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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 49

    SELECT cn_process_batches_s3.NEXTVAL
      INTO x_physical_batch_id
Line: 83

      UPDATE cn_process_batches
         SET status_code = 'VOID'
           , last_update_date = SYSDATE
           , last_update_login = l_login_id
           , last_updated_by = l_user_id
           , request_id = l_conc_request_id
           , program_application_id = l_prog_appl_id
           , program_id = l_conc_prog_id
           , program_update_date = SYSDATE
       WHERE logical_batch_id = p_logical_batch_id;
Line: 94

      UPDATE cn_process_batches
         SET status_code = 'VOID'
           , last_update_date = SYSDATE
           , last_update_login = l_login_id
           , last_updated_by = l_user_id
           , request_id = l_conc_request_id
           , program_application_id = l_prog_appl_id
           , program_id = l_conc_prog_id
           , program_update_date = SYSDATE
       WHERE physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id;
Line: 130

      SELECT   salesrep_id
             , SUM(sales_lines_total) srp_trx_count
          FROM cn_process_batches
         WHERE logical_batch_id = p_logical_batch_id AND status_code = 'IN_USE'
      GROUP BY salesrep_id
      ORDER BY salesrep_id DESC;
Line: 201

        UPDATE cn_process_batches
           SET physical_batch_id = x_physical_batch_id
             , last_update_date = SYSDATE
             , last_update_login = l_login_id
             , last_updated_by = l_user_id
             , request_id = l_conc_request_id
             , program_application_id = l_prog_appl_id
             , program_id = l_conc_prog_id
             , program_update_date = SYSDATE
         WHERE salesrep_id = logical_rec.salesrep_id
           AND logical_batch_id = p_logical_batch_id
           AND status_code = 'IN_USE';
Line: 260

  PROCEDURE update_error(x_physical_batch_id NUMBER) IS
    l_user_id         NUMBER(15) := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 270

    UPDATE cn_process_batches
       SET status_code = 'ERROR'
         , last_update_date = SYSDATE
         , last_update_login = l_login_id
         , last_updated_by = l_user_id
         , request_id = l_conc_request_id
         , program_application_id = l_prog_appl_id
         , program_id = l_conc_prog_id
         , program_update_date = SYSDATE
     WHERE physical_batch_id = x_physical_batch_id;
Line: 280

  END update_error;
Line: 306

    SELECT org_id INTO l_org_id
      FROM cn_process_batches
     WHERE physical_batch_id = x_physical_batch_id AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 391

      SELECT DISTINCT physical_batch_id
                 FROM cn_process_batches
                WHERE logical_batch_id = x_logical_batch_id AND status_code = 'IN_USE';
Line: 517

Line: 540

    /* The following Updates do a check for  */
    /* no prior adjustment if profile option set to 'Y'*/
    IF (cn_system_parameters.VALUE('CN_PRIOR_ADJUSTMENT', p_org_id) = 'N') THEN
        x_latest_processed_date DATE;
Line: 547

        SELECT NVL(latest_processed_date, TO_DATE('01/01/1900', 'DD/MM/YYYY'))
          INTO x_latest_processed_date
          FROM cn_repositories_all
         WHERE org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 554

        UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
          SET load_status = 'ERROR - PRIOR ADJUSTMENT'
          WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
          AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
          AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
          AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
          AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
            AND processed_date < x_latest_processed_date; */
Line: 563

          UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
             SET load_status = 'ERROR - PRIOR ADJUSTMENT'
           WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
             AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
             AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
             AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
             AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
             AND processed_date < x_latest_processed_date
             AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 573

          UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
             SET load_status = 'ERROR - PRIOR ADJUSTMENT'
           WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
             AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
             AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
             AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
             AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
             AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
             AND processed_date < x_latest_processed_date
             AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 590

    /* The following Updates do a check for  */
    /* failures in the foreign key references*/

    -- Commented this query to fix bug# 1772128
       UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'ERROR - TRX_TYPE'
         WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
         AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
         AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
         AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         (SELECT 1 FROM cn_lookups WHERE lookup_type = 'TRX TYPES'
    AND lookup_code =
    cn_comm_lines_api.trx_type); */
Line: 608

