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Line 67: g_vendor_address_line_2 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE2%type := null;

63: g_arcAgent_id PO_HEADERS_ARCHIVE_ALL.AGENT_ID%type := null;
64: g_header_id1 PO_HEADERS_ALL.PO_HEADER_ID%type := null;
65: g_release_id PO_RELEASES_ALL.PO_RELEASE_ID%type := null;
66: g_timezone VARCHAR2(255) := NULL;
67: g_vendor_address_line_2 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE2%type := null;
68: g_vendor_address_line_3 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE3%type := null;
69: g_vendor_country FND_TERRITORIES_TL.TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME%type := null;
70: g_vendor_city_state_zipInfo varchar2(500) := null;
71: g_vendor_site_id PO_HEADERS_ALL.vendor_site_id%type := null;

Line 68: g_vendor_address_line_3 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE3%type := null;

64: g_header_id1 PO_HEADERS_ALL.PO_HEADER_ID%type := null;
65: g_release_id PO_RELEASES_ALL.PO_RELEASE_ID%type := null;
66: g_timezone VARCHAR2(255) := NULL;
67: g_vendor_address_line_2 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE2%type := null;
68: g_vendor_address_line_3 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE3%type := null;
69: g_vendor_country FND_TERRITORIES_TL.TERRITORY_SHORT_NAME%type := null;
70: g_vendor_city_state_zipInfo varchar2(500) := null;
71: g_vendor_site_id PO_HEADERS_ALL.vendor_site_id%type := null;
72: g_job_id PO_LINES_ALL.JOB_ID%type := null;

Line 715: l_vendor_site_lang PO_VENDOR_SITES.LANGUAGE%TYPE;

711: l_itemtype po_document_types.wf_approval_itemtype%type;
712: l_workflow_process po_document_types.wf_approval_process%type;
713: l_vendor_site_code varchar2(15);
714: l_vendor_site_id number;
715: l_vendor_site_lang PO_VENDOR_SITES.LANGUAGE%TYPE;
716: l_adhocuser_lang WF_LANGUAGES.NLS_LANGUAGE%TYPE;
717: l_adhocuser_territory WF_LANGUAGES.NLS_TERRITORY%TYPE;
718: l_po_email_add_prof WF_USERS.EMAIL_ADDRESS%TYPE;
719: l_po_email_performer WF_USERS.NAME%TYPE;

Line 902: from po_headers poh, po_vendor_sites pvs, po_releases por

899: if p_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
900: select poh.vendor_site_id, pvs.vendor_site_code, pvs.language
901: into l_vendor_site_id, l_vendor_site_code, l_vendor_site_lang
902: from po_headers poh, po_vendor_sites pvs, po_releases por
903: where pvs.vendor_site_id = poh.vendor_site_id
904: and poh.po_header_id = por.po_header_id
905: and por.po_release_id = p_document_id;
906: else

Line 909: from po_headers poh, po_vendor_sites pvs

905: and por.po_release_id = p_document_id;
906: else
907: select poh.vendor_site_id, pvs.vendor_site_code, pvs.language
908: into l_vendor_site_id, l_vendor_site_code, l_vendor_site_lang
909: from po_headers poh, po_vendor_sites pvs
910: where pvs.vendor_site_id = poh.vendor_site_id
911: and poh.po_header_id = p_document_id;
912: end if;

Line 1084: l_supp_lang po_vendor_sites_all.language%TYPE;

1080: l_document_subtype po_headers.type_lookup_code%TYPE;
1081: l_document_type po_headers.type_lookup_code%TYPE;
1082: l_territory fnd_languages.nls_territory%type;
1083: l_language_code fnd_languages.language_code%type;
1084: l_supp_lang po_vendor_sites_all.language%TYPE;
1085: l_language fnd_languages.nls_language%type;
1086: l_authorization_status po_headers.authorization_status%TYPE;
1087: l_header_id po_headers.po_header_id%TYPE;

Line 1161: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pv,

1157: BEGIN
1159: SELECT pv.language
1160: INTO l_supp_lang
1161: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pv,
1162: po_headers_all ph
1163: WHERE ph.po_header_id = l_header_id
1164: AND ph.vendor_site_id = pv.vendor_site_id;

Line 1993: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pv, po_headers_all ph

