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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 39

          UPDATE Placement to end on P_Effective_Run_Date
          INSERT New placement starting on P_Effective_Run_Date until the end
                 of time.  Has same values as the curent placement.
      END LOOP
     adapted from an earlier release of a 'C' program for spinal incrementing,
     first written by AMcI.
     This PL/SQL procedure is called by the run report screen (SRS).  The
     group keyflex is passed to this procedure as a concatenated string, (or
     null when no group keyflex is specified).  When the concatenated string
     is null, no group partial matching is performed and all valid employees
     are incremented.
     When a People group keyflex has been specified, the procedure has to first
     separate the concatenated string into the individual segments.  A further
     complication is that the display order of the segments as passed to
     this procedure may be a different order to the way it is stored on the
     people group table.  The segments are re-aligned to match the segments
     on the people group table before the partial matching is performed.
     mwcallag   17-JUN-1993 - created.
     rfine      23-NOV-1994 - Suppressed index on business_group_id
     amills     05-DEC-1995 - Changed date format to DDMMYYYY for
     dkerr	14-MAR-1996 - 349633 - Removed hard-coded month names
     jrhodes    18-FEB-1997 - 626703 - Added Application_ID and ID_Flex_Code
                                       to query on FND_ID_FLEX_STRUCTURES
                                       and FND_ID_FLEX_SEGMENTS
     stlocke	13-JUN-2001 - Updated the process so that it calls the api
			      rather doing the dml in this package.
			      The process now also passes the increment_number,
			      and performs processing to allow reporting.
     stlocke    12-DEC-2001 - Added additional params and processing to allow
			      the user to specify a business rule to increment
			      by such as employee's date of birth.

rem Change List
rem ===========
rem Version Date        Author         Comment
rem -------+-----------+--------------+----------------------------------------
rem 115.39  13-MAR-2002 stlocke        Changed main select cursors so as to remove
rem				       per_qualifications and hr_soft_coding_keyflex
rem				       tables as if no data in tables then cursor
rem				       will return no rows.
rem 115.40  14-MAR-2002 stlocke	       Commented in commit and exit
rem 115.41  25-APR-2002 stlocke	       Added functions used for employee increment
rem				       results report.
rem 115.42  30-APR-2002 stlocke        Added code in increment available to see
rem				       if the special ceiling has been set, if so
rem				       the set grade ceiling to same value.
rem 115.43  10-MAY-2002 stlocke        Fixed issues in employee increment results
rem				       functions for returning last values where
rem				       grade scale has changed but there has been an
rem				       update return null as values for old.
rem 115.44  14-MAY-2002 stlocke	       Updated so that id grade scale ceiling is step
rem				       assignment is on and the special ceiling is
rem				       higher, process will increment assignment.
rem 115.45  17-MAY-2002 stlocke        Added full details on each section of
rem                                    the increment process
rem 115.47  06-JUN-2002 stlocke	       Completed infile documentation.
rem 115.49  08-APR-2003 vbanner        Added error handling.
rem                                    Bug 2444703.
rem 115.50  04-JUL-2003 vanantha       Bug 2999551.
rem				       Modified cursor csr_assignment_business_rule
rem 				       to handle 'leapyear' problem
rem 115.51  15-JUN-2005 bshukla        Bug 4432200 - Removed hard coding of
rem                                    schema 'psp'
rem 115.53  12-May-2008 brsinha        Bug 6969602. Changed cursor csr_assignment_business_rule
rem				       in the procudre spine.
rem 115.54  8-Dec-2011  hchintal       Changed cursor C_Spinal_Placements_Cursor
rem					for bug #12727056
rem ==========================================================================

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Function to return the spinal point that was updated		       --
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

Function func_old_spinal_point
  (p_placement_id		in number
  ,p_effective_start_date	in date
  ,p_step_id			in number
  ,p_grade_rate			in number) return varchar2 as

Cursor csr_old_spinal_point is
select substr(psp1.spinal_point,1,20)
from  per_spinal_point_placements_f spp1,
      per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
      per_spinal_points             psp1,
      per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps1,
      per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps2
      --pay_grade_rules_f             pgr2
where spp1.step_id                 <> p_step_id -- 343
and   spp1.effective_end_date       = p_effective_start_date -1
and   spp.effective_start_date	    = p_effective_start_date
and   spp1.placement_id		        = p_placement_id
and   psp1.parent_spine_id          = spp1.parent_spine_id
and   spp1.step_id                  = sps1.step_id
and   spp.step_id                   = sps2.step_id
and   sps1.grade_spine_id           = sps2.grade_spine_id
and   spp.placement_id		        = spp1.placement_id
and   sps1.spinal_point_id          = psp1.spinal_point_id;
Line: 155