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - TRX_TYPE'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') --OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND org_id = p_org_id
         AND NOT EXISTS(
                    SELECT 1
                      FROM cn_lookups
                     WHERE lookup_type = 'TRX TYPES'
                           AND lookup_code = cn_comm_lines_api_all.trx_type);
Line: 622

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - TRX_TYPE'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND org_id = p_org_id
         AND NOT EXISTS(
                    SELECT 1
                      FROM cn_lookups
                     WHERE lookup_type = 'TRX TYPES'
                           AND lookup_code = cn_comm_lines_api_all.trx_type);
Line: 641

       UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'ERROR - REVENUE_CLASS'
        WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
          AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
          AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
          AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
          AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
          AND revenue_class_id IS NOT NULL
    (SELECT 1 FROM cn_revenue_classes
     WHERE cn_revenue_classes.revenue_class_id =
     cn_comm_lines_api.revenue_class_id); */
Line: 654

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - REVENUE_CLASS'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')--OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND revenue_class_id IS NOT NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id
         AND NOT EXISTS(
                  SELECT 1
                    FROM cn_revenue_classes
                   WHERE cn_revenue_classes.revenue_class_id =
Line: 669

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - REVENUE_CLASS'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND revenue_class_id IS NOT NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id
         AND NOT EXISTS(
                  SELECT 1
                    FROM cn_revenue_classes
                   WHERE cn_revenue_classes.revenue_class_id =
Line: 697

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api
        SET acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount,
        exchange_rate = 1
        WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
        AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
        AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
        AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
        AND ((acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL) OR
       (acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount))
    AND exchange_rate IS NULL
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL
        AND transaction_currency_code = FunctionalCurrency;  */
Line: 711

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount * NVL(exchange_rate, 1)
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND org_id = p_org_id
         AND transaction_currency_code = functionalcurrency;
Line: 722

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount * NVL(exchange_rate, 1)
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND org_id = p_org_id
         AND transaction_currency_code = functionalcurrency;
Line: 744

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'ERROR - NO EXCH RATE GIVEN'
      WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL
      AND exchange_rate IS NULL; */
Line: 753

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - NO EXCH RATE GIVEN'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NULL
         -- Added to fix the above problem.
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 766

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - NO EXCH RATE GIVEN'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NULL
         -- Added to fix the above problem.
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 784

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'ERROR - INCORRECT CONV GIVEN'
      WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND transaction_currency_code IS NULL
      AND exchange_rate IS NULL
      AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NOT NULL
      AND acctd_transaction_amount <> transaction_amount;  */
Line: 795

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - INCORRECT CONV GIVEN'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NULL
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NOT NULL
         AND acctd_transaction_amount <> transaction_amount
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 808

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - INCORRECT CONV GIVEN'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NULL
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NOT NULL
         AND acctd_transaction_amount <> transaction_amount
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 826

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api
      SET acctd_transaction_amount = (transaction_amount * exchange_rate)
      WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
      AND exchange_rate IS NOT NULL
      AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL; */
Line: 837

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET acctd_transaction_amount =(transaction_amount * exchange_rate)
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NOT NULL
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 849

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET acctd_transaction_amount =(transaction_amount * exchange_rate)
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NOT NULL
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NOT NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 872

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount,
      transaction_currency_code = FunctionalCurrency, exchange_rate = 1
      WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
      AND exchange_rate IS NULL
      AND transaction_currency_code IS NULL;   */
Line: 883

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount
           , transaction_currency_code = functionalcurrency
           , exchange_rate = 1
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NULL
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 897

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET acctd_transaction_amount = transaction_amount
           , transaction_currency_code = functionalcurrency
           , exchange_rate = 1
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND exchange_rate IS NULL
         AND transaction_currency_code IS NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 922

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'ERROR - CANNOT CONV/DEFAULT'
      WHERE load_status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL; */
Line: 930

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - CANNOT CONV/DEFAULT'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 940

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'ERROR - CANNOT CONV/DEFAULT'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND acctd_transaction_amount IS NULL
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 974

