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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

  cursor c11(p_rate_matrix_id in number) is select distinct criteria_short_code
                    from pqh_rate_matrix_nodes a, ben_eligy_prfl_f b
                    where pl_id = p_rate_matrix_id
                    and criteria_short_code is not null
                    and a.eligy_prfl_id = b.eligy_prfl_id;
Line: 14

  cursor c21 is select distinct information13 from ben_copy_entity_results
        where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
        and table_alias = 'RBC_CRIT'; -- also consider 'DELETE' status rows
Line: 26

        select information1 into l_rate_matrix_id from ben_copy_entity_results
        where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'PLN';
Line: 58

FUNCTION allow_criteria_delete(p_eligy_criteria_id NUMBER) RETURN varchar2 IS
   l_eligy_prfl_id number;
Line: 62

   cursor c1 is select eligy_prfl_id from ben_eligy_crit_values_f
                where eligy_criteria_id = p_eligy_criteria_id;
Line: 69

       l_status := 'DeleteEnabled';
Line: 71

       l_status := 'DeleteDisabled';
Line: 75

END allow_criteria_delete;
Line: 79

procedure delete_matrix_values(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                            p_rate_matrix_node_id   in number,
                            p_mode      in varchar2
                            ) is
   hr_utility.set_location('going for deleting matrix values row',100);
Line: 87

   delete from ben_copy_entity_results where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMV';
Line: 89

   update ben_copy_entity_results set dml_operation = 'DELETE' where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMV';
Line: 93

   delete from ben_copy_entity_results where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMV' and dml_operation = 'CREATE';
Line: 94

   update ben_copy_entity_results set dml_operation = 'DELETE',datetrack_mode = 'DELETE' where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMV' and dml_operation in ('UPDATE','COPIED');
Line: 100

end delete_matrix_values;
Line: 102

procedure delete_matrix_rates(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                            p_rate_matrix_node_id   in number,
                            p_mode      in varchar2
                            ) is
   hr_utility.set_location('going for deleting matrix rates row',100);
Line: 110

   delete from ben_copy_entity_results where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMR';
Line: 112

   update ben_copy_entity_results set dml_operation = 'DELETE' where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMR';
Line: 115

   delete from ben_copy_entity_results where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMR' and dml_operation = 'CREATE';
Line: 116

   update ben_copy_entity_results set dml_operation = 'DELETE',datetrack_mode = 'DELETE' where INFORMATION161 = p_rate_matrix_node_id  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMR' and dml_operation in ('UPDATE','COPIED');
Line: 123

end delete_matrix_rates;
Line: 127

procedure delete_matrix_nodes(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number,
                            p_pl_id     in number,
                            p_level     in number,
                            p_short_code in varchar2,
                            p_mode      in varchar2

                            ) is
  l_rate_matrix_node_id number;
Line: 137

  cursor c1 is  select information1 from ben_copy_entity_results where
        Copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and
        Information160 =  p_level and
        information13 = p_short_code and
        Information261 = p_pl_id and
        TABLE_ALIAS = 'RMN';
Line: 147

        delete from ben_copy_entity_results where
        Copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and
        Information160 =  p_level and
        information13 = p_short_code and
        Information261 = p_pl_id and
        TABLE_ALIAS = 'RBC_CRIT' and
        dml_operation = 'CREATE';
Line: 155

        update ben_copy_entity_results set dml_operation = 'DELETE',datetrack_mode = 'DELETE' where
        Copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and
        Information160 =  p_level and
        information13 = p_short_code and
        Information261 = p_pl_id and
        TABLE_ALIAS = 'RBC_CRIT' and
        dml_operation in ('UPDATE','COPIED');
Line: 171

Line: 172

Line: 177

        delete from ben_copy_entity_results where
        Copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and
        Information160 =  p_level and
        information13 = p_short_code and
        Information261 = p_pl_id and
        TABLE_ALIAS = 'RMN' and
        dml_operation = 'CREATE';
Line: 185

        update ben_copy_entity_results set dml_operation = 'DELETE',datetrack_mode = 'DELETE' where
        Copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and
        Information160 =  p_level and
        information13 = p_short_code and
        Information261 = p_pl_id and
        TABLE_ALIAS = 'RMN' and
        dml_operation in ('UPDATE','COPIED');
Line: 197

end delete_matrix_nodes;
Line: 203

	 To check if there are criteria values present in rate matrix, check if there are any rows in ben_copy_entity_results with table_alias = 'RMN' and dml_operation <> 'DELETE' for the current copy_entity_txn_id.
	 To check if there are criteria attached to rate matrix, check if there are any rows in ben_copy_entity_results with table_alias = 'RBC_CRIT' and dml_operation <> 'DELETE' for the current copy_entity_txn_id.