  l_old_spinal_point := 'Updated First Record';
Line: 176

select pgr2.value
from  per_spinal_point_placements_f spp1,
      per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
      per_spinal_points             psp1,
      per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps1,
      pay_grade_rules_f             pgr2,
      per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps2
where p_step_id                     <> spp1.step_id
and   spp1.effective_end_date       = p_effective_start_date -1
and   spp.effective_start_date      = p_effective_start_date
and   spp1.placement_id             = p_placement_id
and   psp1.parent_spine_id          = spp1.parent_spine_id
and   spp1.step_id                  = sps1.step_id
and   spp.step_id		    = sps2.step_id
and   sps1.grade_spine_id	    = sps2.grade_spine_id
and   spp.placement_id              = spp1.placement_id
and   sps1.spinal_point_id          = psp1.spinal_point_id
and   pgr2.grade_or_spinal_point_id = sps1.spinal_point_id
and   pgr2.rate_id                  = (select min(rate_id)
                                          from pay_grade_rules_f pgr4
                                          where pgr4.grade_or_spinal_point_id = pgr2.grade_or_spinal_point_id
                                          and (to_number(p_grade_rate) = pgr4.rate_id
                                            or to_number(p_grade_rate) is null));
Line: 247

select spp.placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
where  spp.object_version_number = 1
and    spp.placement_id         = p_placement_id
and    spp.effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date;
Line: 253

/* *** No step update in record, so no grade increment */

Cursor csr_increment2 is
select spp.placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
       per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
where  spp.step_id	      = p_step_id
and    spp.placement_id       = p_placement_id
and    spp.effective_end_date = p_effective_start_date -1
and    sps.grade_spine_id     = p_grade_spine_id
and    sps.step_id            = spp.step_id;
Line: 268

select spp.placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
       per_spinal_point_steps sps
where  spp.placement_id         = p_placement_id
and    spp.effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
and    sps.grade_spine_id      <> p_grade_spine_id
and    spp.last_updated_by      = -1
and    spp.reason               = '';
Line: 280

select spp.placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
       per_spinal_point_steps_f sps,
       per_spinal_points psp
where  spp.placement_id         = p_placement_id
and    spp.effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
and    spp.step_id              = p_step_id
and    sps.step_id		= spp.step_id
and    sps.spinal_point_id      = psp.spinal_point_id
and    psp.spinal_point_id       = (select psp1.spinal_point_id
				    from per_spinal_points psp1
				    where psp1.parent_spine_id = spp.parent_spine_id
				    and  psp1.sequence = (select min(sequence)
				                         from per_spinal_points psp2,
							 per_grade_spines_f pgs
							 where psp2.parent_spine_id = pgs.parent_spine_id
							 and pgs.grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
							 and psp2.parent_spine_id = psp1.parent_spine_id));
Line: 303

select distinct spp.placement_id
from   per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
       per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
where  spp.placement_id         = p_placement_id
and    spp.effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date
and    spp.step_id              = sps.step_id
and    spp.step_id              = p_step_id
and    (spp.placement_id        <> l_increment1
    and spp.placement_id        <> l_increment2
    and spp.placement_id        <> l_increment3
    and spp.placement_id        <> l_increment4);
Line: 567

   Procedure update_report_exception
     (p_datetrack_mode                  in varchar2
     ,p_effective_date                  in date
     ,p_placement_id                    in number
     ,p_object_version_number           in number
     ,p_increment_number                in number
     ,p_reason                          in varchar2
     ,p_effective_start_date            in date
     ,p_assignment_id                   in number
     ,p_parent_spine_id                 in number
     ,p_spinal_point_id                 in number
     ,p_rate_id                         in number
     ,p_lc_step_id                      in number
     ,p_exception_report1               in varchar2
     ,p_end_date                        in date
     ,p_orig_increment_number           in number
     ,p_sequence_number                 in number
     ,p_grade_spine_id                  in number
     ,p_update                          in varchar2
     ,p_max_special_sequence_number     in number
     ,p_max_special_spinal_point        in number
     ,p_max_sequence_number             in number
     ,p_max_spinal_point                in number) is

  l_next_sequence_number        number;
Line: 594

  l_update                      varchar2(2);
Line: 609

    select sequence,spinal_point_id
    from per_spinal_point_steps_f
    where sequence > p_sequence
    and grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
    and p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                             and effective_end_date
    order by sequence;
Line: 619

  l_update := p_update;
Line: 626

     if l_update = 'Y' then

        open csr_next_sequence(p_sequence_number,
Line: 638

              l_update := 'N';
Line: 645

              l_update := 'Y';
Line: 679

     select step_id
     into l_new_step_id
     from per_spinal_point_steps_f
     where sequence = l_next_sequence_number
     and grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
     and spinal_point_id = l_next_spinal_point;
Line: 703

