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1 package body WIP_DIAG_WOL_FLOW as
2 /* $Header: WIPDWOLB.pls 120.0.12000000.1 2007/07/10 11:08:37 mraman noship $ */
4 PROCEDURE Uncosted_mat_txn_wol(inputs IN  JTF_DIAG_INPUTTBL,
5                         report OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_REPORT,
6                         reportClob OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
7  reportStr   LONG;           -- REPORT
8  sqltxt    VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
9  c_username  VARCHAR2(50);   -- accept input for username
10  statusStr   VARCHAR2(50);   -- SUCCESS or FAILURE
11  errStr      VARCHAR2(4000); -- error message
12  fixInfo     VARCHAR2(4000); -- fix tip
13  isFatal     VARCHAR2(50);   -- TRUE or FALSE
14  dummy_num   NUMBER;
15  row_limit   NUMBER;
16  l_org_id    NUMBER;
17  where_clause VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; -- where clause
20 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport('@html');
21 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.insert_style_sheet;
22 row_limit := 1000;
23 -- accept input
24 l_org_id := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getInputValue('OrganizationId',inputs);
26 If l_org_id is not null then
27    where_clause := ' and organization_id = ' || l_org_id || ' ';
28    reportStr := ' Organization Id = ' || l_org_id || ' <BR>';
29    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
30 end if;
31 sqltxt :=
32 'select '||
33 '       mmt1.transaction_source_id, '||
34 '       mmt1.transaction_id, '||
35 '       mmt1.organization_id, '||
36 '       mmt1.completion_transaction_id, '||
37 '       mmt1.move_transaction_id, '||
38 '       nvl(mmt1.costed_flag, ''Y'') costed_flag, '||
39 '       decode(mmt1.transaction_action_id, '||
40 '  1, ''Issue'', '||
41 '  2, ''Subinv Xfr'', '||
42 '  3, ''Org Xfr'', '||
43 '  4, ''Cycle Count Adj'', '||
44 '  5, ''Plan Xfr'', '||
45 '  21, ''Intransit Shpmt'', '||
46 '  24, ''Cost Update'', '||
47 '  27, ''Receipt'', '||
48 '  28, ''Stg Xfr'', '||
49 '  30, ''Wip scrap'', '||
50 '  31, ''Assy Complete'', '||
51 '  32, ''Assy return'', '||
52 '  33, ''-ve CompIssue'', '||
53 '  34, ''-ve CompReturn'', '||
54 '  40, ''Inv Lot Split'', '||
55 '  41, ''Inv Lot Merge'', '||
56 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
57 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
58 '  transaction_action_id) txn_action_meaning, '||
59 '       mmt1.error_code, '||
60 '       substrb(mmt1.error_explanation,1,50) err_explain '||
61 ' from   mtl_material_transactions mmt1 '||
62 ' where  mmt1.transaction_action_id in (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
63 ' and    mmt1.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
64 ' and    mmt1.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
65 ' and    mmt1.costed_flag  = ''E'' '||
66 ' and    mmt1.completion_transaction_id is not null '||
67 ' and    mmt1.transaction_source_id is not null '||
68   where_clause ||
69 ' and    exists (select 1 '||
70 '                from   mtl_material_transactions mmt2 '||
71 '                where  mmt2.transaction_action_id in (30, 31, 32) '||
72 '                and    mmt2.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
73 '                and    mmt2.completion_transaction_id = '||
74 '                            mmt1.completion_transaction_id '||
75 '                and    mmt2.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
76 '                and    mmt2.costed_flag in (''N'', ''E'') '||
77                         where_clause ||
78 '               ) '||
79 ' and    exists (select 1 '||
80 '    from   wip_flow_schedules wfs '||
81 '  where  wfs.wip_entity_id = mmt1.transaction_source_id '||
82 '  and    wfs.organization_id = mmt1.organization_id) '||
83 ' order by transaction_source_id, transaction_action_id';
86 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
87 		'Component transaction(s) in MMT erred during costing with Parent transaction either' ||
88 		' not costed or erred in MMT (error: CST_INVALID_WIP).',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
90 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
91    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
92 END IF;
94 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
96 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency in component transaction(s).' ||
97 ' These are component transactions in MMT for Work Order-less / Flow for which the parent assembly' ||
98 ' transaction is either not costed or erred.';
99 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
100 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
102 end if;
104 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
105 isFatal := 'FALSE';
106 fixInfo := 'OK';
107 errStr :='No Error!';
110 sqltxt :=
