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Line 81: cursor to add ff_contexts and get only

77: table instead of secure views.
78: 08-DEC-2002 ahanda 115.15 Changed view to use pay_us_state_w2_v
79: instead of pay_us_w2_state_v.
80: 19-MAY-2003 ahanda 115.16 2955696 Changed federal and state action_creation
81: cursor to add ff_contexts and get only
82: context of TAX_UNIT_ID.
83: 19-JUN-2003 ahanda 115.17 3013521 Changed federal and state action_creation
84: cursor to add to_char for tax_unit_id.
85: There will be no perf degradation as there

Line 988: from ff_contexts ffc,

984: and paf.effective_start_date <= ppa.effective_date
985: and paf.effective_end_date >= ppa.start_date
986: and to_char(paa.tax_unit_id) in (
987: select ffaic2.context
988: from ff_contexts ffc,
989: ff_user_entities ffue,
990: ff_archive_items ffai,
991: ff_archive_items ffai2,
992: ff_archive_item_contexts ffaic,

Line 994: ff_contexts ffc2

990: ff_archive_items ffai,
991: ff_archive_items ffai2,
992: ff_archive_item_contexts ffaic,
993: ff_archive_item_contexts ffaic2,
994: ff_contexts ffc2
995: where ffai.context1 = cp_yrend_ppa_id
996: and ffue.user_entity_id = ffai.user_entity_id
997: and ffue.user_entity_name = 'A_US_1099R_TRANSMITTER_CODE'
998: and ffai.archive_item_id = ffaic.archive_item_id

Line 1046: from ff_contexts ffc,

1042: and paf.effective_end_date >= ppa.start_date
1043: and paf.business_group_id + 0 = ppa.business_group_id + 0
1044: and to_char(psv.tax_unit_id) in
1045: (select ffaic2.context
1046: from ff_contexts ffc,
1047: ff_user_entities ffue,
1048: ff_archive_items ffai,
1049: ff_archive_items ffai2,
1050: ff_archive_item_contexts ffaic,

Line 1052: ff_contexts ffc2

1048: ff_archive_items ffai,
1049: ff_archive_items ffai2,
1050: ff_archive_item_contexts ffaic,
1051: ff_archive_item_contexts ffaic2,
1052: ff_contexts ffc2
1053: where ffai.context1 = cp_yrend_ppa_id
1054: and ffue.user_entity_id = ffai.user_entity_id
1055: and ffue.user_entity_name = 'A_US_1099R_TRANSMITTER_CODE'
1056: and ffai.archive_item_id = ffaic.archive_item_id