         (p_datetrack_mode             => p_datetrack_mode
         ,p_effective_date             => P_Effective_Date
         ,p_placement_id               => p_placement_id
         ,p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number
         ,p_step_id                    => l_new_step_id
         ,p_increment_number           => p_increment_number
         ,p_reason                     => p_reason
         ,p_effective_start_date       => l_effective_start_date
         ,p_effective_end_date         => l_effective_end_date
Line: 734

         l_update := 'Y';
Line: 769

        ,p_update                     => l_update
Line: 774

end update_report_exception;
Line: 807

  ,p_update                      out nocopy varchar2
  ,p_increment                   out nocopy number
  ,p_max_sequence_number	 out nocopy number
  ,p_max_special_sequence_number out nocopy number
  ,p_max_spinal_point_id	 out nocopy number
  ,p_max_special_spinal_point_id out nocopy number) is

  l_max_end_date                date;
Line: 818

  l_update                      varchar2(2); -- Able to update record
Line: 840

  l_update := 'Y';
Line: 846

     select max(effective_end_date)
     into l_max_end_date
     from per_spinal_point_placements_f
     where placement_id = p_placement_id;
Line: 862

          hr_utility.set_location('Datetrack mode = UPDATE',10);
Line: 863

          l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 870

           hr_utility.set_location('Datetrack mode = UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT',10);
Line: 871

           l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 886

             select nvl(sps.sequence,-99),nvl(sps.grade_spine_id,-99)
               into l_future_sequence_id,
               from per_spinal_point_steps_f sps,
                    per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
              where spp.effective_start_date = p_end_date + 1
              and   spp.placement_id = p_placement_id
              and   spp.step_id = sps.step_id;
Line: 923

     select pgs.ceiling_step_id, nvl(paa.special_ceiling_step_id,pgs.ceiling_step_id)
     into l_max_ceiling_step_id,l_special_ceiling_step_id
     from per_grade_spines_f pgs,
          per_all_assignments_f paa
     where paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
     and   pgs.parent_spine_id = p_parent_spine_id
     and   pgs.grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
     and   pgs.grade_id = paa.grade_id
     and   P_Effective_Date between pgs.effective_start_date
                                and pgs.effective_end_date
     and   P_Effective_Date between paa.effective_start_date
                                and paa.effective_end_date;
Line: 948

  if l_max_ceiling_step_id <> l_special_ceiling_step_id then -- 115.42 Update

    l_max_ceiling_step_id := l_special_ceiling_step_id;
Line: 955

    select sequence
    into   l_special_ceiling_sequence
    from   per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
    where  sps.grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
    and    sps.step_id = l_special_ceiling_step_id
    and    p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 974

     select sps.step_id, sequence
     into l_grade_max_step_id, l_grade_max_sequence
     from per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
     where sps.grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
     and   sps.sequence = (select max(sequence)
                           from per_spinal_point_steps_f psp1
                           where grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
                           and p_effective_date
                           between effective_start_date and effective_end_date);
Line: 1024

        l_update := 'N';
Line: 1028

     hr_utility.set_location('l_update '||l_update,201);
Line: 1038

       select psp1.sequence,
       into l_max_sequence_number,
       from per_spinal_points psp1,
            per_spinal_points psp2,
            per_spinal_point_steps_f sps1,
            per_spinal_point_steps_f sps2
       where psp1.spinal_point_id = sps1.spinal_point_id
       and   psp2.spinal_point_id = sps2.spinal_point_id
       and   sps1.step_id = l_max_ceiling_step_id
       and   sps2.step_id = l_special_ceiling_step_id;
Line: 1077

        select count(sps.sequence)
        into l_max_count
        from per_spinal_point_steps_f sps
        where sps.sequence > p_sequence_number
        and sps.grade_spine_id = p_grade_spine_id
        and sps.sequence <= l_max_sequence_number
        and sps.sequence <= l_max_special_sequence_number
        and sps.sequence <= l_grade_max_sequence
        and sps.sequence <= l_future_sequence_id
        and p_effective_date between sps.effective_start_date
                                and sps.effective_end_date
        order by sps.sequence;
Line: 1129

            hr_utility.set_location('L_Max_Count = 0 so update denied',141);
Line: 1130

            l_update := 'N';
Line: 1134

  p_update := l_update;
Line: 1176

    select 1
    from hr_legal_entities
    where organization_id = p_legal_entity
    and business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1236

     The process has been updated to supply many new features to the increment
     process. The first and most import one is that an assignment can be
     incremented by greater than just one point. This is determined by a new
     parameter on the grade step placement form, Increment Number, this is a
     mandatory parameter. This allows the user to change the number of steps
     that an assignment goes up by each time.
     (Within this process there is a check procedure that finds the number of
     valid steps left for the assignment on its current grade and if the
     increment number is greater than this then the number is set to the number
     of steps left on the grade.)

