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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

     SELECT 'compatible'
     FROM    hxt_rotation_plans rot
     WHERE   p_effective_start_date between rot.date_from
                                        and nvl(rot.date_to, p_effective_start_date)
                     FROM    hxt_rotation_schedules hrs
                            ,hxt_weekly_work_schedules wws
                     WHERE   hrs.rtp_id = rot.id
                     AND     wws.id = hrs.tws_id
                     AND     wws.business_group_id <> nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99))
     AND rot.id = p_rotation_plan;
Line: 37

     SELECT 'compatible'
     FROM    hxt_earning_policies erp
     WHERE   p_effective_start_date between erp.effective_start_date
                                        and erp.effective_end_date
     AND     erp.business_group_id = nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99)
        (select 1
         from hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v v
            , pay_element_types_f t
            , hxt_earning_rules r
         where r.egp_id = erp.id
         and p_effective_start_date between r.effective_start_date
                                        and r.effective_end_date
         and t.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
         and p_effective_start_date between t.effective_start_date
                                        and t.effective_end_date
         and asg_bus_grp_id
                    = nvl(t.business_group_id,asg_bus_grp_id)
         and v.element_type_id = t.element_type_id
         and p_effective_start_date between v.effective_start_date
                                        and v.effective_end_date
         and v.hxt_earning_category in ('ABS', 'OVT', 'REG'))
        (select 1
         from hxt_earning_rules er
         where er.egp_id = erp.id
         and p_effective_start_date between er.effective_start_date
                                        and er.effective_end_date
         and er.element_type_id NOT IN
               (select ern.element_type_id
                from pay_element_links_f ell
                   , per_assignments_f asm
                   , hxt_earning_rules ern
                where ern.egp_id = erp.id
                and p_effective_start_date between ern.effective_start_date
                                               and ern.effective_end_date
                and asm.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                and p_effective_start_date between asm.effective_start_date
                                               and asm.effective_end_date
                and ell.element_type_id = ern.element_type_id
                and p_effective_start_date between ell.effective_start_date
                                               and ell.effective_end_date
                and nvl(ell.organization_id, nvl(asm.organization_id,-1))
                            = nvl(asm.organization_id,-1)
                and (ell.people_group_id is null
                      or exists
                        (select 1
                         from pay_assignment_link_usages_f usage
                         where usage.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id
                         and usage.element_link_id = ell.element_link_id
                         and p_effective_start_date
                                     between usage.effective_start_date
                                         and usage.effective_end_date))
                         and nvl(ell.job_id,nvl(asm.job_id,-1))
                               = nvl(asm.job_id,-1)
 			 and nvl(ell.position_id,nvl(asm.position_id,-1))
                               = nvl(asm.position_id,-1)
                         and nvl(ell.grade_id,nvl(asm.grade_id,-1))
                               = nvl(asm.grade_id,-1)
                         and nvl(ell.location_id,nvl(asm.location_id,-1))
                               = nvl(asm.location_id,-1)
                         and nvl(ell.payroll_id,nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1))
                               = nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1)
                         and nvl(ell.employment_category,nvl(asm.employment_category,-1)) = nvl(asm.employment_category,-1)
                         and nvl(ell.pay_basis_id,nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1)) = nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1)
                         and nvl(ell.business_group_id,nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1)) = nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1)))
     AND erp.id = p_earning_policy;
Line: 109

     SELECT 'compatible'
     FROM    hxt_shift_diff_policies sdp
     WHERE   p_effective_start_date between sdp.date_from
                                        and nvl(sdp.date_to
           (select 1
            from   hxt_pay_element_types_f_ddf_v v
                  ,pay_element_types_f t
                  ,hxt_shift_diff_rules r
            where r.sdp_id = sdp.id
            and p_effective_start_date between r.effective_start_date
                                           and r.effective_end_date
            and t.element_type_id = r.element_type_id
            and p_effective_start_date between t.effective_start_date
                                           and t.effective_end_date
            and asg_bus_grp_id = t.business_group_id
            and v.element_type_id = t.element_type_id
            and p_effective_start_date between v.effective_start_date
                                           and v.effective_end_date
            and v.hxt_earning_category = 'SDF')
           (select 1
            from pay_element_types_f pet
               , hxt_shift_diff_rules hsdr
            where hsdr.sdp_id = sdp.id
            and p_effective_start_date between hsdr.effective_start_date
                                           and hsdr.effective_end_date
            and pet.element_type_id = hsdr.element_type_id
            and p_effective_start_date between pet.effective_start_date
                                           and pet.effective_end_date
            and pet.business_group_id <> nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99))
           (select 1
            from   hxt_shift_diff_rules dr
            where  dr.sdp_id = sdp.id
            and    p_effective_start_date between dr.effective_start_date
                                              and dr.effective_end_date
            and    dr.element_type_id not in
                    (select sdr.element_type_id
                     from pay_element_links_f ell
                         ,per_assignments_f asm
                         ,hxt_shift_diff_rules sdr
                     where sdr.sdp_id = sdp.id
                     and p_effective_start_date between sdr.effective_start_date
                                                    and sdr.effective_end_date
                     and asm.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                     and p_effective_start_date between asm.effective_start_date
                                                    and asm.effective_end_date
                     and ell.element_type_id = sdr.element_type_id
                     and p_effective_start_date between ell.effective_start_date
                                                    and ell.effective_end_date
                     and nvl(ell.organization_id, nvl(asm.organization_id,-1))
                         = nvl(asm.organization_id,-1)
                     and (ell.people_group_id is null
                           or exists
                             (select 1
                              from pay_assignment_link_usages_f usage
                              where usage.assignment_id = asm.assignment_id
                              and usage.element_link_id = ell.element_link_id
                              and p_effective_start_date
                                          between usage.effective_start_date
                                              and usage.effective_end_date))
                                and nvl(ell.job_id,nvl(asm.job_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.job_id,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.position_id,nvl(asm.position_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.position_id,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.grade_id,nvl(asm.grade_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.grade_id,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.location_id,nvl(asm.location_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.location_id,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.payroll_id,nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.payroll_id,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.employment_category,nvl(asm.employment_category,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.employment_category,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.pay_basis_id,nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.pay_basis_id,-1)
                                and nvl(ell.business_group_id,nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1))
                                  = nvl(asm.business_group_id,-1)))
and sdp.id = p_shift_differential_policy;
Line: 194

