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2 /* $Header: gluciprb.pls 120.3 2005/12/08 10:31:56 mikeward noship $ */
5   own CONSTANT varchar2(30)       := 'GL';
6   appSchema CONSTANT varchar2(30) := 'APPS';
8   TYPE t_RefCur                   IS REF CURSOR;
9   GLOBAL_ERROR                    exception;  --+something is wrong - general handler
10   --+ Tell me what's wrong
11   global_retcode                  number;
12   global_errbuf                   varchar2(2000);
13   section_number                  number(5);        --+where did I go wrong?
15   --+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
16   --+ Debug/Diagnostic routine
17   --+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
18   procedure debug_message (
19     message_string in varchar2               ,
20     verbose_mode   in boolean   default FALSE,
21     line_size      in number    default 255  ,
22     which_file     in varchar2  default FND_FILE.log
23   ) is
24     msg_text       varchar2(10000) := substr(message_string, 1, 32000);
25     new_line       number          := 0;
26   begin
27     if verbose_mode then
28       if message_string = fnd_global.local_chr(10) then
29         FND_FILE.put(which_file, message_string);
30       else
31         while msg_text is not null loop
32           new_line := instr(msg_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10));
33           if new_line = 0            then new_line := line_size;
34           elsif new_line > line_size then new_line := line_size;
35           end if;
36           FND_FILE.put_line(which_file, substr(msg_text, 1, new_line-1));
37           msg_text := substr(msg_text, new_line+1);
38         end loop;
39       end if;
40     end if;
41   exception
42     when OTHERS then
43       if SQLCODE = 1 then
44         --+ Raised if you call FND_FILE from a SQL*Plus session
45         --+ without initializing user_id, resp_id, login_resp_id.
46        --+ dbms_output.enable(1000000);
47         while msg_text is not null loop
48 --+can not use chr(10) any more, can not use dbms_output any more
49           new_line := instr(msg_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10));
50           if new_line = 0            then new_line := line_size;
51           elsif new_line > line_size then new_line := line_size;
52           end if;
53           raise_application_error(-20000, substr(msg_text, 1, new_line-1));
54           --+DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( substr(msg_text, 1, new_line-1) );
55           msg_text := substr(msg_text, new_line+1);
56         end loop;
57       else
58         RAISE;
59       end if;
60   end debug_message;
62   --+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
63   --+ Debug/Diagnostic routine
64   --+ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
65   procedure DD (
66     message_string in varchar2,
67     mode_override  in boolean  default TRUE,
68     line_size      in number   default 255,
69     which_file     in varchar2 default FND_FILE.log
70   ) is
71   begin
72     if mode_override then
73        debug_message(message_string, TRUE, line_size, which_file);
74     end if;
75   end DD;
77 --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
78 --+get the group ID from the source dtaabase after the consolidation data
79 --+has been transfered into gl_interface table
80 --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
81 function Get_Source_Group_ID(
82    cons_id                 IN number,
83    cons_run_id             IN number
84 )  return number
85 IS
86    v_SQL                   varchar2(500);
87    l_group_id              number;
89    v_SQL := 'select group_id from gl_consolidation_history ' ||
90                'where consolidation_id = :cons_id ' ||
91                'and consolidation_run_id = :cons_run_id';
92    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_SQL INTO l_group_id USING cons_id, cons_run_id;
93    l_group_id := l_group_id;
94    return l_group_id;
95 END Get_Source_Group_id;
97 --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
98 --+this is the concurrent program that will be submitted right after
99 --+consolidation program is submitted. It will wait for consolidation to complete
100 --+then launches the Cross Instance Data Transfer program.
101 --+the maximum time it waits is 10 hours.