     The second main new feature is the abbility to run the process in a 'What If'
     mode. What this means is that you can run the increment process in a rollback
     mode. Because of the addition or reporting that has been added to the process
     it is possible to run the Increment process but without commiting the database,
     so that you can see who is incremented and by how much, who is not incremented,
     and who is incremented but reaches some kind of ceiling during the process.

     There has also been the addition of many new parameters to the Increment process
     to allow the user to restrict which assignments are incremented.

     In addition to standard restriction parameters that maps to table columns there
     has also been the addition of business rule parameters. What these do is to
     allow the user to increment an assignment based on say the employee's date of
     birth. This also allows the restriction for a date period, so you could specify
     that you wish to increment all those employee's that have a birthday in march.

     There are also an additional two parameters that allow you to specify an age range,
     so for the example just given you could also specify 21 - 30 so you would only
     increment employee's who had a birthday in march and were between the ages of 21
     to 30. This increment will be performed based on the business rule effective date.
     This means that the increment can be done on the date of birth for each employee,
     the start of the next month etc.

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-- Main Entry Point To Increment Procedure 				--
-- -------------------------------------------------------------------- --
--                                                                      --
-- Depending on if the business rule parameters have been set call the  --
-- correct code and try to increment the valid assignments.		--
--                                                                      --
-- Processing logic of procedure -                                      --
--                                                                      --
-- 1. Check business group id passed is valid.				--
-- 2. Call the businss rule check procedure.				--
-- 3. Call the constraint check procedure				--
-- 4. If the concat segs parameter is not null then correctly set 	--
--    concat seg values.						--
-- 5. If business_rule is null then					--
--    a. Call check increment available procedure.			--
--    b. Call update report exception procedure.			--
--									--
-- 6. Else if business_rule is not null then				--
--    a. Check date_from and date_to parameters for year overlap.	--
--    b. Set local dates / years accordingly.				--
--    c. Call cursor to return all assignment info for business rule	--
--       process, loop following until no more rows.			--
--    d. When no data found set the local variables to null.		--
--    e. If l_first_call flag = FALSE then				--
--	 1. Check if the copied assign param matches fetched assign_id  --
--	    and set local parameters accordingly.			--
--       2. Depending on business rule selected, check dates for copy   --
--          to fetch version and set local params accordingly.		--
--       3. Check if the year loops over an end of year and set the	--
--	    appropriate year accordingly etc.				--
--	 4. Depending on the dependant date set the effective dates	--
--	    accordingly.						--
--       5. Fetch details of assignment to be incremented using main 	--
-- 	    select cursor.						--
--	 6. Call check increment available procedure.			--
--	 7. Call update report exception procedure.			--
--  7. Update table per_parent_spines to set the date for 		--
--     last_automatic_increment_date.					--
--                                                                      --
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

procedure spine
    P_Parent_Spine_ID      	in number default null,
    P_Effective_Date       	in date,
    p_id_flex_num          	in number default null,
    p_concat_segs          	in varchar2 default null,
    P_Business_Group_ID		in number,
    p_collective_agreement_id   in number default null,
    p_person_id			in number default null,
    p_payroll_id  		in number default null,
    p_organization_id		in number default null,
    p_legal_entity		in number default null,
    p_org_structure_ver_id	in number default null,
    p_qual_type			in number default null,
    p_qual_status		in varchar2 default null,
    p_org_structure_top_node    in number default null,
    p_rate_id			in number default null,
    p_business_rule             in varchar2 default null,
    p_dependant_date            in varchar2 default null,
    p_br_date_from              in date default null,
    p_br_date_to                in date default null,
    p_year_from                 in number default null,
    p_year_to			in number default null,
    p_message_number	 out nocopy varchar2
) is
-- this cursor is used to get the order of the segments from the foundation
-- table
cursor c1 is
select   application_column_name
from     fnd_id_flex_segments
where    id_flex_num   = p_id_flex_num
and      application_id = 801
and      id_flex_code = 'GRP'
and      enabled_flag  = 'Y'
order by segment_num;
Line: 1410

