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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  SELECT requisition_line_id,
    FROM po_requisition_lines_all
   WHERE requisition_header_id = hdr_id;
Line: 88

  SELECT requisition_line_id,
    FROM po_requisition_lines_all
   WHERE requisition_header_id = hdr_id;
Line: 501

 	            SELECT Count(*)
 	            INTO l_line_to_withdraw_count
 	            FROM po_requisition_lines_all
 	            WHERE  REQUISITION_HEADER_ID  = p_req_hdr_id
 	            AND   nvl(CANCEL_FLAG,'N') = 'N'
 	            AND   nvl(CLOSED_CODE,'OPEN') NOT IN ('FINALLY CLOSED');
Line: 607

PROCEDURE update_reqcancel_from_so(
                                      p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER
                                     , p_req_line_id_tbl            IN             Dbms_Sql.number_table
                                     , p_req_can_qty_tbl            IN             Dbms_Sql.number_table
                                     , p_req_can_all                IN             Boolean
																		 ,  x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2

  l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_ReqCancel_from_SO';
Line: 637

  END update_reqcancel_from_so;
Line: 644

PROCEDURE update_reqcancel_from_so(
                                      p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
                                     ,  p_req_line_id_tbl           IN          Dbms_Sql.number_table    --this needs to be table of number

  l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_ReqCancel_from_SO';
Line: 667

    SAVEPOINT update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 682

      po_debug.debug_stmt(l_log_head, l_progress,'After Private Procedure update_ReqCancel_from_SO');
Line: 688

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 692

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 695

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 700

  END update_reqcancel_from_so;
Line: 708

  PROCEDURE update_reqchange_from_so(
                                     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
                                     ,  p_req_line_id                  IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  p_delta_quantity               IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  p_new_need_by_date             IN             DATE

  l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_ReqChange_from_SO';
Line: 744

  END update_reqchange_from_so;
Line: 752

* Procedure to update the cancel qty in req line from SO
* This method is called when a SO initiated partial
* cancellation of Qty (Primary or Secondary) or cancellation of line.
* @param p_api_version of the procedure api
* @param p_req_line_id_tbl number table of canceled req lines
* @param p_req_can_prim_qty_tbl number table of canceled Prim Qty of req lines
* @param p_req_can_sec_qty_tbl number table of canceled Secondary Qty of req lines
* @param p_req_can_all boolean to hole weather req line cancelation flag
 * @param x_return_status returns the tstatus of the api.
PROCEDURE update_reqcancel_from_so(
                                      p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER
                                     , p_req_line_id_tbl            IN             Dbms_Sql.number_table
                                     , p_req_can_prim_qty_tbl            IN             Dbms_Sql.number_table
                                     , p_req_can_sec_qty_tbl            IN             Dbms_Sql.number_table
                                     , p_req_can_all                IN             Boolean
                                     , x_return_status             OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2

  l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_reqcancel_from_so';
Line: 790

    SAVEPOINT update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 804

       po_debug.debug_stmt(l_log_head, l_progress,'Procedure update_ReqCancel_from_SO called with no req line id from OM');
Line: 815

      po_debug.debug_stmt(l_log_head, l_progress,'Calling Private Procedure update_ReqCancel_from_SO table count ='|| p_req_line_id_tbl.Count);
Line: 845

      po_rco_validation_pvt.update_reqcancel_from_so(p_req_line_id     =>  p_req_line_id_tbl(i)
                                                    , p_req_cancel_prim_qty =>  p_prim_qty
                                                    , p_req_cancel_sec_qty =>  p_sec_qty
                                                    , p_req_cancel_all   => p_req_can_all
                                                     ,x_return_status    =>  x_return_status);
Line: 855

      po_debug.debug_stmt(l_log_head, l_progress,'After Private Procedure update_ReqCancel_from_SO');
Line: 861

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 865

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 868

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqcancel_from_so_sp;
Line: 873

  END update_reqcancel_from_so;
Line: 880

* Procedure to update the Qty changes on req line from SO changes
* This method is called when a SO initiated change in Qty (Primary or Secondary).
* @param p_api_version of the procedure api
* @param x_return_status returns the tstatus of the api.

* @param p_req_line_id number holds the req line number
* @param p_delta_quantity_prim number changed Prim Qty of SO
* @param p_delta_quantity_sec number changed Secondary Qty of SO
* @param p_new_need_by_date date need by date of SO.

PROCEDURE update_reqchange_from_so(
                                     p_api_version                 IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
                                     ,  p_req_line_id                  IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  p_delta_quantity_prim          IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  p_delta_quantity_sec          IN             NUMBER
                                     ,  p_new_need_by_date             IN             DATE

  l_api_name              CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_reqchange_from_so';
Line: 922

    SAVEPOINT update_reqchange_from_so_sp;
Line: 942

      po_debug.debug_stmt(l_log_head, l_progress,'Calling Private Procedure update_reqchange_from_so');
Line: 951

                                                     p_req_line_id     => p_req_line_id
                                                     , p_delta_quantity_prim  => p_delta_quantity_prim
                                                     , p_delta_quantity_sec  => p_delta_quantity_sec
                                                     , p_new_need_by_date =>  p_new_need_by_date
                                                     , x_return_status    =>  x_return_status);
Line: 964

      po_debug.debug_stmt(l_log_head, l_progress,'After Private Procedure update_ReqChange_from_SO');
Line: 970

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqchange_from_so_sp;
Line: 974

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqchange_from_so_sp;
Line: 977

    ROLLBACK TO update_reqchange_from_so_sp;
Line: 984

  END update_reqchange_from_so;