function allow_hgrid_reorder(p_copy_entity_txn_id in number) return varchar2 IS
    l_temp  varchar2(1);
Line: 212

    cursor c1 is select null from ben_copy_entity_results where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RMN' and dml_operation <> 'DELETE' and information160 <> 1;
Line: 213

    cursor c2 is select null from ben_copy_entity_results where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RBC_CRIT' and dml_operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 217

    select max(nvl(information160,1)) into l_max from ben_copy_entity_results where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'RBC_CRIT' and dml_operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 257

        select effective_start_date from ben_pl_f
                where pl_id = p_pl_id
                and  pl_stat_cd = 'I'
                and  effective_start_date > p_effective_date
                order by effective_start_date;
Line: 284

      select transaction_category_id
      into l_rbc_txn_cat
      from pqh_transaction_categories
      where short_name ='CRITERIA'
      and business_group_id is null;
Line: 349

cursor c1 is select short_code from ben_eligy_criteria
             where eligy_criteria_id = p_eligy_criteria_id_std
             and business_group_id is null;
Line: 354

 select eligy_criteria_id from ben_eligy_criteria
             where short_code  = p_short_code
             and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 390

cursor c1 is select * from ben_eligy_criteria
             where eligy_criteria_id = p_eligy_criteria_id;
Line: 401

  select BEN_ELIGY_CRITERIA_S.NEXTVAL into l_ben_eligy_criteria from dual;
Line: 412

          SELECT flex_value_set_name
          into l_flex_value_set_name
          FROM fnd_flex_value_sets
          WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_egl_rec.col1_value_set_id;
Line: 509

cursor c1 is select * from ben_eligy_criteria
             where eligy_criteria_id = p_eligy_criteria_id;
Line: 524

          SELECT flex_value_set_name
          into l_flex_value_set_name
          FROM fnd_flex_value_sets
          WHERE flex_value_set_id = l_egl_rec.col1_value_set_id;
Line: 539

          p_dml_operation                    => 'UPDATE',
          p_information1                     => l_egl_rec.eligy_Criteria_id,
          p_information4                     => l_egl_rec.business_group_id,
          p_information5                     => l_egl_rec.name,
          p_information11                    => l_egl_rec.short_code,
          p_information12                    => l_egl_rec.criteria_type,
          p_information13                    => l_egl_rec.crit_col1_val_type_cd,
          p_information14                    => l_egl_rec.crit_col1_datatype,
          p_information15                    => l_egl_rec.col1_lookup_type,
          p_information16                    => l_egl_rec.access_table_name1,
          p_information17                    => l_egl_rec.access_column_name1,
          p_information18                    => l_egl_rec.time_entry_access_table_name1,
          p_information19                    => l_egl_rec.time_entry_access_col_name1,
          p_information20                    => l_egl_rec.crit_col2_val_type_cd,
          p_information21                    => l_egl_rec.crit_col2_datatype,
          p_information22                    => l_egl_rec.col2_lookup_type,
          p_information23                    => l_egl_rec.access_table_name2,
          p_information24                    => l_egl_rec.access_column_name2,
          p_information25                    => l_egl_rec.time_entry_access_table_name2,
          p_information26                    => l_egl_rec.time_entry_access_col_name2,
          p_information27                    => l_egl_rec.allow_range_validation_flag,
          p_information28                    => l_egl_rec.user_defined_flag,
          p_information29                    => l_egl_rec.legislation_code,
          p_information110                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute_category,
          p_information111                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute1,
          p_information112                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute2,
          p_information113                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute3,
          p_information114                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute4,
          p_information115                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute5,
          p_information116                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute6,
          p_information117                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute7,
          p_information118                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute8,
          p_information119                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute9,
          p_information120                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute10,
          p_information121                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute11,
          p_information122                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute12,
          p_information123                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute13,
          p_information124                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute14,
          p_information125                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute15,
          p_information126                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute16,
          p_information127                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute17,
          p_information128                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute18,
          p_information129                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute19,
          p_information130                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute20,
          p_information131                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute21,
          p_information132                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute22,
          p_information133                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute23,
          p_information134                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute24,
          p_information135                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute25,
          p_information136                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute26,
          p_information137                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute27,
          p_information138                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute28,
          p_information139                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute29,
          p_information140                   => l_egl_rec.egl_attribute30,
          p_information170                   => l_egl_rec.name,
          p_information185                   => l_flex_value_set_name,
          p_information219                   => l_egl_rec.description,
          p_information265                   => l_egl_rec.object_version_number,
          p_information266                   => l_egl_rec.col1_value_set_id,
          p_information267                   => l_egl_rec.col2_value_set_id,
          p_information268                   => l_egl_rec.access_calc_rule,
          p_information30                    => l_egl_rec.allow_range_validation_flag2,
          p_information269                   => l_egl_rec.access_calc_rule2,
          p_information270                   => l_egl_rec.time_access_calc_rule1,
          p_information271                   => l_egl_rec.time_access_calc_rule2,
          p_object_version_number            => l_egl_ovn,
          p_effective_date                   => p_effective_date);
Line: 638

