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Line 1153: p_line_number IN ra_customer_trx_lines.line_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,

1149: p_apply_date IN ar_receivable_applications.apply_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
1150: p_apply_gl_date IN ar_receivable_applications.gl_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
1151: p_ussgl_transaction_code IN ar_receivable_applications.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
1152: p_customer_trx_line_id IN ar_receivable_applications.applied_customer_trx_line_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
1153: p_line_number IN ra_customer_trx_lines.line_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
1154: p_show_closed_invoices IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N', /* Bug fix 2462013 */
1155: p_called_from IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
1156: p_move_deferred_tax IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
1157: p_link_to_trx_hist_id IN ar_receivable_applications.link_to_trx_hist_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,

Line 1236: l_group_id ra_customer_trx_lines.source_data_key4%TYPE := NULL;

1232: l_org_id NUMBER;
1234: -- LLCA
1235: l_llca_type varchar2(1) := NULL;
1236: l_group_id ra_customer_trx_lines.source_data_key4%TYPE := NULL;
1237: l_line_amount NUMBER;
1238: l_tax_amount NUMBER;
1239: l_freight_amount NUMBER;
1240: l_charges_amount NUMBER;

Line 1319: select COUNT(*) into l_gt from ra_customer_trx_lines_gt where customer_trx_id=p_customer_trx_id;

1316: IF(p_called_from = 'OZFAPI') THEN
1318: if ( FND_API.to_Boolean(p_commit) = FALSE ) then
1319: select COUNT(*) into l_gt from ra_customer_trx_lines_gt where customer_trx_id=p_customer_trx_id;
1321: IF (l_gt > 0 ) then
1322: delete FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_gt where customer_trx_id=p_customer_trx_id;
1323: end if;

Line 1322: delete FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_gt where customer_trx_id=p_customer_trx_id;

1318: if ( FND_API.to_Boolean(p_commit) = FALSE ) then
1319: select COUNT(*) into l_gt from ra_customer_trx_lines_gt where customer_trx_id=p_customer_trx_id;
1321: IF (l_gt > 0 ) then
1322: delete FROM ra_customer_trx_lines_gt where customer_trx_id=p_customer_trx_id;
1323: end if;
1325: end if;
1326: l_called_from := NULL;

Line 2033: l_group_id ra_customer_trx_lines.source_data_key4%TYPE;

2029: l_freight_remaining NUMBER;
2030: l_rec_charges_charged NUMBER;
2031: l_rec_charges_remaining NUMBER;
2032: l_llca_type VARCHAR2(1);
2033: l_group_id ra_customer_trx_lines.source_data_key4%TYPE;
2034: l_sum_amount_applied NUMBER :=0;
2035: l_sum_disc_earn_allow NUMBER;
2036: l_sum_disc_max_allow NUMBER;
2037: l_llca_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);

Line 2716: from ra_customer_trx_lines

2712: where source_id is null
2713: and nvl(current_activity_flag, 'Y') = 'Y' -- Bug 7241111
2714: and cash_receipt_id = l_cash_receipt_id
2715: and customer_trx_line_id in (select customer_trx_line_id
2716: from ra_customer_trx_lines
2717: where customer_trx_id = l_customer_trx_id);
2719: -- Clean the GT Table even though the table get refreshed in the commit stage.
2720: delete from ar_llca_trx_lines_gt

Line 3142: (select customer_trx_line_id from ra_customer_trx_lines

3138: /*
3139: delete from ar_activity_details ad
3140: where ad.cash_receipt_id = l_cash_receipt_id
3141: and ad.customer_trx_line_id in
3142: (select customer_trx_line_id from ra_customer_trx_lines
3143: where customer_trx_id = l_customer_trx_id);
3144: */
3146: -- Bug 7241111 to retain the old application record under activity details

Line 3249: from ra_customer_trx_lines

3245: where LLD.cash_receipt_id = l_cash_receipt_id
3246: and nvl(LLD.CURRENT_ACTIVITY_FLAG, 'Y') = 'Y'
3247: and LLD.customer_trx_line_id in
3248: (select customer_trx_line_id
3249: from ra_customer_trx_lines
3250: where customer_trx_id = l_customer_trx_id);
3252: UPDATE ar_Activity_details dtl

Line 3258: from ra_customer_trx_lines

3254: where dtl.cash_receipt_id = l_cash_receipt_id
3255: and nvl(dtl.CURRENT_ACTIVITY_FLAG, 'Y') = 'Y'
3256: and dtl.customer_trx_line_id in
3257: (select customer_trx_line_id
3258: from ra_customer_trx_lines
3259: where customer_trx_id = l_customer_trx_id);

Line 4831: p_line_number IN ra_customer_trx_lines.line_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,

4827: p_apply_date IN ar_receivable_applications.apply_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
4828: p_apply_gl_date IN ar_receivable_applications.gl_date%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
4829: app_ussgl_transaction_code IN ar_receivable_applications.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
4830: p_customer_trx_line_id IN ar_receivable_applications.applied_customer_trx_line_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
4831: p_line_number IN ra_customer_trx_lines.line_number%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
4832: p_show_closed_invoices IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N', /* Bug fix 2462013 */
4833: p_move_deferred_tax IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Y',
4834: p_link_to_trx_hist_id IN ar_receivable_applications.link_to_trx_hist_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL,
4835: app_attribute_rec IN attribute_rec_type DEFAULT attribute_rec_const,