l_datetrack_mode varchar2(30) := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
Line: 1415

l_update	       varchar2(2);
Line: 1416

l_update2	       varchar2(2);
Line: 1443

  l_br_update			varchar2(2) := 'N';
Line: 1466

  SELECT distinct spp.placement_id,
  FROM   per_all_assignments_f	       asg,
         per_grade_spines_f            pgs,
         per_spinal_points             psp1,
         per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps1,
         per_spinal_points             psp,
         per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps,
         per_spinal_point_placements_f spp,
	 per_periods_of_service        pps 		--12727056
  WHERE  (p_parent_spine_id is null -- PARENT_SPINE_ID
	  (spp.parent_spine_id is not null
	   and spp.parent_spine_id  = P_Parent_Spine_ID))
  AND    spp.business_group_id   = P_Business_Group_ID
  AND    spp.step_id             = sps.step_id
  AND    sps.grade_spine_id      = pgs.grade_spine_id
  AND    sps.spinal_point_id     = psp.spinal_point_id
  AND    spp.auto_increment_flag = 'Y'
  AND    psp1.parent_spine_id    = spp.parent_spine_id
  AND    sps1.grade_spine_id     = sps.grade_spine_id
  AND    sps1.spinal_point_id    = psp1.spinal_point_id
  AND    pgs.grade_id            = asg.grade_id
  AND    asg.assignment_id       = spp.assignment_id
  AND    (p_collective_agreement_id is NULL -- COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID
 	  (asg.collective_agreement_id is not null
	   and asg.collective_agreement_id = p_collective_agreement_id))
  AND    (p_business_rule is NULL -- Only use assignment id if business rule is not null
	  (p_business_rule is not null
	   and asg.assignment_id = l_copy_br_assignment_id))
  AND    (p_person_id is NULL -- PERSON_ID
          (asg.person_id is not null
	   and asg.person_id = p_person_id))
  AND    (p_payroll_id is NULL -- PAYROLL_ID
          (asg.payroll_id is not null
	   and asg.payroll_id = p_payroll_id))
  AND    (p_organization_id is NULL -- ORGANIZATION_ID
          (asg.organization_id is not null
           and asg.organization_id = p_organization_id))
  AND    (p_legal_entity is NULL -- LEGAL ENTITY
          exists (select 1
                  from hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
                  where asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id is not null
                  and asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                  and sck.segment1 = p_legal_entity))
  AND    (p_qual_type is NULL
	  exists (select 1
                  from per_qualifications pq
                  where asg.person_id = pq.person_id
	          and pq.qualification_type_id = p_qual_type))
  AND    (p_qual_status is NULL
	  exists (select 1
                  from per_qualifications pq
                  where asg.person_id = pq.person_id
                  and pq.qualification_type_id = p_qual_type
	          and pq.status = p_qual_status))
  AND    (p_org_structure_ver_id is NULL -- OGANIZATION HIERARCHY
	   (select 1
	   from per_org_structure_elements ose
           where ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_ver_id
	   and asg.organization_id = ose.organization_id_child
	   connect by prior ose.organization_id_child = ose.organization_id_parent
	   and     ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_ver_id
           start with ose.organization_id_parent = p_org_structure_top_node
           and     ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_ver_id)))
  AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN spp.effective_start_date
			      AND spp.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN sps.effective_start_date
                              AND sps.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN pgs.effective_start_date
                              AND pgs.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                              AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN sps1.effective_start_date
                              AND sps1.effective_end_date
  AND    psp1.sequence = psp.sequence
  --12727056 Start
  AND    asg.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
  AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN pps.date_start
			      AND nvl(pps.actual_termination_date, pps.date_start);
Line: 1572