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'SALESREP ERROR'
      WHERE load_Status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM cn_salesreps
          WHERE employee_number =
          cn_comm_lines_api.employee_number); */
Line: 984

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'SALESREP ERROR'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND org_id = p_org_id
                          FROM cn_salesreps
                         WHERE employee_number = cn_comm_lines_api_all.employee_number);
Line: 996

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'SALESREP ERROR'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING') -- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND org_id = p_org_id
                          FROM cn_salesreps
                         WHERE employee_number = cn_comm_lines_api_all.employee_number);
Line: 1014

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api SET load_status = 'PERIOD ERROR'
      WHERE load_Status  = 'UNLOADED'
      AND Trunc(processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date)
      AND Trunc(processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date)
      AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
      AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST';*/
Line: 1021

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'PERIOD ERROR'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1030

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all
         SET load_status = 'PERIOD ERROR'
       WHERE load_status = 'UNLOADED'
         AND processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
         AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
         AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1076

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all api
         SET api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
       WHERE api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
         AND api.load_status IN(
                'ERROR - PRIOR ADJUSTMENT'
              , 'ERROR - TRX_TYPE'
              , 'ERROR - REVENUE_CLASS'
              , 'ERROR - NO EXCH RATE GIVEN'
              , 'ERROR - INCORRECT CONV GIVEN'
              , 'ERROR - CANNOT CONV/DEFAULT'
              , 'SALESREP ERROR'
              , 'PERIOD ERROR'
         AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
         AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
         AND api.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1099

    UPDATE /*+ index(api, cn_comm_lines_api_f2)*/ cn_comm_lines_api_all api
       SET api.salesrep_id =
             (SELECT cs1.salesrep_id
                FROM cn_salesreps cs1
               WHERE cs1.employee_number = api.employee_number
                 AND cs1.org_id = api.org_id   -- vensrini
                 AND cs1.org_id = p_org_id)   -- vensrini
     WHERE api.salesrep_id IS NULL
       AND api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
       AND api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
       AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
       AND EXISTS(
             SELECT /*+ NO_UNNEST */ employee_number
               FROM cn_salesreps cs
              WHERE api.employee_number = cs.employee_number
                AND cs.org_id = api.org_id   -- vensrini
                AND cs.org_id = p_org_id)   -- vensrini
       AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
       AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
       AND api.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1124

    UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api_all api
       SET employee_number =
             (SELECT employee_number
                FROM cn_salesreps cs1
               WHERE cs1.salesrep_id = api.salesrep_id
                 AND cs1.org_id = api.org_id   -- vensrini
                 AND cs1.org_id = p_org_id)   -- vensrini
     WHERE employee_number IS NULL
       AND load_status = 'UNLOADED'
       AND trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
       AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
       AND EXISTS(
             SELECT /*+ NO_UNNEST*/ salesrep_id
               FROM cn_salesreps cs
              WHERE api.salesrep_id = cs.salesrep_id
                AND cs.org_id = api.org_id   -- vensrini
                AND cs.org_id = p_org_id)   -- vensrini
       AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
       AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
       AND org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1149

    UPDATE /*+ index(api, cn_comm_lines_api_f2)*/  cn_comm_lines_api_all api
       SET api.load_status = 'SALESREP ERROR'
     WHERE api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
       AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
       AND api.salesrep_id IS NULL
       AND api.employee_number IS NULL
       AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
       AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
       AND api.org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1202

    SELECT COUNT(*) INTO l_open_period
      FROM cn_period_statuses_all
     WHERE period_status = 'O'
       AND org_id = p_org_id
       AND (period_set_id, period_type_id) =
               (SELECT period_set_id, period_type_id
                  FROM cn_repositories_all
                 WHERE org_id = p_org_id)
       AND l_end_date BETWEEN start_date AND end_date;
Line: 1242

    SELECT cn_process_batches_s2.NEXTVAL INTO l_logical_batch_id FROM dual;
Line: 1244

