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Line 27: FROM ghr_pa_requests par,

24: cursor get_par_actions
25: is
26: SELECT par.*, per.full_name, per.employee_number
27: FROM ghr_pa_requests par,
28: per_all_people_f per
29: WHERE NVL(par.agency_code,par.from_agency_code) LIKE p_agency_code||NVL(p_agency_sub_code,'%')
30: AND par.person_id = per.person_id
31: AND trunc(par.effective_date) BETWEEN p_report_st_dt AND p_report_end_dt

Line 37: from ghr_pa_requests b

33: AND par.status IN ('UPDATE_HR_COMPLETE')
34: AND Exclude_Noac(par.first_noa_code) <> 'TRUE'
35: -- Bug # 12862346
36: AND NOT EXISTS (select 1
37: from ghr_pa_requests b
38: where altered_pa_request_id = par.pa_request_id
39: and pa_notification_id is not null
40: and first_noa_code = '001'
41: and second_noa_code = par.first_noa_code)

Line 47: from ghr_pa_requests

44: CURSOR get_awd_amount(p_pa_request_id in number)
45: is
46: select award_amount
47: from ghr_pa_requests
48: where first_noa_code = '002'
49: and pa_notification_id is not null
50: connect by prior pa_request_id = altered_pa_request_id
51: start with altered_pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id