  SELECT distinct spp.placement_id,
  FROM   per_all_assignments_f	       asg,
         pay_people_groups             ppg,
         per_grade_spines_f            pgs,
         per_spinal_points             psp1,
         per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps1,
         per_spinal_points             psp,
         per_spinal_point_steps_f      sps,
         per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
  WHERE  (p_parent_spine_id is null -- PARENT_SPINE_ID
          (spp.parent_spine_id is not null
           and spp.parent_spine_id  = P_Parent_Spine_ID))
  AND    spp.business_group_id   = P_Business_Group_ID
  AND    spp.step_id             = sps.step_id
  AND    sps.grade_spine_id      = pgs.grade_spine_id
  AND    sps.spinal_point_id     = psp.spinal_point_id
  AND    spp.auto_increment_flag = 'Y'
  AND    psp1.parent_spine_id    = spp.parent_spine_id
  AND    sps1.grade_spine_id     = sps.grade_spine_id
  AND    sps1.spinal_point_id    = psp1.spinal_point_id
  AND    pgs.grade_id            = asg.grade_id
  AND    asg.assignment_id       = spp.assignment_id
  AND    (p_collective_agreement_id is NULL -- COLLECTIVE_AGREEMENT_ID
          (asg.collective_agreement_id is not null
           and asg.collective_agreement_id = p_collective_agreement_id))
  AND    (p_business_rule is NULL -- Only use assignment id if business rule is not null
          (p_business_rule is not null
           and asg.assignment_id = l_copy_br_assignment_id))
  AND    (p_person_id is NULL -- PERSON_ID
          (asg.person_id is not null
           and asg.person_id = p_person_id))
  AND    (p_payroll_id is NULL -- PAYROLL_ID
          (asg.payroll_id is not null
           and asg.payroll_id = p_payroll_id))
  AND    (p_organization_id is NULL -- ORGANIZATION_ID
          (asg.organization_id is not null
           and asg.organization_id = p_organization_id))
  AND    (p_legal_entity is NULL -- LEGAL ENTITY
          exists (select 1
                  from hr_soft_coding_keyflex sck
                  where asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id is not null
                  and asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id = sck.soft_coding_keyflex_id
                  and sck.segment1 = p_legal_entity))
  AND    (p_qual_type is NULL
          exists (select 1
                  from per_qualifications pq
                  where asg.person_id = pq.person_id
                  and pq.qualification_type_id = p_qual_type))
  AND    (p_qual_status is NULL
          exists (select 1
                  from per_qualifications pq
                  where asg.person_id = pq.person_id
                  and pq.qualification_type_id = p_qual_type
                  and pq.status = p_qual_status))
  AND    (p_org_structure_ver_id is NULL -- OGANIZATION HIERARCHY
           (select 1
           from per_org_structure_elements ose
           where ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_ver_id
           and asg.organization_id = ose.organization_id_child
         connect by prior ose.organization_id_child = ose.organization_id_parent
           and     ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_ver_id
           start with ose.organization_id_parent = p_org_structure_top_node
           and     ose.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_ver_id)))
  AND 	 l_effective_date  BETWEEN spp.effective_start_date
                               AND spp.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date  BETWEEN sps.effective_start_date
                               AND sps.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date  BETWEEN pgs.effective_start_date
                               AND pgs.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date  BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                               AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date  BETWEEN sps1.effective_start_date
                               AND sps1.effective_end_date
  AND    l_effective_date  BETWEEN sps.effective_start_date
			       AND asg.effective_end_date
  AND    psp1.sequence = psp.sequence
  AND    asg.people_group_id     = ppg.people_group_id
  AND    NVL(l_seg1, NVL( ppg.Segment1, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment1, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg2, NVL( ppg.Segment2, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment2, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg3, NVL( ppg.Segment3, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment3, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg4, NVL( ppg.Segment4, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment4, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg5, NVL( ppg.Segment5, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment5, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg6, NVL( ppg.Segment6, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment6, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg7, NVL( ppg.Segment7, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment7, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg8, NVL( ppg.Segment8, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment8, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg9, NVL( ppg.Segment9, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment9, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg10, NVL( ppg.Segment10, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment10, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg11, NVL( ppg.Segment11, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment11, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg12, NVL( ppg.Segment12, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment12, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg13, NVL( ppg.Segment13, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment13, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg14, NVL( ppg.Segment14, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment14, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg15, NVL( ppg.Segment15, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment15, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg16, NVL( ppg.Segment16, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment16, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg17, NVL( ppg.Segment17, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment17, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg18, NVL( ppg.Segment18, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment18, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg19, NVL( ppg.Segment19, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment19, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg20, NVL( ppg.Segment20, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment20, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg21, NVL( ppg.Segment21, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment21, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg22, NVL( ppg.Segment22, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment22, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg23, NVL( ppg.Segment23, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment23, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg24, NVL( ppg.Segment24, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment24, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg25, NVL( ppg.Segment25, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment25, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg26, NVL( ppg.Segment26, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment26, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg27, NVL( ppg.Segment27, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment27, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg28, NVL( ppg.Segment28, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment28, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg29, NVL( ppg.Segment29, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment29, L_Pass_String)
  AND    NVL(l_seg30, NVL( ppg.Segment30, L_Pass_String)) =
         NVL(ppg.Segment30, L_Pass_String);
Line: 1739

