiple Message Detection.
1699: --
1700: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1701: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);
1702: return l_element_type_id;
1704: --
1705: exception

Line 1717: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);

1713: --
1714: -- Reset IN OUT parameters and set OUT parameters
1715: --
1716: return l_element_type_id;
1717: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);
1719: when others then
1720: --
1721: -- When Multiple Message Detection is enabled catch

Line 1729: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);

1725: -- error.
1726: --
1727: rollback to Create_User_Template_Swi;
1728: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(l_proc) then
1729: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);
1730: raise;
1731: end if;
1732: --
1733: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters

Line 1737: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);

1733: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters
1734: --
1735: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1736: return l_element_type_id;
1737: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);
1740: END create_user_template_swi;

Line 1774: hr_utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc, 10);

1770: l_template_id Number(9);
1771: l_proc Varchar2(60) := g_proc_name||'Delete_User_Template';
1773: begin
1774: hr_utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc, 10);
1775: --
1776: for c1_rec in c1 loop
1777: l_template_id := c1_rec.template_id;
1778: end loop;

Line 1797: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc, 50);

1793: (p_element_type_extra_info_id => temp_rec.element_type_extra_info_id
1794: ,p_object_version_number => temp_rec.object_version_number);
1795: END LOOP;
1797: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc, 50);
1799: end Delete_User_Template;
1800: --

Line 1825: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1821: -- Other variables
1822: l_return_status varchar2(1);
1823: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'Delete_User_Template_Swi';
1824: Begin
1825: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1826: --
1827: -- Issue a savepoint
1828: --
1829: savepoint Delete_User_Template_Swi;

Line 1870: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);

1866: -- messages of any type exist in the Multiple Message List.
1867: -- Also disable Multiple Message Detection.
1868: --
1869: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1870: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);
1872: --
1873: exception
1874: when hr_multi_message.error_message_exist then

Line 1884: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);

1880: rollback to Delete_User_Template_Swi;
1881: --
1882: -- Reset IN OUT parameters and set OUT parameters
1883: --
1884: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);
1886: when others then
1887: --
1888: -- When Multiple Message Detection is enabled catch

Line 1896: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);

1892: -- error.
1893: --
1894: rollback to Delete_User_Template_Swi;
1895: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(l_proc) then
1896: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);
1897: raise;
1898: end if;
1899: --
1900: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters

Line 1903: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);

1899: --
1900: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters
1901: --
1902: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1903: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);
1905: END delete_user_template_swi;
1907: --