    INSERT INTO cn_process_batches(
               , logical_batch_id
               , srp_period_id
               , period_id
               , end_period_id
               , start_date
               , end_date
               , salesrep_id
               , sales_lines_total
               , status_code
               , process_batch_type
               , creation_date
               , created_by
               , last_update_date
               , last_updated_by
               , last_update_login
               , request_id
               , program_application_id
               , program_id
               , program_update_date
               , org_id
        ( SELECT cn_process_batches_s1.NEXTVAL
               , l_logical_batch_id
               , 1                            -- a dummy value for a not null column
               , batch.period_id              -- Start Period Id
               , batch.period_id              -- End Period Id
               , batch.start_date
               , batch.end_date
               , batch.salesrep_id
               , batch.trx_count
               , 'IN_USE'                     -- Status Code
               , 'CREATED_BY_LOADER'          -- Process Batch Type
               , SYSDATE
               , fnd_global.user_id
               , SYSDATE
               , fnd_global.user_id
               , fnd_global.login_id
               , fnd_global.conc_request_id
               , fnd_global.prog_appl_id
               , fnd_global.conc_program_id
               , SYSDATE
               , p_org_id
              FROM (
                     SELECT api.employee_number employee_number
                          , api.salesrep_id salesrep_id
                          , acc.period_id period_id
                          , acc.start_date start_date
                          , acc.end_date end_date
                          , COUNT(*) trx_count
                       FROM cn_comm_lines_api api, cn_acc_period_statuses_v acc
                      WHERE api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
                        AND api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
                        AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING' )-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
                        AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(l_start_date)
                        AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(l_end_date) + 1)
                        AND ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR(api.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id))
                        AND api.salesrep_id IS NOT NULL
                        AND api.processed_date >= acc.start_date
                        AND api.processed_date <(acc.end_date + 1)
                        AND ( l_skip_credit_flag = 'Y'
                              OR (api.terr_id IS NOT NULL OR api.preserve_credit_override_flag = 'Y') )
                      GROUP BY api.employee_number, api.salesrep_id, acc.period_id, acc.start_date, acc.end_date
                   ) batch );
Line: 1393

      SELECT salesrep_id
           , period_id
           , start_date
           , end_date
           , sales_lines_total trx_count
        FROM cn_process_batches
       WHERE physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id AND status_code = 'IN_USE';
Line: 1418

    SELECT cn_commission_headers_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO l_init_commission_header_id
      FROM DUAL;
Line: 1444

