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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 111

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL RES, FND_LOOKUPS FL
                     where  category like l_aux_value2
                       and resource_number like l_aux_value1
                       and UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
		       and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
		       and FL.lookup_type = 'JTF_RS_RESOURCE_CATEGORY'
		       and fl.lookup_code = res.category ;
Line: 135

                    SELECT resource_name            display_value,
                           to_char(resource_id)     code_value,
                           resource_number          aux_value1,
                           fl.lookup_code                 aux_value2,
                           fl.meaning              aux_value3,
                           null                    ext_value1,
                           null                    ext_value2,
                           null                    ext_value3,
                           null                    ext_value4,
                           null                    ext_value5
                    where  category like l_aux_value2
                       and resource_number like l_aux_value1
                       and UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
		       and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
		       and FL.lookup_type = 'JTF_RS_RESOURCE_CATEGORY'
		       and fl.lookup_code = res.category
                    order by resource_name;
Line: 159

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL RES, FND_LOOKUPS FL
                      where resource_id <> l_filter_number1
                        and category like l_aux_value2
                        and resource_number like l_aux_value1
                        and UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
		        and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
		        and FL.lookup_type = 'JTF_RS_RESOURCE_CATEGORY'
		        and fl.lookup_code = res.category ;
Line: 183

                    SELECT resource_name            display_value,
                           to_char(resource_id)     code_value,
                           resource_number          aux_value1,
                           fl.lookup_code           aux_value2,
                           fl.meaning               aux_value3,
                           null                    ext_value1,
                           null                    ext_value2,
                           null                    ext_value3,
                           null                    ext_value4,
                           null                    ext_value5
                    where resource_id <> l_filter_number1
                        and category like l_aux_value2
                        and resource_number like l_aux_value1
                        and UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
		        and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
		        and FL.lookup_type = 'JTF_RS_RESOURCE_CATEGORY'
		        and fl.lookup_code = res.category
                    order by resource_name;
Line: 216

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                    from JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL RES
                    where UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
                    and res.source_business_grp_id = to_number(l_aux_value2)
		    and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
                    and res.category = 'EMPLOYEE' ;
Line: 237

                    SELECT resource_name            display_value,
                           to_char(resource_id)     code_value,
                           source_number            aux_value1,
                           res.source_business_grp_id aux_value2,
                           null                     aux_value3,
                           null                    ext_value1,
                           null                    ext_value2,
                           null                    ext_value3,
                           null                    ext_value4,
                           null                    ext_value5
                    from JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL RES
                    where UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
                    and res.source_business_grp_id = to_number(l_aux_value2)
		    and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
                    and res.category = 'EMPLOYEE'
                    order by resource_name;
Line: 259

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                    from JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL RES
                    where resource_id <> l_filter_number1
                    and res.source_business_grp_id = to_number(l_aux_value2)
                    and UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
		    and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
                    and res.category = 'EMPLOYEE' ;
Line: 281

                    SELECT resource_name            display_value,
                           to_char(resource_id)     code_value,
                           source_number            aux_value1,
                           res.source_business_grp_id  aux_value2,
                           null                     aux_value3,
                           null                    ext_value1,
                           null                    ext_value2,
                           null                    ext_value3,
                           null                    ext_value4,
                           null                    ext_value5
                    from JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_VL RES
                    where resource_id <> l_filter_number1
                    and res.source_business_grp_id = to_number(l_aux_value2)
                    and UPPER(resource_name) like l_display_value
		    and trunc(sysdate) <= nvl(res.end_date_active,trunc(sysdate))
                    and res.category = 'EMPLOYEE'
                    order by resource_name;
Line: 311

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from jtf_rs_groups_vl
                     where UPPER(group_name) like l_display_value
                       and group_number like l_aux_value1
                       and trunc(sysdate) <= NVL(end_date_active, sysdate)
                       and group_id <> l_filter_number1 ;
Line: 333

                SELECT group_name, to_char(group_id), group_number, group_desc, null, null, null, null, null, null
                from jtf_rs_groups_vl
                where UPPER(group_name) like l_display_value
                    and group_number like l_aux_value1
                    and trunc(sysdate) <= NVL(end_date_active, sysdate)
                    and group_id <> l_filter_number1
                order by group_name;
Line: 362

