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4 /*
1 PACKAGE BODY ast_ofl_pipeline_buckets_param AS
2  /* $Header: astrtbpb.pls 115.21 2002/02/06 13:11:30 pkm ship   $ */
5 	Date			Remarks
6 	----------	------------------------------------------------
7 	13/12/2000     Imaged is removed from the report as there are no
8 				images in the media directory.
9 				All fnd_profile.value_wnps are replace with fnd
10 				profile.value function.
11 				JTF_Profile_default_currency is used here instead
12 				of as_dafault_currency to get the the currency
13 				code.
14 	               Parameters Start date and End Date month was
15 				display format is changed from MM to MON.
16 				Start and End Year is default to current year.
17 				Report Date format is changed from US type to
18 				DD-MON-YYYY
19 				Sales Group cursor is modified to fetch the groups
20 				which does not have parent or children.
21      03/01/2001	Sales Group query is modified revert the chage
22 				made on 13/12/2000. The above change created
23 				another problem of showing the same sales group
24 				twice for some users. This condition commented
28      02/14/2001     Cursor Sales Group SELECT is modified as per Thanh
25 				out now.
26      01/24/2001     Also all the SQL hints should be modified to have a space
27 				after the + sign.
29                     Huynh(02/11). The new statement looks very small and neat.
30                     Refer the previous version for old SQL.
31      02/27/2001     Thanh adviced us to check for delete flag  = 'N' while
32 				using group members table in order to pickup only the
33 				valid members.
34 */
36   TYPE day_table IS
37     TABLE OF	VARCHAR2(2000)
40   TYPE year_table IS
41     TABLE OF	VARCHAR2(2000)
44   g_image_prefix		VARCHAR2(250) := '/OA_MEDIA/' || icx_sec.getid(icx_sec.pv_language_code) || '/';
45   l_user_id			NUMBER;
46   v_date_time			VARCHAR2(30);
47   l_agent				VARCHAR2(200);
48   ctr1				INTEGER := 0;
49   ctr2				INTEGER := 0;
50   l_test			 	owa_util.dateType;
51   day_data			day_table;
52   year_data			year_table;
54   -- variable for supporting multi-currency
55   v_usr_currency_code	VARCHAR2(15);
56 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
57   PROCEDURE header IS
58   BEGIN
59     -- Begin Mod. RAAM 07/12/2000
60     -- Thanh asked to display date in US format instead of British format.
61     --SELECT fnd_date.date_to_chardate(SYSDATE)
62     -- End Mod.
64     INTO v_date_time
65     FROM DUAL;
67     htp.htmlOpen;
68     htp.headOpen;
69     htp.title('Pipeline Buckets by Range');
70     htp.headClose;
71     htp.bodyOpen(cAttributes => 'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
72     htp.tableOpen('border="0"  ');
73     htp.tableRowOpen(cAlign => 'TOP');
75     -- Begin Mod. Raam on 13/12/2000
76     -- Images are not available at the media directory.
77     -- Once it is available the follwing code should be
78     -- uncommented.
79     --htp.tableData(htf.img(cUrl => g_image_prefix || 'oppty.gif'));
80     -- End Mod.