          select paa.assignment_id,
 	 from   per_all_people_f pap,
 		per_periods_of_service pos,
 		per_all_assignments_f paa,
 		per_spinal_point_placements_f spp
 	 where  spp.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
 	 and	paa.person_id 	  = pap.person_id
 	 and	pos.person_id	  = pap.person_id
 	 and    spp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
 	 and    spp.effective_end_date >= l_br_date_from
 	 and    (('AOJ' = p_business_rule -- ***** ANNIVERSARY OF JOINING *****   --Bug #2999551
 		 and add_months(pap.original_date_of_hire, (to_number(substr(l_year_temp, 2, 4))- to_number(to_char(pap.original_date_of_hire,'YYYY')))*12)
 		 between l_br_date_from  and l_br_date_to
 		 and paa.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
 		 and pap.original_date_of_hire between decode(p_year_to, null, l_earliest_start_date,
 							       add_months(l_br_date_from, - (p_year_to * 12)))
 						    and decode(p_year_from, null, l_br_date_to,
 							       add_months(l_br_date_to, - (p_year_from * 12))))
          or     ('DOB' = p_business_rule -- ***** DATE OF BIRTH *****       --Bug #2999551
 		  and add_months(pap.date_of_birth, (to_number(substr(l_year_temp, 2, 4))-to_number(to_char(pap.date_of_birth,'YYYY')))*12)
 		  between l_br_date_from and l_br_date_to
                  and pap.date_of_birth between decode(p_year_to, null, l_earliest_start_date,
                                                        add_months(l_br_date_from, - (p_year_to * 12)))
                                             and decode(p_year_from, null, l_br_date_to,
 						       add_months(l_br_date_to, - (p_year_from * 12))))
 	 or     ('ASD' = p_business_rule -- ***** AJUSTED SERVICE DATE *****
 		  and pos.adjusted_svc_date is not null      --Bug #2999551
		  AND    paa.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id  -- bug 6969602
 		  and add_months(pos.adjusted_svc_date, (to_number(substr(l_year_temp, 2, 4))- to_number(to_char(pos.adjusted_svc_date,'YYYY')))*12)
 		  between l_br_date_from  and l_br_date_to
                  and pos.adjusted_svc_date between decode(p_year_to, null, l_earliest_start_date,
                                                            add_months(l_br_date_from, - (p_year_to * 12)))
                                                 and decode(p_year_from, null, l_br_date_to,
                                                            add_months(l_br_date_to, - (p_year_from * 12))))
          or     ('LHD' = p_business_rule -- ***** LATEST HIRE DATE *****   --Bug # 2999551
 		  and add_months(pos.date_start, (to_number(substr(l_year_temp, 2, 4))- to_number(to_char(pos.date_start,'YYYY')))*12)
 		  between l_br_date_from and l_br_date_to
 		  and paa.period_of_service_id = pos.period_of_service_id
                  and pos.date_start between decode(p_year_to, null, l_earliest_start_date,
                                                     add_months(l_br_date_from, - (p_year_to * 12)))
                                          and decode(p_year_from, null, l_br_date_to,
                                                     add_months(l_br_date_to, - (p_year_from * 12)))))
 	 order by paa.assignment_id;
Line: 1792

	 select ptp.start_date
	 from per_time_periods ptp
	 where ptp.payroll_id = l_copy_payroll_id
	 and   ptp.start_date > l_effective_date;
Line: 1838

          select concatenated_segment_delimiter
            into l_concat_sep
            from fnd_id_flex_structures
           where id_flex_num  = p_id_flex_num
             and application_id = 801
             and id_flex_code = 'GRP';
Line: 2023

	    -- Call the procedure to check if assignment selected can be
        -- incremented
             (p_placement_id               	=> LC_Placement_ID
             ,p_end_date                   	=> L_End_Date
             ,p_effective_date             	=> l_effective_date
             ,p_effective_start_date       	=> LC_Effective_Start_Date
             ,p_datetrack_mode             	=> l_datetrack_mode
             ,p_assignment_id              	=> LC_Assignment_ID
             ,p_parent_spine_id            	=> LC_Parent_Spine_ID
             ,p_grade_spine_id             	=> l_grade_spine_id
             ,p_step_id                    	=> LC_Step_ID
             ,p_sequence_number            	=> LC_Sequence_Number
             ,p_increment_number           	=> LC_Increment_Number
             ,p_exception_report1          	=> l_exception_report1
             ,p_update                    	=> l_update
             ,p_increment                 	=> l_increment
  		     ,p_max_sequence_number	      	=> l_max_sequence_number
  		     ,p_max_special_sequence_number	=> l_max_special_sequence_number
  		     ,p_max_spinal_point_id		=> l_max_spinal_point_id
  		     ,p_max_special_spinal_point_id	=> l_max_special_spinal_point_id );
Line: 2047