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from jtf_rs_roles_vl jrr,
                           fnd_lookups flk
                     where UPPER(role_name) like l_display_value
                       and jrr.role_type_code like l_aux_value1
                       and flk.meaning like l_aux_value2
                       and flk.lookup_type = 'JTF_RS_ROLE_TYPE'
                       and flk.lookup_code = jrr.role_type_code
                       and nvl(jrr.active_flag, 'Y') <> 'N' ;
Line: 388

                select jrr.role_name, to_char(jrr.role_id), jrr.role_type_code, flk.meaning, null, '%'||manager_flag||'%', '%'||admin_flag||'%', '%'||member_flag||'%', '%'||lead_flag||'%', null
                from jtf_rs_roles_vl jrr,
                    fnd_lookups flk
                where UPPER(role_name) like l_display_value
                    and jrr.role_type_code like l_aux_value1
                    and flk.meaning like l_aux_value2
                    and flk.lookup_type = 'JTF_RS_ROLE_TYPE'
                    and flk.lookup_code = jrr.role_type_code
                    and nvl(jrr.active_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                order by role_name;
Line: 411

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from per_jobs
                      where UPPER(name) like l_display_value
                        and sysdate >= date_from and sysdate <= NVL(date_to, sysdate);
Line: 430

                    select name, to_char(job_id), to_char(business_group_id), null, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from per_jobs
                    where UPPER(name) like l_display_value
                         and sysdate >= date_from and sysdate <= NVL(date_to, sysdate)
                    order by name;
Line: 439

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from per_jobs
                     where UPPER(name) like l_display_value
                       and business_group_id = l_aux_value1
                       and sysdate >= date_from and sysdate <= NVL(date_to, sysdate) ;
Line: 460

                    select name, to_char(job_id), to_char(business_group_id), null, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from per_jobs
                    where UPPER(name) like NVL(l_display_value, '%')
                         and business_group_id = l_aux_value1
                         and sysdate >= date_from and sysdate <= NVL(date_to, sysdate)
                    order by name;
Line: 477

		    SELECT count(*)
		      INTO l_total_count
		      from jtf_rs_item_categories_v
		      where UPPER(category_name) like l_display_value
			and nvl(enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
		        and trunc(sysdate) < nvl(disable_date, sysdate);
Line: 497

		    select distinct a.category_name, a.category_id, a.DESCRIPTION, null,null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a
		    where UPPER(a.category_name) like l_display_value
			and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
		        and trunc(sysdate) < nvl(disable_date, sysdate)
		    order by a.category_name;
Line: 506

		    SELECT count(*)
		      INTO l_total_count
		    from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a, mtl_category_set_valid_cats b
		    where UPPER(a.category_name) like NVL(l_display_value, '%')
		      and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                      and trunc(sysdate) < nvl(disable_date, sysdate)
                      and a.category_id = b.category_id
                      and b.category_set_id = l_catset;
Line: 527

		    select distinct a.category_name, a.category_id, a.DESCRIPTION, null,null, null, null, null, null, null
		    from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a, mtl_category_set_valid_cats b
		    where UPPER(a.category_name) like l_display_value
		      and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                      and trunc(sysdate) < nvl(disable_date, sysdate)
                      and a.category_id = b.category_id
                      and b.category_set_id = l_catset
		    order by a.category_name;
Line: 549

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                    from jtf_rs_products_v a
                    where UPPER(a.PRODUCT_NAME) like l_display_value
       			 and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                         and a.PRODUCT_ORG_ID = l_org_id;
Line: 569

                    select a.PRODUCT_NAME, to_char(a.PRODUCT_ID), null, a.DESCRIPTION, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from jtf_rs_products_v a
                    where UPPER(a.PRODUCT_NAME) like l_display_value
       			 and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                         and a.PRODUCT_ORG_ID = l_org_id
                    order by a.PRODUCT_NAME;
Line: 579

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from jtf_rs_products_v a
                     where UPPER(PRODUCT_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and PRODUCT_ORG_ID = l_org_id
                       and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                       and  exists(select null from mtl_item_categories c
		       where a.product_id = c.inventory_item_id
		       and c.organization_id = l_org_id
		       and c.category_id = l_aux_value1);
Line: 602

                    select a.PRODUCT_NAME, to_char(a.PRODUCT_ID), null, a.DESCRIPTION, null, null, null, null, null, null
                      from jtf_rs_products_v a
                    where UPPER(a.PRODUCT_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.PRODUCT_ORG_ID = l_org_id
       		       and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
                       and  exists(select null from mtl_item_categories c
		       where a.product_id = c.inventory_item_id
		       and c.organization_id = l_org_id
		       and c.category_id = l_aux_value1)
                    order by a.PRODUCT_NAME;
Line: 626

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from jtf_rs_platforms_v a
                     where UPPER(a.PLATFORM_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.platform_org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 645

                    select a.PLATFORM_NAME, to_char(a.PLATFORM_ID), to_char(a.category_id), a.DESCRIPTION, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from jtf_rs_platforms_v a
                    where UPPER(a.PLATFORM_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.platform_org_id = l_org_id
                   order by a.PLATFORM_NAME;
Line: 653