82     htp.tableData('<FONT size=+1 face="times new roman">' || 'Pipeline Buckets by Range Report', cNoWrap => 'TRUE');
83     htp.tableData(htf.bold(v_date_time), cAlign => 'right', cColSpan => '110');
84     htp.tableRowClose;
85     htp.tableClose;
86     htp.tableOpen(cAttributes => 'border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=561');
87     htp.tableRowOpen(cVAlign => 'top');
88     htp.tableData(' ', cColSpan => '2', cAttributes => ' height=9');
89     htp.tableData('<FONT face="Times New Roman">' || htf.bold('Please specify the criteria and select OK.  ') || '</FONT>', cAlign => 'center', cRowSpan => '2', cColSpan => '110', cAttributes => ' width=346');
90     htp.tableData(' ', cColSpan => '6');
91     htp.br;
92     htp.tableRowClose;
93     htp.tableClose;
94     htp.bodyClose;
95     htp.headClose;
96     htp.htmlClose;
97   END;
98 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
99   PROCEDURE pipeline_buckets_paramform IS
100     day_counter         NUMBER := 1;
101     year_counter        NUMBER := 1990;
102     probability_counter NUMBER := 1;
103     CURSOR prob_cursor
104     IS
105     select probability_value win_probability
106     from as_forecast_prob
107     where UPPER(enabled_flag) = 'Y'
108     and trunc(SYSDATE) between nvl(start_date_active, trunc(SYSDATE))
109                        and nvl(end_date_active, trunc(SYSDATE))
110     order by 1;
112     CURSOR intern_process_cursor
113     IS
114     select lookup_code
115     from fnd_lookup_values
116     where lookup_type='AST_INTERNAL_PROCESS_STATUS'
117     and enabled_flag='Y';
119     CURSOR Cur_Sales_Group(P_Userid NUMBER) IS
120     SELECT grpd.group_id sgi
121 	    , DECODE(grpd.group_id
122                 , grpd.parent_group_id
123                 , DECODE(topgrp.manager_flag
124                        , 'Y'
125                        , grptl.group_name, ' *'||grptl.group_name
126                         )
127                 , DECODE(topgrp.manager_flag
128                        , 'Y'
129                        , DECODE(grpd.immediate_parent_flag
130                               , 'Y'
131                               , '-'||grptl.group_name, '--'||grptl.group_name
132                                )
133                        , DECODE(grpd.immediate_parent_flag
134                               , 'Y'
135                               , '  -'||grptl.group_name, '  --'||grptl.group_name
136                                )
137                         )
138                  ) name
139     FROM Jtf_rs_groups_denorm grpd
140        , Jtf_rs_groups_tl grptl
141        , (SELECT DISTINCT grpb.group_id
142                         , rrb2.manager_flag
143           FROM Jtf_rs_groups_b grpb
144              , Jtf_rs_role_relations rrel2
145              , Jtf_rs_roles_b rrb2
146              , Jtf_rs_resource_extns rsc2
147              , Jtf_rs_group_members mem
148              , Fnd_user fnu
149           WHERE grpb.group_id = mem.group_id
150             AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN grpb.start_date_active
151                                    AND NVL(grpb.end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
152             AND rrb2.role_type_code IN ('SALES', 'TELESALES')
153             AND (rrb2.manager_flag = 'Y'
154               OR rrb2.admin_flag = 'Y')
155             AND rrel2.role_id = rrb2.role_id
156             AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN rrel2.start_date_active
162 		  -- End Mod.
157                                    AND NVL(rrel2.end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
158             AND rrel2.role_resource_type = 'RS_GROUP_MEMBER'
159             AND rrel2.role_resource_id = mem.group_member_id
160 		  -- Begin Mod Raam on 02.27.2001
161             AND mem.delete_flag = 'N'
163             AND mem.resource_id = rsc2.resource_id
164             AND rsc2.source_id = fnu.employee_id
165             AND fnu.user_id = P_Userid) topgrp
166     WHERE grptl.group_id = grpd.group_id
167       AND grpd.parent_group_id = topgrp.group_id
168       AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN grpd.start_date_active
169       AND NVL(grpd.end_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
170     ORDER BY 2 DESC;
172     CURSOR cur_currencies IS
173 	 SELECT currency_code
174       FROM Fnd_currencies
175       WHERE UPPER(enabled_flag) = 'Y'
176         AND TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN NVL(start_date_active, TRUNC(SYSDATE))
177                                AND NVL(end_date_active, SYSDATE)
178       ORDER BY	1;
179   BEGIN
180     FOR i IN 1..31 LOOP
181       IF day_counter <= 9 THEN
182         day_data(i) := '0' || day_counter;
183         day_counter := day_counter + 1;
184       ELSE
185         day_data(i) := TO_CHAR(day_counter);
186         day_counter := day_counter + 1;
187       END IF;
188     END LOOP;
190     FOR i IN 1..21 LOOP
191       year_data(i) := TO_CHAR(year_counter);
192       year_counter := year_counter + 1;
193     END LOOP;