111 'select '||
112 '       mmt1.transaction_source_id, '||
113 '       mmt1.transaction_id, '||
114 '       mmt1.organization_id, '||
115 '       mmt1.completion_transaction_id, '||
116 '       mmt1.move_transaction_id, '||
117 '       nvl(mmt1.costed_flag, ''Y'') costed_flag, '||
118 '       decode(mmt1.transaction_action_id, '||
119 '  1, ''Issue'', '||
120 '  2, ''Subinv Xfr'', '||
121 '  3, ''Org Xfr'', '||
122 '  4, ''Cycle Count Adj'', '||
123 '  5, ''Plan Xfr'', '||
124 '  21, ''Intransit Shpmt'', '||
125 '  24, ''Cost Update'', '||
126 '  27, ''Receipt'', '||
127 '  28, ''Stg Xfr'', '||
128 '  30, ''Wip scrap'', '||
129 '  31, ''Assy Complete'', '||
130 '  32, ''Assy return'', '||
131 '  33, ''-ve CompIssue'', '||
132 '  34, ''-ve CompReturn'', '||
133 '  40, ''Inv Lot Split'', '||
134 '  41, ''Inv Lot Merge'', '||
135 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
136 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
137 '  transaction_action_id) txn_action_meaning, '||
138 '       mmt1.error_code, '||
139 '       substrb(mmt1.error_explanation,1,50) err_explain '||
140 ' from   mtl_material_transactions mmt1 '||
141 ' where  mmt1.transaction_action_id in (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
142 ' and    mmt1.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
143 ' and    mmt1.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
144 ' and    mmt1.costed_flag = ''E'' '||
145 ' and    mmt1.completion_transaction_id is not null '||
146 ' and    mmt1.transaction_source_id is not null '||
147   where_clause ||
148 ' and    not exists (select 1 '||
149 '                    from   mtl_material_transactions mmt2 '||
150 '                    where  mmt2.transaction_action_id in (30, 31, 32) '||
151 '                    and    mmt2.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
152 '                    and    mmt2.completion_transaction_id = '||
153 '                           mmt1.completion_transaction_id '||
154 '                    and    mmt2.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
155                      where_clause ||
156 '               ) '||
157 ' order by transaction_source_id, transaction_action_id';
160 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
161 		'Component transaction(s) in MMT erred during costing with missing Parent transaction in MMT (error: CST_INVALID_WIP).',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
163 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
164    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
165 END IF;
167 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
169 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency among component transaction(s). These are component transactions' || ' in MMT for Work Order-less / Flow transactions for which the parent assembly transaction is missing in MMT.';
170 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
171 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
173 end if;
175 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
176 isFatal := 'FALSE';
177 fixInfo := 'OK';
178 errStr :='No Error!';
180 sqltxt :=
181 'select mmt.transaction_source_id, '||
182 '       mmt.transaction_id, '||
183 '       mmt.organization_id, '||
184 '       mmt.completion_transaction_id, '||
185 '       mmt.move_transaction_id, '||
186 '       nvl(mmt.costed_flag, ''Y''), '||
187 '       decode(mmt.transaction_action_id, '||
188 '  1, ''Issue'', '||
189 '  2, ''Subinv Xfr'', '||
190 '  3, ''Org Xfr'', '||
191 '  4, ''Cycle Count Adj'', '||
192 '  5, ''Plan Xfr'', '||
193 '  21, ''Intransit Shpmt'', '||
194 '  24, ''Cost Update'', '||
195 '  27, ''Receipt'', '||
196 '  28, ''Stg Xfr'', '||
197 '  30, ''Wip scrap'', '||
198 '  31, ''Assy Complete'', '||
199 '  32, ''Assy return'', '||
200 '  33, ''-ve CompIssue'', '||
201 '  34, ''-ve CompReturn'', '||
202 '  40, ''Inv Lot Split'', '||
203 '  41, ''Inv Lot Merge'', '||
204 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
205 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
206 '  transaction_action_id) txn_action_meaning, '||
207 '       mmt.error_code, '||
208 '       mmt.error_explanation '||
209 'from   mtl_material_transactions mmt '||
210 'where  mmt.transaction_action_id not in (30, 31, 32)  /* All Non parent transactions */ '||
211 'and    mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 /* WIP */'||
212 'and    mmt.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
213 'and    mmt.costed_flag  in (''N'', ''E'') '||
214  where_clause ||
215 'and    exists ( select 1 '||
216 '                         from   mtl_material_transactions mmt1 '||
217 '                         where  mmt1.transaction_action_id in (30, 31, 32)  '||
218 '                                                   /* Parent Transactions */ '||