   SELECT 'compatible'
   FROM   hxt_hour_deduct_policies hdp
   WHERE  p_effective_start_date between hdp.date_from
                                     and nvl(hdp.date_to,p_effective_start_date)
   AND     nvl(hdp.business_group_id, nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -99))
             = nvl(asg_bus_grp_id, -98)
   AND     hdp.id = p_hour_deduction_policy;
Line: 205

   SELECT business_group_id
   FROM   per_assignments_f
   WHERE  p_effective_start_date between effective_start_date
                                     and effective_end_date
   And    assignment_type   = 'E'
   And    assignment_id     = p_assignment_id;
Line: 340

 ,p_last_updated_by                   NUMBER
 ,p_last_update_date                  DATE
 ,p_last_update_login                 NUMBER
 ,p_attribute_category                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute1                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute2                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute3                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute4                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute5                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute6                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute7                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute8                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute9                        VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute10                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute11                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute12                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute13                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute14                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute15                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute16                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute17                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute18                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute19                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute20                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute21                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute22                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute23                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute24                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute25                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute26                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute27                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute28                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute29                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute30                       VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ) IS

--The purpose of this procedure is  to INSERT a row for the additional
--assignment information

-- Arguments
-- p_id                         -ID of the record.
-- p_effective_start_date       -effective_start_date for the record to be
--                              -inserted.
-- p_assignment_id              -id of the assignment for which the information
--                              -has to be added.
-- p_autogen_hours_yn           -The value for this argument can be either
--                              -'Y' or 'N',to specify whether to autogen
--                              -the hours for this assignment
--p_rotation_plan               -rotation_plan_id for this assignment
--p_earning_policy              -earning_policy_id for this assignment
--p_shift_differential_policy   -shift_differential_policy_id for this
--                              -assignment
--p_hour_deduction_policy       -hour_deduction_policy_id for this assignment
--p_attribute1 .. p_attribute30 -attribute values

   asg_bus_grp_id NUMBER(15);
Line: 400

          SELECT '1'
          FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
          WHERE  aai.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 407

          SELECT  hxt_seqno.nextval
          FROM    sys.dual;
Line: 474

   VALUES( p_id
          ,hr_general.end_of_time --p_effective_end_date
Line: 574

PROCEDURE Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info (
  p_id                         NUMBER
 ,p_datetrack_mode             VARCHAR2
 ,p_effective_date             DATE
 ,p_effective_start_date       DATE
-- ,p_effective_end_date         DATE
 ,p_assignment_id              NUMBER
 ,p_autogen_hours_yn           VARCHAR2
 ,p_rotation_plan              NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_earning_policy             NUMBER
 ,p_shift_differential_policy  NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_hour_deduction_policy      NUMBER     DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_created_by                 NUMBER
 ,p_creation_date              DATE
 ,p_last_updated_by            NUMBER
 ,p_last_update_date           DATE
 ,p_last_update_login          NUMBER
 ,p_attribute_category         VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute1                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute2                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute3                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute4                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute5                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute6                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute7                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute8                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute9                 VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute10                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute11                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute12                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute13                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute14                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute15                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute16                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute17                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute18                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute19                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute20                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute21                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute22                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute23                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute24                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute25                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute26                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute27                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute28                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute29                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ,p_attribute30                VARCHAR2   DEFAULT NULL
 ) IS

-- The purpose of this procedure is to perform 'CORRECTION' and
-- 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' for the additional assignment information.This procedure
-- when run in an 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' mode would override the future changes

-- Arguments
-- p_id                         - ID of the record.
-- p_datetrack_mode             -The mode in which the api has to be run.
--                              -It can be run in 'CORRECTION' or
--                              -'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' mode.
-- p_effective_date             -The record will be update das of this date.
-- p_effective_start_date       -effective_start_date of the record for this
--                              -assignment that has effective_end_date as
--                              -end_of_time.
-- p_assignment_id              -assignment_id for which the update has to be
--                              -done.
-- p_autogen_hours_yn           -The value for this argument can be either
--                              -'Y' or 'N',to specify whether to autogen
--                              -the hours for this assignment.
--p_rotation_plan               -rotation_plan_id for this assignment.
--p_earning_policy              -earning_policy_id for this assignment.
--p_shift_differential_policy   -shift_differential_policy_id for this
--                              -assignment.
--p_hour_deduction_policy       -hour_deduction_policy_id for this assignment.
--p_attribute1 .. p_attribute30 -attribute values.

