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Line 1: package body pay_db_balances_pkg as

1: package body pay_db_balances_pkg as
2: /* $Header: pybaldim.pkb 115.8 2003/05/26 03:44:47 sdhole ship $ */
3: -- Date Person Description.
4: -- ------------ ------------- --------------------------------------
5: -- 25-May-03 sdhole Support new two columns START_DATE_CODE,

Line 40: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_balances_pkg.create_balance_dimension',10);

36: return number is
37: x number;
38: begin
39: -- check correct use of expiry checking and feed checking attributes
40: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_balances_pkg.create_balance_dimension',10);
41: if (p_dimension_type = 'N'
42: and (p_feed_checking_code is not null
43: or p_feed_checking_type is not null
44: or p_expiry_checking_code is not null

Line 79: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_balances_pkg.create_balance_dimension',20);

75: End If;
77: -- do the insert
79: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_balances_pkg.create_balance_dimension',20);
80: insert into pay_balance_dimensions
81: (balance_dimension_id,
82: business_group_id,
83: legislation_code,

Line 130: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_balances_pkg.create_balance_dimension',30);

126: nvl(p_legislation_code, 'NULL')
127: );
128: --
129: if (SQL%rowcount > 0) then
130: hr_utility.set_location('pay_db_balances_pkg.create_balance_dimension',30);
131: select pay_balance_dimensions_s.currval
132: into x from dual;
133: return x;
134: else

Line 187: end pay_db_balances_pkg;

183: and route_type = p_route_type
184: and priority = p_priority);
185: end create_dimension_route;
186: --
187: end pay_db_balances_pkg;