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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_processing_rule_data_pump AS
2 /* $Header: pypprdpm.pkb 115.10 2004/02/25 21:48:19 adkumar noship $ */
4 ------------------------------ user_key_to_id ---------------------------------
5 --
6 -- Returns an ID value from hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys alone.
7 -- Utility function to get _ID functions.
8 --
9 Function user_key_to_id(p_user_key_value in varchar2)
10   return number is
11    l_id number;
12 Begin
13    select unique_key_id
14    into   l_id
15    from   hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys
16    where  user_key_value = p_user_key_value;
17    return(l_id);
18 End user_key_to_id;
19 --
21 ----------------------------- get_element_type_id -----------------------------
22 --
23 -- Returns the element type id
24 --
25 Function get_element_type_id
26   (p_element_name         in varchar2
27   ,p_business_group_id    in number
28   ,p_language_code        in varchar2
29   ,p_effective_date       in date
30   )
31   return number is
32 --
33 l_element_type_id pay_element_types_f.element_type_id%type;
34 --
35 Begin
38   select et.element_type_id
39     into l_element_type_id
40     from pay_element_types_f et,
41          pay_element_types_f_tl et_tl
42    where  et_tl.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
43     and   et_tl.element_name = p_element_name
44     and   p_effective_date between et.effective_start_date and
45                                  et.effective_end_date
46     and  nvl(legislation_code,
47          nvl(HR_API.RETURN_LEGISLATION_CODE(p_business_group_id),'~~nvl~~')) =
48          nvl(HR_API.RETURN_LEGISLATION_CODE(p_business_group_id),'~~nvl~~')
49     and  nvl(business_group_id,nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)) =
50 				  nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)
51     and  et_tl.language        = p_language_code;
52   --
53   return (l_element_type_id);
54 Exception
55 when others then
56    hr_data_pump.fail('get_element_type_id', sqlerrm, p_element_name,
57                      p_business_group_id, p_language_code,p_effective_date);
58    raise;
59 End get_element_type_id;
60 --
61 ------------------------------get_formula_id------------------------------------
62 --
63 --  Return the formula id.
64 --
66 Function get_formula_id( p_formula_Name      in varchar2,
67   	  	         p_business_group_id in  number
68                        ) return number is
69 	l_formula_id number ;
71 Begin
73  Select distinct formula_id
74  into   l_formula_id
75  From   ff_formulas_f f1,
76         ff_formula_types f2
77  Where  f2.formula_type_id = f1.formula_type_id
78  and    f2.formula_type_name in('Oracle Payroll' , 'Balance Adjustment')
79  and    UPPER(f1.formula_name) = UPPER(p_formula_Name)
80  and   nvl(f1.legislation_code,
81        nvl(HR_API.RETURN_LEGISLATION_CODE(p_business_group_id),'~~nvl~~')) =
82        nvl(HR_API.RETURN_LEGISLATION_CODE(p_business_group_id),'~~nvl~~')
83  and   nvl(f1.business_group_id,nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)) =
84                             nvl(p_business_group_id,-1) ;
87  RETURN(l_formula_id);
89 Exception
90   When OTHERS Then
91      hr_data_pump.fail('get_formula_id', sqlerrm, p_formula_Name,
92               	        p_business_group_id);
93        RAISE;
94 End get_formula_id;
95 --
96 --
97 --------------------------- get_assignment_status_type_id -----------------------------
98 --
99 -- Returns the assignment status type id.
