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Line 1367: -- Given a location ID, concatenates fields from the hr_locations into an

1363: -- None.
1364: --Locks:
1365: -- None.
1366: --Function:
1367: -- Given a location ID, concatenates fields from the hr_locations into an
1368: -- address using different fields and formats for different countries and
1369: -- address types.
1370: --Parameters:
1371: --IN:

Line 1384: --SQL What: Concatenate fields from hr_locations

1381: l_address varchar2(2000);
1383: begin
1384: --SQL What: Concatenate fields from hr_locations
1385: --SQL Why: To return an address
1386: SELECT substrb ( part1 || decode(part2, NULL, '', part2 || ' ') || part3,
1387: 1, 2000)
1388: INTO l_address

Line 1409: FROM hr_locations hrl,

1405: AS part2,
1406: decode(hrl.postal_code, null, '', hrl.postal_code || ', ')
1407: || ftv.territory_short_name
1408: AS part3
1409: FROM hr_locations hrl,
1410: fnd_territories_vl ftv,
1411: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv1,
1412: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv2,
1413: fnd_lookup_values_vl flv3