219 '                         and    mmt1.transaction_source_type_id = 5 /* WIP */ '||
220 '                         and    mmt1.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
221 '                         and    mmt1.costed_flag is null /* Parent is costed */ '||
222 '                         and    mmt1.completion_transaction_id = '||
223 '                                       mmt.completion_transaction_id        '||
224                           where_clause ||
225 '                        ) '||
226 'order by transaction_source_id, transaction_action_id';
229 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
230 		'Component transaction(s) in MMT Uncosted/erred during costing with costed Parent transaction in MMT (error: CST_INVALID_WIP).',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
232 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
233    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
234 END IF;
236 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
238 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency among component transaction(s). These are component transactions' || ' in MMT for Work Order-less / Flow transactions for which the parent assembly transaction is costed.';
239 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
240 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
242 end if;
244 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
245 isFatal := 'FALSE';
246 fixInfo := 'OK';
247 errStr :='No Error!';
249 sqltxt :=
250 ' select '||
251 '       mmt.transaction_source_id, '||
252 '       mmt.transaction_id, '||
253 '       mmt.organization_id, '||
254 '       mmt.completion_transaction_id, '||
255 '       mmt.move_transaction_id, '||
256 '       nvl(mmt.costed_flag, ''Y'') costed_flag, '||
257 '       decode(mmt.transaction_action_id, '||
258 '  1, ''Issue'', '||
259 '  2, ''Subinv Xfr'', '||
260 '  3, ''Org Xfr'', '||
261 '  4, ''Cycle Count Adj'', '||
262 '  5, ''Plan Xfr'', '||
263 '  21, ''Intransit Shpmt'', '||
264 '  24, ''Cost Update'', '||
265 '  27, ''Receipt'', '||
266 '  28, ''Stg Xfr'', '||
267 '  30, ''Wip scrap'', '||
268 '  31, ''Assy Complete'', '||
269 '  32, ''Assy return'', '||
270 '  33, ''-ve CompIssue'', '||
271 '  34, ''-ve CompReturn'', '||
272 '  40, ''Inv Lot Split'', '||
273 '  41, ''Inv Lot Merge'', '||
274 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
275 '  42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
276 '  transaction_action_id) txn_action_meaning, '||
277 '       mmt.error_code, '||
278 '       substrb(mmt.error_explanation,1,50) err_explain '||
279 ' from   mtl_material_transactions mmt '||
280 ' where  mmt.transaction_action_id in (1,27,33,34,30,31,32) '||
281 ' and    mmt.transaction_type_id in (17,35, 43,44,90,38,48) '||
282 ' and    mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
283 ' and    mmt.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
284 ' and    mmt.costed_flag  in (''N'', ''E'') '||
285 ' and    mmt.transaction_source_id is not null '||
286   where_clause ||
287 ' and    not exists (select 1 '||
288 '                from   wip_flow_schedules wfs '||
289 '                where  wfs.wip_entity_id = mmt.transaction_source_id '||
290 '  and    wfs.organization_id = mmt.organization_id '||
291 '               ) '||
292 ' order by transaction_source_id, transaction_action_id';
295 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
296 		'Transaction(s) in MMT Uncosted/erred during costing with missing flow schedule (error: CST_INVALID_WIP).',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
298 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
299    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
300 END IF;
302 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
304 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency among MMT transaction(s) for Work Order-less / Flow' ||
305 ' transactions. These are transactions in MMT for Work Order-less / Flow transactions for which the flow schedule is missing.';
306 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
307 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
309 end if;
311 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
312 isFatal := 'FALSE';
313 fixInfo := 'OK';
314 errStr :='No Error!';
317 sqltxt :=
318 '  select '||
319 '        mmt.transaction_source_id, '||
320 '        mmt.transaction_id, '||
321 '        mmt.organization_id, '||
322 '        mmt.completion_transaction_id, '||
323 '        mmt.move_transaction_id, '||
324 '        nvl(mmt.costed_flag, ''Y'') costed_flag, '||
325 '        decode(mmt.transaction_action_id, '||
326 '                 1, ''Issue'', '||
327 '                 2, ''Subinv Xfr'', '||
328 '                 3, ''Org Xfr'', '||
329 '                 4, ''Cycle Count Adj'', '||
330 '                 5, ''Plan Xfr'', '||
