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Line 1694: -- added joint tables mtl_parameters, hr_all_organization_units_tl

1690: -- odab added columns change_id, organization_code
1691: -- , organization_name, concatenated_segments, description
1692: -- last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by
1693: -- replaced mtl_system_items by mtl_system_items_vl
1694: -- added joint tables mtl_parameters, hr_all_organization_units_tl
1695: Cursor get_item_info is
1696: Select i.change_notice,
1697: i.change_id, -- ERES change
1698: i.organization_id,

Line 1757: mtl_parameters mp1, -- ERES change

1753: i.from_end_item_id,
1754: i.from_end_item_rev_id
1755: from eng_revised_items i,
1756: mtl_system_items_vl si, -- ERES change
1757: mtl_parameters mp1, -- ERES change
1758: hr_all_organization_units_tl hou -- ERES change
1759: where i.revised_item_sequence_id = revised_item
1760: and si.inventory_item_id = i.revised_item_id
1761: and si.organization_id = i.organization_id

Line 2831: from mtl_parameters where

2828: CURSOR Get_starting_revision (p_org_id IN NUMBER)
2829: IS
2830: select starting_revision
2831: from mtl_parameters where
2832: organization_id = p_org_id;
2834: Cursor Check_Item(p_item_id IN NUMBER,
2835: p_org_id IN NUMBER) is