195     IF (icx_sec.validateSession) THEN
196       header;
197       l_user_id := icx_sec.getID(icx_sec.PV_USER_ID);
198       -- Returns login user Id
199       -- set user's currency code
200       v_usr_currency_code := FND_PROFILE.Value('JTF_PROFILE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY');
201       htp.formOpen(owa_util.Get_Owa_Service_Path || 'ast_ofl_pipeline_buckets_rpt.report_wrapper', cAttributes => ' NAME="param"');
202       htp.htmlOpen;
203       htp.headOpen;
204       htp.title('Pipeline Buckets by Range Report');
205       htp.p('<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">');
206       htp.p('  function validateForm(objform) {');
207       htp.p('    var s_day = objform.p_sd_date.selectedIndex;');
208       htp.p('    var s_month = objform.p_sm_date.selectedIndex;');
209       htp.p('    var s_year = objform.p_sy_date.selectedIndex;');
210       htp.p('    var e_day = objform.p_ed_date.selectedIndex;');
211       htp.p('    var e_month = objform.p_em_date.selectedIndex;');
212       htp.p('    var e_year = objform.p_ey_date.selectedIndex;');
213       htp.p('    var low_prob = objform.p_low_prob.selectedIndex;');
214       htp.p('    var high_prob = objform.p_high_prob.selectedIndex;');
215       htp.p('    var p_valid = true;');
216       htp.p('       if ((s_month == "3"&&s_day== "30")||(s_month == "5"&&s_day== "30")');
217       htp.p('          ||(s_month == "8"&&s_day== "30")||(s_month == "10"&&s_day== "30")){');
218       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
219       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
220       htp.p('       if ((e_month == "3"&&e_day== "30")||(e_month == "5"&&e_day== "30")');
221       htp.p('          ||(e_month == "8"&&e_day== "30")||(e_month == "10"&&e_day== "30")){');
222       htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
223       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
224       htp.p('       if (s_month == "1"){');
225       htp.p('          if ((s_year == "2"||s_year == "6"||s_year == "10"||s_year == "14"||s_year == "18")');
226       htp.p('          && (s_day == "29"||s_day == "30")){');
227       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
228       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
229       htp.p('                           }');
230       htp.p('       if (s_month == "1"){');
231       htp.p('          if ((s_year != "2"&&s_year != "6"&&s_year != "10"&&s_year != "14"&&s_year != "18")');
232       htp.p('          && (s_day == "28"||s_day == "29"||s_day == "30")){');
233       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
234       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
235       htp.p('                           }');
236       htp.p('       if (e_month == "1"){');
237       htp.p('          if ((e_year == "2"||e_year == "6"||e_year == "10"||e_year == "14"||e_year == "18")');
238       htp.p('          && (e_day == "29"||e_day == "30")){');
239       htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
240       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
241       htp.p('                           }');
242       htp.p('       if (e_month == "1"){');
243       htp.p('          if ((e_year != "2"&&e_year != "6"&&e_year != "10"&&e_year != "14"&&e_year != "18")');
244       htp.p('          && (e_day == "28"||e_day == "29"||e_day == "30")){');
245       htp.p('          alert(''End Date Must be a Valid Date'');');
246       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
247       htp.p('                           }');
248       htp.p('       if (s_year > e_year){');
249       htp.p('          alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
250       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
251       htp.p('       if (s_year == e_year){');
252       htp.p('          if (s_month > e_month){');
253       htp.p('            alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
254       htp.p('            p_valid = false;}');
255       htp.p('          if (s_month == e_month){');
256       htp.p('            if (s_day > e_day){');
257       htp.p('              alert(''Start Date must be less than End Date'');');
258       htp.p('              p_valid = false;}');
259       htp.p('                                 }');
260       htp.p('                             }');
264       htp.p('       if (p_valid){');
261       htp.p('       if (low_prob > high_prob){');
262       htp.p('          alert(''Low probability must be less than High probability'');');
263       htp.p('          p_valid = false;}');
265       htp.p('          objform.submit();}');
266       htp.p('}');
267       htp.p('</script>');
268       htp.headClose;
269       htp.bodyOpen(cAttributes => 'bgcolor="#CCCCCC"');
270       htp.tableOpen;
271       htp.tableRowOpen(cVAlign => 'top');
272       htp.tableData(' ', cAttributes => ' height=9');
273       htp.tableData('<FONT size=2 face="Times New Roman">' || '</FONT>', cAlign => 'right', cRowSpan => '2', cColSpan => '3', cAttributes => ' width=154');
274       htp.tableData( ' ');