331 '                 21, ''Intransit Shpmt'', '||
332 '                 24, ''Cost Update'', '||
333 '                 27, ''Receipt'', '||
334 '                 28, ''Stg Xfr'', '||
335 '                 30, ''Wip scrap'', '||
336 '                 31, ''Assy Complete'', '||
337 '                 32, ''Assy return'', '||
338 '                 33, ''-ve CompIssue'', '||
339 '                 34, ''-ve CompReturn'', '||
340 '                 40, ''Inv Lot Split'', '||
341 '                 41, ''Inv Lot Merge'', '||
342 '                 42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
343 '                 42, ''Inv Lot Translate'', '||
344 '                       transaction_action_id) txn_action_meaning, '||
345 '        mmt.error_code, '||
346 '        substrb(mmt.error_explanation,1,50) err_explain '||
347 '  from   mtl_material_transactions mmt '||
348 '  where  mmt.transaction_action_id in (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
349 '    and  mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
350 '    and  mmt.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
351 '    and  mmt.costed_flag  in (''N'', ''E'') '||
352 '    and  mmt.transaction_source_id is not NULL '||
353 '    and  mmt.completion_transaction_id is not null '||
354      where_clause ||
355 '    and  exists (select 1 '||
356 '                   from   mtl_material_transactions mmt1 '||
357 '                  WHERE   mmt1.transaction_action_id in (30, 31, 32) '||
358 '                    and   mmt1.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
359 '                    and   mmt1.completion_transaction_id = mmt.completion_transaction_id '||
360 '                    and   mmt1.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
361 '                    and   mmt1.transaction_source_id <> mmt.transaction_source_id '||
362 '                ) '||
363 '  order by transaction_source_id, transaction_action_id ';
365 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
366 		'Component transaction(s) in MMT erred during costing due to backflush against an incorrect flow schedule with Parent transaction either not costed or erred in MMT (error: CST_INVALID_WIP).',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
368 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
369    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
370 END IF;
372 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
374 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency among MMT component transaction(s) for'||
375 ' Work Order-less / Flow transactions. These are component transactions in MMT' ||
376 ' for Work Order-less / Flow transactions with incorrect transaction_source_id.';
377 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
378 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
380 end if;
382 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
383 isFatal := 'FALSE';
384 fixInfo := 'OK';
385 errStr :='No Error!';
386  <<l_test_end>>
387  report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
388  reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
390 END Uncosted_mat_txn_wol;
392 PROCEDURE Pending_res_txn_wol(inputs IN  JTF_DIAG_INPUTTBL,
393                         report OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_REPORT,
394                         reportClob OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
395  reportStr   LONG;           -- REPORT
396  sqltxt    VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
397  c_username  VARCHAR2(50);   -- accept input for username
398  statusStr   VARCHAR2(50);   -- SUCCESS or FAILURE
399  errStr      VARCHAR2(4000); -- error message
400  fixInfo     VARCHAR2(4000); -- fix tip
401  isFatal     VARCHAR2(50);   -- TRUE or FALSE
402  dummy_num   NUMBER;
403  row_limit   NUMBER;
404  l_org_id    NUMBER;
405  where_clause VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; -- where clause
408 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport('@html');
409 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.insert_style_sheet;
410 -- accept input
411 l_org_id := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getInputValue('OrganizationId',inputs);
413 If l_org_id is not null then
414    where_clause := ' and organization_id = ' || l_org_id || ' ';
415    reportStr := ' Organization Id = ' || l_org_id || ' <BR>';
416    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
417 end if;
419 sqltxt :=
420 'select wip_entity_id, '||
421 '       decode(to_char(completion_transaction_id), null, ''?'', '''') miss_comp, '||
422 '       organization_id '||
423 '       transaction_id, '||
424 '       completion_transaction_id,  '||
425 '       process_status '||
426 'from   wip_cost_txn_interface '||
427 'where  wip_entity_id in  '||
428 '  (select mmt1.transaction_source_id '||
429 '  from   mtl_material_transactions mmt1 '||
