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1 package hr_dm_imp_bg_where AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: perdmwer.pkh 120.1 2006/03/23 10:29:17 mmudigon noship $ */
3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   -- Main Procedure
5   -- This function creates the where clause for the table which do not have
6   -- business group id but the parent tables relationship is stored in
7   -- hr_dm_hierarchies table is used to derive the 'where' clause.
8   -- Input Parameter :
9   --   p_cursor_type  -  The cursor for which where clause needs to be formed.
10   --                     It can have following values :
11   --                     'DOWNLOAD' - where clause for download procedure
12   --                     'CALCULATE_RANGES' - where clause for calculate_ranges
13   --                                          procedure
14   --
15   --   p_query_type   - It defines whether the where clause to be build up is
16   --                    for main query or sub query (used for date track table
17   --                    additive migration).
18   --                    It can have following values :
19   --                    'MAIN_QUERY' - For Non date track download cursor and
20   --                                   Date track full migration cursor.
21   --                    'SUB_QUERY'  - Download cursor sub query where clause
22   --                                   Additive migration of date track table.
23   --
24   -- Output Parameters :
25   --   p_where_clause - Formatted where clause.
26   --
27 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 procedure main
29 (p_table_info    in     hr_dm_gen_main.t_table_info,
30  p_cursor_type   in     varchar2,
31  p_query_type    in     varchar2,
32  p_where_clause  out nocopy    varchar2);
33 end hr_dm_imp_bg_where;