        INSERT INTO cn_commission_headers
                   , direct_salesrep_id
                   , processed_date
                   , processed_period_id
                   , rollup_date
                   , transaction_amount
                   , quantity
                   , discount_percentage
                   , margin_percentage
                   , orig_currency_code
                   , transaction_amount_orig
                   , trx_type
                   , status
                   , pre_processed_code
                   , comm_lines_api_id
                   , source_doc_type
                   , source_trx_number
                   , quota_id
                   , srp_plan_assign_id
                   , revenue_class_id
                   , role_id
                   , comp_group_id
                   , commission_amount
                   , reversal_flag
                   , reversal_header_id
                   , reason_code
                   , attribute_category
                   , attribute1
                   , attribute2
                   , attribute3
                   , attribute4
                   , attribute5
                   , attribute6
                   , attribute7
                   , attribute8
                   , attribute9
                   , attribute10
                   , attribute11
                   , attribute12
                   , attribute13
                   , attribute14
                   , attribute15
                   , attribute16
                   , attribute17
                   , attribute18
                   , attribute19
                   , attribute20
                   , attribute21
                   , attribute22
                   , attribute23
                   , attribute24
                   , attribute25
                   , attribute26
                   , attribute27
                   , attribute28
                   , attribute29
                   , attribute30
                   , attribute31
                   , attribute32
                   , attribute33
                   , attribute34
                   , attribute35
                   , attribute36
                   , attribute37
                   , attribute38
                   , attribute39
                   , attribute40
                   , attribute41
                   , attribute42
                   , attribute43
                   , attribute44
                   , attribute45
                   , attribute46
                   , attribute47
                   , attribute48
                   , attribute49
                   , attribute50
                   , attribute51
                   , attribute52
                   , attribute53
                   , attribute54
                   , attribute55
                   , attribute56
                   , attribute57
                   , attribute58
                   , attribute59
                   , attribute60
                   , attribute61
                   , attribute62
                   , attribute63
                   , attribute64
                   , attribute65
                   , attribute66
                   , attribute67
                   , attribute68
                   , attribute69
                   , attribute70
                   , attribute71
                   , attribute72
                   , attribute73
                   , attribute74
                   , attribute75
                   , attribute76
                   , attribute77
                   , attribute78
                   , attribute79
                   , attribute80
                   , attribute81
                   , attribute82
                   , attribute83
                   , attribute84
                   , attribute85
                   , attribute86
                   , attribute87
                   , attribute88
                   , attribute89
                   , attribute90
                   , attribute91
                   , attribute92
                   , attribute93
                   , attribute94
                   , attribute95
                   , attribute96
                   , attribute97
                   , attribute98
                   , attribute99
                   , attribute100
                   , last_update_date
                   , last_updated_by
                   , last_update_login
                   , creation_date
                   , created_by
                   , exchange_rate
                   , forecast_id
                   , upside_quantity
                   , upside_amount
                   , uom_code
                   , source_trx_id
                   , source_trx_line_id
                   , source_trx_sales_line_id
                   , negated_flag
                   , customer_id
                   , inventory_item_id
                   , order_number
                   , booked_date
                   , invoice_number
                   , invoice_date
                   , bill_to_address_id
                   , ship_to_address_id
                   , bill_to_contact_id
                   , ship_to_contact_id
                   , adj_comm_lines_api_id
                   , adjust_date
                   , adjusted_by
                   , revenue_type
                   , adjust_rollup_flag
                   , adjust_comments
                   , adjust_status
                   , line_number
                   , TYPE
                   , sales_channel
                   , split_pct
                   , split_status
                   , org_id
                    )   -- vensrini transaction load fix
          (SELECT cn_commission_headers_s.NEXTVAL
                , batch.salesrep_id
                , TRUNC(api.processed_date)
                , batch.period_id
                , TRUNC(api.rollup_date)
                , api.acctd_transaction_amount
                , api.quantity
                , api.discount_percentage
                , api.margin_percentage
                , api.transaction_currency_code
                , api.transaction_amount
                , api.trx_type
                , 'COL'
                , NVL(api.pre_processed_code, 'CRPC')
                , api.comm_lines_api_id
                , api.source_doc_type
                , api.source_trx_number
                , api.quota_id
                , api.srp_plan_assign_id
                , api.revenue_class_id
                , api.role_id
                , api.comp_group_id
                , api.commission_amount
                , api.reversal_flag
                , api.reversal_header_id
                , api.reason_code
                , api.attribute_category
                , api.attribute1
                , api.attribute2
                , api.attribute3
                , api.attribute4
                , api.attribute5
                , api.attribute6
                , api.attribute7
                , api.attribute8
                , api.attribute9
                , api.attribute10
                , api.attribute11
                , api.attribute12
                , api.attribute13
                , api.attribute14
                , api.attribute15
                , api.attribute16
                , api.attribute17
                , api.attribute18
                , api.attribute19
                , api.attribute20
                , api.attribute21
                , api.attribute22
                , api.attribute23
                , api.attribute24
                , api.attribute25
                , api.attribute26
                , api.attribute27
                , api.attribute28
                , api.attribute29
                , api.attribute30
                , api.attribute31
                , api.attribute32
                , api.attribute33
                , api.attribute34
                , api.attribute35
                , api.attribute36
                , api.attribute37
                , api.attribute38
                , api.attribute39
                , api.attribute40
                , api.attribute41
                , api.attribute42
                , api.attribute43
                , api.attribute44
                , api.attribute45
                , api.attribute46
                , api.attribute47
                , api.attribute48
                , api.attribute49
                , api.attribute50
                , api.attribute51
                , api.attribute52
                , api.attribute53
                , api.attribute54
                , api.attribute55
                , api.attribute56
                , api.attribute57
                , api.attribute58
                , api.attribute59
                , api.attribute60
                , api.attribute61
                , api.attribute62
                , api.attribute63
                , api.attribute64
                , api.attribute65
                , api.attribute66
                , api.attribute67
                , api.attribute68
                , api.attribute69
                , api.attribute70
                , api.attribute71
                , api.attribute72
                , api.attribute73
                , api.attribute74
                , api.attribute75
                , api.attribute76
                , api.attribute77
                , api.attribute78
                , api.attribute79
                , api.attribute80
                , api.attribute81
                , api.attribute82
                , api.attribute83
                , api.attribute84
                , api.attribute85
                , api.attribute86
                , api.attribute87
                , api.attribute88
                , api.attribute89
                , api.attribute90
                , api.attribute91
                , api.attribute92
                , api.attribute93
                , api.attribute94
                , api.attribute95
                , api.attribute96
                , api.attribute97
                , api.attribute98
                , api.attribute99
                , api.attribute100
                , SYSDATE
                , api.last_updated_by
                , api.last_update_login
                , SYSDATE
                , api.created_by
                , api.exchange_rate
                , api.forecast_id
                , api.upside_quantity
                , api.upside_amount
                , api.uom_code
                , api.source_trx_id
                , api.source_trx_line_id
                , api.source_trx_sales_line_id
                , api.negated_flag
                , api.customer_id
                , api.inventory_item_id
                , api.order_number
                , api.booked_date
                , api.invoice_number
                , api.invoice_date
                , api.bill_to_address_id
                , api.ship_to_address_id
                , api.bill_to_contact_id
                , api.ship_to_contact_id
                , api.adj_comm_lines_api_id
                , api.adjust_date
                , api.adjusted_by
                , api.revenue_type
                , api.adjust_rollup_flag
                , api.adjust_comments
                , NVL(api.adjust_status,'NEW')
                , api.line_number
                , api.TYPE
                , api.sales_channel
                , api.split_pct
                , api.split_status
                , api.org_id   -- vensrini transaction load fix
             FROM cn_comm_lines_api api
            WHERE api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
              AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
              AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
              AND api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
              AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
              AND api.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
              AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(batch.start_date)
              AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(batch.end_date) + 1)
              AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'this transaction has already been loaded'
                               FROM cn_commission_headers_all cmh
                              WHERE cmh.comm_lines_api_id = api.comm_lines_api_id));
Line: 1788