430 '  where  mmt1.transaction_source_type_id = 5 /* WIP */'||
431 '  and    mmt1.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
432 '  and    mmt1.costed_flag  in (''N'', ''E'') '||
433 '  and    mmt1.error_code = ''CST_INVALID_WIP'' '||
434      where_clause ||
435 '  ) '||
436    where_clause ||
437 'order by wip_entity_id, transaction_id';
440 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
441 		'Pending Resource transaction(s) due to UnCosted/erred MMT transaction.',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
443 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
444    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
445 END IF;
447 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
449  reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency in resource transaction(s) for Work Order-less / Flow  transactions. These are pending transactions in WCTI for uncosted / erred Work Order-less / Flow transactions in MMT.';
450  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
451  JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorPrint('Please open a service request against Oracle Work in Process for the data-fix and root-cause, and upload the output of this diagnostic test.<BR> <BR>');
453 end if;
455 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
456 isFatal := 'FALSE';
457 fixInfo := 'OK';
458 errStr :='No Error!';
461 sqltxt :=
462 ' select wcti.wip_entity_name ScheduleNumber,  '||
463 '        wcti.wip_entity_id, '||
464 '        wcti.organization_id, '||
465 '        wcti.department_code, '||
466 '        wcti.operation_seq_num, '||
467 '        wcti.resource_seq_num, '||
468 '        wcti.resource_code, '||
469 '        wcti.transaction_id, '||
470 '        wcti.completion_transaction_id '||
471 '  from  wip_cost_txn_interface wcti '||
472 ' where  entity_type = 4 -- Flow '||
473   where_clause ||
474 '   and exists (select 1 '||
475 '     from mtl_material_transactions mmt '||
476 '     where mmt.transaction_action_id in (30, 31, 32) '||
477 '     and mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 /* WIP */'||
478 '     and mmt.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
479 '     and mmt.costed_flag is null /* Parent is costed */'||
480 '     and mmt.completion_transaction_id = wcti.completion_transaction_id '||
481       where_clause || ' )';
484 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
485 		'Work Order-less / Flow Pending Resource transaction(s) with Costed parent MMT transaction.',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
487 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
488    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
489 END IF;
491 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
493 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency in resource transaction(s) for Work Order-less / Flow transactions. These are transactions in WCTI for which parent Work Order-less / Flow transactions is costed.';
494 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
495 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorPrint('Records listed above are not eligible for Costing as Parent transaction is already costed.<BR>' ||
496 ' In this event, variances must have been posted. You should thus post a manual journal entry to transfer the value back from variance account' ||
497 ' into WIP valuation acounts. Finally, delete the corresponding pending resource transaction(s) record.<BR><BR>');
499 end if;
501 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
502 isFatal := 'FALSE';
503 fixInfo := 'OK';
504 errStr :='No Error!';
506  <<l_test_end>>
507  report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
508  reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
510 END Pending_res_txn_wol;
512 PROCEDURE Invalid_txn_mti_wol(inputs IN  JTF_DIAG_INPUTTBL,
513                         report OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_REPORT,
514                         reportClob OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
515  reportStr   LONG;           -- REPORT
516  sqltxt    VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
517  c_username  VARCHAR2(50);   -- accept input for username
518  statusStr   VARCHAR2(50);   -- SUCCESS or FAILURE
519  errStr      VARCHAR2(4000); -- error message
520  fixInfo     VARCHAR2(4000); -- fix tip
521  isFatal     VARCHAR2(50);   -- TRUE or FALSE
522  dummy_num   NUMBER;
523  row_limit   NUMBER;
524  l_item_id   NUMBER;
525  l_org_id    NUMBER;
526  where_clause VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; -- where clause
529 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport('@html');
530 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.insert_style_sheet;
531 -- accept input
532 l_org_id := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getInputValue('OrganizationId',inputs);
