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Line 565: /* cm_cmpt_dtl table is zero or does not exist, */

561: /* determining if a cost rollup has been done. */
562: /* If it has, returning a 900 denotes that */
563: /* effectivity is not subject to change and is locked */
564: /* down. Otherwise if the rollover indicator in the */
565: /* cm_cmpt_dtl table is zero or does not exist, */
566: /* allow modification to the effectivity. */
568: /* SYNOPSIS: */
569: /* iret := GMD_EFFECTIVITY_LOCKED_STATUS(pfmeff_id); */

Line 584: FROM cm_cmpt_dtl

580: CURSOR locked_val_cur(pfmeff_id NUMBER) IS
581: SELECT 1
582: FROM sys.dual
584: FROM cm_cmpt_dtl
585: WHERE fmeff_id = pfmeff_id
586: AND rollover_ind = 1);
587: BEGIN
588: OPEN locked_val_cur(pfmeff_id);

Line 612: /* cm_cmpt_dtl table is zero or does not exist, */

608: /* determining if a cost rollup has been done. */
609: /* If it has, returning a -92215 denotes that */
610: /* effectivity is not subject to change and is locked */
611: /* down. Otherwise if the rollover indicator in the */
612: /* cm_cmpt_dtl table is zero or does not exist, */
613: /* allow modification to the effectivity. */
614: /* */
615: /* This validation is for CHANGES only! */
616: /* */

Line 637: cm_cmpt_dtl cost

633: CURSOR locked_val IS
634: SELECT rcp.formula_id
635: FROM gmd_recipe_validity_rules vr,
636: gmd_recipes_b rcp,
637: cm_cmpt_dtl cost
638: WHERE rcp.formula_id = pformula_id
639: AND vr.recipe_validity_rule_id = cost.fmeff_id
640: AND vr.recipe_id = rcp.recipe_id
641: AND cost.rollover_ind = 1;