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Line 182: | Calculate the txn cost using data from mtl_transaction_accounts,

178: /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------
179: | Insert into mptcd if necessary.
180: | Five cases :
181: | - Interorg Accross CG with ownership change (group 1).
182: | Calculate the txn cost using data from mtl_transaction_accounts,
183: | , then insert that into mptcd elementally.
184: | - PO related txns (group 1 and i_txn_src_type_id = 1 and i_txn_action_id <> 6).
185: | Obtain the transaction cost from po table, then insert that into mptcd.
186: | i_txn_action_id of 6 is an ownership txfr, which has no acquisition cost.

Line 2089: FROM mtl_transaction_accounts mta

2085: to On-hand (either Inventory or Expense accounting line type). */
2086: BEGIN
2087: SELECT nvl(SUM(ABS(NVL(base_transaction_value, 0)))/abs(l_mta_txn_qty),0)
2088: INTO l_perp_ship_cost
2089: FROM mtl_transaction_accounts mta
2090: WHERE mta.transaction_id = i_mta_txn_id
2091: and mta.organization_id = i_from_org
2092: and mta.accounting_line_type IN (1,2)
2093: and mta.base_transaction_value < 0;

Line 2142: mtl_transaction_accounts mta

2138: i_prog_id,
2139: SYSDATE,
2140: i_login_id
2141: FROM
2142: mtl_transaction_accounts mta
2143: WHERE
2144: mta.transaction_id = i_mta_txn_id
2145: and mta.organization_id = i_from_org
2146: and mta.accounting_line_type IN (1,2)