534 If l_org_id is not null then
535    where_clause := ' and organization_id = ' || l_org_id || ' ';
536    reportStr := ' Organization Id = ' || l_org_id || ' <BR>';
537    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
538 end if;
540 /* Bug 5731956: Added if condition to check existence of column COMPLETION_TRANSACTION_ID*/
542         sqltxt :=
543         'SELECT transaction_source_id, '||
544         '       organization_id, '||
545         '       transaction_interface_id, '||
546         '       parent_id, '||
547         '       completion_transaction_id '||
548         'FROM   mtl_transactions_interface mti '||
549         'WHERE  mti.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
550         'AND    mti.transaction_action_id IN (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
551         'AND    mti.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
552           where_clause ||
553         'AND    NOT EXISTS  '||
554         '       (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_transactions_interface mti2 '||
555         '        WHERE mti2.organization_id = mti.organization_id '||
556         '        AND   mti2.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
557         '        AND   mti2.completion_transaction_id = mti.completion_transaction_id '||
558         '        AND   mti2.transaction_action_id NOT IN (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
559         '        AND   mti2.transaction_interface_id = mti.parent_id' ||
560                  where_clause || ' ) '||
561         'AND    NOT EXISTS  '||
562         '       (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt '||
563         '        WHERE mmt.organization_id = mti.organization_id '||
564         '        AND   mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
565         '        AND   mmt.completion_transaction_id = mti.completion_transaction_id '||
566         '        AND   mmt.costed_flag IN (''N'',''E'')  '||
567         '        AND   mmt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (1, 27, 33, 34)) ';
569         dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
570                    'Component transaction(s) in transactions open interface whose associated assembly transaction '||
571                    'is costed or missing in material transactions table(MMT).',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
573         IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
574            JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
575         END IF;
577         If ( dummy_num > 0) then
579         reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency in component transaction(s) for Work Order-less / Flow transactions.' ||
580         ' These are component transactions in MTI for which parent Work Order-less / Flow transactions is costed or missing.';
581         JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
582         JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
584         end if;
586         statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
587         isFatal := 'FALSE';
588         fixInfo := 'OK';
589         errStr :='No Error!';
592         sqltxt :=
593         'SELECT transaction_source_id, '||
594         '       organization_id, '||
595         '       transaction_interface_id, '||
596         '       parent_id, '||
597         '       completion_transaction_id '||
598         'FROM   mtl_transactions_interface mti '||
599         'WHERE  mti.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
600         'AND    mti.transaction_action_id IN (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
601         'AND    mti.flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
602           where_clause ||
603         'AND    NOT EXISTS  '||
604         '       (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_transactions_interface mti2 '||
605         '        WHERE mti2.organization_id = mti.organization_id '||
606         '        AND   mti2.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
607         '        AND   mti2.completion_transaction_id = mti.completion_transaction_id '||
608         '        AND   mti2.transaction_action_id NOT IN (1, 27, 33, 34) '||
609         '        AND   mti2.transaction_interface_id = mti.parent_id' ||
610                  where_clause || ' ) '||
611         'AND     EXISTS  '||
612         '       (SELECT 1 FROM mtl_material_transactions mmt '||
613         '        WHERE mmt.organization_id = mti.organization_id '||
614         '        AND   mmt.transaction_source_type_id = 5 '||
615         '        AND   mmt.completion_transaction_id = mti.completion_transaction_id '||
616         '        AND   mmt.costed_flag IN (''N'',''E'')  '||