   l_last_updated_by         ben_eligy_criteria.last_updated_by%type;
Line: 640

   l_last_update_date        ben_eligy_criteria.last_update_date%type;
Line: 641

   l_last_update_login       ben_eligy_criteria.last_update_login%type;
Line: 650

  select flex_value_set_id
    from fnd_flex_value_sets
   where flex_value_set_name = p_valset_name;
Line: 655

  select eligy_criteria_id
    from ben_eligy_criteria
   where short_code = p_short_code and business_group_id is null and criteria_type='STD';
Line: 660

  select eligy_criteria_id
    from ben_eligy_criteria
   where short_code = p_short_code and business_group_id is not null and criteria_type='STD';
Line: 671

  l_last_updated_by := fnd_load_util.owner_id(p_owner);
Line: 674

  l_last_update_date := sysdate;
Line: 675

  l_last_update_login := 0;
Line: 691

   update ben_eligy_criteria set
   name = p_name,
   description = p_description,
   crit_col1_val_type_cd = p_crit_col1_val_type_cd,
   crit_col1_datatype = p_crit_col1_datatype,
   col1_lookup_type = p_col1_lookup_type,
   col1_value_set_id = l_col1_value_set_id,
   access_table_name1 = p_access_table_name1 ,
   access_column_name1 = p_access_column_name1,
   crit_col2_val_type_cd = p_crit_col2_val_type_cd,
   crit_col2_datatype = p_crit_col2_datatype,
   col2_lookup_type = p_col2_lookup_type,
   col2_value_set_id = l_col2_value_set_id,
   access_table_name2 = p_access_table_name2,
   access_column_name2 = p_access_column_name2,
   allow_range_validation_flag = p_allow_range_validation_flag,
   allow_range_validation_flag2 = p_allow_range_validation_flag2,
   user_defined_flag = p_user_defined_flag,
   business_group_id = to_number(p_business_group_id),
   legislation_code = p_legislation_code,
   criteria_type = 'STD',
   last_updated_by        = l_last_updated_by,
   last_update_date       = l_last_update_date,
   last_update_login      = l_last_update_login
   where eligy_criteria_id = l_eligy_criteria_id;
Line: 721

   update ben_eligy_criteria set
   name = p_name,
   description = p_description,
   crit_col1_val_type_cd = p_crit_col1_val_type_cd,
   crit_col1_datatype = p_crit_col1_datatype,
   col1_lookup_type = p_col1_lookup_type,
   col1_value_set_id = l_col1_value_set_id,
   access_table_name1 = p_access_table_name1 ,
   access_column_name1 = p_access_column_name1,
   crit_col2_val_type_cd = p_crit_col2_val_type_cd,
   crit_col2_datatype = p_crit_col2_datatype,
   col2_lookup_type = p_col2_lookup_type,
   col2_value_set_id = l_col2_value_set_id,
   access_table_name2 = p_access_table_name2,
   access_column_name2 = p_access_column_name2,
   allow_range_validation_flag = p_allow_range_validation_flag,
   allow_range_validation_flag2 = p_allow_range_validation_flag2,
   user_defined_flag = p_user_defined_flag,
   legislation_code = p_legislation_code,
   criteria_type = 'STD',
   last_updated_by        = l_last_updated_by,
   last_update_date       = l_last_update_date,
   last_update_login      = l_last_update_login
   where eligy_criteria_id = bg_crit_rec.eligy_criteria_id;
Line: 750

