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2 /* $Header: wipbmovs.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/24 05:21:38 appldev ship $*/
4 -- declare a PL/SQL table to store jobs, operations, move and scrap quantities.
5 TYPE move_record IS RECORD(wip_entity_id     NUMBER,
6                            wip_entity_name   VARCHAR2(240),
7                            op_seq            NUMBER,
8                            move_qty          NUMBER,
9                            scrap_qty         NUMBER,
10                            assy_serial       VARCHAR2(30));
12 TYPE move_table IS TABLE OF move_record INDEX BY binary_integer;
15 /***************************************************************************
16  * This procedure will be used to do batch move, scrap or both move and scrap.
17  * This procedure will be called by OA page. Even if the name is batch move,
18  * each move transaction is unlikely to depend on each other. If one record
19  * fails, we will rollback only the changes related to that record. We will
20  * commit other succesfully processed records.
21  *
23  *
24  * p_move_table         A PL/SQL table contains jobs, operations, move and
25  *                      scrap quantities information. User can pass as many
26  *                      records as they want, but it will take longer to
27  *                      process because we have to process record one by one
28  *                      to support a requirement to rollback only error record.
29  * p_resp_key           Responsibility key that the user log in. It is either
30  *                      operator or supervisor.
31  * p_org_id             Organization ID that user log in.
32  * p_dept_id            Department ID that user log in.
33  * p_employee_id        Employee ID of the person who submit the transaction.
34  * x_return_status      There are 2 possible values
35  *                      *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success*
36  *                      means the every record was succesfully processed
37  *                      *fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error*
38  *                      means some records error out
39  *
40  * Note: Error message will be put in message stack for caller to display to
41  *       the user. If x_returnStatus is equal to fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error,
42  *       caller knows that some records error out.
43  *
44  ****************************************************************************/
45 PROCEDURE process(p_move_table    IN         wip_batch_move.move_table,
46                   p_resp_key      IN         VARCHAR2,
47                   p_org_id        IN         NUMBER,
48                   p_dept_id       IN         NUMBER,
49                   p_employee_id   IN         NUMBER,
50                   x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
51 END wip_batch_move;