275       htp.tableRowClose;
276       htp.tableClose;
277       htp.tableOpen(cAttributes => 'width="600" ');
278       htp.tableRowOpen();
279 -- htp.p(L_USER_ID);
280       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%"valign="top">Select Output Format</td>');
281       htp.p('<td>');
282       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_response">');
283       htp.formSelectOption('Excel');
284       htp.formSelectOption('HTML', cSelected => 'TRUE');
285       htp.formSelectClose;
286       htp.tableRowClose;
287       htp.tableRowClose;
288       htp.tableRowOpen();
289       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Please Enter Start Date</td>');
290       htp.p('<td>');
291       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sd_date">');
292       FOR i IN 1..day_data.count LOOP
293         htp.formSelectOption(day_data(i),
294 		cAttributes => ' value= ' || day_data(i),
295 		cSelected => 'TRUE' );
296       END LOOP;
297       htp.formSelectClose;
298       htp.p('-');
299       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sm_date">');
300       FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP
301         IF i = 1 THEN
302           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
303 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'),
304 		  cSelected => 'TRUE');
305         ELSE
306           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
307 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'));
308         END IF;
309       END LOOP;
310       htp.formSelectClose;
311       htp.p('-');
312       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sy_date">');
313       FOR i IN 1..year_data.count LOOP
314 	   IF year_data(i) = TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY') THEN
315           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
316 		  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i),
317 		  cSelected => 'TRUE');
318         ELSE
319           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
320 		  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i));
321 	   END IF;
322       END LOOP;
323       htp.formSelectClose;
324       htp.p('</td>');
325       htp.tableRowClose;
326       htp.tableRowOpen();
327       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Please Enter End Date</td>');
328       htp.p('<td>');
329       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_ed_date">');
330       FOR i IN 1..day_data.count LOOP
331         htp.formSelectOption(day_data(i),
332 		cAttributes => ' value= ' || day_data(i),
333 		cSelected => 'TRUE' );
334       END LOOP;
335       htp.formSelectClose;
336       htp.p('-');
337       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_em_date">');
338       FOR i IN 1..12 LOOP
339         IF i=1 THEN
340           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
341 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'),
342 		  cSelected => 'TRUE');
343         ELSE
344           htp.formSelectOption(TO_CHAR(TO_DATE(i, 'MM'), 'MON'),
345 		  cAttributes => ' value=' || LPAD(TO_CHAR(i), 2, '0'));
346         END IF;
347       END LOOP;
348       htp.formSelectClose;
349       htp.p('-');
350       htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_ey_date">');
351       FOR i IN 1..year_data.count LOOP
352 	   IF year_data(i) = TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, 'YYYY') THEN
353           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
354 	  	  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i),
355 		  cSelected => 'TRUE' );
356         ELSE
357           htp.formSelectOption(year_data(i),
358 	  	  cAttributes => ' value= ' || year_data(i));
359         END IF;
360       END LOOP;
361       htp.formSelectClose;
362       htp.p('</td>');
363       htp.tableRowClose;
364       htp.tableRowOpen();
365       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Are these Close Dates or Creation Dates</td>');
366       htp.p('<td>');
367       htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_close_or_entry">');
368       htp.formSelectOption('Creation Dates',
369 	   cAttributes => ' value= ' || 'ENTRY');
370       htp.formSelectOption('Close Dates',
371 	   cAttributes => ' value= ' || 'CLOSE',
372 	   cSelected => 'TRUE' );
373       htp.formSelectClose;
374       htp.p('</td>');
375       htp.tableRowClose;
376       htp.tableRowOpen();
377       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Sales Group</td>');
378       htp.p('<td>');
379       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_sgp">');
380       FOR rec_sales_group IN cur_sales_group(l_user_id) LOOP
381         htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_group.name, cAttributes => ' value= ' || rec_sales_group.sgi);
382 -- htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_group.name, cAttributes => ' value= ' || 7062);
383       END LOOP;
384       htp.formSelectClose;
385       htp.p('</td>');
386       htp.tableRowClose;
387 -- htp.tableRowOpen();