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      from jtf_rs_platforms_v a
                     where UPPER(a.PLATFORM_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.category_id = l_aux_value1
                       and a.platform_org_id = l_org_id;
Line: 673

                    select a.PLATFORM_NAME, to_char(a.PLATFORM_ID), to_char(a.category_id), a.DESCRIPTION, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from jtf_rs_platforms_v a
                    where UPPER(a.PLATFORM_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.category_id = l_aux_value1
                       and a.platform_org_id = l_org_id
                   order by a.PLATFORM_NAME;
Line: 688

		SELECT count(*)
		  INTO l_total_count
		  from jtf_rs_problem_codes_v
		  where UPPER(PROBLEM_NAME) like l_display_value
       			 AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
                         AND trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(start_date_active, sysdate)) and
                                 nvl(end_date_active, sysdate);
Line: 709

		select a.PROBLEM_NAME, a.PROBLEM_CODE, a.DESCRIPTION, null,null, null, null, null, null, null
		from jtf_rs_problem_codes_v a
		where UPPER(a.PROBLEM_NAME) like l_display_value
                     AND a.enabled_flag = 'Y'
                     AND trunc(sysdate) between trunc(nvl(a.start_date_active, sysdate)) and
                                 nvl(a.end_date_active, sysdate)
		order by a.PROBLEM_NAME;
Line: 729

                    select null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from dual
                    where 'Y' = 'N';
Line: 734

		    SELECT count(*)
		      INTO l_total_count
		    from jtf_rs_components_v a
		    where UPPER(a.COMPONENT_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.product_org_id = l_org_id
		       and a.product_id = l_aux_value1;
Line: 754

                    select a.COMPONENT_NAME, to_char(a.COMPONENT_ID), to_char(a.product_id), a.DESCRIPTION, null, null, null, null, null, null
                    from jtf_rs_components_v a
                    where UPPER(a.COMPONENT_NAME) like l_display_value
                       and a.product_id = l_aux_value1
                       and a.product_org_id = l_org_id
                    order by a.COMPONENT_NAME;
Line: 773

                    ' select null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null '||
		    ' from dual '||
                    ' where 1 = 2 ';
Line: 779

		    ' SELECT count(*) '||
		    ' from cs_sr_prob_code_mapping_detail a, jtf_rs_problem_codes_v b '||
                    ' where UPPER(b.PROBLEM_NAME) like :1 '||
                      ' and nvl(b.enabled_flag, ''Y'') <> ''N'' '||
                      ' and a.ORGANIZATION_ID = :2 '||
                      ' and a.inventory_item_id = :3 '||
                      ' and a.problem_code = b.problem_code '
		      INTO l_total_count
                      USING  l_display_value ,l_org_id, l_aux_value1;
Line: 801

                    ' select b.PROBLEM_NAME, a.PROBLEM_CODE, to_char(a.inventory_item_id), b.DESCRIPTION, null, null, null, null, null, null ' ||
		    ' from cs_sr_prob_code_mapping_detail a, jtf_rs_problem_codes_v b '||
                    ' where UPPER(b.PROBLEM_NAME) like :1 '||
                      ' and nvl(b.enabled_flag, ''Y'') <> ''N'' '||
                      ' and a.ORGANIZATION_ID = :2 '||
                      ' and a.inventory_item_id = :3 '||
                      ' and a.problem_code = b.problem_code '||
                    ' order by b.PROBLEM_NAME '
                USING l_display_value, l_org_id, l_aux_value1;
Line: 820

                    SELECT count(*)
                    INTO l_total_count
                    FROM hz_party_sites p, hz_locations loc, hz_party_site_uses psu
                    WHERE UPPER(loc.address1) like l_display_value
                    AND p.party_site_id = psu.party_site_id
                    AND psu.site_use_type = 'SUPPORT_SITE'
                    AND p.location_id = loc.location_id;
Line: 842

                SELECT loc.address1, to_char(p.party_site_id), loc.city, null, null, null, null, null, null, null
                FROM hz_party_sites p, hz_locations loc, hz_party_site_uses psu
                WHERE UPPER(loc.address1) like l_display_value
                AND p.party_site_id = psu.party_site_id
                AND psu.site_use_type = 'SUPPORT_SITE'
                AND p.location_id = loc.location_id
                ORDER BY loc.address1;
Line: 855

                    SELECT count(*)
                      INTO l_total_count
                      FROM dual;
Line: 872

                select 'display_value', 'code_value', 'aux_value1', 'aux_value2', 'aux_value3', null, null, null, null, null
                from dual;