1989: END IF;
1991: BEGIN
1992: SELECT pv.language into l_supp_lang
1993: FROM po_vendor_sites_all pv, po_headers_all ph
1994: WHERE
1995: ph.po_header_id = l_header_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pv.vendor_site_id;

Line 2710: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph

2706: l_progress := '010';
2707: begin
2708: if p_document_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'CONTRACT') then
2709: l_entity_name := 'PO_HEAD';
2710: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
2711: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2712: else
2713: l_entity_name := 'PO_REL';
2714: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr

Line 2714: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr

2710: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
2711: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2712: else
2713: l_entity_name := 'PO_REL';
2714: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr
2715: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and
2716: ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
2717: end if;
2718: IF g_debug_stmt THEN

Line 3110: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph

3106: end if;
3108: l_progress := '200';
3109: if p_document_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'CONTRACT') then
3110: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
3111: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
3112: else
3113: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr
3114: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and

Line 3113: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr

3109: if p_document_type in ('STANDARD', 'BLANKET', 'CONTRACT') then
3110: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph
3111: where po_header_id = p_document_id and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
3112: else
3113: select pvs.language into l_supp_lang from po_vendor_sites pvs , po_headers_all ph, po_releases_all pr
3114: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id and pr.po_release_id = p_document_id and
3115: ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id ;
3116: end if;

Line 3858: the language is found from po_vendor_sites and corresponding

3855: /* Bug 13330239. Below block of code is common for both With and Without contract terms */
3856: /* Bug 3849854. PDF is not communicated in Suppliers language
3857: According to the document_id (po_header_id/po_release_id),
3858: the language is found from po_vendor_sites and corresponding
3859: PDF is retrieved
3860: Bug 3851357. Changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all because
3861: po_vendor_sites is an org striped view. The query was failing in the
3862: particular case when the MO:Operating unit site level value was

Line 3860: Bug 3851357. Changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all because

3856: /* Bug 3849854. PDF is not communicated in Suppliers language
3857: According to the document_id (po_header_id/po_release_id),
3858: the language is found from po_vendor_sites and corresponding
3859: PDF is retrieved
3860: Bug 3851357. Changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all because
3861: po_vendor_sites is an org striped view. The query was failing in the
3862: particular case when the MO:Operating unit site level value was
3863: different from buyer's user level value */
3864: Begin

Line 3861: po_vendor_sites is an org striped view. The query was failing in the

3857: According to the document_id (po_header_id/po_release_id),
3858: the language is found from po_vendor_sites and corresponding
3859: PDF is retrieved
3860: Bug 3851357. Changed po_vendor_sites to po_vendor_sites_all because
3861: po_vendor_sites is an org striped view. The query was failing in the
3862: particular case when the MO:Operating unit site level value was
3863: different from buyer's user level value */
3864: Begin

Line 3868: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs, po_headers_all ph, fnd_languages fl

3864: Begin
3866: if l_document_type in ('PO', 'PA') then
3867: select fl.language_code into l_language
3868: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs, po_headers_all ph, fnd_languages fl
3869: where ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id
3870: and ph.po_header_id = l_document_id
3871: and pvs.language = fl.nls_language;
3872: elsif l_document_type = 'RELEASE' then

Line 3874: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs , po_headers_all ph,

3870: and ph.po_header_id = l_document_id
3871: and pvs.language = fl.nls_language;
3872: elsif l_document_type = 'RELEASE' then
3873: select fl.language_code into l_language
3874: from po_vendor_sites_all pvs , po_headers_all ph,
3875: po_releases_all pr, fnd_languages fl
3876: where ph.po_header_id = pr.po_header_id
3877: and pr.po_release_id = l_document_id
3878: and ph.vendor_site_id = pvs.vendor_site_id

Line 5254: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND

5250: (entity_name = ''PO_RELEASES'' AND
5251: pk1_value = to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR
5252: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDORS'' AND
5253: pk1_value = to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5254: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND
5255: pk1_value = to_char(phx.vendor_site_id))) AND -- bug6154354
5256: function_name = ''PO_PRINTPO''
5257: AND fad.media_id = fds.media_id
5258: AND fad.datatype_id=1

Line 5267: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354

5263: FROM fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad
5264: WHERE ((fad.entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5265: (fad.entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR
5266: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDORS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5267: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354
5268: )
5269: AND fad.datatype_id=5
5270: AND fad.function_name=''PO_PRINTPO''
5271: order by fad.entity_name,fad.seq_num) AS header_url_attachments'; --bug6133951