    insert into ben_eligy_criteria
Line: 819

procedure create_update_criteria(p_mode               in varchar2,
                                 p_eligy_criteria_id  in number,
                                 p_business_area      in varchar2,
                                 p_business_group_id  in number,
                                 p_effective_date     in date,
                                 p_criteria_type      in varchar2,
                                 p_copy_entity_txn_id in  out nocopy number,
                                 p_copy_entity_result_id  out nocopy number,
                                 p_copy_entity_result_ovn out nocopy number) is
   l_cet_id number;
Line: 849

   elsif p_mode ='UPDATE' and p_copy_entity_txn_id is null then
   -- create the copy entity txn row
   -- copy the EGL data into staging area and set dml_operation to 'UPDATE'
      hr_utility.set_location('creating cet row for update',10);
Line: 911

end create_update_criteria;
Line: 917

   cursor c1 is select * from ben_copy_entity_results
                where table_alias = 'EGL'
                and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 926

      if r_egl.dml_operation ='UPDATE' then
         hr_utility.set_location('going for update operation ',10);
Line: 931

               p_validate                    => FALSE,
               p_eligy_criteria_id           => l_eligy_criteria_id,
               p_name                        => r_egl.information170,
               p_short_code                  => r_egl.information11,
               p_description                 => r_egl.information219,
               p_criteria_type               => r_egl.information12,
               p_crit_col1_val_type_cd       => r_egl.information13,
               p_crit_col1_datatype          => r_egl.information14,

               p_col1_lookup_type            => r_egl.information15,
               p_col1_value_set_id           => r_egl.information266,
               p_access_table_name1          => r_egl.information16,
               p_access_column_name1         => r_egl.information17,
               p_time_entry_access_tab_nam1  => r_egl.information18,
               p_time_entry_access_col_nam1  => r_egl.information19,

               p_crit_col2_val_type_cd       => r_egl.information20,
               p_crit_col2_datatype          => r_egl.information21,
               p_col2_lookup_type            => r_egl.information22,
               p_col2_value_set_id           => r_egl.information267,
               p_access_table_name2          => r_egl.information23,
               p_access_column_name2         => r_egl.information24,
               p_time_entry_access_tab_nam2  => r_egl.information25,
               p_time_entry_access_col_nam2  => r_egl.information26,

               p_access_calc_rule            => r_egl.information268,
               p_allow_range_validation_flg  => r_egl.information27,
               p_user_defined_flag           => r_egl.information28,
               p_business_group_id           => r_egl.information4,
               p_legislation_code            => r_egl.information29,
               p_egl_attribute_category      => r_egl.information110,
               p_egl_attribute1              => r_egl.information111,
               p_egl_attribute2              => r_egl.information112,
               p_egl_attribute3              => r_egl.information113,
               p_egl_attribute4              => r_egl.information114,
               p_egl_attribute5              => r_egl.information115,
               p_egl_attribute6              => r_egl.information116,
               p_egl_attribute7              => r_egl.information117,
               p_egl_attribute8              => r_egl.information118,
               p_egl_attribute9              => r_egl.information119,
               p_egl_attribute10             => r_egl.information120,
               p_egl_attribute11             => r_egl.information121,
               p_egl_attribute12             => r_egl.information122,
               p_egl_attribute13             => r_egl.information123,
               p_egl_attribute14             => r_egl.information124,
               p_egl_attribute15             => r_egl.information125,
               p_egl_attribute16             => r_egl.information126,
               p_egl_attribute17             => r_egl.information127,
               p_egl_attribute18             => r_egl.information128,
               p_egl_attribute19             => r_egl.information129,
               p_egl_attribute20             => r_egl.information130,
               p_egl_attribute21             => r_egl.information131,
               p_egl_attribute22             => r_egl.information132,
               p_egl_attribute23             => r_egl.information133,
               p_egl_attribute24             => r_egl.information134,
               p_egl_attribute25             => r_egl.information135,
               p_egl_attribute26             => r_egl.information136,
               p_egl_attribute27             => r_egl.information137,
               p_egl_attribute28             => r_egl.information138,
               p_egl_attribute29             => r_egl.information139,
               p_egl_attribute30             => r_egl.information140,
               p_object_version_number       => l_eligy_ovn,
               p_effective_date              => l_effective_date,
               p_allow_range_validation_flag2 => r_egl.information30,
               p_access_calc_rule2            => r_egl.information269,
               p_time_access_calc_rule1       => r_egl.information270,
               p_time_access_calc_rule2       => r_egl.information271
Line: 1087