617         '        AND   mmt.transaction_action_id NOT IN (1, 27, 33, 34)) ';
620         dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt, 'Component transaction(s) in transactions open interface whose associated assembly transaction is not costed.',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
622         IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
623            JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
624         END IF;
626         If ( dummy_num > 0) then
628         reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency in component transaction(s) for Work Order-less / Flow transactions.' ||
629         ' These are component transactions in MTI for which parent Work Order-less / Flow transactions is not costed.';
630         JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
631         JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
633         end if;
634 else
635         reportStr := 'This instance is not able to run this test as it is not on the required patchset level.';
636         JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.WarningPrint(reportStr);
637         JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionWarningPrint('No action required.');
638 end if;
640 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
641 isFatal := 'FALSE';
642 fixInfo := 'OK';
643 errStr :='No Error!';
646  <<l_test_end>>
647  report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
648  reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
650 END Invalid_txn_mti_wol;
652 PROCEDURE Dup_mat_txn_mti(inputs IN  JTF_DIAG_INPUTTBL,
653                         report OUT NOCOPY JTF_DIAG_REPORT,
654                         reportClob OUT NOCOPY CLOB) IS
655  reportStr   LONG;           -- REPORT
656  sqltxt    VARCHAR2(9999);  -- SQL select statement
657  c_username  VARCHAR2(50);   -- accept input for username
658  statusStr   VARCHAR2(50);   -- SUCCESS or FAILURE
659  errStr      VARCHAR2(4000); -- error message
660  fixInfo     VARCHAR2(4000); -- fix tip
661  isFatal     VARCHAR2(50);   -- TRUE or FALSE
662  dummy_num   NUMBER;
663  row_limit   NUMBER;
664  l_org_id    NUMBER;
665  where_clause VARCHAR2(4000) := NULL; -- where clause
668 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport('@html');
669 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.insert_style_sheet;
670 row_limit := 1000;
671 -- accept input
672 l_org_id := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getInputValue('OrganizationId',inputs);
674 If l_org_id is not null then
675    where_clause := ' and organization_id = ' || l_org_id || ' ';
676    reportStr := ' Organization Id = ' || l_org_id || ' <BR>';
677    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.addStringToReport(reportClob,reportStr);
678 end if;
680 sqltxt :=
681 'SELECT organization_id,  '||
682 '       transaction_source_id, '||
683 '       transaction_type_id, '||
684 '       inventory_item_id,  '||
685 '       primary_quantity, '||
686 '       subinventory_code, '||
687 '       locator_id '||
688 '       completion_transaction_id, '||
689 '       Count(*) '||
690 'FROM mtl_material_transactions '||
691 'WHERE transaction_source_type_id = 5  '||
692 'AND   completion_transaction_id IS NOT null   '||
693 'AND   flow_schedule = ''Y'' '||
694   where_clause ||
695 'HAVING Count(*) > 1 '||
696 'GROUP BY  organization_id,  '||
697 '          transaction_source_id, '||
698 '          transaction_type_id, '||
699 '          inventory_item_id,  '||
700 '          primary_quantity, '||
701 '          subinventory_code, '||
702 '          locator_id, '||
703 '          completion_transaction_id';
706 dummy_num:= JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.display_sql(sqltxt,
707 		'Duplicate material transactions.',true,null,'Y',row_limit);
709 IF (dummy_num = row_limit) THEN
710    JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.Line_Out('<BR> Output limited to the first '|| row_limit || ' rows to prevent an excessively large output file. <BR>');
711 END IF;
713 If ( dummy_num > 0) then
715 reportStr := 'The rows returned above signify data inconsistency in Work Order-less / Flow transactions. These are duplicate material transactions.';
716 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ErrorPrint(reportStr);
717 JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_COREAPI.ActionErrorLink('Please refer to Metalink note ', 402202.1, 'to get the root-cause patch and steps to correct the data.<BR><BR>');
719 end if;
720 statusStr := 'SUCCESS';
721 isFatal := 'FALSE';
722 fixInfo := 'OK';
723 errStr :='No Error!';
726  <<l_test_end>>
727  report := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.constructReport(statusStr,errStr,fixInfo,isFatal);
728  reportClob := JTF_DIAGNOSTIC_ADAPTUTIL.getReportClob;
730 END Dup_mat_txn_mti;
732 END;