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Line 148: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b

144: if (p_type = 'I') then
145: begin -- inbound message
146: begin
147: select a.db_link into l_dblink
148: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b
149: where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
150: and b.email_account_id = mdts.email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
151: exception
152: when others then

Line 153: l_err_msg := substr('Error in query iem_db_connections and iem_email_accounts'||SQLERRM,1,1000);

149: where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
150: and b.email_account_id = mdts.email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
151: exception
152: when others then
153: l_err_msg := substr('Error in query iem_db_connections and iem_email_accounts'||SQLERRM,1,1000);
154: end;
155: begin
156: execute immediate 'select reply_to_str, cc_str, bcc_str from '
157: ||'OM_HEADER@'||l_dblink||' where msg_id = '|| mdts.source_message_id

Line 267: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b

263: end;
265: begin
266: select a.db_link into l_dblink
267: from iem_db_connections a, iem_email_accounts b
268: where a.db_server_id=b.db_Server_id
269: and b.email_account_id = mdts.email_account_id and a.is_admin='A';
270: exception
271: when others then