        INSERT INTO cn_commission_headers
                   , direct_salesrep_id
                   , processed_date
                   , processed_period_id
                   , rollup_date
                   , transaction_amount
                   , quantity
                   , discount_percentage
                   , margin_percentage
                   , orig_currency_code
                   , transaction_amount_orig
                   , trx_type
                   , status
                   , pre_processed_code
                   , comm_lines_api_id
                   , source_doc_type
                   , source_trx_number
                   , quota_id
                   , srp_plan_assign_id
                   , revenue_class_id
                   , role_id
                   , comp_group_id
                   , commission_amount
                   , reversal_flag
                   , reversal_header_id
                   , reason_code
                   , attribute_category
                   , attribute1
                   , attribute2
                   , attribute3
                   , attribute4
                   , attribute5
                   , attribute6
                   , attribute7
                   , attribute8
                   , attribute9
                   , attribute10
                   , attribute11
                   , attribute12
                   , attribute13
                   , attribute14
                   , attribute15
                   , attribute16
                   , attribute17
                   , attribute18
                   , attribute19
                   , attribute20
                   , attribute21
                   , attribute22
                   , attribute23
                   , attribute24
                   , attribute25
                   , attribute26
                   , attribute27
                   , attribute28
                   , attribute29
                   , attribute30
                   , attribute31
                   , attribute32
                   , attribute33
                   , attribute34
                   , attribute35
                   , attribute36
                   , attribute37
                   , attribute38
                   , attribute39
                   , attribute40
                   , attribute41
                   , attribute42
                   , attribute43
                   , attribute44
                   , attribute45
                   , attribute46
                   , attribute47
                   , attribute48
                   , attribute49
                   , attribute50
                   , attribute51
                   , attribute52
                   , attribute53
                   , attribute54
                   , attribute55
                   , attribute56
                   , attribute57
                   , attribute58
                   , attribute59
                   , attribute60
                   , attribute61
                   , attribute62
                   , attribute63
                   , attribute64
                   , attribute65
                   , attribute66
                   , attribute67
                   , attribute68
                   , attribute69
                   , attribute70
                   , attribute71
                   , attribute72
                   , attribute73
                   , attribute74
                   , attribute75
                   , attribute76
                   , attribute77
                   , attribute78
                   , attribute79
                   , attribute80
                   , attribute81
                   , attribute82
                   , attribute83
                   , attribute84
                   , attribute85
                   , attribute86
                   , attribute87
                   , attribute88
                   , attribute89
                   , attribute90
                   , attribute91
                   , attribute92
                   , attribute93
                   , attribute94
                   , attribute95
                   , attribute96
                   , attribute97
                   , attribute98
                   , attribute99
                   , attribute100
                   , last_update_date
                   , last_updated_by
                   , last_update_login
                   , creation_date
                   , created_by
                   , exchange_rate
                   , forecast_id
                   , upside_quantity
                   , upside_amount
                   , uom_code
                   , source_trx_id
                   , source_trx_line_id
                   , source_trx_sales_line_id
                   , negated_flag
                   , customer_id
                   , inventory_item_id
                   , order_number
                   , booked_date
                   , invoice_number
                   , invoice_date
                   , bill_to_address_id
                   , ship_to_address_id
                   , bill_to_contact_id
                   , ship_to_contact_id
                   , adj_comm_lines_api_id
                   , adjust_date
                   , adjusted_by
                   , revenue_type
                   , adjust_rollup_flag
                   , adjust_comments
                   , adjust_status
                   , line_number
                   , TYPE
                   , sales_channel
                   , split_pct
                   , split_status
                   , org_id
                    )   -- vensrini transaction load fix
          (SELECT cn_commission_headers_s.NEXTVAL
                , batch.salesrep_id
                , TRUNC(api.processed_date)
                , batch.period_id
                , TRUNC(api.rollup_date)
                , api.acctd_transaction_amount
                , api.quantity
                , api.discount_percentage
                , api.margin_percentage
                , api.transaction_currency_code
                , api.transaction_amount
                , api.trx_type
                , 'COL'
                , NVL(api.pre_processed_code, 'CRPC')
                , api.comm_lines_api_id
