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Line 46: From bom_operation_sequences

42: nvl(P_Alternate, 'Primary Alternate');
43: cursor l_event_csr(P_OpSeqId number) is
44: Select operation_type,
45: reference_flag
46: From bom_operation_sequences
47: Where operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId;
48: l_EventFound BOOLEAN := FALSE;
49: cursor l_oper_csr(P_RtgSeqId number, P_SeqNum number, P_EffDate Date)
50: is

Line 52: from bom_operation_sequences

48: l_EventFound BOOLEAN := FALSE;
49: cursor l_oper_csr(P_RtgSeqId number, P_SeqNum number, P_EffDate Date)
50: is
51: select operation_sequence_id
52: from bom_operation_sequences
53: where routing_sequence_id = P_RtgSeqId
54: and operation_seq_num = P_SeqNum
55: /* Bug # 1376700 */
56: and trunc(effectivity_date) = trunc(P_EffDate)

Line 82: bom_operation_sequences bos

78: nvl(br.AUTOCHARGE_TYPE, 2)) default_autocharge,
79: br.standard_rate_flag
80: from bom_resources br,
81: bom_departments bd,
82: bom_operation_sequences bos
83: where br.resource_id = P_ResourceId
84: and bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId
85: and bd.department_id = bos.department_id;

Line 336: from bom_operation_sequences

332: Select 'x' dummy
333: From dual
334: Where not exists(
335: select null
336: from bom_operation_sequences
337: where operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId
338: and nvl(operation_type, g_event) = g_event
339: and nvl(reference_flag, g_no) = g_no);
340: cursor l_resource_csr(P_OpSeqId number, P_ResourceId number) is

Line 347: bom_operation_sequences bos

343: where not exists (
344: select null
345: from bom_resources br,
346: bom_department_resources bdr,
347: bom_operation_sequences bos
348: where br.resource_id = P_ResourceId
349: and bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId
350: and nvl(br.disable_date, bos.effectivity_date + 1)
351: > bos.effectivity_date

Line 359: bom_operation_sequences bos

355: select bdr.AVAILABLE_24_HOURS_FLAG,
356: bd.location_id
357: from bom_department_resources bdr,
358: bom_departments bd,
359: bom_operation_sequences bos
360: where bdr.resource_id = P_ResourceId
361: and bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId
362: and bdr.department_id = bos.department_id
363: and bdr.department_id = bd.department_id;

Line 370: bom_operation_sequences bos,

366: From dual
367: Where not exists(
368: select null
369: from cst_activities ca,
370: bom_operation_sequences bos,
371: bom_operational_routings bor
372: where ca.activity_id = P_ActivityId
373: and bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId
374: and bos.routing_sequence_id =

Line 448: bom_operation_sequences bos

444: from dual
445: where not exists(
446: select 'no dept loc'
447: from bom_departments bd,
448: bom_operation_sequences bos
449: where bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId
450: and bd.department_id = bos.department_id
451: and bd.location_id is not null);
452: BEGIN