102 --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
103 procedure pre_run_CI_transfer(
104    errbuf                 in out NOCOPY varchar2,
105    retcode                in out NOCOPY varchar2,
106    p_resp_name            IN varchar2,
107    p_cons_request_id      IN number,
108    consolidation_id       IN number,
109    run_id                 IN number,
110    to_period_token        IN varchar2,
111    to_sob_id              IN number,
112    p_user_name            IN varchar2,
113    p_dblink               IN varchar2,
114    from_group_id          IN number,
115    from_sob_id            IN number,
116    p_pd_name              IN varchar2,
117    p_budget_name          IN varchar2,
118    p_j_import             IN VARCHAR2,
119    p_j_post               IN varchar2,
120    p_actual_flag          IN varchar2,
121    p_request_id           IN number,
122    p_csj_flag             IN VARCHAR2,
123    p_debug                IN varchar2)
125 IS
126    dblink                varchar2(30);
127    l_result              varchar2(100);
128    v_WaitSQL             varchar2(1000);
129    l_source_group_id     number;
130    l_ci_request_id       number;
131    section_number        number;
132    phase                 varchar2(80);
133    status                varchar2(80);
134    dev_phase             varchar2(30);
135    dev_status            varchar2(30);
136    message               varchar2(240);
137    success               boolean;
138    l_user_id             number;
139    l_resp_id             number;
140    l_count               number := 0;
141    l_domainName          varchar2(150);
143    section_number := 1;
144       --+bug#2712006, cannot use hardcoded domain name
145    v_WaitSQL := 'select domain_name ' ||
146               'from rg_database_links ' ||
147               'where name = :pd';
148    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_WaitSQL INTO l_domainName USING p_dblink;
149    dblink := p_dblink || '.' || l_domainName;
151    --dblink := p_dblink || '.WORLD';
152    --+Wait for Consolidation program to complete, the most is 10 hours
153    if (p_cons_request_id <> 0) then
154       success := fnd_concurrent.wait_for_request(p_cons_request_id,
155                   30, 36000, phase, status, dev_phase, dev_status,
156                   message);
157       If dev_phase = 'COMPLETE' AND
158          dev_status In ('NORMAL','WARNING' ) Then
159          l_result := 'COMPLETE:PASS';
160       Else
161          l_result := 'COMPLETE:FAIL';
162       End If;
164       if p_debug = 'Y' then
165          debug_message('Section number is ' || section_number,TRUE);
166          debug_message('Pre run CI transfer has started, status is ' || l_result,TRUE);
167       end if;
168       --+debug_message('Pre run CI transfer has started, status is ' || l_result,TRUE);
169       if l_result = 'COMPLETE:PASS' then
170          --+debug_message('status is complete:pass',TRUE);
171             l_source_group_id := Get_source_Group_id(consolidation_id, run_id);
172          --+debug_message('source group id is ' || l_source_group_id,TRUE);
174             l_ci_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
175             'SQLGL',
176             'GLCCIT',
177             '',
178             '',
179             FALSE,
180             p_Resp_Name,
181             p_User_Name,
182             p_dblink,
183             l_source_group_id,
184             from_sob_id,   --bug#2602596, to make sure subsidiary set of books name is in email
185             To_Period_token,
186             p_budget_name,
187             p_j_import,
188             p_j_post,
189             p_Actual_Flag,
190             p_Request_Id,
191             p_csj_flag,
192             'N',
193             chr(0),'','','','','','','','','','',  -- 24 arguments so far
194             '','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',
195             '','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',
196             '','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',
197             '','','','','','','','','','','','','','','','',  -- 16 in a row
198             '','','','','','','','','','','','');
200             IF l_ci_request_Id <> 0 THEN
201                --+cross instance data transfer program is submitted okay
202                FND_MESSAGE.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_US_CI_ENTER_PRE');
203                FND_MESSAGE.set_token('REQUEST', l_ci_request_id, FALSE);
204                debug_message('==>' || FND_MESSAGE.get, TRUE);
205             ELSE
206                --+Cross instance data transfer program fails to start
207                FND_MESSAGE.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_US_CI_FAIL_STARTCI');
208                FND_MESSAGE.set_token('RESULT', SUBSTR(SQLERRM,1,200), FALSE);
209                debug_message('==>' || FND_MESSAGE.get, TRUE);
210             END IF;
211       ELSE
212          --+consolidation program fails for any reason.
213          FND_MESSAGE.set_name('SQLGL', 'GL_US_CI_PRE_FAIL');
214          debug_message('==>' || FND_MESSAGE.get, TRUE);
215       END IF; --+ end if complete:pass
216    END IF; --+End if p_cons_request_id is not zero
217 END pre_run_CI_transfer;
219 end gl_ci_pre_cross_pkg;
222 --+ End of DDL script for GL_TEST_FND_REQUEST_PKG
225 --+ End of DDL script for GL_TEST_FND_REQUEST_PKG