    cursor c1 is select rate_matrix_rate_id from pqh_rate_matrix_rates_f
        where criteria_rate_defn_id = p_criteria_rate_defn_id;
Line: 1089

    cursor c2 is select information1 from ben_copy_entity_results where
        information1 = p_criteria_rate_defn_id and table_alias = 'RCR';
Line: 1110

procedure insert_rate_defn_tl(rateid  in number,
                                  ratename in varchar2,
                                  lang     in varchar2,
                                  slang    in varchar2,
                                  cdate    in date,
                                  cperson  in number) is

        insert into pqh_criteria_rate_defn_tl(CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID,NAME,LANGUAGE,
Line: 1123

    end insert_rate_defn_tl;
Line: 1128

    cursor c1 is select rate_factor_on_elmnt_id from
        Pqh_rate_factor_on_elmnts rf, Pqh_criteria_rate_elements re
        where rf.criteria_rate_element_id = re.criteria_rate_element_id
          and re.criteria_rate_defn_id = critId
          and rf.criteria_rate_factor_id = parentId;
Line: 1137

            delete from Pqh_rate_factor_on_elmnts
                where rate_factor_on_elmnt_id = l_rate_factor_id;
Line: 1144

FUNCTION is_used_in_matrix(p_selected_rate_matrix NUMBER, p_criteria_rate_defn_id NUMBER) RETURN varchar2 IS
    l_return_vlaue varchar2(1);
Line: 1147

        Select 'Y' INTO l_return_vlaue from
            pqh_rate_matrix_rates_f t1, pqh_rate_matrix_nodes t2
            Where t2.pl_id = p_selected_rate_matrix
            and t2.rate_matrix_node_id = t1.rate_matrix_node_id
            and sysdate between t1.effective_start_date and t1.effective_end_date
            and t1.criteria_rate_defn_id = p_criteria_rate_defn_id group by t1.criteria_rate_defn_id;
Line: 1169

    SELECT SHORT_NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl
        where  upper(short_name) = upper(sname)
        and CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID <> rateId
        and business_group_id = bgId;
Line: 1194

    SELECT NAME FROM pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl
        where  upper(name) = upper(cname)
        and CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID <> rateId
        and business_group_id = bgId;
Line: 1211

        delete from Pqh_criteria_rate_factors
            where criteria_rate_defn_id = rateTypeId;
Line: 1226

 Select 'x'
  from ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   AND table_alias = 'RMR'
   AND information162 = p_crd_id
   and dml_operation <> 'DELETE'
   and information1 is not null;
Line: 1235

Select information1
  from  ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   AND table_alias = 'PLN';
Line: 1241

Select copy_entity_result_id, information1 , nvl(information5,'name') crd_name,information160
 from ben_copy_entity_results
Where table_alias = 'RCR'
  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
  and (information1 = p_criteria_rate_defn_id OR
       information1 in (select criteria_rate_defn_id
                          from pqh_criteria_rate_factors
                         Where parent_criteria_rate_defn_id = p_criteria_rate_defn_id
                           and (parent_rate_matrix_id is null or parent_rate_matrix_id = p_rate_matrix_id)
Line: 1310

      Delete from  ben_copy_entity_results
      Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      AND table_alias = 'RMR'
      AND information162 = l_criteria_rate_defn_id
      and dml_operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1322

      Update ben_copy_entity_results
      set dml_operation = 'DELETE'
      Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
      AND table_alias = 'RMR'
      AND information162 = l_criteria_rate_defn_id
      and dml_operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1335

    Delete from ben_copy_entity_results
    Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and table_alias = 'RCR'
    and copy_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1343

    Update ben_copy_entity_results
    set information160 = (information160 - 1)
    Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and table_alias = 'RCR'
    and information160 > l_curr_order_number;
Line: 1370

Select copy_entity_result_id, information1 , nvl(information5,'name') crd_name,information160
 from ben_copy_entity_results
Where table_alias = 'RCR'
  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
 order by information160;
Line: 1377