100 --
101 Function get_assignment_status_type_id
102   (p_assignment_status    in varchar2
103   ,p_business_group_id    in number
104   ,p_language_code        in varchar2
105   ,p_effective_date       in date
106   )
107   return number is
108 --
109 l_ass_status_typ_id	per_assignment_status_types.assignment_status_type_id%type;
111 invalid_status_stnd      exception;
112 invalid_status_badjust   exception;
113 l_message		 varchar2(10000);
114 l_lookup                 hr_lookups.lookup_code%type;
115 l_meaning                hr_lookups.meaning%type;
116 l_standard_lookup        hr_lookups.meaning%type;
117 l_balance_lookup	 hr_lookups.meaning%type;
119 cursor c_lookup_type is
120    Select lookup_code, meaning
121    from  hr_lookups
122    Where lookup_type = 'NAME_TRANSLATIONS'
123      and lookup_code in ('STANDARD','BAL_ADJUST');
125 Begin
126 --
127  open c_lookup_type;
128   loop
129   fetch c_lookup_type into l_lookup,l_meaning;
130   exit when c_lookup_type%notfound;
131   if l_lookup = 'STANDARD' then
132      l_standard_lookup := l_meaning;
133   elsif l_lookup = 'BAL_ADJUST' then
134      l_balance_lookup := l_meaning;
135   end if;
136   end loop;
137   close c_lookup_type;
139   --
140   if (UPPER(p_assignment_status) = nvl(UPPER(l_standard_lookup),'-1')) then
141      raise invalid_status_stnd;
142   elsif (UPPER(p_assignment_status) = nvl(UPPER(l_balance_lookup),'-1')) then
143      raise invalid_status_badjust;
144   else
145      select astp.assignment_status_type_id
146       into l_ass_status_typ_id
147       from   per_assignment_status_types_tl astpl,
148              per_assignment_status_types astp
149       where astpl.assignment_status_type_id = astp.assignment_status_type_id
150         and UPPER(astpl.user_status) = UPPER(p_assignment_status)
151         and nvl(astp.business_group_id,nvl(p_business_group_id,0))
152            = nvl(p_business_group_id,0)
153         and nvl(astp.legislation_code
154 	      ,nvl(hr_api.return_legislation_code(p_business_group_id),' '))
155            = nvl(hr_api.return_legislation_code(p_business_group_id),' ');
156     --
157     return(l_ass_status_typ_id);
158   end if;
159   --
160 Exception
161  when invalid_status_stnd then
162     fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_33697_SPR_STND_MISMATCH');
163     l_message := fnd_message.get;
164     hr_data_pump.fail('get_assignment_status_type_id', l_message);
165     raise;
166  when invalid_status_badjust then
167     fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_33698_SPR_BADJUST_MISMATCH');
168     l_message := fnd_message.get;
169     hr_data_pump.fail('get_assignment_status_type_id', l_message);
170     raise;
171   when others then
172    hr_data_pump.fail('get_assignment_status_type_id', sqlerrm, p_assignment_status,
173           p_business_group_id, p_language_code,p_effective_date);
174    raise;
176 End get_assignment_status_type_id;
177 --
178 ------------------------- get_status_processing_rule_ovn -------------------------
179 --
180 -- Returns the object version number of the status processing rule and requires a
181 -- user key.
182 --
183 Function get_status_processing_rule_ovn
184   (p_status_process_rule_user_key in varchar2
185   ,p_effective_date               in date
186   )
187   return number is
188 --
189   l_spr_ovn number;
190 --
191 Begin
192   select spr.object_version_number
193     into l_spr_ovn
194     from pay_status_processing_rules_f spr,
195          hr_pump_batch_line_user_keys key
196    where key.user_key_value  = p_status_process_rule_user_key
197      and spr.status_processing_rule_id = key.unique_key_id
198      and p_effective_date between spr.effective_start_date
199      and spr.effective_end_date;
200   --
201   return(l_spr_ovn);
202 exception
203 when others then
204    hr_data_pump.fail('get_status_processing_rule_ovn'
205                      ,sqlerrm
206 		     ,p_status_process_rule_user_key
207                      ,p_effective_date);
208    raise;
209 End get_status_processing_rule_ovn;
210 --
211 -------------------------- get_status_processing_rule_id -------------------------
212 --
213 -- Returns a status_processing_rule_id and requires a user_key.
214 --
215 function get_status_processing_rule_id
216 (
217    p_status_process_rule_user_key in varchar2
218 ) return number is
219    l_status_processing_rule_id number;
220 begin
221    l_status_processing_rule_id := user_key_to_id(p_status_process_rule_user_key);
222    return(l_status_processing_rule_id);
223 exception
224 when others then
225    hr_data_pump.fail('get_status_processing_rule_id', sqlerrm, p_status_process_rule_user_key);
226    raise;
227 end get_status_processing_rule_id;
228 --
229 END pay_processing_rule_data_pump ;