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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

g_ac_updated           BOOLEAN;
Line: 82

    SELECT t.name
      FROM xla_product_rules_b  w
          ,xla_product_rules_b  s
          ,xla_product_rules_tl t
     WHERE s.version_num            < w.version_num
       AND t.language               = USERENV('LANG')
       AND t.application_id         = w.application_id
       AND t.amb_context_code       = w.amb_context_code
       AND t.product_rule_type_code = w.product_rule_type_code
       AND t.product_rule_code      = w.product_rule_code
       AND w.application_id         = s.application_id
       AND w.product_rule_type_code = s.product_rule_type_code
       AND w.product_rule_code      = s.product_rule_code
       AND w.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
       AND s.application_id         = g_application_id
       AND s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 100

    SELECT t.name
      FROM xla_mapping_sets_b  w
          ,xla_mapping_sets_b  s
          ,xla_mapping_sets_tl t
     WHERE s.version_num            < w.version_num
       AND t.language               = USERENV('LANG')
       AND t.amb_context_code       = w.amb_context_code
       AND t.mapping_set_code       = w.mapping_set_code
       AND s.mapping_set_code       = w.mapping_set_code
       AND w.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
       AND s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 113

    SELECT t.name
      FROM xla_seg_rules_b  w
          ,xla_seg_rules_b  s
          ,xla_seg_rules_tl t
     WHERE s.version_num            < w.version_num
       AND t.language               = USERENV('LANG')
       AND t.amb_context_code       = w.amb_context_code
       AND t.application_id         = w.application_id
       AND t.segment_rule_type_code = w.segment_rule_type_code
       AND t.segment_rule_code      = w.segment_rule_code
       AND s.application_id         = w.application_id
       AND s.segment_rule_type_code = w.segment_rule_type_code
       AND s.segment_rule_code      = w.segment_rule_code
       AND w.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
       AND w.application_id         = g_application_id
       AND s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 131

    SELECT t.name
      FROM xla_analytical_hdrs_b  w
          ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b  s
          ,xla_analytical_hdrs_tl t
     WHERE s.version_num                    < w.version_num
       AND t.language                       = USERENV('LANG')
       AND t.amb_context_code               = w.amb_context_code
       AND t.analytical_criterion_type_code = w.analytical_criterion_type_code
       AND t.analytical_criterion_code      = w.analytical_criterion_code
       AND s.analytical_criterion_type_code = w.analytical_criterion_type_code
       AND s.analytical_criterion_code      = w.analytical_criterion_code
       AND w.amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code
       AND s.amb_context_code               = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 318

  INSERT INTO xla_aad_loader_logs
  SELECT xla_aad_loader_logs_s.nextval
   FROM xla_product_rules_b s
  WHERE s.application_id         = g_application_id
    AND s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 362

    trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted into xla_aad_loader_logs = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 397

    SELECT *
      FROM xla_appli_amb_contexts
     WHERE application_id   = g_application_id
       AND amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
    FOR UPDATE OF application_id NOWAIT;
Line: 490

    SELECT bs.mapping_set_code
          ,bw.version_num version_from
          ,bs.version_num version_to
      FROM xla_mapping_sets_b   bs
          ,xla_mapping_sets_b   bw
     WHERE bs.mapping_set_code    = bw.mapping_set_code
       AND bs.amb_context_code    = g_staging_context_code
       AND bw.amb_context_code    = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 550

    INSERT INTO xla_aad_loader_logs
    SELECT xla_aad_loader_logs_s.nextval
    FROM xla_seg_rule_details     d
        ,TABLE(CAST(l_mapping_sets AS xla_component_tbl_type)) ms
   WHERE d.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
     AND d.application_id        <> g_application_id
     AND d.value_mapping_set_code = ms.component_code;
Line: 598

      trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted into xla_aad_loader_logs = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 604

      DELETE FROM xla_mapping_set_values
       WHERE mapping_set_code = l_ms_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 609

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_mapping_set_values = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 615

      DELETE FROM xla_mapping_sets_tl
       WHERE mapping_set_code = l_ms_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 620

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_mapping_sets_tl = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 626

      DELETE FROM xla_mapping_sets_b
       WHERE mapping_set_code = l_ms_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 631

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_mapping_sets_b = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 668