Select information1
  from  ben_copy_entity_results
 Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   AND table_alias = 'PLN';
Line: 1383

select a.parent_criteria_rate_defn_id parent_id, b.name parent_name
 from pqh_criteria_rate_factors a, pqh_criteria_rate_defn_vl b
Where a.criteria_rate_defn_id = p_criteria_rate_defn_id
  and (parent_rate_matrix_id is null or parent_rate_matrix_id = p_rate_matrix_id)
  and a.parent_criteria_rate_defn_id = b.criteria_rate_defn_id;
Line: 1390

Select 'x'
 from ben_copy_entity_results
Where table_alias = 'RCR'
  and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
  and information1 = p_parent;
Line: 1459

    Update ben_copy_entity_results
    set information160 = l_new_order_number
    Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and table_alias = 'RCR'
    and copy_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1493

Select max(information160) + 1
from ben_copy_entity_results
Where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
and table_alias = 'RCR';
Line: 1553

    select max(nvl(information160,1))into l_max from ben_copy_entity_results where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and table_alias in('RBC_CRIT', 'PLN') and dml_operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1563

procedure delete_rate_values(p_copy_entity_txn_id       in number,
                             p_copy_entity_result_id    in number
                            ) is
    l_copy_entity_result_id number;
Line: 1570

  cursor c1 is select copy_entity_result_id, information160
        from ben_copy_entity_results
        where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
        and gs_parent_entity_result_id = p_copy_entity_result_id
        and table_alias in ('RMN','RMV');
Line: 1576

  cursor c2 is select information1,copy_entity_result_id
        from ben_copy_entity_results
        where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
        and (copy_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id
        or gs_parent_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id)
        and table_alias in ('RMN','RMV');
Line: 1591

            delete_rate_values(p_copy_entity_txn_id, l_copy_entity_result_id);
Line: 1594

        delete from ben_copy_entity_results
            where INFORMATION1 = l_copy_entity_result_id
            and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and table_alias = 'RBR';
Line: 1604

            delete from ben_copy_entity_results
            where INFORMATION1 = l_rate_matrix_node_id
            and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and copy_entity_result_id=l_copy_entity_result_id
            and table_alias in ('RMV','RMN')
            and dml_operation = 'CREATE';
Line: 1611

            update ben_copy_entity_results
            set dml_operation = 'DELETE',datetrack_mode = 'DELETE'
            where INFORMATION1 = l_rate_matrix_node_id
            and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and copy_entity_result_id=l_copy_entity_result_id
            and table_alias in ('RMV','RMN')
            and dml_operation in ('UPDATE','COPIED');
Line: 1623

    delete from ben_copy_entity_results
            where INFORMATION1 = p_copy_entity_result_id
            and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and table_alias = 'RBR';
Line: 1628

    delete from ben_copy_entity_results
            where copy_entity_result_id = p_copy_entity_result_id
            and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and table_alias in ('RMV','RMN')
            and dml_operation = 'CREATE';
Line: 1634

    update ben_copy_entity_results
            set dml_operation = 'DELETE',datetrack_mode = 'DELETE'
            where copy_entity_result_id = p_copy_entity_result_id
            and copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
            and table_alias in ('RMV','RMN')
            and dml_operation in ('UPDATE','COPIED');
Line: 1648

    select max(information160) into l_max_level_number from ben_copy_entity_results
    where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and table_alias = 'RBC_CRIT' and dml_operation <> 'DELETE';
Line: 1664

   cursor c1 is select copy_entity_result_id from ben_copy_entity_results
        where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id and table_alias = 'PLN';
Line: 1682

   delete from ben_copy_entity_results where copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1683

   delete from pqh_copy_entity_txns  where  copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 1702

         into l_max_flag, l_min_flag, l_mid_flag, l_dfl_flag
    from pqh_criteria_rate_defn
    where CRITERIA_RATE_DEFN_ID = critId;
Line: 1718

    cursor c1 is select name from fnd_currencies_vl
            where currency_code = p_currency_code;
Line: 1733

    cursor c1 is select formula_name from ff_formulas_f
        where formula_id = p_formula_id;
Line: 1758

Select validation_type, format_type
  from fnd_flex_value_sets
 Where flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;
Line: 1765

select nvl(id_column_type,'O')
  from fnd_flex_validation_tables
 where flex_value_set_id = p_value_set_id;