388 -- htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="32%" valign="top">Sales Rep</td>');
389 -- htp.p('<td>');
390 -- htp.p ('<SELECT name="p_srp">');
391 -- FOR rec_sales_rep IN cur_sales_rep LOOP
392 -- IF rec_sales_rep.flname ='ALL' THEN
393 -- htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_rep.flname, cAttributes => ' value= ' || rec_sales_rep.pid, cSelected => 'TRUE');
394 -- ELSE
395 -- htp.formSelectOption(rec_sales_rep.flname, cAttributes => ' value= ' || rec_sales_rep.pid);
396 -- END IF;
397 -- END LOOP;
398 -- htp.formSelectClose;
402       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Please Enter Low probability</td>');
399 -- htp.p('</td>');
400 -- htp.tableRowClose;
401       htp.tableRowOpen();
403       htp.p('<td>');
404       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_low_prob">');
405       htp.formSelectOption('   ');
406       FOR cur_rec IN prob_cursor LOOP
407         htp.formSelectOption(cur_rec.win_probability, cAttributes => ' value= ' || cur_rec.win_probability);
408       END LOOP;
409       htp.formSelectClose;
410       htp.p('</td>');
411       htp.tableRowClose;
412       htp.tableRowOpen();
413       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Please Enter High probability</td>');
414       htp.p('<td>');
415       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_high_prob">');
416       htp.formSelectOption('   ');
417       FOR cur_rec IN prob_cursor LOOP
418         htp.formSelectOption(cur_rec.win_probability, cAttributes => ' value= ' || cur_rec.win_probability);
419       END LOOP;
420       htp.formSelectClose;
421       htp.p('</td>');
422       htp.tableRowClose;
423       htp.tableRowOpen();
424       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%" valign="top">Internal Process Status</td>');
425       htp.p('<td>');
426       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_process_status">');
427       htp.formSelectOption('   ');
428       FOR cur_rec IN intern_process_cursor LOOP
429         htp.formSelectOption(cur_rec.lookup_code, cAttributes => ' value= ' || cur_rec.lookup_code);
430       END LOOP;
431       htp.formSelectClose;
432       htp.p('</td>');
433       htp.tableRowClose;
434       htp.tableRowOpen();
435       htp.br;
436       htp.p('<td align="RIGHT" width="50%"valign="top">Reporting Currency</td>');
437       htp.p('<td>');
438       htp.p('<SELECT name="p_crcy">');
439       FOR rec_currencies IN cur_currencies LOOP
440         IF rec_currencies.currency_code = v_usr_currency_code THEN
441           htp.formSelectOption(rec_currencies.currency_code, cSelected => 'TRUE');
442         ELSE
443           htp.formSelectOption(rec_currencies.currency_code);
444         END IF;
445       END LOOP;
446       htp.formSelectClose;
447       htp.p('</td>');
448       htp.tableRowClose;
449       htp.tableClose;
450       htp.tableOpen(cAttributes => 'border="0" width="80%"');
451       htp.tableRowOpen;
452       htp.p('<td align = "center" width="100%">');
453       htp.p('Groups and Totals');
454       htp.p('<input type="radio" value="NON-REPEATING" checked name="p_repeat_values">');
455       htp.p(' ');
456       htp.p('Repeating Values');
457       htp.p('<input type="radio" name="p_repeat_values" value="REPEATING">');
458       htp.p('</td>');
459       htp.tableRowClose;
460       htp.tableClose;
461       htp.br;
462       htp.br;
463       htp.br;
464       footer;
465       htp.formClose;
466       htp.bodyClose;
467       htp.htmlClose;
468       rollback;
469     ELSE
470       htp.p('Invalid session');
471     END IF;
473     WHEN others THEN
474       htp.p(SQLERRM);
475   END pipeline_buckets_paramform;
476 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
477   PROCEDURE footer IS
478   BEGIN
479     l_agent := owa_util.get_cgi_env('SCRIPT_NAME');
480     htp.htmlOpen;
481     htp.tableRowOpen;
482     htp.tableData(htf.hr, cRowSpan => '1', cColSpan => '190', cNoWrap => 'TRUE');
483     htp.tableRowClose;
484     htp.tableOpen(cAlign => 'center', cAttributes => ' border=0 cellspacing=2 cellpadding=2');
485     htp.tableRowOpen;
486     htp.formOpen(cUrl => l_agent || 'ast_ofl_pipeline_buckets_rpt.report_wrapper', cMethod => 'post', cAttributes => ' NAME="MyForm" TARGET="_top"');
487 -- htp.tableData(htf.formSubmit(cValue => 'OK', cAttributes => ' onMouseOver="window.status=''OK'';return true"'));
488     htp.p('<td>');
489     htp.p('<INPUT TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE="OK" onClick="validateForm(document.param)">');
490     htp.p('</td>');
491   --htp.tableData('<INPUT type=button value="Cancel" onClick="history.back()" onMouseOver="window.status="Cancel";return true">');
492     htp.tableData( '<INPUT type=button value="Reset" onClick="history.back()" onMouseOver="window.status="Cancel";return true">');
493     htp.tableData( '<INPUT type=button value="Cancel" onClick="window.close()" onMouseOver="window.status="Close";return true">');
494     htp.tableRowClose;
495     htp.tableClose;
496     htp.htmlClose;
497   END footer;
498 END;