    SELECT s.analytical_criterion_type_code
          ,w.version_num version_from
          ,s.version_num version_to
      FROM xla_analytical_hdrs_b   s
          ,xla_analytical_hdrs_b   w
     WHERE s.analytical_criterion_type_code = w.analytical_criterion_type_code
       AND s.analytical_criterion_code      = w.analytical_criterion_code
       AND s.amb_context_code               = g_staging_context_code
       AND w.amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code
    SELECT w.analytical_criterion_type_code
      FROM xla_analytical_hdrs_b   w
     WHERE w.application_id   = g_application_id
       AND w.amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 744

    g_ac_updated := TRUE;
Line: 746

    INSERT INTO xla_aad_loader_logs
    SELECT xla_aad_loader_logs_s.nextval
      FROM (SELECT a.application_id
              FROM xla_aad_header_ac_assgns    a
                  ,TABLE(CAST(l_analytical_criteria AS xla_component_tbl_type)) ac
             WHERE a.amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code
               AND a.application_id                <> g_application_id
               AND a.analytical_criterion_type_code = ac.component_owner_code
               AND a.analytical_criterion_code      = ac.component_code
               AND ac.version_from                  IS NOT NULL
            SELECT a.application_id
              FROM xla_line_defn_ac_assgns    a
                  ,TABLE(CAST(l_analytical_criteria AS xla_component_tbl_type)) ac
             WHERE a.amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code
               AND a.application_id                <> g_application_id
               AND a.analytical_criterion_type_code = ac.component_owner_code
               AND a.analytical_criterion_code      = ac.component_code
               AND ac.version_from                  IS NOT NULL);
Line: 816

      trace(p_msg    => '# row insert into xla_aad_loader_logs = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 822

      DELETE FROM xla_analytical_sources
       WHERE analytical_criterion_type_code = l_ac_type_codes(i)
         AND analytical_criterion_code      = l_ac_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 828

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_analytical_sources = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 834

      DELETE FROM xla_analytical_dtls_tl
       WHERE analytical_criterion_type_code = l_ac_type_codes(i)
         AND analytical_criterion_code      = l_ac_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 840

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_analytical_dtls_tl = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 846

      DELETE FROM xla_analytical_dtls_b
       WHERE analytical_criterion_type_code = l_ac_type_codes(i)
         AND analytical_criterion_code      = l_ac_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 852

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_analytical_dtls_b = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 858

      DELETE FROM xla_analytical_hdrs_tl
       WHERE analytical_criterion_type_code = l_ac_type_codes(i)
         AND analytical_criterion_code      = l_ac_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 864

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_analytical_hdrs_tl = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 870

      DELETE FROM xla_analytical_hdrs_b
       WHERE analytical_criterion_type_code = l_ac_type_codes(i)
         AND analytical_criterion_code      = l_ac_codes(i)
         AND amb_context_code               = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 876

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_analytical_hdrs_b = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 912

    SELECT s.segment_rule_type_code
          ,w.version_num version_from
          ,s.version_num version_to
      FROM xla_seg_rules_b   s
          ,xla_seg_rules_b   w
     WHERE s.application_id         = w.application_id
       AND s.segment_rule_type_code = w.segment_rule_type_code
       AND s.segment_rule_code      = w.segment_rule_code
       AND s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code
       AND w.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
    SELECT w.segment_rule_type_code
      FROM xla_seg_rules_b   w
     WHERE w.application_id   = g_application_id
       AND w.amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code;
Line: 989

    INSERT INTO xla_aad_loader_logs
    SELECT xla_aad_loader_logs_s.nextval
      FROM (SELECT a.application_id
              FROM xla_line_defn_adr_assgns    a
                  ,TABLE(CAST(l_adrs AS xla_component_tbl_type)) adr
             WHERE a.amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
               AND a.application_id        <> g_application_id
               AND a.segment_rule_appl_id   = g_application_id
               AND a.segment_rule_type_code = adr.component_owner_code
               AND a.segment_rule_code      = adr.component_code
               AND adr.version_from         IS NOT NULL
            SELECT a.application_id
              FROM xla_seg_rule_details    a
                  ,TABLE(CAST(l_adrs AS xla_component_tbl_type)) adr
             WHERE a.amb_context_code             = g_amb_context_code
               AND a.application_id              <> g_application_id
               AND a.value_segment_rule_appl_id   = g_application_id
               AND a.value_segment_rule_type_code = adr.component_owner_code
               AND a.value_segment_rule_code      = adr.component_code
               AND adr.version_from         IS NOT NULL);
Line: 1061

      trace(p_msg    => '# row insert into xla_aad_loader_logs = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1067

      DELETE FROM xla_conditions
       WHERE segment_rule_detail_id IN
             (SELECT segment_rule_detail_id
                FROM xla_seg_rule_details
               WHERE application_id         = g_application_id
                 AND amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
                 AND segment_rule_type_code = l_adr_type_codes(i)
                 AND segment_rule_code      = l_adr_codes(i));
Line: 1077

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_conditions = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1083

      DELETE FROM xla_seg_rule_details
       WHERE application_id         = g_application_id
         AND amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
         AND segment_rule_type_code = l_adr_type_codes(i)
         AND segment_rule_code      = l_adr_codes(i);
Line: 1090

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_seg_rule_details = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1096

      DELETE FROM xla_seg_rules_tl
       WHERE application_id         = g_application_id
         AND amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
         AND segment_rule_type_code = l_adr_type_codes(i)
         AND segment_rule_code      = l_adr_codes(i);
Line: 1103

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_seg_rules_tl = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1109