Line 5279: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354

5275: FROM fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad
5276: WHERE ((fad.entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5277: (fad.entity_name=''PO_RELEASES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_release_id)) OR
5278: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDORS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5279: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354
5280: )
5281: AND fad.datatype_id=6
5282: AND fad.function_name=''PO_PRINTPO''
5283: order by fad.entity_name,fad.seq_num) AS header_file_attachments'; --bug6133951

Line 5299: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND

5295: WHERE ((entity_name = ''PO_HEADERS'' AND
5296: pk1_value = to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5297: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDORS'' AND
5298: pk1_value = to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5299: (entity_name = ''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND
5300: pk1_value = to_char(phx.vendor_site_id))) AND -- bug6154354
5301: function_name = ''PO_PRINTPO''
5302: AND fad.media_id = fds.media_id
5303: AND fad.datatype_id=1 order by fad.seq_num) AS header_short_text'; --bug6133951

Line 5311: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354

5307: SELECT fad.url web_page --Bug#4958642
5308: FROM fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad
5309: WHERE ((fad.entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5310: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDORS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5311: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354
5312: )
5313: AND fad.datatype_id=5
5314: AND fad.function_name=''PO_PRINTPO''
5315: order by fad.entity_name,fad.seq_num) AS header_url_attachments'; --bug6133951

Line 5322: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354

5318: SELECT fad.file_name
5319: FROM fnd_attached_docs_form_vl fad
5320: WHERE ((fad.entity_name=''PO_HEADERS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.po_header_id)) OR
5321: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDORS'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_id)) OR
5322: (fad.entity_name=''PO_VENDOR_SITES'' AND fad.pk1_value=to_char(phx.vendor_site_id)) --bug6154354
5323: )
5324: AND fad.datatype_id=6
5325: AND fad.function_name=''PO_PRINTPO''
5326: order by fad.entity_name,fad.seq_num) AS header_file_attachments'; --bug6133951

Line 7358: l_city PO_VENDOR_SITES.city%type := null;

7354: end;
7356: function getVendorAddressLine1(p_vendor_site_id in NUMBER) return VARCHAR2 is
7358: l_city PO_VENDOR_SITES.city%type := null;
7359: l_state PO_VENDOR_SITES.state%type := null;
7360: l_zip PO_VENDOR_SITES.zip%type := null;
7361: l_address_line_1 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE1%type := null;

Line 7359: l_state PO_VENDOR_SITES.state%type := null;

7356: function getVendorAddressLine1(p_vendor_site_id in NUMBER) return VARCHAR2 is
7358: l_city PO_VENDOR_SITES.city%type := null;
7359: l_state PO_VENDOR_SITES.state%type := null;
7360: l_zip PO_VENDOR_SITES.zip%type := null;
7361: l_address_line_1 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE1%type := null;
7363: begin

Line 7360: l_zip PO_VENDOR_SITES.zip%type := null;

7356: function getVendorAddressLine1(p_vendor_site_id in NUMBER) return VARCHAR2 is
7358: l_city PO_VENDOR_SITES.city%type := null;
7359: l_state PO_VENDOR_SITES.state%type := null;
7360: l_zip PO_VENDOR_SITES.zip%type := null;
7361: l_address_line_1 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE1%type := null;
7363: begin

Line 7361: l_address_line_1 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE1%type := null;

7358: l_city PO_VENDOR_SITES.city%type := null;
7359: l_state PO_VENDOR_SITES.state%type := null;
7360: l_zip PO_VENDOR_SITES.zip%type := null;
7361: l_address_line_1 PO_VENDOR_SITES.ADDRESS_LINE1%type := null;
7363: begin
7365: if PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_site_id <> p_vendor_site_id or

Line 7374: --bug: 3463617 : Retreived address_line4 from po_vendor_sites_all.

7370: PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_country := null;
7371: PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_city_state_zipInfo := null;
7372: PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_address_line_4 := null; --bug: 3463617
7374: --bug: 3463617 : Retreived address_line4 from po_vendor_sites_all.
7378: PVS.CITY ,


7383: INTO
7384: l_address_line_1, PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_address_line_2, PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_address_line_3,
7385: l_city, l_state, l_zip, PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_country, PO_COMMUNICATION_PVT.g_vendor_address_line_4
7386: FROM
7389: WHERE