   	    -- Call procedure to update the record and report on records
            -- updated and missed

                 (p_datetrack_mode             	 => l_datetrack_mode
                 ,p_effective_date             	 => l_effective_date
                 ,p_placement_id               	 => LC_Placement_ID
                 ,p_object_version_number      	 => LC_Object_Version_Number
                 ,p_increment_number           	 => l_increment
                 ,p_reason                     	 => l_reason
                 ,p_effective_start_date       	 => LC_Effective_Start_Date
                 ,p_assignment_id              	 => LC_Assignment_ID
                 ,p_parent_spine_id            	 => LC_Parent_Spine_ID
                 ,p_spinal_point_id            	 => LC_Spinal_Point_ID
                 ,p_rate_id                    	 => p_rate_id
                 ,p_lc_step_id                 	 => LC_Step_ID
                 ,p_exception_report1          	 => l_exception_report1
                 ,p_end_date                   	 => L_End_Date
                 ,p_orig_increment_number     	 => LC_Increment_Number
                 ,p_sequence_number            	 => LC_Sequence_Number
                 ,p_grade_spine_id             	 => l_grade_spine_id
                 ,p_update                     	 => l_update
                 ,p_max_special_sequence_number  => l_max_special_sequence_number
                 ,p_max_special_spinal_point     => l_max_special_spinal_point_id
		 ,p_max_sequence_number          => l_max_sequence_number
                 ,p_max_spinal_point             => l_max_spinal_point_id);
Line: 2186

		l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2205

	           l_br_update := 'Y';
Line: 2220

			 l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2228

			 l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2244

                         l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2258

                         l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2267

                     	 l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2283

                         l_br_update := 'N';
Line: 2361

		-- Depending on the dependant date selected in the concurrent process set the
		-- effective date to use
                -- ===============================================================================

		hr_utility.set_location('---------  Dependant Date Rule - '||p_dependant_date,32);
Line: 2395

			l_update2 := 'N';
Line: 2400

			l_update2 := 'Y';
Line: 2419

	      hr_utility.set_location('l_br_update - '||l_br_update,40);
Line: 2422

	    	if l_br_update = 'Y'

	 	  and l_duplicate_flag = FALSE
		  and l_duplicate_error_flag = FALSE then

		hr_utility.set_location('++++++++++++++ UPDATING ++++++++++++++++++',45);
Line: 2509

                    ,p_update                       => l_update
                    ,p_increment                    => l_increment
                    ,p_max_sequence_number          => l_max_sequence_number
                    ,p_max_special_sequence_number  => l_max_special_sequence_number
                    ,p_max_spinal_point_id          => l_max_spinal_point_id
                    ,p_max_special_spinal_point_id  => l_max_special_spinal_point_id );
Line: 2518

		    if l_update = 'N' or l_update2 = 'N' then

			l_update := 'N';
Line: 2534

                     (p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_mode
                     ,p_effective_date               => l_effective_date
                     ,p_placement_id                 => LC_Placement_ID
                     ,p_object_version_number        => LC_Object_Version_Number
                     ,p_increment_number             => l_increment
                     ,p_reason                       => l_reason
                     ,p_effective_start_date         => LC_Effective_Start_Date
                     ,p_assignment_id                => LC_Assignment_ID
                     ,p_parent_spine_id              => LC_Parent_Spine_ID
                     ,p_spinal_point_id              => LC_Spinal_Point_ID
                     ,p_rate_id                      => p_rate_id
                     ,p_lc_step_id                   => LC_Step_ID
                     ,p_exception_report1            => l_exception_report1
                     ,p_end_date                     => L_End_Date
                     ,p_orig_increment_number        => LC_Increment_Number
                     ,p_sequence_number              => LC_Sequence_Number
                     ,p_grade_spine_id               => l_grade_spine_id
                     ,p_update                       => l_update
                     ,p_max_special_sequence_number  => l_max_special_sequence_number
                     ,p_max_special_spinal_point     => l_max_special_spinal_point_id
                     ,p_max_sequence_number          => l_max_sequence_number
                     ,p_max_spinal_point             => l_max_spinal_point_id);
Line: 2571

		    end if; -- l_br_update = Y
Line: 2620

            UPDATE per_parent_spines
            SET    last_automatic_increment_date = P_Effective_Date,
                   last_update_date              = sysdate,
                   program_update_date           = sysdate
            WHERE  parent_spine_id               = P_Parent_Spine_ID;