      DELETE FROM xla_seg_rules_b
       WHERE application_id         = g_application_id
         AND amb_context_code       = g_amb_context_code
         AND segment_rule_type_code = l_adr_type_codes(i)
         AND segment_rule_code      = l_adr_codes(i);
Line: 1116

      trace(p_msg    => '# row deleted into xla_seg_rules_b = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1163

  INSERT INTO xla_aad_loader_logs
  SELECT xla_aad_loader_logs_s.nextval
    FROM xla_line_defn_adr_assgns xld
   WHERE xld.amb_context_code     = g_amb_context_code
     AND xld.application_id      <> g_application_id
     AND xld.segment_rule_appl_id = g_application_id
                       FROM xla_seg_rules_b s
                      WHERE s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code
                        AND s.application_id         = xld.segment_rule_appl_id
                        AND s.segment_rule_type_code = xld.segment_rule_type_code
                        AND s.segment_rule_code      = xld.segment_rule_code);
Line: 1215

    trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted to xla_aad_loader_log = '||l_count,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1221

    DELETE FROM xla_line_defn_adr_assgns xld
     WHERE xld.amb_context_code     = g_amb_context_code
       AND xld.segment_rule_appl_id = g_application_id
                       FROM xla_seg_rules_b s
                      WHERE s.amb_context_code       = g_staging_context_code
                        AND s.application_id         = xld.segment_rule_appl_id
                        AND s.segment_rule_type_code = xld.segment_rule_type_code
                        AND s.segment_rule_code      = xld.segment_rule_code);
Line: 1232

      trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted to xla_aad_loader_log = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
            p_module => l_log_module,
            p_level  => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
Line: 1281

  UPDATE xla_acct_line_types_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1291

  UPDATE xla_acct_line_types_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1301

  UPDATE xla_jlt_acct_attrs
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1312

  UPDATE xla_descriptions_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1322

  UPDATE xla_descriptions_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1332

  UPDATE xla_desc_priorities
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1342

  UPDATE xla_descript_details_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1352

  UPDATE xla_descript_details_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1363

  UPDATE xla_seg_rules_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1373

  UPDATE xla_seg_rules_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1383

  UPDATE xla_seg_rule_details
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1394

  UPDATE xla_mapping_sets_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1404

  UPDATE xla_mapping_sets_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1414

  UPDATE xla_mapping_set_values
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1425

  UPDATE xla_analytical_hdrs_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1431

    g_ac_updated := TRUE;
Line: 1440

  UPDATE xla_analytical_hdrs_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1450

  UPDATE xla_analytical_dtls_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1456

    g_ac_updated := TRUE;
Line: 1465

  UPDATE xla_analytical_dtls_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1475

  UPDATE xla_analytical_sources
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1486

  UPDATE xla_conditions
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1536

  UPDATE xla_line_definitions_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1546

  UPDATE xla_line_definitions_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1556

  UPDATE xla_line_defn_jlt_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1566

  UPDATE xla_line_defn_adr_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1576

  UPDATE xla_line_defn_ac_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1586

  UPDATE xla_mpa_jlt_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1596

  UPDATE xla_mpa_header_ac_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1606

  UPDATE xla_mpa_jlt_adr_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1616

  UPDATE xla_mpa_jlt_ac_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1668

  UPDATE xla_product_rules_b
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1678

  UPDATE xla_product_rules_tl
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1689

  UPDATE xla_prod_acct_headers
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1699

  UPDATE xla_aad_hdr_acct_attrs
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1709

  UPDATE xla_aad_header_ac_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1719

  UPDATE xla_aad_line_defn_assgns
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 1770

  INSERT INTO xla_acctg_methods_b
   FROM xla_stage_acctg_methods s
        LEFT OUTER JOIN xla_acctg_methods_b w
        ON  w.accounting_method_type_code = s.accounting_method_type_code
        AND w.accounting_method_code      = s.accounting_method_code
  WHERE s.staging_amb_context_code        = g_staging_context_code
    AND w.accounting_method_type_code     IS NULL;
Line: 1800

    trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted in xla_acctg_methods_b = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1805

  INSERT INTO xla_acctg_methods_tl
   FROM xla_stage_acctg_methods s
        JOIN fnd_languages fl
        ON  fl.installed_flag                IN ('I', 'B')
        LEFT OUTER JOIN xla_acctg_methods_tl w
        ON  w.accounting_method_type_code = s.accounting_method_type_code
        AND w.accounting_method_code      = s.accounting_method_code
        AND w.language                    = fl.language_code
  WHERE s.staging_amb_context_code        = g_staging_context_code
    AND w.accounting_method_type_code     IS NULL;
Line: 1840

    trace(p_msg    => '# row inserted in xla_acctg_methods_tl = '||SQL%ROWCOUNT,
          p_module => l_log_module,
          p_level  => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT);
Line: 1845

  UPDATE xla_acctg_method_rules
     SET amb_context_code = g_amb_context_code
   WHERE amb_context_code = g_staging_context_code;
Line: 2024

  g_ac_updated           := FALSE;
Line: 2065

  IF (g_ac_updated) THEN