 CURSOR c2 is
        SELECT rowid,effective_start_date,effective_end_date
        FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f
        WHERE  id = p_id
        AND    effective_start_date = p_effective_start_date;
Line: 655

 CURSOR c_delete_rec_eot is
        SELECT rowid
        FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f
        WHERE  id = p_id
        AND    effective_end_date = hr_general.end_of_time;
Line: 667

         FROM hxt_add_assign_info_f
        WHERE id = p_id
          AND effective_start_date > p_effective_date;
Line: 677

          SELECT  hxt_seqno.nextval
          FROM    sys.dual;
Line: 700

   	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',10);
Line: 701

          hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',20);
Line: 719

   	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',30);
Line: 737

                        ||' for the given record. Updates would be '
                        ||' done based on p_effective_date ');
Line: 749

      l_datetrack_mode := 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE';
Line: 756

   OPEN  c_delete_rec_eot;
Line: 757

   FETCH c_delete_rec_eot  into p_rowid_eot;
Line: 758

   CLOSE c_delete_rec_eot;
Line: 769

      	     hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',40);
Line: 786

       SET--effective_start_date      = p_effective_start_date
          --,effective_end_date        = p_effective_end_date
          --,assignment_id             = p_assignment_id
           autogen_hours_yn          = p_autogen_hours_yn
          ,rotation_plan             = p_rotation_plan
          ,earning_policy            = p_earning_policy
          ,shift_differential_policy = p_shift_differential_policy
          ,hour_deduction_policy     = p_hour_deduction_policy
          ,created_by                = p_created_by
          ,creation_date             = p_creation_date
          ,last_updated_by           = p_last_updated_by
          ,last_update_date          = p_last_update_date
          ,last_update_login         = p_last_update_login
          ,attribute_category        = p_attribute_category
          ,attribute1                = p_attribute1
          ,attribute2                = p_attribute2
          ,attribute3                = p_attribute3
          ,attribute4                = p_attribute4
          ,attribute5                = p_attribute5
          ,attribute6                = p_attribute6
          ,attribute7                = p_attribute7
          ,attribute8                = p_attribute8
          ,attribute9                = p_attribute9
          ,attribute10               = p_attribute10
          ,attribute11               = p_attribute11
          ,attribute12               = p_attribute12
          ,attribute13               = p_attribute13
          ,attribute14               = p_attribute14
          ,attribute15               = p_attribute15
          ,attribute16               = p_attribute16
          ,attribute17               = p_attribute17
          ,attribute18               = p_attribute18
          ,attribute19               = p_attribute19
          ,attribute20               = p_attribute20
          ,attribute21               = p_attribute21
          ,attribute22               = p_attribute22
          ,attribute23               = p_attribute23
          ,attribute24               = p_attribute24
          ,attribute25               = p_attribute25
          ,attribute26               = p_attribute26
          ,attribute27               = p_attribute27
          ,attribute28               = p_attribute28
          ,attribute29               = p_attribute29
          ,attribute30               = p_attribute30
       WHERE rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 833

     ELSIF l_datetrack_mode = 'UPDATE_OVERRIDE' THEN
    /* end date the existing record and then create a new record if an
       existing record found */

       if g_debug then
       	      hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',50);
Line: 854

       /*UPDATE hxt_add_assign_info_f
       SET    effective_end_date = p_effective_date - 1
       WHERE  rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 858

       SELECT count(*) into l_count
       FROM   hxt_add_assign_info_f
       WHERE  assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 878

          	 hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',60);
Line: 885

          DELETE from hxt_add_assign_info_f
          WHERE  rowid = p_rowid_eot;
Line: 890

            DELETE FROM hxt_add_assign_info_f
                  WHERE rowid = chartorowid(rowidtab(i));
Line: 899

          UPDATE hxt_add_assign_info_f aai
          SET    aai.effective_end_date = p_effective_date - 1
          WHERE  aai.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          AND    p_effective_date between aai.effective_start_date
                                     and  aai.effective_end_date;
Line: 905

          UPDATE hxt_add_assign_info_f
          SET    effective_end_date = p_effective_date - 1
          WHERE  rowid = p_rowid;
Line: 911

       	      hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',70);
Line: 915

Line: 1009

     	    hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',80);
Line: 1019

   	  hr_utility.set_location('HXT_GEN_AAI.Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ',90);
Line: 1023

END Update_Otlr_Add_Assign_Info ;