                , api.source_doc_type
                , api.source_trx_number
                , api.quota_id
                , api.srp_plan_assign_id
                , api.revenue_class_id
                , api.role_id
                , api.comp_group_id
                , api.commission_amount
                , api.reversal_flag
                , api.reversal_header_id
                , api.reason_code
                , api.attribute_category
                , api.attribute1
                , api.attribute2
                , api.attribute3
                , api.attribute4
                , api.attribute5
                , api.attribute6
                , api.attribute7
                , api.attribute8
                , api.attribute9
                , api.attribute10
                , api.attribute11
                , api.attribute12
                , api.attribute13
                , api.attribute14
                , api.attribute15
                , api.attribute16
                , api.attribute17
                , api.attribute18
                , api.attribute19
                , api.attribute20
                , api.attribute21
                , api.attribute22
                , api.attribute23
                , api.attribute24
                , api.attribute25
                , api.attribute26
                , api.attribute27
                , api.attribute28
                , api.attribute29
                , api.attribute30
                , api.attribute31
                , api.attribute32
                , api.attribute33
                , api.attribute34
                , api.attribute35
                , api.attribute36
                , api.attribute37
                , api.attribute38
                , api.attribute39
                , api.attribute40
                , api.attribute41
                , api.attribute42
                , api.attribute43
                , api.attribute44
                , api.attribute45
                , api.attribute46
                , api.attribute47
                , api.attribute48
                , api.attribute49
                , api.attribute50
                , api.attribute51
                , api.attribute52
                , api.attribute53
                , api.attribute54
                , api.attribute55
                , api.attribute56
                , api.attribute57
                , api.attribute58
                , api.attribute59
                , api.attribute60
                , api.attribute61
                , api.attribute62
                , api.attribute63
                , api.attribute64
                , api.attribute65
                , api.attribute66
                , api.attribute67
                , api.attribute68
                , api.attribute69
                , api.attribute70
                , api.attribute71
                , api.attribute72
                , api.attribute73
                , api.attribute74
                , api.attribute75
                , api.attribute76
                , api.attribute77
                , api.attribute78
                , api.attribute79
                , api.attribute80
                , api.attribute81
                , api.attribute82
                , api.attribute83
                , api.attribute84
                , api.attribute85
                , api.attribute86
                , api.attribute87
                , api.attribute88
                , api.attribute89
                , api.attribute90
                , api.attribute91
                , api.attribute92
                , api.attribute93
                , api.attribute94
                , api.attribute95
                , api.attribute96
                , api.attribute97
                , api.attribute98
                , api.attribute99
                , api.attribute100
                , SYSDATE
                , api.last_updated_by
                , api.last_update_login
                , SYSDATE
                , api.created_by
                , api.exchange_rate
                , api.forecast_id
                , api.upside_quantity
                , api.upside_amount
                , api.uom_code
                , api.source_trx_id
                , api.source_trx_line_id
                , api.source_trx_sales_line_id
                , api.negated_flag
                , api.customer_id
                , api.inventory_item_id
                , api.order_number
                , api.booked_date
                , api.invoice_number
                , api.invoice_date
                , api.bill_to_address_id
                , api.ship_to_address_id
                , api.bill_to_contact_id
                , api.ship_to_contact_id
                , api.adj_comm_lines_api_id
                , api.adjust_date
                , api.adjusted_by
                , api.revenue_type
                , api.adjust_rollup_flag
                , api.adjust_comments
                , NVL(api.adjust_status,'NEW')
                , api.line_number
                , api.TYPE
                , api.sales_channel
                , api.split_pct
                , api.split_status
                , api.org_id   -- vensrini transaction load fix
             FROM cn_comm_lines_api api
            WHERE api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
              AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
              AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
              AND api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
              AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING')-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
              AND api.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
              AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(batch.start_date)
              AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(batch.end_date) + 1)
              AND (api.terr_id IS NOT NULL OR api.preserve_credit_override_flag = 'Y')
              AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 'this transaction has already been loaded'
                               FROM cn_commission_headers_all cmh
                              WHERE cmh.comm_lines_api_id = api.comm_lines_api_id));
Line: 2138

      UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api api
        SET load_Status = 'LOADED'
        api.load_status  = 'UNLOADED' AND
        Trunc(api.processed_date) >= Trunc(p_start_date) AND
        Trunc(api.processed_date) <= Trunc(p_end_date) AND
        ((p_salesrep_id IS NULL) OR (api.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id)) AND
        api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST' AND
        api.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id AND
        Trunc(api.processed_date) >= Trunc(batch.start_date) AND
        Trunc(api.processed_date) <= Trunc(batch.end_date);  */
Line: 2150

        UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api api
           SET load_status = 'LOADED'
         WHERE api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
           AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
           AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
           AND api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
           AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING' )-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
           AND api.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
           AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(batch.start_date)
           AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(batch.end_date) + 1);
Line: 2161

        UPDATE cn_comm_lines_api api
           SET load_status = 'LOADED'
         WHERE api.load_status = 'UNLOADED'
           AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(p_start_date)
           AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(p_end_date) + 1)
           AND api.trx_type <> 'FORECAST'
           AND (adjust_status <> 'SCA_PENDING' )-- OR adjust_status IS NULL)
           AND api.salesrep_id = batch.salesrep_id
           AND api.processed_date >= TRUNC(batch.start_date)
           AND api.processed_date <(TRUNC(batch.end_date) + 1)
           AND (api.terr_id IS NOT NULL OR api.preserve_credit_override_flag = 'Y');
Line: 2178

        SELECT cch.commission_header_id
             , cch.reversal_flag
             , cch.reversal_header_id
          FROM cn_commission_headers cch
             , (SELECT DISTINCT salesrep_id
                           FROM cn_process_batches
                          WHERE physical_batch_id = p_physical_batch_id AND status_code = 'IN_USE') pb
         WHERE cch.direct_salesrep_id = pb.salesrep_id
           AND cch.commission_header_id > l_init_commission_header_id;