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Line 128: orig_org_context := nvl(fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'), -1) ;

124: from wip_job_schedule_interface
125: where rowid = wip_jsi_utils.current_rowid;
127: -- Save Original org context
128: orig_org_context := nvl(fnd_profile.value('ORG_ID'), -1) ;
130: --defaults all values in record
131: --issues any ignored value warnings
132: --sets the org context (needed for pjm validations)

Line 1067: l_see_eng_items_flag := fnd_profile.value('WIP_SEE_ENG_ITEMS');

1063: l_end_date DATE;
1064: l_dummy NUMBER;
1065: X_Eng_Items_Flag NUMBER;
1066: begin
1067: l_see_eng_items_flag := fnd_profile.value('WIP_SEE_ENG_ITEMS');
1069: if(wjsi_row.load_type in (wip_constants.create_job, wip_constants.create_sched,
1070: wip_constants.create_ns_job)) then
1071: if(wjsi_row.primary_item_id is null and wjsi_row.load_type <> wip_constants.create_ns_job) then

Line 1093: X_Eng_Items_Flag := to_number(FND_PROFILE.value('WIP_SEE_ENG_ITEMS'));

1089: end if;
1090: end if;
1092: if(wjsi_row.primary_item_id is not null) then
1093: X_Eng_Items_Flag := to_number(FND_PROFILE.value('WIP_SEE_ENG_ITEMS'));
1094: begin
1095: select 1
1096: into l_dummy
1097: from MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS msi

Line 1320: fnd_profile.put('MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID',wjsi_row.organization_id);

1316: procedure project_id is begin
1317: if(wjsi_row.load_type in (wip_constants.create_job, wip_constants.create_eam_job) and
1318: wjsi_row.project_id is not null) then
1319: -- fix MOAC, set id so project view works
1320: fnd_profile.put('MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID',wjsi_row.organization_id);
1321: -- Bug 4890215. Performance Fix
1322: -- sugupta 26th-May-2006
1323: select mpv.project_id --this query will return multiple rows if the project has tasks
1324: into g_dummy

Line 1741: elsif(fnd_profile.value('INV:EXPENSE_TO_ASSET_TRANSFER') = 1) then

1737: and organization_id = wjsi_row.organization_id
1738: and secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory;
1739: end if;
1740: --now validate unrestricted items
1741: elsif(fnd_profile.value('INV:EXPENSE_TO_ASSET_TRANSFER') = 1) then
1742: select 1
1743: into g_dummy
1744: from mtl_subinventories_val_v
1745: where secondary_inventory_name = wjsi_row.completion_subinventory